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Gastric Bypass Patients
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  1. Hugs
    2021NewMe got a reaction from rparker3313 in Emotional with weight loss   
    I am feeling emotional now that I lost weight I can't help to think why did I not love myself, care for myself, be kind to myself and not let myself go, like I did. Why did it take a surgery. Why couldn't I have the will power and believe and take my obesity seriously. Now that I am losing I can see myself healing not just on the outside but the inside. I feel bad for not caring for myself and treating myself with kindness. Telling myself that I can do it, that I am worth it. Now all I want is to treat myself right and not indulge in food but just enjoy food and limit myself. I think so different. I do think of food but it's not a worry or priority it is what it's meant to get you going fuel, and you want to eat healthy foods to get the right Vitamins, I dont mindlessly eat. I care Now.
  2. Hugs
    2021NewMe got a reaction from rparker3313 in Emotional with weight loss   
    I am feeling emotional now that I lost weight I can't help to think why did I not love myself, care for myself, be kind to myself and not let myself go, like I did. Why did it take a surgery. Why couldn't I have the will power and believe and take my obesity seriously. Now that I am losing I can see myself healing not just on the outside but the inside. I feel bad for not caring for myself and treating myself with kindness. Telling myself that I can do it, that I am worth it. Now all I want is to treat myself right and not indulge in food but just enjoy food and limit myself. I think so different. I do think of food but it's not a worry or priority it is what it's meant to get you going fuel, and you want to eat healthy foods to get the right Vitamins, I dont mindlessly eat. I care Now.
  3. Like
    2021NewMe got a reaction from HeatherE in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    That is so awesome, people don't know the struggle. The trauma and emotional toll it can have to not fit in a chair. or if you sit it's snugg. I personally hated social event with those flimsy plastic chairs when I sat on them I would get dizzy and hope not to break it. Now I sit on them and feel like well I guess if I break it, I can blame the cheap material.
  4. Like
    2021NewMe got a reaction from HeatherE in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    That is so awesome, people don't know the struggle. The trauma and emotional toll it can have to not fit in a chair. or if you sit it's snugg. I personally hated social event with those flimsy plastic chairs when I sat on them I would get dizzy and hope not to break it. Now I sit on them and feel like well I guess if I break it, I can blame the cheap material.
  5. Congrats!
    2021NewMe reacted to kcuster83 in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    Yesterday I was laying in bed. On my back flat and suddenly realized my boobs are higher than my stomach!!! I really think this is the first time EVER!
    I have always had small boobs, and now deflated small boobs so this is really saying something! hahaha
    I didn't see my stomach! Even when I inflated or pushed it up my boobs were still higher! WOOHOO
    Also... hip bones..like real hip bones sticking out like skinny folk. Only when I am laying on my side cause all the skin lays on the bed.. but I WILL TAKE IT!
  6. Congrats!
    2021NewMe reacted to Leo segovia in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    Just over 3 weeks in and I have dropped 2 pant sizes!
  7. Congrats!
    2021NewMe reacted to Therese22 in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    I did my 4 month post op measurements and It was the first time in years that my measuring tape fit around my hips, for accurate measuring, without me having to mark and remeasure due to my hips being larger then my measuring tape fitting once around. What a feeling!
  8. Congrats!
    2021NewMe reacted to New_me_2022 in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    Congratulations!!! I know that feeling. I know i never imagined I would be in the sizes I am now. It really is a surreal and "holy crap" moment.
    Keep up the great work!
  9. Congrats!
    2021NewMe reacted to LookingForward22 in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    My PCP has had the same style wooden captains chairs since the 80’s in his exam rooms. I used to have to sit on an angle or to the front edge … it was uncomfortable, but I managed.

    For the first time in about 24 yrs I could fit the whole way back and sit properly in them! That was probably the biggest smile on my face moment so far.

    Clothes are getting bigger, I can tell I’m loosing, but that was a big light bulb “omg” moment. I’m almost excited to go back and sit in the chair again to compare the changes. Lol.
  10. Like
    2021NewMe got a reaction from HeatherE in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    That is so awesome, people don't know the struggle. The trauma and emotional toll it can have to not fit in a chair. or if you sit it's snugg. I personally hated social event with those flimsy plastic chairs when I sat on them I would get dizzy and hope not to break it. Now I sit on them and feel like well I guess if I break it, I can blame the cheap material.
  11. Congrats!
    2021NewMe reacted to kaylee50 in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    It's only been about 3 weeks for me, but the swelling in my hands and feet has really gone down. It's inflammation from early arthritis. To my utter delight, I was able to wear my late mother's favorite ring today! I got a little teary-eyed when I realized it fit again.
    (And now I am getting a little teary-eyed just typing this...sorry.)
  12. Congrats!
    2021NewMe reacted to SkinnyMingo1408 in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    Ok so on Saturday I went to a band exhibition and walked over 10,000 steps most of which was uphill(I wish I was joking). And I'm still alive today And only had reasonable soreness the next day. One of the other chaperones even joked about how weird me and another chaperone were because we managed to hold a conversation the entire up hill climb from busses to stadium. It struck me then I never would've been able to do that 6 months ago, nor would I have been able to recover so quickly. And it was a 17 hour day and I managed to keep my energy up all day.
  13. Congrats!
    2021NewMe reacted to Tony B - NJ in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    I stopped using mine about 3 months after surgery and have not touched it since. After losing significant weight, you may not need it at all. I obviously would check with your doctor, but it is not uncommon.
  14. Congrats!
    2021NewMe reacted to qtdoll in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    I use a fitbit watch & I've gone down 2 notches since getting it in Feb! I can insert 2 fingers in the space between my wrist & the band. like whoa I forget wrist fat was a thing lol
  15. Like
    2021NewMe got a reaction from STLoser in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    Yes! I feel the same like surprised at how so many things heal after the weight loss. Now I feel it's all momentum that since I lost 💯 how much more better would I feel if I lost say 50 more! It is great to hear that you have victory over your asthma!
  16. Like
    2021NewMe got a reaction from kcuster83 in How do you feel now that you lost weight?   
    I replied this to a topic of other than the scale, what other victories do you have? As I read all the post of what people are able to do now, that they were not able to do before, I was thinking about what is something I can share? I found that if I had to share one thing it would be impossible because there is countless things that I can list! Though the one thing you have to remember, if you are planning to get a surgery, is that if you are having a hard time with something due to weight and only you know what that is... know that you will be able to do that, and more! This surgery for me has been a fountain of youth. yes, it is hard, yes there will be moments of worry or whatever feeling you will get, but understand it is all part of the process. it does help hearing others experience but ultimately yours might be different so you can't go by that either. you have to trust the surgery, doctors, and most of all yourself. That you can do this! I love hearing all the great, positive, life changing things, surgery has done for so many!
  17. Like
    2021NewMe reacted to SkinnyMingo1408 in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    So this caught my attention...I was chaperone at my schools homecoming Dance and I guarded a door the majority of the night, not complaining, my students found me and said hi. What struck me as a NSV is in my"fancy dress" I could cross my legs at my knees and keep them crossed with very little effort. I didn't need to hold on to my legs and frankly 3 months ago I couldn't cross my legs at the knees, I could only cross ankle to knee and I had to hold onto my foot to keep it there. I felt so refined. It was nice.
  18. Like
    2021NewMe reacted to STLoser in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    I had my yearly pulmonologist appt. the other day. I've been seeing him for about 10 years, since I got diagnosed with asthma. I had suspected I had it for a long time before that, but when I got up to almost 400 pounds it got a lot worse. That year I was sick 10 months out of the year. It was awful.
    Well, at this appointment the other day he said my lung function is better than normal for a woman my age (51). Like, WAY better than normal, and he doesn't need to see me anymore unless I have a problem. He also took me off my controlling inhaler with the long acting brochodilator in it and put me on a regular one that is just a steroid. I had originally had to go on the one with the brochodilator because we couldn't get my asthma under control with just a steroid.
    Actually, I love this doctor and he's the best doctor I've ever had so I will miss him, but I'm so happy. I NEVER knew the impact my weight was having on my ashtma until I lost the weight. I just can't believe how much better I feel. I can't believe after struggling to get it under control for a long time, now it's like I don't even have asthma. It's amazing!

    Sent from my Pixel 5a using BariatricPal mobile app

  19. Like
    2021NewMe got a reaction from HeatherE in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    As I read all the post of what people are able to do now that they where not able to do before, I was thinking about what is something I can share and I found that if I had to share one thing it would be impossible because there is countless things that I can list. so the one thing you have to remember if you are planning to get a surgery is that if you are having a hard time with something due to weight and only you know what that is... know that you will be able to do that and more! This surgery for me has been a fountain of youth. yes it is hard, yes there will be moments of worry or whatever feeling you will get, but understand it is all part of the process. it does help hearing others experience but ultimately yours might be different so you cant go by that either. you have to trust the surgery, doctors, and most of all yourself. that you can do this!
  20. Like
    2021NewMe got a reaction from kcuster83 in How do you feel now that you lost weight?   
    I replied this to a topic of other than the scale, what other victories do you have? As I read all the post of what people are able to do now, that they were not able to do before, I was thinking about what is something I can share? I found that if I had to share one thing it would be impossible because there is countless things that I can list! Though the one thing you have to remember, if you are planning to get a surgery, is that if you are having a hard time with something due to weight and only you know what that is... know that you will be able to do that, and more! This surgery for me has been a fountain of youth. yes, it is hard, yes there will be moments of worry or whatever feeling you will get, but understand it is all part of the process. it does help hearing others experience but ultimately yours might be different so you can't go by that either. you have to trust the surgery, doctors, and most of all yourself. That you can do this! I love hearing all the great, positive, life changing things, surgery has done for so many!
  21. Like
    2021NewMe got a reaction from kcuster83 in How do you feel now that you lost weight?   
    I replied this to a topic of other than the scale, what other victories do you have? As I read all the post of what people are able to do now, that they were not able to do before, I was thinking about what is something I can share? I found that if I had to share one thing it would be impossible because there is countless things that I can list! Though the one thing you have to remember, if you are planning to get a surgery, is that if you are having a hard time with something due to weight and only you know what that is... know that you will be able to do that, and more! This surgery for me has been a fountain of youth. yes, it is hard, yes there will be moments of worry or whatever feeling you will get, but understand it is all part of the process. it does help hearing others experience but ultimately yours might be different so you can't go by that either. you have to trust the surgery, doctors, and most of all yourself. That you can do this! I love hearing all the great, positive, life changing things, surgery has done for so many!
  22. Like
    2021NewMe got a reaction from HeatherE in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    As I read all the post of what people are able to do now that they where not able to do before, I was thinking about what is something I can share and I found that if I had to share one thing it would be impossible because there is countless things that I can list. so the one thing you have to remember if you are planning to get a surgery is that if you are having a hard time with something due to weight and only you know what that is... know that you will be able to do that and more! This surgery for me has been a fountain of youth. yes it is hard, yes there will be moments of worry or whatever feeling you will get, but understand it is all part of the process. it does help hearing others experience but ultimately yours might be different so you cant go by that either. you have to trust the surgery, doctors, and most of all yourself. that you can do this!
  23. Like
    2021NewMe got a reaction from HeatherE in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    As I read all the post of what people are able to do now that they where not able to do before, I was thinking about what is something I can share and I found that if I had to share one thing it would be impossible because there is countless things that I can list. so the one thing you have to remember if you are planning to get a surgery is that if you are having a hard time with something due to weight and only you know what that is... know that you will be able to do that and more! This surgery for me has been a fountain of youth. yes it is hard, yes there will be moments of worry or whatever feeling you will get, but understand it is all part of the process. it does help hearing others experience but ultimately yours might be different so you cant go by that either. you have to trust the surgery, doctors, and most of all yourself. that you can do this!
  24. Like
    2021NewMe got a reaction from HeatherE in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    As I read all the post of what people are able to do now that they where not able to do before, I was thinking about what is something I can share and I found that if I had to share one thing it would be impossible because there is countless things that I can list. so the one thing you have to remember if you are planning to get a surgery is that if you are having a hard time with something due to weight and only you know what that is... know that you will be able to do that and more! This surgery for me has been a fountain of youth. yes it is hard, yes there will be moments of worry or whatever feeling you will get, but understand it is all part of the process. it does help hearing others experience but ultimately yours might be different so you cant go by that either. you have to trust the surgery, doctors, and most of all yourself. that you can do this!
  25. Like
    2021NewMe got a reaction from kcuster83 in How do you feel now that you lost weight?   
    I replied this to a topic of other than the scale, what other victories do you have? As I read all the post of what people are able to do now, that they were not able to do before, I was thinking about what is something I can share? I found that if I had to share one thing it would be impossible because there is countless things that I can list! Though the one thing you have to remember, if you are planning to get a surgery, is that if you are having a hard time with something due to weight and only you know what that is... know that you will be able to do that, and more! This surgery for me has been a fountain of youth. yes, it is hard, yes there will be moments of worry or whatever feeling you will get, but understand it is all part of the process. it does help hearing others experience but ultimately yours might be different so you can't go by that either. you have to trust the surgery, doctors, and most of all yourself. That you can do this! I love hearing all the great, positive, life changing things, surgery has done for so many!

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