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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by keudaeyeo

  1. I'm a week and three days out of surgery, and four days away from broth and rice Water. POTATOES. I feel bad as it's my partner's birthday but I'll be just waiting for my dietitian to say "yes potatoes" as my first check-in is that day too XD

    Other than that, I feel okay? Some pain in the suture where my stomach was removed (TMI) but the gas has finally gone thankfully. Still some pain when I sleep but I think it's just because I am a very on-stomach or the side-sleeper.

    Happy to hear of everyone's success so far!

  2. This happened to me last night! Right behind the incision where they (ew) pulled out my stomach, which is the worst of the lot when accidentally bending. I put some Aspercreme because I wonder if it's my muscles - I somewhat over did it yesterday panic cleaning for a houseguest.

    Hopefully it will just dissipate for both of us!

  3. 21 minutes ago, Bwa said:

    Lmao it felt so far away and yet everything happener so frigging fast! I am now one week post op! No complaints or complications so far, except liquids are getting on my nerves. I see my surgeon tomorrow for my postop followup appointment and I am excited to graduate to soft/mushy! I am craving every soft/mushy food under the sun!

    I was dismayed to experience hunger so soon, but it is satisfied quickly and it isn't constant. The Water weight I gained from all the fluids they pumped into me in the hospital is almost gone, so I am super stoked to see what the future holds!

    Sent from my SM-G950U using BariatricPal mobile app

    I'm feeling the same as you, fellow 21st-er! I'm getting tired of the lack of variety but I'm not a huge foodie so it's okay. Today is the first day I'm feeling pretty up and happy, and I feel the gas is almost gone! Trying not to weigh myself until the check up next Friday...hope you go well from here too!! ❤️

  4. 5 hours ago, Whipped said:

    Thank you all! I appreciate all you responses. I guess I will contact my dr tomorrow. Do patients call their drs on his/her private phone number? He called me for a follow up so that’s the only way I have his number. I find that calling the hospital in order to contact him is just too time consuming.

    Regarding Protein Shakes. It’s not like I dislike the taste of it. It’s the texture and smell and can’t even take a sip of it.. So I’m definitely not getting the Protein I need 😞

    I won't have shakes until Stage Two (in Japan, they are not considered a "tool" of weight loss, but a medical meal), so as @Arabesque mentioned, broth is your friend! I rotate between low sodium chicken, veggie, beef and consomme as I am also allowed basic miso Soup but am not a fan. I just add in a Protein pack to one of them and it's done! EDIT: this is the protein I use, doctor "prescribed", I'm sure there's an equivalent in your country.

    Good luck!!

  5. We are about the same size, so good luck! I was given the sleeve simply because it was covered completely by my insurance, and the doctor didn't want me to be back in hospital a year later as it's the less invasive.

    I'm on day 6, and I'm having a rough go - they don't tell you depression and general don't mix! - but let's support each other! Cheering you on ❤️

  6. 1 minute ago, The Greater Fool said:

    Oh, yeah, Doctors are required to have horrible writing. I should have guessed.

    As with all things, some of us did great, some didn't.

    I generally did well on my plan. I love Protein (meats), so that aspect was never tough for me. Veggies on the other hand were, being green like Kryptonite, what I had to work at doing well. But, I got some wonderful positive feedback for it all by losing weight, so veggies became part of my normal diet.

    Keep that focus on plan, and you will be one of the WLS heroes. They will build statues to you in WLS square to inspire our youth, who will then tear it down.

    Good luck,


    Luckily I'm not a foodie, so the liquid diet has been okay for me so far! I'm only concerned about vacations/going out to eat and recovery at this stage.

    And thanks for the support, I hope they leave at least some of our statues when the revolution comes... ;)

  7. 5 minutes ago, The Greater Fool said:

    You're writing is almost as bad as mine, which is why I was glad when everything went on-line and I don't have to write anymore.

    I would be shocked if there weren't differences as there are as many pre- and post-op plans as there are surgeons.

    Most important is to follow your Doc's program. We didn't do so well at choosing or following plans pre-op which is how we ended up needing WLS.

    So, follow the plan you were given. Follow it consistently. I've got a whole lecture for folks that don't follow plan. Don't make me pull it out.

    Good luck,


    It's my doctor's handwriting and of course I will follow my plan to the letter. Wanted to see how all of you got through! Oh and to add - I had a sleeve due to osteoarthritis and co-morbidities/lack of mobility and didn't much like the idea of a wheelchair - thanks for your input though, I will avoid the lecture you have!

  8. Hi all,

    I had my surgery 21st October in Osaka, Japan - I have noticed a few differences (food being the HUGE one XD) and I'd like to hear what your post-op looks like.

    Here's a translated version of my post-op form:


    I also had/have the pleasure of "practicing" with this guy everyday, pre and post.

    My diet (Stage 1) is similar - 1000ml of straight Water, balancing to 2000ml, but the basics are tea (tea is seen as helpful as Water here), broth (any kind), miso Soup but just the broth and omoyu (重湯), a kind of thin gruel made from rice (lovingly called rice pee here). All 100mls each, with 100% non-citrus fruit juice and a Protein power pack.

    How about you guys?

  9. 8 minutes ago, KJ6262 said:

    Thanks keudaeyeo for your feedback. I too have bad arthritis in both my knees and both need replacing. But the surgeon said might be able to avoid it with this surgery and am also covered because of it with insurance .
    Well done you for taking the step and best of luck with your recovery. By the way I love Japan ... not a bad place to have to be even if not your home. I like your comments on food and wine, and agree one glass of wine but living. I drink too much of it now so will be so much better not too. Will focus on the happy lines and am sure this will lead to greater happiness. Everyone has fears I guess and those are mine.
    Hope your first weeks are not too hard and keep in touch on your journey!

    There's a really good chance you'll have mobility back, I will too! I was using a cane (I'm 37, so not old, but not young) and it was literally exhausting everyday. We are doing the right thing!

    Japanese hospitals are whole other story - love the country, but they have very weak medicine (my Fentanyl post-surgery was 0.1mg to the average Western amount of 10mg 😕) so my Aussie self prepared with Panadol!

    Plus naps. When did I last nap? It feels luxurious almost...XD Good luck to you too, we can do it!

  10. I worried about this, mainly because I felt I was "betraying" the HAES/Fat Acceptance movement. I have severe osteoarthritis, and I was trapped in a cycle of anti-depressants - gaining weight because of them - telework - too much weight so too much pain to exercise - mobility lost etc. I had the best surgeon in the country telling me: "this doesn't work. You're inwardly healthy, but soon you'll be in a wheelchair".

    I HAD to choose myself, if I wanted to live a normal life. It was worth the four days of yelling Japanese nurses and frustration when I was too foggy to remember my second language and the horrific loneliness due to Corona (well, I'm only three days home so still on the fence re: hospital!).

    Right now I'm in bed, in minor pain (still morning so haven't had my pain killers), about to eat broth - I was frustrated and upset yesterday as I do not have the patience for being sick/recovery - but then an email from my Nana, who I inherited the osteo from popped into my email saying get well. Maybe a ~sign~? 😂 It reminded me that yes, my cheesecake is smaller in three weeks, my wine is one glass - but I will be living again. And you too. And wrinkles are just happy lines...yeah, I'm trying to believe it too XD

    I'm an Aussie in Australia, so if you need an ear, I'm here. ❤️ Good luck, you'll be magnificent.

  11. Just had mine done and thought I would join the party as it's nice to speak to like minded people! The post-op diet is a bit different here - I would kill for a sugar free popsicle right now! Am able to sleep on my side as of last night (first night home). Need to walk around the house a bit today; partner says I am much happier after 12 hours sleep!

    Good luck, October Club!

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