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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by terri0826

  1. terri0826

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    :smile: yay!!! I wish we had a pool but our swim season is kinda short here and the wind blows constantly so DH says it would be wayyyy to hard to keep one clean. I suggested a pool boy.......... Wedding reception at Bass Pro? omgosh my son would have loved that! And no I will not be flashing anyone!!! (o)(o)!!!! aww come on Kat, you're no fun! :scared2: Michelle, forklift went ok lol. They got one cylinder loaded but couldn't get the other one because it was stanging on it's end and he couldn't get it laid down. So the guy from the machine shop decided to wait until DH got back that afternoon. yay for you saving the day for your boss. It's a wonder he hadn't passed out lol. Preop nurse called yesterday, I'm set for noon on Tuesday. Have to be at the hospital by 10:30 so I'll leave home around 6:30, pick up my friend and head out. It's hard to believe it's almost here. Just in time too, I"M STARVING! lol I'm about ready to rip DH's arm off, but I'm not sure if it's to eat it or smack him with it............... Another one of those days! (or weeks....)
  2. terri0826

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    yay Kat! sometimes living in a small town is good :cool: Tell my son and DIL hello for me lol. Be safe! Chuck E Cheese! woo hoo! lol men............
  3. terri0826

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    hey everyone! I can't believe so much time has passed since I was last here! This week has zoomed by!!! We are so busy that it is crazy, but what a blessing it is. We'll take it because this winter things will slow way down. I had my Lithotripsy to blast the kidney stones Monday. (darn Kat wish I would have had time to check in and let you know when I would be there!) Procedure went great, except he was only able to do one side. I'll have to have the other side done in a few months. I was home by 1:30 and dozed all afternoon off and on. But I didn't even need a Tylenol, much less the Lortab!!! I did feel like someone beat the living tar out of me the next day but not unbearable. Then Tuesday is Lapband Preop nurse will call sometime this afternoon to let me know what time surgery is. I'm excited but also sooooo scared. What if I don't loose weight with this? You know the usual ramblings of a soon to be bander :wink2: Kat, glad to hear MIL is doing well. I'm sure she is thankful she has you and Rick here! LOVE the mousetrap idea! I have a longarm quilter in the basement and in the winter DDs cat lives in there and he won't stay off of it or the quilt if I have one loaded. So guess what I'm gonna buy???? hehe Tracy sounds like you are feelin better! I'm glad! Suzanne sooo sorry to hear about the accident. I'm glad to read he's doing better. My DS had a terrible dirtbike racing accident several years ago and spent 2 weeks in ICU. But recovered wonderfully. The brain is an amazing thing. But NOW he has a Harley and they are going to a rally this weekend. ugh.......... I'm going to be a nervous wreck worrying about them. hello to everyone else! I've got to run, the new employee is on the forklift to load a couple of huge cylinders and I only hope he knows what he is doing because they are EXPENSIVE :sad:. Promise I'll check back in sooner this time. Terri
  4. terri0826

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Good morning everyone! Hope everyone is having a great weekend so far. Mine is quiet with DH working all weekend. Preop diet is so much better now, guess my body is over the shock of going from 200+ (probably) calories to about 600 lol. I went to preop yesterday for my kidney procedure on Monday. It went very well. Of course I don't meet my anesthesiologist until Monday lol. Everyone was so nice and so helpful. They even helped me get my test run for LB surgery! I was telling them about it and they said it should be no problem in their opinion to have the LB done a week later. And frankly I believe what the nurses say over the docs on this because they deal directly with the patients. But that all depends on nothing serious being found or happening during the procedure. So for now the LB is a go! Today is my youngests 1st wedding anniversay, can't believe he's been married a year already! Going to try and get some sewing done today, I've got quilt blocks that needed to be finished by today. oops! Michelle, try plain old white vinegar for the smell! Put about 1 cup into the beginning of your wash cycle after it's filled with water. Unless you have a front load machine then I now put it in the pre-wash cup. Does wonders for odors and cheap. Suzanne what wonderful plans you have. I'm sure you'll have a great time. Cindy I hear you on college! The crap fees are as much as tuition! My DD is in law school and the books are !! It's crazy. Prayers for your father. I think you should definitely go with him to the doctor, altho I know he doesn't think you need to. Enjoy reading! I love reading "easy reads". I'm reading James Patterson books right now. I've fallen in love with Alex Cross!!
  5. terri0826

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Hey everyone, well I made it thru the week lol. Yesterday I wasn't sure I would, tired, cranky, headache and HUNGRY. I wanted to gnaw my arm off lol. But today I'm feeling great. In fact I just now at 1:35pm had my first shake. I'm not really hungry and was holding out to run down to Safeway and get some Soup but I have to stay at the shop and wait on the UPS guy who still hasn't shown up. grrr Have to go to the hospital at 4pm today for preop for my kidney procedure. Hope I don't have that jackass anesthsiologist (sp?) Kat's MIL had! Then the Litotripsy on Monday. Next week should be loads of fun what with passing the stones and all lol. This weekend will be quiet as DH and DS have to work, feel bad they have to work but it's good for me Kat, my DS and DIL are going to Grants if he doesn't have to work. They just got their Harley a few weeks ago. Hope you guys get to go or at least to Sturgis. My gosh I can't believe the anesth was such a jackass! At least mine was very nice, even tho he didn't listen to me. Geez is seems SJRMC is always in a tiff with one insurance or another. Hopefully they will work it out like they have in the past. They are all to greedy in my opinion! Glad you MIL's surgery went well. I think someone should call that jackass (hmmm my new fav word lol) and let him know the details. idiot. Aren't people around here amazing. And not in a good way. You think they would have the sense to act right in an ICU waiting room, but noooooo. ugh Suzanne I don't how you handle humidty like you have. I love our average 12% lol! Yay you get to swim in 2 weeks. I'd love to have a pool, but DH say no, to much work. I said we could get a pool boy................. Tracy glad you're back and all moved in! Like the couch too. gosh Michelle I hope it's just the stress that's making him an idiot! The day to day stress of working for someone like that just isn't worth it. Hope everyone has a great weekend. I've got to start finding time to check in more often so I can keep up :smile: Terri
  6. terri0826

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    hey all! First day of preop sucks lol. I want to eat sooooo bad. But it's almost time to go to bed thank goodness. Preop with the Urologist went ok except I had told him TWICE about the lapband surgery and yesterday he acts like I never told him! grrrrrrrr And know he doesn't think I should do it so soon after the Lithotripsy for the kidney stones. WHY don't doctors listen????? I'm ticked at all of them right now! So I called and talked to the NP for lapband and she pused it back 1 day (my next option is the end of August) and we'll wait and see what the head Urologist says after the lithotripsy. Suzanne hope your day at work goes ok. Just take it easy. Kat, sorry I wasn't able to get online and read until now, so I missed today lol. Sounds like we are both busy for a couple of weeks so we'll play it by ear. Just let me know if you have a day free and I'll go if I can. If not maybe you can be my first post op date!! lol Hope your mil's surgery goes well. Good for you being the better person and making nice tonight. Hope everyone is doing well! Terri
  7. terri0826

    Im A Ball of Nerves

    I totally understand. When I start freaking out I've got a good friend (and a few online friends!) that tell me to slow down and breath. Reading these boards and the blogs have been so helpful. So just take some time for yourself and read, read, read.
  8. terri0826

    Im A Ball of Nerves

    Take a deep breath! I'm 15 days till surgery and feeling the same way. One minute I'm excited about it, the next I'm terrified. The not loosing weight is what scares me most I think. Hang on we are almost there! Terri
  9. terri0826

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Yikes trying to catch up with everyone! It's been a crazy week around here!! Suzanne yay about your path report! I bet the relief is huge! Hope the hematoma is resolving well. Kat geez bullying already? And I'm sure the parents think she is perfect..... Poor Kinsey. How was the weiner mobile lol? It was all over the news. Wonder what happen to Bethany and Terri----we run 'em off???? lol nope I'm still here, just wayyyy behind! My son and dil just got a Harley. They are having a blast. They ride it to the lake and then get on DH's new bass boat! Life can't get much better can it lol. I hate Halliburton. They are such jerks. I think they should be EXTRA taxed having HQ's out of the country. I agree! And even more awful about his holiday pay! Definitely not fair. Even tho DH has to work so hard and put in so many hours (we are self-employed now) he says he'll never go back to a big corporation. The get so big that people don't matter anymore. Good luck getting in Olive Garden, it's a zoo everytime we've tried to go! ick I need to mow again too.... Angela, glad to hear the surgery went well, but darn that he has to have more. Glad he can play football Growing up in West Texas football is ingrained lol. The book/tv show/movie "Friday Night Lights"? I grew up in the town it's modeled after, only I went to the high school on the "other" side of town lol. DH went to that school and his little sister was in school during that time. Hello to everyone else, I know I've missed things but the phone keeps ringing and I keep loosing my place! As Kat said I start preop tomorrow. I'm trying today but I'm already so hungry I'm getting a headache. ughhhh Preop appts were craziness. That is the most unorganized office I've ever been in. They kept loosing my file, kept forgetting to give me certain forms, I filled out the same form 3 or 4 times. I was really doubting this decision by the end of the day. But I'm going ahead since the surgeon seems to have it together. Then our daughter came home as a surprise Friday night. She lives in Phoenix right now. We had fun yesterday and she just left to meet her dad, brother and sil at the lake. Fireworks last night were great, makes it nice when you can see them from your house and don't have to fight the crowds and traffic. I have my preop for my Lithotripsy (sp?) procedure tomorrow. Did I tell you guys I also had kidney stones? Can't remember lol. Anyway I have them blastedon the 12th then my lapband on the 19th. Lapband surgeon says it's ok with them, just need to get a final ok with the Urologist tomorrow. The urologist I initially saw said it would be ok to do them that close together, but I'll check with the one actually doing the procedure. Hope everyone is having a great 4th! Terri
  10. I'm scheduled for 7/19 at Lovelace also! Dr. Smith is doing mine. I go to Abq Wednesday for my pre-op appts. So what does the preop diet consist of? Who is doing your surgery? What insurance company do you have? I have Lovelace and we have weighed the pros/cons and have decided to do self-pay. 3 weeks from today :scared2:
  11. terri0826

    Any July Bandsters.....

    I'm July 19! Find out about pre-op diet this Wednesday.
  12. I'm scheduled 7/19 with Dr Smith! I go this Wednesday for the pre-op stuff. Were you banded there? or still in the process?
  13. terri0826

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    yay! for your landlord. Good luck finding something. $400 is crazy, like you I wonder what it will be come August??? yikes
  14. terri0826

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    wow I've got 4 pages to catch up with! You guys are chatty lol. It's been a zoo around here, I'll explain at the end. Kat, glad you made it home from your trips ok. I'm sorry to hear about you cousin. I'm so sorry Rick's kids are being such butts. My brothers kids were brain-washed by my evil ex-sil and he went year without seeing them. But 2 of the 3 are coming around to see all wasn't the way she said. My DH is a big proponent of spending our kids inheritance lol. And really he worked hard for it so why not? I don't want our parents doing without just so they can leave us one. I want them to enjoy. And yes! I would love to do lunch again soon. Michelle, eww about the fill/unfill. Must be a big conference because both surgeons at my center are at one this week also. Glad you're feeling better, I need to write that down about the childs liquid. Angela, sounds like meeting your siblings is going ok, albeit a roller coaster ride. You're going to have a big family by the time this is done lol. Tracy, yay for the loss! Suzie, wow what an ugly looking bruise! I hope it doesn't hurt as bad as it looks. Good for you staying in bed and letting DH wait on you! You deserve it. I know I've left lots out and my apologies for that. So since I last posted I have a surgery date of 7/19 (oh wait I think I said that lol), BUT I've also found out I have kidney stones and the urologist wants to do a Lithotripsy (go in and blast those little suckers!) on 7/12. So I called surgeons office to see if he wanted to postpone my lapband since it's just a week later. But he was at the conference and I just heard back a little while ago. But I was thinking postponing would be best because DD is trying to change law schools to Florida and she would have to move between 7/20 and 8/9. So I probably don't need to be driving from AZ to FL (4 days at least ackkkk) so soon. But she calls this afternoon and because her LSAT score expired in Jan they won't let her transfer. grrrrr she's starting her 2nd year of law school! I understand if she was just now entering but she has good grades and wants to transfer so she can specialize. Idiot red tape rules........ Then not 20 min later my surgeon's office calls and they talked to her and she said no problem on doing the LB surgery a week after the Lithotripsy. So 7/19 it is! Yikes less than a month and I'll be one of you guys! :bored: But I do wish I were going to FL instead for DD Hope everyone has a great evening! Terri
  15. terri0826

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Suzanne, prayers and thoughts are with you tomorrow. I know you'll be so relieved to have this over with. Tracy, yay on the meds. Hope they do all they are supposed to for you. ugh Angela hope your ds is doing better now. I agree with everyone, getting to know them on FB for a bit is good. Hope Kat is having a wonderful and relaxing vacation. I've been busy busy lately but can't really tell I'm getting anything done! I'm trying to wean off of my anti-depressants and it's making me rather scatter brained (well MORE is more like it lol). But good news..... surgery is scheduled for July 19. Dh is getting a new bass boat and I'm self-paying surgery lol. Cost wise I'm getting the short end of this stick, but I'm very ok with that as I know I'll get way more out of this than he will with a new boat lol. Here's wishing everyone a wonderful day tomorrow! Terri
  16. terri0826

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    aww Kat you're probably gone by now, but what a way to start vacation! I hope you're feeling better, get a good nap in the car. I love Lubbock, wish I was there also. And DH wishes he was going to New Braunfels with you! He special orders beef jerkey from the NB Smokehouse. He loves it! Plus my in-laws are in Wimberly this weekend for the family 50th reunion. Hill Country seems the place to be right now I've about decided to self pay my surgery. 6+ months of insurance games and they still could deny. Talked to our accountant today and he had some ideas on tax advantages so now I have to decide which surgeon. Luckily I have a couple of good options, one 3 hrs away and 2 are 6-7 hours away. Hope everyone has a great evening! Terri
  17. terri0826

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    We did! Kat was so nice and it was great to talk to someone face to face that has the band. Since you all have been friends here I wish everyone could meet her in person also. I feel certain now that this is the right choice for me at this time. And I'm going to talk to DH about self pay. He is out of town tonight so I'm going to make a pro/con list for insurance / self pay. Suzie I hope the bad weather passes quickly. It has been wicked lately. Angela, sorry to hear someone dropped the ball. But I feel that things do happen for a reason so as annoying as it is that someone didn't do their job correctly maybe it is best he have it done after summer school. My prayers are with you all. My prayers are definitely with Tracy. Terri
  18. terri0826

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    hmmm not sure if I will be in excitement mode or despair mode tomorrow lol. I swing from one to the another at the blink of an eye. I can't wait for lunch tomorrow, my first irl meeting of someone from "the internet" ooooooooo:tongue_smilie:. I remember my first chat room experience, I was so scared! And now I'm all growed up and meeting someone for lunch. Work is crazy and I'm so tired of it being so dang hot. We totally missed out on spring here. From snow to 100+ in 6 weeks. ughhhh And then I saw my first cottonwood flying today, great more allergy headaches. Hope everyone is having a great evening and thank you all so much for the welcomes.
  19. terri0826

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Hi everyone, I suppose it's time to come out of lurking and introduce myself! I've been reading all of LBT off and on for about a year now and a couple of the ongoing threads caught my attention, mostly because you all seem so nice My name is Terri, I'm 49 and have been looking into being banded for a year. Of course now that I've decided to to it and want to do it NOW I find out my insurance requires 6 months supervised diet before they'll look at it. And even then no guarantees. ughhhh Kat, I live in Farmington!! I was going to come vote early and introduce myself but time got away from me and it was regular voting day before I knew it lol. I would love to meet you and pick your brain about the band. I've got 2 kids, dd 27 in Phoenix going to law school and ds 22 here and works for us (oilfield), a dh, 3 dogs of ours, 2 dogs of dd's while she's in school, and her cat. It's a regular zoo around here! So that's about it for me, I just thought it was about time I introduced myself.
  20. 3kidsmom - have you heard back again from Lovelace? I also have them as a carrier and curious about your outcome.

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