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Everything posted by carrielee

  1. carrielee

    My Day 1 photos

    That’s kind of how I felt looking at these...like wow I didnt really realize how heavy/large I’ve gotten until I saw these. And then tonight I was changing and a reality hit that my belly is so big I can’t see my feet or bend over to reach my shoes/socks...and my back is carrying so much strain.
  2. Question for those who struggled with type II diabetes prior to their WLS...if you don’t mind me asking, what were your sugars running prior to WLS, (and how long had you been a diagnosed T2, what were you doing to treat it before) and what are your sugars now? Are you able to come off diabetic meds post surgery? I’ve had D2 for about a year and a half and my A1C keeps climbing, as does my dose of metformin. Despite that, my sugars hang out in the 150s-180s consistently and my body is in an a acidiotic state more and more often...
  3. carrielee

    My Day 1 photos

    Thank you. It’s time to change!
  4. carrielee

    Fed up

    I can’t keep slowly killing myself. My PCP just last month told me I’m on more meds and see more specialists than most 70 years olds she sees, just to keep me barely alive...my mom died at 48 due to a massive heart attack weighing nearly 400 pounds...that’s my fate if I don’t change
  5. So tired of this and fed up. I’m back at the ER with chest pain, nausea, etc and severe headache. My blood pressure is sky high again...169/118. I’m on multiple hyper tensives and keep having these hypertensive crisis. I know it’s my body screaming for help. I just hope I haven’t delayed or put off working toward WLS for too long. I’ve considered it for over a year and in that year I’ve gained nearly 50 pounds. It’s time for change and it’s time for change now...I’m so scared of dying early like my mom.
  6. No afters yet. Here are my before, my Day 1 of my journey (taken yesterday) pics at 278 pounds and a 54.3 BMI. First appointment with my WLS is on the 25th
  7. No afters yet. Here are my before, my Day 1 of my journey (taken yesterday) pics at 278 pounds and a 54.3 BMI. First appointment with my WLS is on the 25th
  8. doing something brave, and for accountability...saving these photos as my “Day 1”...super ashamed and embarrassed of how far I’ve let myself go, but it’s only going to get better from here... Starting weight (and heaviest) 278.49 pounds, 5 ft tall, age 31, BMI 54.3 (pics taken on 4/17/22).
  9. carrielee

    My Day 1 Photos

    More photos from tonight. I’m determined to never be this heavy again.
  10. carrielee

    My Day 1 Photos

    More photos from tonight. I’m determined to never be this heavy again.
  11. carrielee

    Day 1 photo

    Heaviest weight photos taken 4/17/22 278.45 pounds and a 54.59 BMI
  12. carrielee

    Day 1

    From the album: Day 1 photo

    Heaviest weight photos taken 4/17/22 278.45 pounds and a 54.59 BMI

    © Self

  13. carrielee

    Day 1 photo

    Heaviest weight photos taken 4/17/22 278.45 pounds and a 54.59 BMI
  14. carrielee

    Day 1

    From the album: Day 1 photo

    Heaviest weight photos taken 4/17/22 278.45 pounds and a 54.59 BMI

    © Self

  15. carrielee

    Day 1 photos

    Hi, my name is Carrielee and I am new and just beginning my journey. I am 31 years old and have been overweight/obese since I was a young child. Today I am at my all time heaviest with a BMI of 54. I am 31, 5 feet tall and 278.45 pounds. I have many co morbidities...hypertension (resistant to treatment), type II diabetes, Angina/chest pain, I’ve had a TIA, I have sleep apnea, high cholesterol, PCOS, liver disease, just diagnosed yesterday with multiple PE’s...I’m slowly killing myself and I’m done. I’m on constant pain, struggle with basic ADLs due to my weight. Constantly short of breath. Yesterday when checking into the ER with heart attack like symptoms, despite multiple anti hypertensives and beta blockers, my BP was stroke level (178/108, with a heart rate of 137). My mom died at 48 of a heart attack with similar conditions and was morbidly obese as well...doing this for her to not have the same fate. I have my initial consult with the WLS surgeon on the 25th...
  16. carrielee

    Day 1

    From the album: Day 1 photos

    Heaviest weight photos taken 4/17/22 278.45 pounds and a 54.59 BMI

    © Self

  17. carrielee

    My Day 1 Photos

    Thank you. my initial consult is on 4/25. Super nervous, excited, scared, but mainly ready for my life to change
  18. carrielee

    DY 1

    doing something brave, and for accountability...saving these photos as my “Day 1”...super ashamed and embarrassed of how far I’ve let myself go, but it’s only going to get better from here... Starting weight (and heaviest) 278.49 pounds, 5 ft tall, age 31, BMI 54.3 (pics taken on 4/17/22).
  19. carrielee

    DY 1

    From the album: DY 1

    doing something brave, and for accountability...saving these photos as my “Day 1”...super ashamed and embarrassed of how far I’ve let myself go, but it’s only going to get better from here... Starting weight (and heaviest) 278.49 pounds, 5 ft tall, age 31, BMI 54.3 (pics taken on 4/17/22).

    © Self

  20. carrielee

    Day 1 journey

    doing something brave, and for accountability...saving these photos as my “Day 1”...super ashamed and embarrassed of how far I’ve let myself go, but it’s only going to get better from here... Starting weight (and heaviest) 278.49 pounds, 5 ft tall, age 31, BMI 54.3 (pics taken on 4/17/22).
  21. carrielee

    Day 1

    From the album: Day 1 journey

    doing something brave, and for accountability...saving these photos as my “Day 1”...super ashamed and embarrassed of how far I’ve let myself go, but it’s only going to get better from here... Starting weight (and heaviest) 278.49 pounds, 5 ft tall, age 31, BMI 54.3 (pics taken on 4/17/22).

    © Self

  22. carrielee

    Day 1

    doing something brave, and for accountability...saving these photos as my “Day 1”...super ashamed and embarrassed of how far I’ve let myself go, but it’s only going to get better from here... Starting weight (and heaviest) 278.49 pounds, 5 ft tall, age 31, BMI 54.3 (pics taken on 4/17/22).
  23. carrielee

    Day 1 journey

    From the album: Day 1

    doing something brave, and for accountability...saving these photos as my “Day 1”...super ashamed and embarrassed of how far I’ve let myself go, but it’s only going to get better from here... Starting weight (and heaviest) 278.49 pounds, 5 ft tall, age 31, BMI 54.3 (pics taken on 4/17/22).

    © Self

  24. carrielee

    Day 1 journey

    From the album: Day 1 of this journey photos

    doing something brave, and for accountability...saving these photos as my “Day 1”...super ashamed and embarrassed of how far I’ve let myself go, but it’s only going to get better from here... Starting weight (and heaviest) 278.49 pounds, 5 ft tall, age 31, BMI 54.3 (pics taken on 4/17/22).

    © Self

  25. carrielee

    Day 1 of this journey photos

    doing something brave, and for accountability...saving these photos as my “Day 1”...super ashamed and embarrassed of how far I’ve let myself go, but it’s only going to get better from here... Starting weight (and heaviest) 278.49 pounds, 5 ft tall, age 31, BMI 54.3 (pics taken on 4/17/22).

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