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Posts posted by JonahB

  1. When I saw the original post I actually got excited. I know that sounds strange but I had found a lot of other people who had been put on diets before adolescence.
    (A bit of background, I’m a trans guy so I was raised female, with all the body image baggage that comes with that gender. Though I am very much aware that boys get body image pressure too, I understand by personal experience what it’s like growing up as a girl in our society.)
    I was 5 years old for my first diet. My mom got the diet from my pediatrician! I wasn’t obese. I was a little chubby but active and healthy. I look at pictures of me then and I look like a normal kid with a face full of freckles and round, pink cheeks. My mom had this terrible fear of me not being popular or well-liked. I am naturally an extreme introvert and, honestly, more than a little weird. I couldn’t care less about being popular. I was perfectly happy to be left mostly alone.
    From kindergarten on I was put on diet after diet. I would yo-yo up and down the scale, always becoming more and more overweight with each diet. I developed eating disorders (surprise) that eventually just landed me with binge eating disorder by my early 20’s. I had a few years of homelessness and food insecurity in my 20’s that just made my emotional attachment to food more intense. By my 30’s I was solidly obese. By my early 40’s I had hit a top weight of 408lb at a height of 5’ 4.5”. So, now at 46, I am dangerously morbidly obese. I look back to that chubby little 5 year old and can’t help but wonder, if they had just left me alone would I have still ended up obese?
    Well, I’m currently down to 340lb and my gastric bypass is scheduled for July 9th. What happened to me in as a child was wrong but there is nothing I can do about it now. I have to focus on my future. A future that, with a lot of hard work and some luck, will be healthier than my past.
    Have a great week everyone!

  2. Hi everyone,

    I’m hoping you all can help my partners. I’m looking for resources directed at people who are supporting their significant others through wls. It can be a book (or even just a chapter), pamphlet, website, YouTube channel, podcast, or forum. Heck, even if you just have a bit of advice for them from your lived experience I’m sure they would love to hear it!

    I plan to get gastric bypass. Both my partners are very supportive and want to be as helpful as possible. One of them will be able to attend the informational class my bariatric department has me go to but the other has to be working.

    Thank you!

  3. Hi everyone,

    I’m 45 yr old, asexual, trans male, queer identified, polyamorous, and disabled. I’m married to one trans masculine guy (20 yrs now!) and we have a second partner, we’ve been with for 11yrs, who is also a trans man. We all live together in Portland, Oregon with four cats and a special needs chihuahua that, I believe, thinks she is a cat too.
    That is me in a nutshell!
    I’m on my second try to work towards gastric bypass. I backed out halfway through last year. I got scared, I think, But my health has started to decline rapidly so no backing out this time!

    Hope everyone is doing well!

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