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Tombstone Tess

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Tombstone Tess

  1. 4 hours ago, AZhiker said:

    My surgeon's office gave me the list of requirements, but I had to get them done. Where are you located in AZ and what surgeon are you using?

    I have the initial visit but it is 3 weeks out. They said they would give me the list then. It seems like for most offices they require roughly the same things, and they specific mentioned I will need the cardio exam.

    I am way down south, my dr is Chiasson. I have heard nothing but good things about him so far.

  2. I have just started the process. I was trying to get my surgery done at a mil base, but COVID quashed that. I am switching to the civilian side. I have my seminar scheduled for Dec, but I would like to get as much done before then as possible.

    Who needs to write for the cardiac check up? Is this something I should be talking with my PCM about, or does the gastro do that? My pcm isn't very reliable he referred me to someone who hasn't practiced here for 2 years.

    Any helpful hints would be very appreciated.


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