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Posts posted by Alsgal

  1. Thank you ☺️ I waited all day for the nurse to return my call and at 4 she said it could be a pulled muscle because when I got home from the hospital I had a lot of unexpected sneezing fits, that hurt like hell, but she thinks I just pulled a muscle near my left ribs?? Would that cause swelling? Idk but if it doesn't get better I'll see my primary Dr and see what he says.

    Also still can't find the surgery option in my drop box but I'll check the app.

    Thank you again I do appreciate your advice!!

  2. So, I feel funny writing about this, but...has anyone else ever experienced a negative change in their social life post-op?
    I had my surgery back in January. Although my physical health has made drastic improvements, I'm afraid my mental health has taken a toll.
    I noticed people have been treating me very differently since having the surgery. I've been getting so many rude comments, I can't keep up. They think I "took the easy way out (not realizing it was actually quite the opposite: the last resort)," and/or are freaked out by all my new eating habits and restrictions or are saying cruel things like "oh, you'll just gain it back like so-and-so did anyway, you watch." A lot of them have also proceeded to claim my changed appearance "weirds them out." Some of my now ex-friends have even gone so far to complain that I "betrayed the body positivity movement by giving into society's expectations of what women should look like." What the actual heck? Even dating, something I thought would get better as I lost weight, is just as bad as it was before. Since I can't drink alcohol anymore or eat a lot of foods, guys have been pretty hostile. Although I've been private about my surgery while dating (simply stating I have a strict diet I need to follow), that hasn't stopped guys from being mean or rude.
    Bottom line here is I've lost a lot of friends this past year and my love life is no better than it was. I'm extremely lonely and depressed.
    Has anyone else ever encountered this? What can I do to change it? Why is there so much social stigma towards this surgery?

    I felt I had a great support system, but I got some eye rolls from my sister when I mentioned this app today and It did bother me. She didn't want to hear about it. She been with me from the Beginning so she knows how much I've put into it. I lost 95lb on my own following the dieticians plan and daily workouts, and logging every bite I put in my mouth. If you're like me the bariatric program requirements just to be approved for surgery includes jumping perfectly through all those hoops to give us the best chance for long term success possible. So we do A LOT to get approved, then it is so hard afterwards, NOTHING is easy about it. I knew that i had to do this tho and for your reasons so do you. I am 3 weeks post op and i have said 25 times "why in the world did I do this?" My surgeon said I will probably be saying that 25 more times before I get everything figured out, and in the end it will be worth it, I do believe that. You deserve to have all the support in the world. I would ignore those so called friends unless they have an apology for you and some respect that you deserve. I hope that this gets much better for you. They should be proud of you and stand beside you throughout.

    You'll be in my thoughts, & Good things coming your way!

    Sent from my SM-T307U using BariatricPal mobile app

  3. Hello I'm new to bariatric pals, this is my first day actually. Im still trying to figure out how to fix my profile to show post op instead of pre op??

    As far as my stomach issue, I do plan to call my surgeon in the morning. I am wondering if anyone else experienced this issue? I knew to expect pain on the left side however surgery soreness has improved everywhere except this one place is like along my ribs and an area about as big as my hand it is visible swollen and is a dull pain mostly except when I reach or bend I feel a sharp pain and it's gotten worse about every day.

    Am I alone in this?

  4. That's good to know, I honestly expected for there to be more energy to come after a month or two post op.

    I will call my surgeon in the morning. My sister keeps telling me it's from the surgery and not to fret over it but I just feel like something is wrong.

    Do you know how to change my profile from pre op to post? I try to edit it but it doesn't let me change that or add my surgery date or anything. I'm horrible with stuff like this!

  5. Thank you for all and any info you have i definitely appreciate it! I wondered if everyone had to do the pre surgery diet? Not many ppl mention it and it really affected me. I used to go to the rec and do pool workouts 5 days a week until I started that diet and about day 5 I was just too tired to get my housework done much less anything extra.

    I'm having pain and swelling on my upper left stomach from surgery that seems to be getting worse. I feel better and less sore EVERYWHERE else but this left side. Was this normal for you? I thought about asking this question but idk, I'm the new girl lol. I do thank you again ☺️

  6. Hello, I am new to this and also new to the by pass group... my surgery was oct 22, 2020. I have felt this feeling you are talking about, I call it "the twilight zone" it feels disconnected and my bp would be low also. I started feeling it some when I changed my diet, I thought it was Keto brain, but when I did the pre op 500 cal shakes only for 2 weeks it got much worse. Now that I'm (almost) 3 weeks post op I feel it less often but add being extremly exhausted. I worry after reading your post that this could be a long term problem. I lost from 365 to 273 pre op, I wondered if I should put the surgery off and do it on my own but I could only imagine regaining what I had lost, like I always have. Sorry this is so long.

    I wonder if your bp is low during the times you feel you could pass out?

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