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Everything posted by carrielee

  1. Something that is really motivating me is not wanting to end up like my mom. It’s a hard reality, but now at 31 I see myself heading to be just like her. She died at age 48 of a massive heart attack. She did not take care of herself and was morbidly obese, nearing 400 pounds at death. She had uncontrolled hypertension, high cholesterol, angina, sleep apnea, type II diabetes, liver disease...all the same things I struggle with now. It’s time to rewrite history, commit to a healthier lifestyle, and do this in her honor. I have too much life to live to not do this.
  2. carrielee

    Hitting Rock Bottom...

    That all sounds so promising. my resting heart rate is usually in the 115s-120s and average BP even with my meds is typically 140s/90s. my blood sugar runs in the 150s-180s all the time despite Metformin. my mom died at 48 of a heart attack. She was morbidly obese, had all the health problems I have. I DO NOT want to end up like her. This is time for change
  3. carrielee

    Hitting Rock Bottom...

    That is true. I look at my friends that are healthy weights and what they’re able to do with their lives and it makes me sad, but motivated. My blood pressure yesterday was at stroke level again, and I’m on multiple hypertensives. I ended up back in the ER with heart attack type symptoms and ended up diagnosed with multiple PEs. At the ER, my BP was 178/108 and my heart rate was 137. I’m literally killing my self with this life.
  4. carrielee

    Considering this procedure

    Thank you for sharing your experiences thus far. This has been something I’ve been considering for nearly a year and finally am ready to take the steps.
  5. Hi all, my name is Carrielee and I am 31 years old. I have battled being overweight / obesity since I was a young child and I’ve finally gotten the courage to taking the steps toward a healthier self. At 31, I’m 5 feet tall and weigh 278 pounds, at a BMI of 54.29, it’s time to do this. I suffer from a myriad of weight related health conditions and fear an early death if I don’t take control of my weight and health. I suffer from acid reflux, hypertension, high cholesterol, Type II diabetes, arthritis, limited mobility, chest pain/angina, sleep apnea, liver disease...I’m slowly killing myself and I’m tired of it. Any tips for a first consult with a WLS surgeon? My appointment is on April 25.
  6. carrielee

    Trying again...

    Thank you. i will look into those options.
  7. carrielee

    Hitting Rock Bottom...

    How do I edit the surgery section?
  8. carrielee

    Hitting Rock Bottom...

    I am 5 feet tall and currently 278 pounds and consistently gaining, which I’m not proud of and definitely concerned about.
  9. carrielee

    Trying again...

    Thanks to all for the welcomes and suggestions. My recent ER visits with cardiac / stroke concerns have really shaken me. They’ve been wake up calls, honestly. Just last night I was back in the ER with a diagnosis of a pulmonary embolism so now I’m on blood thinners on top of my already lengthy medication regime for all of my illnesses. I can barely walk without getting totally winded, constantly in pain, labs getting worse and worse...it’s time for change.
  10. Hi all! I’m meeting in person with the surgeon for the first time on Thursday and then I’ll have my initial consults with the exercise specialist and dietician after the appointment! I’m excited yet nervous and was wondering if others could offer one piece of advice for someone just beginning this journey, what would it be? I had a initial introductory telehealth visit and the surgeon recommended based on my size and co morbidities that the duodenal switch might be the best option for me.
  11. Hi all! I am new to exploring Bariatric surgery and have my initial appointment tomorrow. I’ve struggled with my weight since I was a young child and am now thirty. At my current weight of 293 pounds, and my height, I have a BMI of 54.5 and multiple co morbidities. I suffer from Type II diabetes, obesity hypoventilation syndrome, sleep apnea, hypertension, high cholesterol, tachycardia, arthritis, and acid reflux. My mobility is significantly impacted and I get winded very easily. At thirty I have already had a TIA about a month ago and have been told I’m at high risk of another event or cardiac event. I don’t want to die and want my life back but no matter what diet I’ve tried it’s failed. I don’t know yet what procedure is best for me but I feel like this is my last chance to save my life. I’m here for support and education!

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