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Posts posted by carrielee

  1. 22 hours ago, Jalapeño said:

    You didn't explain your reasoning for choosing the gastric bypass.

    Because of my co-morbid conditions he feels that is best, and also the amount of weight I need to lose to be in a safe/healthy space. I have pre existing pretty severe GERD and Gastroparesis and he said that Bypass is best and I need to lose at least 180 pounds to be closer to an ideal weight, and he said Bypass allows for a greater percentage of loss versus sleeve.

  2. 1 minute ago, ShoppGirl said:

    That’s awesome. So happy for you!! It’s good that they require more meetings with the dietician than most. My Dr didn’t require but one for my first surgery and I know I would’ve benefitted from more.

    He seemed really knowledgeable and understanding and compassionate and really willing to do whatever he and his team can to help me get my life back with this surgery which gives me hope.

  3. I just had my first appointment with the surgeon. It went really well, and I’m glad I took the first step. We are leaning toward Gastric Bypass as the procedure for me. It’s a 3 month process to surgery with his office, 3 visits with him, 3 visits with dietician, plus clearance by Cardiology, Pulmonology and sleep medicine.

    My next visit with him and the dietician will be in about a month and he’s sending out the referrals to the offices for the clearances and working on prior authorization with insurance.

  4. I just had my first appointment with the surgeon. It went really well, and I’m glad I took the first step. We are leaning toward Gastric Bypass as the procedure for me. It’s a 3 month process to surgery with his office, 3 visits with him, 3 visits with dietician, plus clearance by Cardiology, Pulmonology and sleep medicine.

    My next visit with him and the dietician will be in about a month and he’s sending out the referrals to the offices for the clearances and working on prior authorization with insurance.

  5. I just had my first appointment with the surgeon. It went really well, and I’m glad I took the first step. We are leaning toward Gastric Bypass as the procedure for me. It’s a 3 month process to surgery with his office, 3 visits with him, 3 visits with dietician, plus clearance by Cardiology, Pulmonology and sleep medicine.

    My next visit with him and the dietician will be in about a month and he’s sending out the referrals to the offices for the clearances and working on prior authorization with insurance.

  6. I just had my first appointment with the surgeon. It went really well, and I’m glad I took the first step. We are leaning toward Gastric Bypass as the procedure for me. It’s a 3 month process to surgery with his office, 3 visits with him, 3 visits with dietician, plus clearance by Cardiology, Pulmonology and sleep medicine.

    My next visit with him and the dietician will be in about a month and he’s sending out the referrals to the offices for the clearances and working on prior authorization with insurance.

  7. On 4/23/2024 at 11:06 PM, BabySpoons said:

    I had an abnormal heart ultrasound preop and feared the same for myself. My bariatric surgeon told me they wouldn't cancel my surgery, just postpone it if I needed heart surgery. Fortunately, I didn't need it, so my WLS went forward.

    I'm not sure at what point a doctor would refuse to do WLS due to medical risk but have heard one say he had to with a few of his patients.

    I'm hoping the best for you!!!

    I am waiting for my first appointment with the surgeon as I am typing this out. Scared out of my mind but I know I have to do this to live. No more putting this off. It has to happen. I’ll update after the appointment.

  8. On 4/25/2024 at 2:27 PM, ChunkCat said:

    You can do this Carrielee!! I started out with many of the things on your list. Now most of them are gone. I'm almost 6 months post op a Duodenal Switch. I've lost half my weight, from 320 to 240!! I feel incredible. It is so, so, SO worth it!

    I am waiting for my first appointment with the surgeon as I am typing this out. Scared out of my mind but I know I have to do this to live. No more putting this off. It has to happen. I’ll update after the appointment.

  9. 15 hours ago, BabySpoons said:

    Don't put off WLS any longer out of fear. Nowadays the procedure is at the same risk level as gallbladder surgery. Very low. The last thing you want is to wait to the point of not being medically cleared to have it at all.

    Good luck. You can do this!

    I fear that is happening. I’m back in the ER right now with cardiac symptoms. I’m scared.

  10. Hi all.

    My name is Carrielee. I am 33 years old and have been on the fence about WLS for the last few years. I have struggled with obesity since I was quite young and the weight keeps piling on. I am 5 foot 1 and just hit 325 pounds. I now have a BMI of 61.4.

    I have uncontrolled Hypertension on multiple meds, uncontrolled Type II Diabetes, and high cholesterol, sleep apnea, severe fatty liver disease (nearing cirrhosis), severe arthritis, IIH, angina, past history of PE. I can barely walk and have been told if I don’t lose the weight I likely won’t live to see 40.

    I’ve backed out of this so many times but now that I’ve surpassed the 300 pound mark I know I have to do this. I’ve ended up in the ER twice in this last week with abnormal EKGs and the idea of having a cardiac event before 40 terrifies me.

    I have to do this. My mom died at 50 at over 400 pounds due to multi organ failure from obesity and I am so scared the same will happen to me.

  11. Hi all.

    My name is Carrielee. I am 33 years old and have been on the fence about WLS for the last few years. I have struggled with obesity since I was quite young and the weight keeps piling on. I am 5 foot 1 and just hit 325 pounds. I now have a BMI of 61.4.

    I have uncontrolled Hypertension on multiple meds, uncontrolled Type II Diabetes, and high cholesterol, sleep apnea, severe arthritis, IIH, angina, fatty liver disease, past history of PE. I can barely walk and have been told if I don’t lose the weight I likely won’t live to see 40.

    I’ve backed out of this so many times but now that I’ve surpassed the 300 pound mark I know I have to do this. I’ve ended up in the ER twice in this last week with abnormal EKGs and the idea of having a cardiac event before 40 terrifies me.

  12. Hi all.

    My name is Carrielee. I am 33 years old and have been on the fence about WLS for the last few years. I have struggled with obesity since I was quite young and the weight keeps piling on. I am 5 foot 1 and just hit 325 pounds. I now have a BMI of 61.4.

    I have uncontrolled Hypertension on multiple meds, uncontrolled Type II Diabetes, fatty liver disease and high cholesterol, sleep apnea, severe arthritis, IIH, angina, past history of PE. I can barely walk and have been told if I don’t lose the weight I likely won’t live to see 40.

    I’ve backed out of this so many times but now that I’ve surpassed the 300 pound mark I know I have to do this. I’ve ended up in the ER twice in this last week with abnormal EKGs and the idea of having a cardiac event before 40 terrifies me.

  13. 13 hours ago, Possum220 said:

    Having weight loss surgery is a big deal and not to be entered into lightly. Most people have to get to a point when this is the last resort. You know a light bulb moment. From what you have mentioned this has been it for you. Sounds like if you dont deal with this then this will deal with you.

    It is not a magic bullet that will solve everything you will still have issues but they will hopefully be easier to manage. I have arthritis in my lower back and ankles. They no longer give me pain. I have diabetes but now I dont need to take insulin or any other medication to deal with blood sugar levels though I still check my blood sugar levels. I am not on any blood pressure tablets any more.

    I dont break out in a sweat after having a shower. I can look after myself more easily and dont having a coronary while cleaning the house. It really is a huge struggle with a BMI of 51. I can go for a walk and enjoy it. Life is hard enough without the extra weight.

    Be kind to yourself and your body. You can do this.

    That is my reality if I don’t go through with surgery. Doctors are saying without it I probably won’t see 40. My mom died of multi system organ failure due to co morbid conditions and severe obesity at 50 and it was such a devastating thing to witness. I don’t want that to be my reality. But if I don’t get the weight off, it will be and I’ve tried for years without surgery and been unsuccessful (I’ve been obese since I was a young child).

    i experience all of those things. Just changing clothes makes me out of breath. Forget stairs or walking more than a few feet at a time. I’m existing.

  14. 13 hours ago, ChunkCat said:

    You can do this!! I know it is scary. But weight is not worth dying over... I keep reminding myself that with the horror stories I've read about surgery, there are tenfold that never get told about obesity co-morbidities killing people. It is worth trading medications for Vitamins. It is worth trading co-morbidities with some POSSIBLE side effects. It is worth trading physical dysfunction for wellness. Living like this is a life half lived and that is not something I want for myself or anyone else. So I will do the hard thing! I have done hard things before in the name of a well lived life. This will just be another on the list. People very, very rarely regret this surgery. The odds are overwhelmingly in our favor... Your life is worth doing scary things and being rewarded with health! ❤️

    That is my reality if I don’t go through with surgery. Doctors are saying without it I probably won’t see 40. My mom died of multi system organ failure due to co morbid conditions and severe obesity at 50 and it was such a devastating thing to witness. I don’t want that to be my reality. But if I don’t get the weight off, it will be and I’ve tried for years without surgery and been unsuccessful (I’ve been obese since I was a young child).

  15. 13 hours ago, The_Melting_Momma said:

    I feel like I could have written this myself! I'm 34, 5'0, 230, surgery date is 8/15. My IIH is causing me to go blind. I have to do this. Best of luck with your surgery!

    Mine is too.

    That is my reality if I don’t go through with surgery. Doctors are saying without it I probably won’t see 40. My mom died of multi system organ failure due to co morbid conditions and severe obesity at 50 and it was such a devastating thing to witness. I don’t want that to be my reality. But if I don’t get the weight off, it will be and I’ve tried for years without surgery and been unsuccessful (I’ve been obese since I was a young child).

  16. 14 hours ago, hills&valleys said:

    WLS was the best thing I have ever done for myself. At 5 months post-op, I feel better than I have in 10 years. I am no longer just "existing" but living a full life with energy to spare and improved health.

    Almost everyone who has had WLS say they only regret they didn't have the surgery years earlier. Good luck to you.

    That is my reality if I don’t go through with surgery. Doctors are saying without it I probably won’t see 40. My mom died of multi system organ failure due to co morbid conditions and severe obesity at 50 and it was such a devastating thing to witness. I don’t want that to be my reality. But if I don’t get the weight off, it will be and I’ve tried for years without surgery and been unsuccessful (I’ve been obese since I was a young child).

    I’m basically bed ridden at this point due to all my conditions, constantly in pain, exhausted, get winded walking a few feet…I’m not living, just existing.

  17. 11 hours ago, catwoman7 said:

    I'd be a lot more afraid of NOT having the surgery than having it. I hesitate to say this, but you're more likely to die from obesity complications than you are from the surgery. These surgeries are much safer than they were years ago - mortality rate is very low - even lower than hip replacement surgeries, which they do all the time. I was heavier than you are (although fortunately, I didn't have any co-morbidities), but I knew it for me it was either have the surgery or die from my massive weight (I was well over 300 lbs). Having that surgery probably gave me an extra 10 years of life. I'm much healthier today in my 60s than I ever was in my 30s and 40s.

    That is my reality if I don’t go through with surgery. Doctors are saying without it I probably won’t see 40. My mom died of multi system organ failure due to co morbid conditions and severe obesity at 50 and it was such a devastating thing to witness. I don’t want that to be my reality. But if I don’t get the weight off, it will be and I’ve tried for years without surgery and been unsuccessful (I’ve been obese since I was a young child).

  18. So, I’ve posted in this group before about being uncertain about Bariatric surgery but knowing it’s a tool to literally save my life. I had an initial appointment booked with surgeon Dr. David Brandon Williams at Vanderbilt (where all my specialists are), but canceled it again (5th cancellation).

    Well I’m back in the medical hospital again with erratic blood pressure, severe headaches due to my IIH, and off and on chest pain and today the internal medicine doctor seeing me point blank said “you’ve got to get this weight off you or you may not survive the full life you want to live. This weight is killing you”.

    So I’ve rebooked the appointment and it’s on 9/18. I’ve got to do it, no matter what.

    I’m almost 33, 5’1” 271 pounds, BMI of 51.2, (I’ve gained about 5 pounds in 2 weeks).

    My current co morbid conditions are Right Heart Strain/Heart Failure (just diagnosed), labile hypertension, severely high cholesterol and triglycerides, fatty liver disease, Type II Diabetes that is not well controlled, past history of PE, Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension, widespread arthritis, frequent shortness of breath, sleep Apnea, PCOS.

    My mom died at 50 of a massive heart attack and lung failure, maternal grandfather passed at 76 of a massive heart attack. Obesity, diabetes, heart disease, hypertension run rampant in my family.

    I don’t want to be next in the line of deaths in my family due to weight related conditions. So I’m finally ready to start this.

  19. So, I’ve posted in this group before about being uncertain about Bariatric surgery but knowing it’s a tool to literally save my life. I had an initial appointment booked with surgeon Dr. David Brandon Williams at Vanderbilt (where all my specialists are), but canceled it again (5th cancellation).

    Well I’m back in the medical hospital again with erratic blood pressure, severe headaches due to my IIH, and off and on chest pain and today the internal medicine doctor seeing me point blank said “you’ve got to get this weight off you or you may not survive the full life you want to live. This weight is killing you”.

    So I’ve rebooked the appointment and it’s on 9/18. I’ve got to do it, no matter what.

    I’m almost 33, 5’1” 271 pounds, BMI of 51.2, (I’ve gained about 5 pounds in 2 weeks).

    My current co morbid conditions are Right Heart Strain/Heart Failure (just diagnosed), labile hypertension, severely high cholesterol and triglycerides, fatty liver disease, Type II Diabetes that is not well controlled, past history of PE, Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension, widespread arthritis, frequent shortness of breath, sleep Apnea, PCOS.

    My mom died at 50 of a massive heart attack and lung failure, maternal grandfather passed at 76 of a massive heart attack. Obesity, diabetes, heart disease, hypertension run rampant in my family.

    I don’t want to be next in the line of deaths in my family due to weight related conditions. So I’m finally ready to start this.

  20. Hi all,

    my name is Carrielee. I’m 32, from TN. I’ve been overweight/obese since childhood and the weight keeps piling on as well as the co-morbid diagnoses. I was finally referred to Bariatric surgery earlier this year after an Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension diagnosis and just finally scheduled my initial consult. I’m scared and anxious and overwhelmed and questioning things but also don’t want to die early and that’s where I’m headed with things as they are so it’s time for a change. At 5’1”, I currently weigh 298 pounds, putting me at a BMI of 56.3.

    I currently have Hypertension refractory to medications, Type II Diabetes, angina, high cholesterol and triglycerides, sleep apnea, arthritis in most joints, past history of pulmonary embolism, IIH, fatty liver disease, tachycardia. I’m on a fast track to early death due to obesity like my mom and grandfather faced and that isn’t what I want my reality to be.

  21. Hi all,

    my name is Carrielee. I’m 32, from TN. I’ve been overweight/obese since childhood and the weight keeps piling on as well as the co-morbid diagnoses. I was finally referred to Bariatric surgery earlier this year after an Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension diagnosis and just finally scheduled my initial consult. I’m scared and anxious and overwhelmed and questioning things but also don’t want to die early and that’s where I’m headed with things as they are so it’s time for a change. At 5’1”, I currently weigh 298 pounds, putting me at a BMI of 56.3.

    I currently have Hypertension refractory to medications, Type II Diabetes, angina, high cholesterol and triglycerides, sleep apnea, arthritis in most joints, past history of pulmonary embolism, IIH, fatty liver disease, tachycardia. I’m on a fast track to early death due to obesity like my mom and grandfather faced and that isn’t what I want my reality to be.

    i considered it about a year ago and started the process for surgery to happen, but backed out, gained more weight and lost more health. I’m literally eating myself to death and it’s not what I want for myself.

  22. Hi all,

    my name is Carrielee. I’m 32, from TN. I’ve been overweight/obese since childhood and the weight keeps piling on as well as the co-morbid diagnoses. I was finally referred to Bariatric surgery earlier this year after an Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension diagnosis and just finally scheduled my initial consult. I’m scared and anxious and overwhelmed and questioning things but also don’t want to die early and that’s where I’m headed with things as they are so it’s time for a change. At 5’1”, I currently weigh 298 pounds, putting me at a BMI of 56.3.

    I currently have Hypertension refractory to medications, Type II Diabetes, angina, high cholesterol and triglycerides, sleep apnea, arthritis in most joints, past history of pulmonary embolism, IIH, fatty liver disease, tachycardia. I’m on a fast track to early death due to obesity like my mom and grandfather faced and that isn’t what I want my reality to be.

  23. I felt ready to do it and then just doubted myself and felt like hey, I can do this on my own, but then I got this new diagnosis and I looked at myself and my list of conditions and my age and realized I am truly eating myself to death. I’m currently 5 ft 1 and 284 pounds and my list of co morbid conditions just keeps piling on—-hypertension, hyperlipidemia, Type II Diabetic, arthritic joints in my spine, sciatica pain, sleep apnea, and then the new diagnoses of Right Ventricular Hypertrophy, and CHF...at 31!!! I’m looking at a very short lifespan if I don’t do this and I don’t want that to be my reality, so it’s back on the surgery train I go.

  24. I felt ready to do it and then just doubted myself and felt like hey, I can do this on my own, but then I got this new diagnosis and I looked at myself and my list of conditions and my age and realized I am truly eating myself to death. I’m currently 5 ft 1 and 284 pounds and my list of co morbid conditions just keeps piling on—-hypertension, hyperlipidemia, Type II Diabetic, arthritic joints in my spine, sciatica pain, sleep apnea, and then the new diagnoses of Right Ventricular Hypertrophy, and CHF...at 31!!! I’m looking at a very short lifespan if I don’t do this and I don’t want that to be my reality, so it’s back on the surgery train I go.

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