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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Cocochanelpgh

  1. Hi! I am vegan and have had no issues since my surgery on 11/11. Most of what I have been able to find is from searching on Amazon. I live in Georgia and so many stores only sell partial products of any brand line. It is super frustrating to drive around (especially NOW).

    I got a lot of premixed Protein Shakes so that I would not have to worry during the first week or so, and after that, I had already had a stock of Protein mixes that I could use. I did get a non-flavored plant-based Protein Powder so that I could mix it into Soups that were not high in protein.

    All the best to you!

    Let me know any good recipes - I am NOT a good cook so I can use ALL the help I can get.

  2. I am so sorry for your experience. I had my surgery on 11/11 and thought that my husband wouldn't be able to come in, but the hospital allowed him, with the exception of my room that I stayed in for the night.

    They also gave me a sedative as I was on the table for the procedure. I am just a bit more at ease - especially with your circumstances -- so I thought the timing was good.

    I hope your pain reduces quickly and that you are successful with your journey.

  3. 2 hours ago, Jokersgirl said:

    So I had my surgery on Tuesday. After vomiting blood the whole night, I was discharged the next day. I was given the same pain reliever I already take daily for my back but in liquid form (Vicodin). The pain for the next few days was pretty bad, but manageable. I also started having serious vaginal blood loss even though I had a monthly cycle before surgery. The pain has just gotten worse and I can hardly move now. My doctor have me a generic response of: “go to the emergency room for pain” (I guess I must have been blessed with really good doctors previously because they would address the problems over the phone) but I’m wondering, did anyone go through severe pain that you couldn’t walk and it hurt to move your abdomen the first week?

    I am so sorry to hear you are having so many pains. I am surprised they released you from the hospital. I would say call your doctor IMMEDIATELY and get to an emergency room.

    I had my surgery 11/11 and was up and walking around that same night, no pain medication was needed. The most discomfort was from the incision feeling like I had been stabbed. And occasionally feeling like parts of my insides were moving around in my stomach.

    Wishing the best for you!

  4. I had my 2-week post-visit and was advanced to the soft/puree stage. So eggs are more like "soft scramble" - that's how it was described to me. But with the reminder to limit amount because we normally can put away more scrambled eggs than we think - going off sight. Also, if you don't tolerate it well, she mentioned returning to liquids (full and clear)

    Be careful - hoping for success for you! :-)

  5. On 11/24/2020 at 8:53 PM, Lesliegwalker said:

    It will be 4 weeks Friday that my niece had gastric sleeve in Tijuana Mexico. We watched the video and the surgery went well.. She has not been able to keep anything down. Throwing up black nasty stuff and poop is black as well...Been to the ER twice and they ran , all kinds of test on her, find nothing... She is weak and dizzy and not getting better. The doctor in Mexico keep saying your body has to adapt...I get that but not able to even keep Water down...Anyone else experiencing these symptoms?

    I am at 3 weeks out and had none of those issues. I even had a hiatal hernia fixed during my procedure. I have also been cleared to move to pureed and some solids. I am so sorry for your experience. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE GET TO A DOCTOR ASAP. xoxox

  6. My surgery date was 11/11 and I am feeling the same pain in my right side. I can't even lay on my side - either side.

    Not sure what is going on in there, but I have my one week follow up and want to know what REALLY is going on to make this hurt so.

    Hope you do well in healing and we get some answers that will help.

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