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The Greater Fool

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by The Greater Fool

  1. The Greater Fool

    Numbness in thighs

    What did the doctors say it was last time? I'd put my money on a back issue. Loss of weight put different stresses on the back, especially damaged areas. But, sadly, you need to see a doctor or two to get a diagnosis and a fix or other mitigation of the issue. Good luck, Tek
  2. The Greater Fool

    sick after eating

    Eating or Drinking too quickly can cause the effect you perceive. So, why are you doing things you know you shouldn't? This may be something to explore in therapy. Good luck, Tek
  3. The Greater Fool

    The value of a Recliner

    My surgery was 'open' which means I had a single incision from my sternum to my beltline. Some 35 or so staples held everything closed and throw in a drain for good measure. Every movement was a new exploration in pain. I seriously considered a recliner, but decided to see where I was pain-wise post-op, and if it made sense I'd get it after. I did almost get it after, but I realized the recliner was lower, so getting in and out would be like doing squats which would be a lot of movement and a lot of pain. From the bed, it was more like just moving in / out of bed, at a comparable level in and out, no squats, and I think much less pain. With the laparoscopic surgeries and their small incisions I would shop before hand, then once I know what I'd be dealing with, pull the trigger if I need to. Good luck, Tek
  4. The Greater Fool

    Help, ive been stuck for 3+ weeks

    The first thing you should do is get rid of your scale. It is causing you to look for fixes to something that is not broken. If you're eating to plan, continue eating to plan, you're doing great. If you're not eating to plan, start eating to plan, and you will be doing great. Neither of these require making changes because of the scale. Good luck, Tek
  5. The Greater Fool

    Messed up preop diet

    You haven't mess up. Make the adjustment and sally forth with confidence. Good luck, Tek
  6. The Greater Fool

    Poor loss after surgery!

    If you are eating to plan you are doing great. This is where you measure success, not a number on a scale. Good luck, Tek
  7. The Greater Fool

    My Story

    Congratulations on your success. I could have written nearly everything you wrote. I, too, was extremely large man, though I had RNY and my surgery was open, so that was different. The first 2 or 3 weeks were the worst what with the huge incision, staples, and a drain that made the slightest movement a joy to behold. Like you, my pre-op stuff went without a hitch. Well, on the Lung function one where they put you in a booth and you do a bunch of deep breathing. Yeah, I couldn't fit into the booth. I was worried about the Psych test but apparently I fooled them completely. I likewise didn't have an exercise plan aside from the plan to not worry about exercise until I got to a svelte 100 pounds overweight. Walking is what I focused on. Once I got to 100 pounds overweight I had an exercise plan that didn't include a gym. I didn't really have any complications related to the RNY. I wanted the "complication" of dumping and lo! I dump on sugars and fats. Dumping has been a great educational tool for me. I have had issues with anemia but I had other issues that contribute to this, so the RNY just made it easier for me to get anemic. The non-scale victories are indeed the best. Being able to weigh on a home scale was a hoot. Congratulations again. Good luck, Tek
  8. The Greater Fool

    Total regret

    I feel for the rough time you are having. Theoretically It is possible to reverse your Gastric Bypass. It may or may not completely resolve your issues, and it may create new issues. Talk to a surgeon. My surgeon likened it to destroying a house then rebuilding it with the rubble. You may be able to accomplish the task but it won't be the same house. Have your issues been consistent from the start or have they started more recently? I'm assuming you've seen your medical team and worked over the years to deal with your issues, what interventions have been tried? What has your medical team said? I know for me, if I have other medical issues eating is something I simply can't accomplish, which makes every medical situation worse. Good luck, Tek
  9. The Greater Fool

    Goal Weights

    Personally, I never much cared about a goal weight. I had quite a bit of weight to lose and I could decide on a goal when I got there. A less obvious reason was in how my mind works. Not reaching a goal weight could have turned a 500+ pound weight loss into a failure. Just part of the joy of having OCD. Many folks make the mistake of thinking that getting back to the nice weight they were at several years ago is a reasonable goal. It's not. After obesity, mileage and years our bodies are different. You may end up looking very much as you did and still have many more pounds than before. My goals were about how I felt, my health, my happiness. These also happened to be what my surgeon asked me about. The actual number on a scale was never a topic unless I brought it up. Good luck, Tek
  10. The Greater Fool

    Ozempic Face

    I'm sorry but I've seen more than one photo spread of what went wrong with the last Sharan Osborn medical adventure over the years. Somehow I can just pin this photo on her last adventure. What folks near and dear to each of us may not have expressed is that quick weight loss made many of us appear less than healthy, sick even. I know I was surprised to hear it, but not altogether shocked by the news since I saw many others the same way. We each make our choices and have to live with the consequences, both good and ill. Generally most of the consequences are temporary, some less so. Life is a crap shoot. Good luck, Tek
  11. The Greater Fool


    Outstanding accomplishment! Good luck, Tek
  12. The Greater Fool

    Calories at maintenance shock

    WLS is forever. What we thought would be normal pre-op is most often very different from what normal turns out to be like post-op. Good luck, Tek
  13. The Greater Fool

    Ibuprofen 1 Yr Post Op

    My surgeon had no rules against any medications. All medications have side effects, both good and bad. It's up to you and your medical team to evaluate your needs against the risks of the downside against the benefits of the up side. Then, if you choose to take the medication you monitor for the downside and take appropriate action when necessary. Sometimes the definite benefit outweighs a possible negative side effect. Good luck, Tek
  14. The Greater Fool

    Weight gain/stall 1 month pist

    Good job. Throw the scale away. Good luck, Tek
  15. The Greater Fool

    How to get all my protein in?

    Your plan is not that different from my plan. 3 meals of 3-4oz protein + 1oz veggies, no snacks, no protein drinks. The idea is learning to eat like a healthy person. It took me several months to be able to complete a meal somewhat regularly. Unfortunately for your Surgeon, the math doesn't really work out. There is no way you will get to 80g of protein on this plan, nor do you need that much. 60oz is more than enough for a healthy person. Depending on your size even less may be OK. Regardless, just do the best you can. You can only fill a cup so much. You will manage. All these years later, this is still my eating plan. It just comes naturally now. Still don't manage to eat everything much of the time. Good luck, Tek
  16. The Greater Fool


    It may be quite beneficial to talk with a therapist to help you deal with your emotions and learn new coping mechanisms other than food. Good luck, Tek
  17. The Greater Fool

    Ideas on what to eat while running?

    I experimented with Gu. Sitting at home it seemed ok. I tried it on a 10 mile run and there again was no problem. When I tried it on a 20 mile run I dumped like a Tonka truck. I abandoned the idea. It probably wouldn't have been a problem for someone who doesn't dump on sugar, or even someone not so sensitive. In the years since my time running they have come out with several other products that don't have sugar that may be workable. I could probably get away with an orange slice that they were in the habit of handing out back when, but since I didn't train with them I didn't take them. Banana's weren't a thing handed out at the races I was in. I probably wouldn't have taken them, again, because I didn't try them during training runs. But, again, the world has changed since my running days. There are lots of possibilities now. Good luck, Tek
  18. The Greater Fool

    Ideas on what to eat while running?

    Congratulations on preparing for a marathon. I hope you have a plan on training and the ramp-up to the actual marathon. I never really ate anything during long runs. I focused on pre- and post- run stuff. Running and eating didn't mix for me. Good luck, Tek
  19. The Greater Fool

    Pureed Stage - How many calories?

    What are these 'calories' of which you speak? Good luck, Tek
  20. The Greater Fool

    Gastric bypass over 20 years

    Even 20 years ago they were still working out the fine tuning of the RNY. I dump on sugars and fats. I wanted dumping and 20 years ago it was about 50/50 that it would happen. So, not only do have have general restriction but I am also forced to limit sugars and fats. Even though dumping is considered a "complication" I count it as a win. Yeah, meds can be an issue. Most time-released meds are problematic though some seem OK. I imagine it makes a difference what time-release mechanism is and where in the digestive process the meds are absorbed. Additionally, at least for me, are for meds where I can feel an effect the effective period is not as long as expected. Something with an 8 hour period of effect lasts 4 hours, sometimes 6 hours, never 8. As I've stated here previously, I manage to eat a complete meal about 50% of the time. When my stomach says to stop I've learned it's just best to stop. When I am not feeling well or I'm fatigued my digestive system just shuts down. I've always been this way since I was a kid, but surgery just made the situation one that spirals out of control quicker. This makes meds likewise worse. I've learned to cope with these issues, just chalking them up to part of the joy of being me. I'll takes these worries over being 500+ pounds overweight in a heartbeat. Were it not for surgery I likely would be completely disabled or long dead. I still never regretted having surgery for an instant. Good luck, Tek
  21. Most post-op diet plans I see here seem like standard weight loss diets. Some of them seem quite draconian. My surgeon's philosophy was different. From the very beginning he stressed that I was learning a new way of eating. This was a new way for me, but most rational people would view as "healthy" and nothing much out of the ordinary. This would be for the rest of my life. As I said in my previous post, I didn't count things in my plan beyond basic meal planning: Protein first then some veggies. I started at what most here would call a "maintenance diet." In the first 6 weeks, it was no different than my most recent 6 weeks, other than the food was pureed. When I reached goal, nothing changed. I had no desire nor inclination to live the rest of my life dieting. Good luck, Tek
  22. The Greater Fool

    Gastric bypass over 20 years

    Congratulations on your continued success. Wasn't open fun? I thought it was a laugh riot. Good luck, Tek
  23. I never counted calories or carbs or much of anything else. Well, that's not true. I counted meals: 3. Each of which were 3oz protein + 1oz veggies. Most every plan has as the first rule: Focus on protein first. It's the rest that seems to vary. I often think that following your surgeon's plan is more important than what is in the plan. It's about learning to eat again with some form of discipline. In the early months you get the positive reinforcement of losing weight, which makes continuing the plan easier. Let's face it, doing it our way didn't work. Do it your medical teams' way. Good luck, Tek
  24. The Greater Fool


    To be honest, saggy skin was an issue I would love to deal with. Much better than all that saggy skin being filled with fat. Good luck, Tek
  25. The Greater Fool

    What about all those clothes?

    I was actually playing with your last line "What say you experienced newly skinny chicks?" If I took it seriously or thought my reply would be taken seriously I wouldn't have bothered. I apologize if I hit sensitive points. Can you please point out where I claimed anyone was a bad person for making any choice they made and I'll be happy to apologize for doing so. I wasn't criticizing your or anyone else's choices. I was expressing my choices. I appreciate your permission to share my thoughts, etc. I also appreciate your welcome to the website. Good luck, Tek

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