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Posts posted by SMC25428

  1. The ill feeling you felt is it the dumping syndrome people have talked about? A friend of mine had a bypass 5 years ago and said when I'm cleared for solid food to watch out for dumping syndrome and she said it feels like you ate to much and its either coming up or you sleep. I have to have a timer to remind me to eat. Im not craving anything or hungry I start to feel a bit of cramp and drink Water and it goes away. My incisions just started hurting after feeling nothing in the last two days. I felt like crap after getting home from work and taking off my pants and my lower incisions scab came off with my pants. They are not warm to touch but have a red ring and are hard around them. No fever so I haven't visited the er. Not sure if anyone else has experienced this it will be one month post surgery on the 24th.

    Moominman... take everything in strides. Learn from the bad feeling. We all have faith in you and you can do this!

  2. On 8/27/2020 at 6:22 PM, Keatsy said:

    Has anyone else been lectured for drinking 2 Protein Drinks a day? Is that a no-no? I've been drinking 1-2 11oz Premier Protein (one right in the morning and one after my last meal at night) and my Protein goals have been solid. Will this somehow interfere with weight loss? I don't get it?

    11 oz. Dude I'm scared to try 6. Im literally 4 oz every 4 hours. I know everyone's deal is different. Do you feel the pressure in your stomach after that? I'm not sure why it matters if you're getting your Protein from a shake or somewhere else as long as you're getting your protein right? My dietician is very responsive when I have her attention but really doesnt like to chat...kinda figured that might be an important part of the job criteria. Im sorry you are not getting the answers you need but if you findout please share im very curious. Right now I'm doing shakes, sugar free Jello and pudding. The broth sucks but I do that too. I just started 2 scrambled eggs which equals 4 oz. I find them amazing only because I love eggs period...just miss my Bagels I use to eat with them...oh well bread must be the enemy right now. Good luck and please share your findings.

  3. 15 hours ago, askmehow said:

    I am also having headaches. I can't believe you are back to work!!!!! Wow! I had surgery on the 2nd. I got home yesterday. I had to go to ICU then a regular room. But every time I take medication (crushed it) I pass out and I was having headaches starting in the back of my head around neck. Then the pain was so bad it effected my temples. So I just sent an email to see if I have to take some of these meds and asked what could be the headache problem. I'll let you know what my doctors say, but you are having different ones I think. I hope you feel better.

    My headaches have finally gone away. Then I started having pain in my shoulder up to my left ear whenever I took a deep breathe that lasted for about 4 days. Its finally gone now too. My doctor said it was from the anesthesia. The meds they used had to pass out of my body. I was afraid it was a leak or something but now its gone and im good. A couple of my incisions were leaking and that was a pain. It freaked me out at first but they are beginning to dry up and scab over. They look irritated and just out right mad. Doctor said as long as its clear and no funky smell im good to go. Going back to work kinda saved me i was starting to feel a little depressed and regretting having the surgery. But i wake up take meds do my 4oz meal and energy is there and im ready to start my day. Staying in bed and freaking out over every little sound and ache was not beneficial to my mental health in anyway. Everyone is different this just works for me. Hope all is well and good luck on your journey.

  4. 6 hours ago, RichelleGetsFit0309 said:

    How is your blood pressure? I know I used to get really bad headaches that wouldn’t go away. Once day at work I felt like my head was going to explode. I went to the hospital and my pressure was very high.

    My blood pressure is freaking perfect alonf with my blood sugars...which is crazy...maybe normal is causing the issue?. Glad to hear about the BM🤣🤣🤣 Im sorry I know its not a laughing matter but I am a visual person....prayers are good😂😂

  5. On 8/27/2020 at 11:12 AM, RichelleGetsFit0309 said:

    I’m 7 days post op and still haven’t had a BM either. I see the doctor next week and will see what he suggest if I haven’t had a BM by that time. I’m hoping the switch to full liquids will help move things along.

    I'm not sure if this will help but I sipped on a Gatorade zero and it seemed to do the trick. The white one thats cherry flavor is my favorite. Hope all is well. Now I just have these hellobad headaches that won't go away and wake my from much needed sleep.. any thoughts...I doubt my insurance will cover a lobotomy this soon after bariatric surgery..🤣 🤣

  6. Had surgery on Monday, went back to work yesterday. I've gotten lucky my boss said he hired me for my brains and not braun... however I never really noticed how much walking I do in a day. Definitely, exhausted and went to be around 8 lastnight. I've had my first BM. I know alot of you might feel tmi...but I was so excited I told my sons who were getting ready for work and textes my husband. One incision is still draining but everyone that noticed the wet spot on my shirt were completely understandable and super supportive. I called my doctors office about it. It seems to be alot, but the nurse called me back and said it was normal, some people have the drainage while others don't. As long as it doesn't turn yellow or green or start to smell funny. My headaches are still waking me up. I think im sleeping about 3 hours before it wakes me up. Nothing appears to be working. Is anyone else experiencing severe headaches where its above the left eye towards the center of the head. Any ideas or suggestions...please. They hurt tremendously bad and the 500 tylenol twice every 6 hours doesn't touch them.

  7. Had surgery yesterday. Still in a little bit of pain. Oddly enough my ribs hurt more than anything else. Burping is happening but I guess my system is still not awake because my stomach is hard like is full of gas but it doesn't feel like i need to pass anything. Any suggestions? Or any best practices during this time?

  8. 15 hours ago, deborah Peter's said:

    My surgery is Monday 24th on liquid diet
    Sent from my SM-G960U using BariatricPal mobile app

    Mine too! Just went yesterday to the start clinic for presurgery blood and urine testing. Still doesn't feel like this is really happening. I was originally suppose to have the surgery back in March but was put on hold due to covid. How are you feeling about the surgery? Best wishes to you hope all goes well.

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