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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by 2big4U

  1. I have 3 shirts. I call them "manspanx" I got the website from this forum. They are GREAT. I'll do some digging...

    Found it the site is www.underworks.com and I bought a crew neck, V neck and tank. over a year ago and I wear them almost daily and just machine wash and dry.

    Still as compress-y as the day I bought them.

    I actually came back to lok up where I got mine from because I need smaller sizes and coulf not remember the site.

  2. I'm in.

    Goal from banding on August 19 was to lose 60 pounds by christmas, I did that by my 3 month anniversary So I need a new goal. I want to be less than 300 for New Years, 16 to go. I have been doing the podrunner series and am on week 4 or 5. Doing it 3-4 times a week, I need to add some resistance back in as I have been without since before I was banded ( Umbilical hernia getting repaired Dec 18??) Some accountability may be just what I need.



  3. I was considering getting banded at the time, this was the straw....

    I was babysitting our neighbors 4 year old daughter and my kids and her were playing in the pool, I was sitting on the edge watching them when she came up to me and gave me a hug and said "You have bigger boobs than my Mom."




    It was true, they were bigger, but I'm a guy:crying:. By the end of the next week I had booked my surgery. I now have smaller boobs than her mom!!:grouphug::thumbup:

    It was a totally innocent comment from a child, but it made me realise just how out of control I had become...

    Thanks to Ryanne.

  4. Been a while. I was in Maui for a week and managed to get out and run the first 2 mornings thanks to the 3 hour time difference between Calgary and Hawaii. After 2 days I had blisters on both heals and could not wear shoes for the rest of the trip (no big loss to be in flip flops in November). I ran a little over 5 miles in the 2 days I did get out and that felt good. I lost 2 lbs while there which is a first for me so are leftovers in the fridge on holidays.:(

    This morning I did week 3 work out 2 for the first time and it was fine. I am feeling better than I have in years!!

  5. 3rd time on week 3 work out this morning. I can do the 3 minute sprint section and not have to pick my heart up off the floor now. Fell pretty good after.

    sort of unrelated...

    I have been "running" for a little over a month now and feeling pretty good about myself, so on Saturday I had the house to myself for the afternoon and decided to do a little stregth testing and see where my squat is at after almost 6 months without training. ( I have an umbilical hernia and it had been agrivating me since May, it is feeling better now) Nothing stupid, just see where I am at and get a starting point. So 5 minutes of warm up on the eliptical, 5 minutes of stretching and 15 B/W squats later I was ready to start. I put 135 on the bar, took the weight and stepped out with it planning on doing 10 and adding after that. By 6 I was feeling gassed, at 8 I barely got it back in the rack.:) I could hardly walk for the rest of the day! My hams were screaming every time I stood up.

    135 might be okay and it is still not a non existant weight but 6 monthas ago I would warm up with 225 and progress to 495 for working sets of 2-3 reps. Now 60 pounds lighter and 6 months off and I can't do 135x10 was a liuttle shocking... Back to square one and BOSU ball squats... :):crying:

    Weak as a kitten....:)

  6. Goat.

    I have found that my muff style headphones make my head and ears sweat, itch and feel hot with any prolonged use, particularlly when doing anything physical. I have used lots of bud style ones, both my Sony and Panasonic ones actually would short out and give me little shocks when sweat would drip onto them in my ears. I have never had a problem with my Apple ones. I use my Iphone and sirius stilletto radio almost everyday, Both worth the money IMHO.


  7. $7950.00 USD. in Mexico. included 3 night in Hotel and transportation from San Diego.< /p>

    Follow up care...

    Flight from Calgary to San Diego +/-$500.00.

    Fills are $100.00.

    Hotel in San Diego with my wife and no Kids +/-$200.00

    Not having to go to Toronto in Febuary = PRICELESS:tongue2:

    Seriously, With the money I "saved" by going to Mexico I can make 5-6 trips to get fills in Mexico. I had to decide that I could do the work myself without the support groups and other seminars that some Canadian clinics and doctors provide. I do not regret my decision at all but it is not for everyone. With more people getting the band, there will certainly be a need for aftermarket follow up care in the future.

  8. I had a moment of "WTFHID" last week when I went for my first fill and after the doc had done an "exam" he told me that he could not do the fill because he works in the public system. (I am in Canada and had the surgery in Mex.) Needles to say I had a few hours of regret and panic about being abandoned. I have since found a doc, I am seeing him tonight and hopefully it will be a better outcome than last week.

    Exam = had me take my shirt off and looked at the scars and felt for the port, in short he checked out the other docs work.

  9. I bought a new pair of shoes on the weekend and have not had any Ibuprofen since. I have "run" another 7.5 miles. New not busted shoes make a HUGE difference.

    I am a bit of a gadget hound so I bought Nike air bla bla blas with the running chip option, Does anyone know if they only work with the Nano, or will the chip work with other Ipods?


  10. When I reread my posts I kind of got the impression that I was really troubled by the BPM, but I am not OVERLY concerned about it. I am just happy to be able to do something every day and not need 2 days of recovery afterwards. My speed is definitely improving which will have carry over into my others sports and keeping up with the kids. I even contimplaited a game of shinny hockey the other night. (glad that poker night won out). I will stick to the elptical for the foreseeable future as it is gentler on my joints.

  11. Bloody Mary.:crying:

    Just saying.

    No carbonantion, lots to play with while drinking it so it doesn't go down super fast, you get the Tomato juice benefit. (I know i'm justifing, but it makes me feel better about the calories:tongue2:).

  12. I no longer have boob do (stomach sticking out more than the boobs do)! I had been so discouraged about the scale that I had not noticed that there were still changes. I know that is minor, but it has been a long time since I looked down and saw something other than boobs and belly. :smile2: Where else could I come and be happy to announce something so embarrassing?!?!

    I don't have "boob do" but I was laying in bed a couple of nights ago and looked down to see a friend I hadn't seen in a long time. I woke my wife up to show her... she wasn't as impressed as I was.:thumbup:

  13. I too will venture out in this hill world and climb a litte hill too...

    Great atitude!! The biggest mountains are just a bunch of little hills stacked on top of each other.

  14. Thanks Jac.

    I am using the Podrunner series which is an interval training podcast from Itunes. I am finding it very good. and I am burnign the calories. (400-475 per session) I am fairly healthy cardiowise I think, my recovery phases drop my BPM back down to target ranges, I just find it odd that I can't seem to get into the target range on my intense phase. I would have expected the opposite, Highly elevated thoughtout with a poor recovery during the low intensity part.

    I am sweating and feeling "the burn" for sure so I will stay the course, just seems odd to me...


    (gob shut and moving.)

  15. I posted this in the Men's room but I am hoping someone else might have some insight as well.

    "I have done 90% of my "running" on the elpitical. 325 is alot of presure on the joints. A hell of alot better than 380 but still more than i need be in order to "run" on daily. Congrats on week 3. Have you been able to hit the BPM reccomendations consistanly? I find that I am not able to get the RPM on my machine above 65-70 for any kind of sustained time. I need to keep the level tension up in order to maintain form, then I end up not being able to push the pedals fast enough to get my HR to the maintained rate for the entire interval.

    Anyone have advice for this? I have tried a lower level and I end all "herky-jerky" with my legs. Any higher of a level and my knees are burning at around the 20 minute mark from the stress of pushing."



  16. 2Big4U - Congrats on completing week #1. I'm still on week #3. I was going to do my third training run today but my knee feels a little sore. It's really only a minor soreness but I do not want to add any extra pressure on it. The last thing I want to do is injure myself. Tomorrow I think I'll run but on the eliptical. It's less pressure on the knees.

    I have done 90% of my "running" on the elpitical. 325 is alot of presure on the joints. A hell of alot better than 380 but still more than i need be in order to "run" on daily. Congrats on week 3. Have you been able to hit the BPM reccomendations consistanly? I find that I am not able to get the RPM on my machine above 65-70 for any kind of sustained time. I need to keep the level tension up in order to maintain form, then I end up not being able to push the pedals fast enough to get my HR to the maintained rate for the entire interval.

    Anyone have advice for this? I have tried a lower level and I end all "herky-jerky" with my legs. Any higher of a level and my knees are burning at around the 20 minute mark from the stress of pushing.


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