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Posts posted by KJ6262

  1. 4 hours ago, peachmedly46 said:

    Hi SC- girl and KJ6262... I was 5’4”, 204 and my surgery was 12/7/2020. And I’ve lost 27 lbs so far! I’m losing inches like crazy! This is the best thing I’ve done for myself ever!!! I have so much energy I’m never dragging like I use too... I wish you ladies the best and great success!! You’re gonna love you even more!

    Hi there ... well done you!! And great to hear how fab you feel! That is a heap to lose in a month!! Good to get motivation at this stage as feeling very anxious. 10 days to go for me and on 4th day of Optifast diet... it’s hard! Wishing you great success with it, I can’t wait to have the energy back too!

  2. I actually live in NZ so no flight at all! I am lucky. I have told quite a few friends ... just felt I needed the support and I don’t think any will judge me... am doing it for my health which is going to be great. Good luck to you too, it’s going to be great, new year new us!

  3. Hi SC Girl ... we are almost exactly the same I am 91 kgs which is 200lbs and I am 5’2”... I am 58 tho should have done this earlier. I am in New Zealand. My surgery is the 28th January so a way off. This is such a big decision so am also feeling very anxious but everyone say they wish they had it earlier and has been the best thing so let’s go for it!!

  4. Hi there - I am scheduled on January 28th ... I moved it from November 18th just last week, as panicked how I would cope through the holiday season away from home as well. So get home from holiday, 2 weeks fluids then all go! Excited... New Year, new me yay! Cant wait to get healthy. I am 58 and booked in for this 5 years ago, then chickened out, so no going back this time 🙂

  5. Hello The Greater Fool (Tek)
    Your very honest feedback is appreciated ... this forum is so good to hear thoughts. I am not sure how to reply to a certain comment so not sure if this is the right part but anyway!
    I do think I need to get help on coping with what other people think but am certain I won’t cancel this time as need to do this for my health. It is just a fear I need to deal with and maybe won’t be as bad as I think. Sounds like you have had some bad experiences I do hope you are recovering now.
    I can give up easily on certain food if I set my mind to it... haven’t ever been able to slow down on wine intake but planning to with this.... am sure it will be amazing for
    Me. Thanks again for your message and honesty.

  6. Thanks keudaeyeo for your feedback. I too have bad arthritis in both my knees and both need replacing. But the surgeon said might be able to avoid it with this surgery and am also covered because of it with insurance .
    Well done you for taking the step and best of luck with your recovery. By the way I love Japan ... not a bad place to have to be even if not your home. I like your comments on food and wine, and agree one glass of wine but living. I drink too much of it now so will be so much better not too. Will focus on the happy lines and am sure this will lead to greater happiness. Everyone has fears I guess and those are mine.
    Hope your first weeks are not too hard and keep in touch on your journey!

  7. 12 hours ago, Recidivist said:

    Hi, KJ--and welcome! I'm nearby in Australia.

    I think that you already know the answer to your question based on a few of the statements in your post:

    "I know that losing weight and gaining health will be far more important than how old I may look, and what people think." "I have bad health issues like asthma, high BP, and really need two knee replacements....So it's going to be so good for my health I know." "Excited for the journey for a new me and better health."

    Exactly right--this is all about your health. It's about getting rid of the medical conditions that come with obesity and feeling good for the first time in decades, with lots of energy and a new zest for life. Looking slimmer is a nice side effect of the surgery, but the real reason to do it is to improve your health and add years to your life. I was 59 when I got surgery and can't believe how much younger and more energetic I FEEL. I wish I had done it years earlier.

    Do I LOOK younger? No. The weight loss in my face and neck has aged me a bit, and I will admit that it was a little disconcerting at first, but I'm used to it. As for what people think of me and say about me: I'm sure it was much more unkind when I was fat than now when I look a little older. And frankly, I couldn't care less. I did this for me, and it was the best decision I have ever made.

    I can only speak for myself, but I LOVE the new me! I have so much more energy, enthusiasm, confidence and hope for the future than I did a couple of years ago as an obese person with health problems and the likelihood of a heart attack within a decade. Now that I know how great it feels to be at a healthy weight, I wouldn't ever want to go back to the old me.

    Don't worry about what you will eat after surgery. You will find that your tastes change and you won't crave many of the unhealthy things you enjoyed before. And you can have a glass of wine and some cheese every now and then--it's a matter of moderation. I used to love sweets and high fat foods, and I don't eat them at all any more--and I never feel deprived.

    We all have fears and reservations about bariatric surgery, but you almost never hear anyone expressing regrets about having it done once they see how great they feel and how much more they can enjoy life once they get to a healthy weight.

    Thanks so much for your honest feedback about ageing and skin. I do believe the health benefits will well outweigh it. I suppose this is just a fear beforehand and once I am on the journey it will all be so worthwhile... it’s just the unknown. Good to know you were close to me in age when you had it and I look forward to feeling heaps more energetic from it. I had a TIA a couple of years ago which really scares me and feel a bit like a ticking timebomb so time to take control. Thanks heaps again for your feedback and well done on your success!

  8. Hello group ... am new to this, I am 58 and live in NZ if anyone else here does (a NZ buddy would be great as well as this fantastic group on this forum)? . After cancelling having a sleeve at the 11th hour 5 years ago I have finally decided to do it. Booked a week ago and surgery in just 4 weeks. Feeling excited and scared. have been this weight for 25 years or so, and worried about what I might feel about the new me.... maybe I wont like her and want the old me back!!!

    I also worry about how it may age me, as this extra layer does cover up lines etc! I know though that losing the weight and gaining better health will be far more important than how old I may look, and what people think... another worry of mine. I have been close to this size for so long, so worried people will talk negatively about my new look and also I may not like the new me either. I am not vain - the complete opposite, but think about what others say behind my back too much. Saggy skin? Worried about this as well, but guess inevitable.

    I fear the change in my habits I have developed, like drinking 2-3 glasses of wine a day, and how I will cope. Sad I know but I love a good glass of wine with my meals it will be such a big change! I think I can cope without the food, except cheese!! How did you all go on this... anyone in the same boat as me? I have bad health issues like asthma, high BP, and really need 2 knee replacements which I am trying to avoid doing this. So its going to be so good for my health I know.

    I would be happy dropping 25 kgs, (55 lbs) and hope I can slow the weight loss when I get there... as just scared I wont like the new me, and have made the wrong decision .... is this normal? Would appreciate any feedback. I have wanted to be slim my whole adult life, dieted for more than half of it, and excited for the journey for a new me & better health.

    Thanks all, this forum is a great go to for newbies like me.

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