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Posts posted by Horseshowmom

  1. What is your win this week or today?

    Just out of curiosity today I grabbed a pair of jeans out of the storage closet that I haven’t worn in 13 years, a pair that I never thought I could squeeze into, but they fit! I’m 85 days post op and wore a size 24 or 26 in jeans, this pair is an 18. They are a little more snug than I care for in the waist, but they easily went on, zipped and buttoned, I kinda of like mine a little looser and then add a belt, but they definitely it! This felt like a huge victory for the day, because I was sure they weren’t even going to pull all the way up!

  2. You can get back on track. Anything that messes with one’s regular routine, the holidays, can make things rough. My surgery was 11/9, and I’ve been doing pretty good, I can ignore the pangs of wanting stuff, but my husband was off work for almost 3 weeks when our entire house picked up COVID somewhere, we don’t even go anywhere so we aren’t sure where we got that little blessing. Anywho, the last week he was home he felt good, but he couldn’t go back until he actually tested negative, and since he felt good he was home snacking constantly and it was really messing with my daily vibe. I didn’t want to exercise in front of him or walk on the treadmill, I was constantly pulling my hand back from a snack I didn’t even want but was merely there...it was tough. I was soooo glad when he went back to work and the kid’s and my day got back to normal. I’m in my groove again, but I get what you are talking about, and you can and will get back into the place you want to be!

  3. On 01/03/2021 at 11:38, BigSue said:

    Stalls typically last 1-3 weeks, but they can be longer. It varies from one person to the next, so there's no telling how long it will be for you.

    There's a lot of superstition around how to break a stall, but really, the only thing you can do is be patient. It's just your body catching up with all of the changes. Keep following the program and your weight loss will resume.

    Have you lost 56 pounds since your surgery, or was some of that before surgery? If that was all since surgery, 56 pounds in less than 2 months is fantastic! But on the flip side, losing so much so fast means that your body has a lot of catching up to do.

    No, it’s not been from all after. I lost 8 from August to October, 20 October 24th-November 9th on the pre-op diet, and 28 since surgery. So I’m getting there little by little:)

  4. I really didn’t have a stall at 3 or 4 weeks, but I am having one here at between 7 and 8 weeks...is that a normal time for stall, lol? My weight has been within a 2-4 oz of the same for about a week. When these stalls happen at this stage do I need to change up my workout routine or anything, based on your experiences, or is this just a lull and one should just stay in their lane not changing anything. The trainer told me down the way we will add in more variety to my workouts to keep them varied, but she didn’t make it sound like this early on that would be a factor, nor had the dietician made mention of counting calories or adding at this point due to exercise. Just looking to hear personal experiences since this a new part of the journey for me. Thanks all:)

  5. I am now a month out and need to start adding resistance and weight training to my exercise program. I have been digging online all day trying to decide what adjustable dumbbells to buy. The routine that the fitness advisor has me on has some exercises with as low as an 8 pound dumbbell, but others she has me up at a 25 pound dumbbell, and I don't want to go buy a whole set, so I figure the adjustable is my best option. Anyone have any advice to give?

    Also, any exercises or equipment that you just love? Thanks for sharing all!! :)

  6. On 12/09/2020 at 20:35, Losin' it in MN said:

    So interestingly, I mentioned my constant “head hunger” since week two during my most recent nurse visit (I’m 6 weeks now), and she said that it is not necessarily head hunger. It could very well be real hunger since they can’t guarantee that they got every last cell of ghrelin during the VSG. It’s hard because I don’t trust my own body anymore. Am I hungry? I don’t know. Am I full? Not sure.

    Here’s to hoping it gets sorted out soon!

    I just had a one month appointment yesterday, and I meet with the fitness advisor and dietician as well as the doctor. The dietitian said that since I limit myself to 4-500 calories a day and have been exercising most days that some of my head hunger could very well be my body truly wanting something. She told me that our plan of 3 meals only is what they want, but that I could add a snack
    Like green Beans that are super low in calories and see if that helped. The fitness advisor also said now that I am supposed to add weight training to my cardio that I very well may feel hunger on some days.

  7. I am just a month post op, and everything is going well, I can’t complain at all. However, everyone in the house is sick, not COVID but some virus, and I’ve been struggling the past few days to get in enough fluids and food just taste bad. I’m only eating a couple
    Of bites at each meal. I make my husband and kids a separate meals every day, it’s never an issue, until today. They wanted chicken and noodles and mashed potatoes. I had about half a cup of the mashed potatoes, and it actually tasted so good, but now I do feel genuinely guilty because it definitely doesn’t adhere to Health standards I’ve Stuck to so diligently. Honestly, I’m glad I feel guilty, it helps keep me in line knowing I’d be disappointed in myself for breaking the “rules,” but I gotta tell you, after eating maybe only 200 calories the past two days, it was delicious, lol!

    Has anyone else found that guilt, or fear of, is actually such a great asset?

  8. I am almost a month out and joined this forum in August when I had my initial consultation. It’s been a great platform with many knowledgeable and friendly people willing to share experiences and suggestions at the ready. I hope you enjoy it!!

  9. I completely understand where you are coming from, and it’s understandable. We all have to choose who and when to share with, but for me, anyone who would look down on me or take a negative opinion of my choice of trying to use any tool available to better my health and life- well then they are not a friend or person I need in my life anyway.

  10. I was thin when I was teen, but that was 20 years ago. I danced, I sang, I showed horses, heck I did beauty pageants...it all seems so long ago

    What I miss most though, not just being a horse show mom, but showing myself. I have been so embarrassed about my weight for so long I quit showing, and I was fortunate enough to have been very very good at it. It was what made my world turn from morning to night, and I miss participating as an actual showman tremendously, but not anymore. I will be back
    In the ring showing this coming year. To say I’m extremely excited is an understatement.

  11. I’m only a few weeks post op, so I can’t really “indulge”. But I love ham, so I used 1.5 oz of ham weighed out and made ham salad, it was sooooo good, AND,...it did not agree with me at all and I lost 1.5 pounds...I mean I want to lose as much as possible, but not that way, lol.

    It truly is a journey for all
    Of us as we navigate this new terrain, especially at the holidays!

  12. On 11/21/2020 at 12:47, Chelle1007 said:

    I was scheduled the 25th of November for bypass and it was cancelled yesterday. With the way things are going I can’t imagine it will happen this year and I can’t afford to pay my max out of pocket again, so this may be the end of the road for me. I wish you serious luck!!!

    If you have met all of your insurance pre-op requirements can you check with other surgeons who may still be performing surgeries? I totally understand the out of pocket max thing. We took a more expensive bi-weekly premium plan this year to get the lower out of pocket max, but I still paid 5500 out of pocket, and I wouldn’t want to do it again for the same procedure unless it was a revision etc. Right now my surgeon is still performing surgeries, at least as of last week, but I’m in Georgia, but I would be one that definitely would be calling around all my neighboring states programs and seeing if there was a surgeon who could get me in. They know it’s expensive, so I’d tell any one of them who would listen about your situation and see if they could get you in. My center had a 4 week fast track program, and that was for people just starting the journey, so I bet there is some place that could get you in!! Good luck!!!!!

  13. On 11/27/2020 at 10:29, WishMeSmaller said:

    I think an activity tracker is the perfect self gift after WLS! I bought an Apple Watch for myself right after surgery. For Christmas this year, it is all about clothes. I am feeling great buying regular sizes and knowing I just look like a normal woman these days, rather than a morbidly obese woman. Best gift of 2020 was definitely my bypass surgery though!

    Do you love your Apple Watch? I looked at them and decided that just for fitness I wanted the Fitbit, but I’ve tossed around getting my husband the Apple Watch, so I’d love to hear personal reviews on it!

  14. I drink Water, Decaf coffee right now since I can’t have caffeine yet, and crystal light. That is all I’ve been drinking, and that is fine, but are there any drinks that you would tell a person just starting on their post op journey to check out? I was never a soda drinker, but I loved juice-orange and cran mix varieties and obviously those are off the list so I’m just seeing as my journey progresses what else I should take a look at. Thanks for any and all suggestions:)

  15. On 11/21/2020 at 09:48, Lily66 said:

    Yes, a battle. One thing that has helped a lot was my Dr. suggesting not going over 2 hours without eating something. When I plan these mini Snacks, most times I’m able to say “okay self, it’s just head hunger. You had something an hour ago and will again in an hour, so hold tight and get over yourself”.

    Doesn’t work 100%, but hey, I’ll take 60% help and trust that this muscle memory will get stronger each time I refuse to give in. Good luck!

    That is something I’m working out in my head, the no Snacks plan my doctor goes by. It’s 3 meals a day and that is it besides Water, crystal light, Decaf fluids etc between. I’m good with that, but I was always a night time snacker, so really it probably shouldn’t surprise me that that is when my head hunger pays me a visit. I’m honestly good all day except evening, so it’s definitely just trying to adjust to this new way of living:)

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