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Status Replies posted by Shoegirl6

  1. Hi!  I am just at the end of my 6-month supervised diet requirement and waiting for the last couple of consultation reports to get filed so my surgeon's office can submit everything for insurance approval.  And I'm terrified that I'm making the biggest mistake of my life... one that can't be undone.  Am I just crazy?

    For starters, I do NOT like or trust the nutritionist this surgical group requires their patients to work with.  I don't feel like I get a straight answer to my questions, only to do exactly what she says because she's "smarter than anyone else in the whole world on bariatric nutrition and has more experience than other nutritionists because all the hospitals want to do is cut costs and hire someone right out of college who doesn't have a clue what they're talking about."  Paraphrased into my words, somewhat, but that's the attitude.  They have a Facebook group for support with other patients and you can't ask anything there about why something is not approved or they all turn into butthurt primadonnas at the idea you might stray from what she's stamped as "approved."  I can't even tell you what her eating plan is because she's made it proprietary and wrapped it in a non-disclosure agreement.  I've tried following it and all that's happened is I feel sick, bloated, and constipated.  And I actually gained weight on it.  There are so many rules and demands to drink at this moment and eat at this moment and take vitamins at other specific times in the day, that I can't figure out how I'll do my job or live the life I'm trying to capture.  I also find it exceptionally disagreeable that she requires you to buy only vitamins that she receives a commission on.  If you object to their price, which is substantial, she gives you a saccharine smirk and says "You'll be spending so much less on food that you can afford it."

    Sorry for the dump.  I am so frustrated with this piece.

    And I'm frustrated that he's bullying me into taking my gallbladder out at the same time.  I'm freaked out about the hair loss because I don't have a heck of a lot to begin with.  And that having VSG causes GERD which then makes you take even more pills... I hate pills.  And being cold all the time and constipated all the time and having your tastebuds change.  While there's no real guarantee that the pain and deprivation will yield results.  I've also learned to utterly despise protein shakes in this 6 months.

    So again, am I being crazy?  Anyone willing to talk me off the ledge?

    1. Shoegirl6


      How are you feeling now?

      I am very nervous too!! Felt the same way a couple days ago, am I making biggest mistake next week.

      I am calmer now...

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. I had my surgery on Monday 24th of Ausgust. Monday and Tuesday i honestly hated myself for getting the idea of getting a sleeve stomach surgery. The Pain was killing me and i threw so often up. They gave me a half of dozen medications to make me stop throwing up... it was really awfull. But now i feel much better. The throwing up stopped on Tuesday night and since then everything stayed in. I started with teas and a light broth but now i can eat thin soups. My Doctors say i could even eat mashed potatoes and vegetables as well but since i hab so much pain on the first two days i give my body a little more time to heal and to start working properly again. 

    1. Shoegirl6


      How are you doing now??

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