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Everything posted by STLoser

  1. Thank you so much. This is probably the best NSV ever for me, because it did take a long time to get to that point of self love and acceptance. I actually reached that before I started my wls journey and it's really so important because I don't think I couldn't have gotten here if I hadn't gotten there first. When I think about my younger self who hated herself for "only" being able to get to 150 and not being thin enough it makes me sad about all the time I missed out on loving myself and living life. It's a freeing feeling. It's never too late though! I'm proud of how far I've come emotionally.. That's really the hardest part! Sent from my Nokia 7.2 using BariatricPal mobile app
  2. STLoser

    Surgery cancelled due to COVID surge :-(

    It is an awful feeling.. I originally started the process in March 2020 right before COVID started. It all got delayed until 2020. I'm so impatient so I was really frustrated. I ended up getting it in July 2020. Actually, if it hadn't been for the delay, I would not have gone to my surgeon and would have chosen RNY instead of Loop DS so I'm actually glad it happened in retrospect. I'm so sorry this happened to you and I hope they can reschedule it as soon as possible! Sent from my Nokia 7.2 using BariatricPal mobile app
  3. STLoser

    One glass of wine....

    I mean, I'm gonna give you my take on this, and it's just my own personal philosophy. I follow my plan pretty much 99% of the time, but pretty much nothing is off limits. I make sure I get all my requirements, but then if I want a dessert or whatever, I do have it on occasion. Now I am 9 months out and am allowed alcohol at this point but have not had it, but I also have NASH so I'm afraid to. I think if you never allow yourself to have anything it just sets you up to binge on it later but that's just my own personal opinion and what works for me. I do much better by allowing myself to have something. That does not work for everything. I do not have sparkling water, which is forbidden from my plan, even though it is my favorite thing, but that's a whole other story. After a year, it will be allowed though. Other than that, nothing is completely off limits. Sent from my Nokia 7.2 using BariatricPal mobile app
  4. Now, I must say, I'm still 250 pounds, so I have at least 60 or 70 pounds to go to get to goal and actually more than that to not be considered overweight for my height, but I was almost 400 pounds, so this a huge difference and I'm feeling amazing. My wedding dress is a size 24. I got married in 2006, and I have not been able to fit into it since 2010. It is now too big! I had to get something notarized the other day and when I got out my driver's license I noticed my weight said 350 and realized I am 100 pounds less than that weight now, which was a lie anyway. Lol That is an amazing feeling. I have never, ever weighed less than what my drivers license said. Even back when I weighed around 150 I never thought I was thin enough and always lied. When I renew it, I will tell the truth, because I accept myself now at any weight. It's been a long journey to get to that point. I got a new dress the other day and thought it needed a belt and the only one I had was from my highest weight and I can wrap it around me twice. It's crazy! This might be dumb, and maybe tmi for some, but my belly was so big before I couldn't use a squatty potty, and now I can. I just bought one and it really helps with my constipation. Lol Sent from my Nokia 7.2 using BariatricPal mobile app
  5. STLoser

    "Head Hunger"

    I know this is from a while back but THIS THIS THIS! This is exactly how I felt my whole life and my theory too of why some of us have so much trouble with our weight and I always knew if I could just feel full easier I would be better at losing weight. This surgery is a miracle to me in that I get that full feeling that I never had before! Sent from my Nokia 7.2 using BariatricPal mobile app
  6. STLoser

    ⚡️ Air Fryer ⚡️

    I agree with tofu in the air fryer. Amazing! Also, Brussels sprouts and really any veggie. It really works so well for almost anything. I love doing chicken wings in there, and it's really great for reheating all types of leftovers! Sent from my Nokia 7.2 using BariatricPal mobile app
  7. By the time all is said and done, I will have gone through a TON of sizes. My highest was a 30/32.. I am currently in a 20 and still losing weight and hope to end up in a 14 or less. I mostly shop at thrift stores and Walmart since their clothes are cheap, and I try to buy forgiving styles like leggings and knit tops so they aren't as noticeable when I drop a size.. It's harder with bras.. I've gone from a 48K to a 42K. I just bought a new bra. I can't buy multiples because I wear a large cup size and they're so expensive at my size. I'll wait until I get to goal for that. Underwear I buy one size smaller than my current size and they are snug at first but then they fit longer and I don't mind them snug. Since I was so big to begin with it isn't quite as noticeable when I drop sizes as someone who is smaller, so that helps I think. Sent from my Nokia 7.2 using BariatricPal mobile app
  8. Being able to actually INSERT a tampon.. I couldn't even use them at all at my high weight. It was physically impossible to reach! Sent from my Nokia 7.2 using BariatricPal mobile app
  9. STLoser

    SIPS procedure coming up

    Hi! Dr. Minkin was my surgeon!! I can't recommend him enough!!! He was fantastic! I actually had a different surgeon at a different hospital originally and planned to get gastric bypass and because of covid that didn't work out and I went to Dr. Minkin and he recommended Loop DS and and I was really unsure at first but I am so glad I listened to him. I am feeling great! I love Dr. Minkin and really thankful I ended up choosing him as my surgeon and I think you will be glad you did too! It's cool to find someone else from St. Louis! Let me know if you have any questions! Sent from my Nokia 7.2 using BariatricPal mobile app
  10. As long as I get my protein in I don't usually have room for pasta or rice, but if I have had my protein first, then my veggies, and still have room for a bite of rice or pasta I will have it. It never happens though. I will admit, here and there I have had a bite before my protein, but only on a rare occasion.. I don't really have much of a taste for it anymore. Sent from my Nokia 7.2 using BariatricPal mobile app
  11. Clothes* Sent from my Nokia 7.2 using BariatricPal mobile app
  12. I weigh myself daily, but seeing my weight fluctuate does not bother me, and if I do get aggravated I take a break. As long as the overall trend is going down over time I'm happy though, and I place more emphasis on how I feel, how my close fit, and my labs. Sent from my Nokia 7.2 using BariatricPal mobile app
  13. I bet you won't be on them for very long. The hydrochlorothiazide is a water pill and could dehydrate you too. Good luck to you! [emoji4] Sent from my Nokia 7.2 using BariatricPal mobile app
  14. It was days. I actually had my gallbladder out in January 2020. That surgeon recommended wls at my follow up appointment which was at the end of February. As I was driving home from the appt. that day, the bariatric surgeon's office that he referred me to called to schedule my consult appt. I saw that doctor at the beginning of March 2020 but then COVID happened and the hospital let him go, and I ended up going with a different surgeon at a different hospital. Sent from my Nokia 7.2 using BariatricPal mobile app
  15. I talked to my pcp prior to surgery and she put me on Imitrex to take when I get a migraine. I actually had my yearly checkup with her Monday and she wasn't happy that I'm still having quite a few migraines a month so she she also put me on Topamax for prevention of migraines.. There are quite a few options nowadays, so it is worth talking to your doctor before your surgery since you won't be able to take NSAIDS. Sent from my Nokia 7.2 using BariatricPal mobile app
  16. I can tell you, from opposite end of this spectrum, I sure wish I hadn't waited so long. I'm 49. I will be 50 in August. I first considered wls back around 1999 when it was fairly new and I weighed around 210. I am 5'3". I yo yo dieted for the next 20ish years, always losing very little (45 was the most ever), and gaining more each time, until I reached my high weight of 393 and a BMI of 69.9. I had my surgery in July and I'm down to a BMI of 45ish I think, so I STILL have a long way to go. If I had done this years ago before I got that big I wouldn't have gotten into this predicament. The truth is, very few people can lose their weight and keep it off. You know yourself best though, and what's right for you. It's pretty normal to have some doubts.. Good luck. Sent from my Nokia 7.2 using BariatricPal mobile app
  17. STLoser

    Covid Vaccine

    I had my 2nd vaccine on February 27th. It went as well as the first. Just a mildy sore arm for the first day and that's it. I am so happy to be fully vaccinated now. Sent from my Nokia 7.2 using BariatricPal mobile app
  18. STLoser

    Gall bladder removal

    It is definitely very common for your gallbladder to act up with rapid weight loss.. Having my gallbladder out is what actually led me to getting wls though, because the surgeon saw how bad my liver looked and suggested wls. So hopefully, it won't happen to you, but there is a possibility. It's not too bad of an operation luckily.. I didn't even have to stay overnight for it. Sent from my Nokia 7.2 using BariatricPal mobile app
  19. STLoser

    Loose skin

    I've lost 130 but I still have about 100 to go, so it is bound to get worse, but the main area of loose skin I have is my lower belly and inner thighs, and right at the bottom of my very big butt. My arms have very little loose skin but they're also not a place I carry much fat. My breast aren't too bad so far.. I had a breast reduction in 2003, but I'm still pretty big on top and I never lost a ton of weight in my breasts before either. That being said, who knows what will happen in another 100 pounds, but considering I started at almost 400 pounds my loose skin is not bad at all. I am going to be 50 in August, and haven't decided if I'll do any skin removal surgery, except maybe my lower stomach because I get rashes there. For one thing, I paid out of pocket for my wls, and I don't really have the budget to pay out of pocket for plastic surgery. Also, I feel like what's the point at my age. I mean, I feel like a very young 49, but still. I'm pretty secure in myself after many years of struggle with that, and I just feel in a good place, loose skin or not. Also, my biggest reason for wls was my health and as long as I am healthy I will be pretty happy! Sent from my Nokia 7.2 using BariatricPal mobile app
  20. STLoser

    I "snuck" having WLS

    I'll admit, there was a time I thought wls was the easy way out, thanks to the lies that are told by so many about it. After my own research and finding out everything I could I realized that was so untrue, and now that I've been through it myself I definitely know better! It makes me so mad. It's the most effective treatment we have for obesity at this point. And I feel like as much as fat people are shamed to lose weight they shouldn't have to justify HOW they lose it. It's a medical condition. No one would tell a diabetic not to take their meds. This is just another medical treatment. This is a big reason I have told everyone about it.. I hope that by being open I can clear up some misconceptions. I'm pretty much an open book though and I understand why someone would want to keep it to themselves. I am so lucky that the people in my life have been very supportive, but if they said something rude they know my big mouth and that I'll let them have it. Lol I'm gonna be 50 in August and I think I've finally arrived at the "I don't give a sh*t what anyone thinks" part of my life. Ha ha Sent from my Nokia 7.2 using BariatricPal mobile app
  21. I was only allowed one visitor during visiting hours after my surgery in July. I was feeling so nauseated and sleepy the first couple days I barely knew my husband was there. I There are so many people in the past year who have died and their loved ones couldn't be there with them, so I felt thankful that my husband was able to come see me at all, and at least I wasn't someone dying alone in a hospital or someone who had a loved one dying alone that I couldn't be with. People in a hospital are vulnerable, so it's especially important to take all the precautions necessary to prevent Covid spreading in there. Sent from my Nokia 7.2 using BariatricPal mobile app
  22. I actually started BP meds in May 2020 (Lisinopril). I had just started having high BP right before that.. My surgery was July 23, 2020, and my BP was low after surgery and so they told me not to take Lisinopril, and I have not had to go back to it. My BP has been normal since surgery. It may take longer the longer you've had hypertension and been on meds though. Sent from my Nokia 7.2 using BariatricPal mobile app
  23. You have a good attitude about it and that's what will help you be successful in spite of your doctor not being encouraging! Sent from my Nokia 7.2 using BariatricPal mobile app
  24. I don't like fast food and didn't before surgery, but my husband and son do and I have found something I can eat at most places. I usually go for a salad that has protein in it or any type of grilled chicken.. I am allowed carbs so sometimes I will eat part of a bun, but usually I just eat the chicken. I was never a big bread person anyway and I find it doesn't feel good in my stomach now. Thanks to Covid we have only been to Olive Garden in the past year, and they have a lighter chicken option called Chicken Margherita and it's very good. I don't know if you have Culvers in your area but their salad is great and they have really good grilled chicken. I end up eating some of the chicken out of the salad and a little bit of lettuce and my husband eats the rest. The good thing is, protein is on the menu at pretty much every restaurant so I haven't found it too difficult, except that I don't eat any red meat. For breakfast, QT has a delicious egg scramble with veggies and cheese, if you have a QT around. As long as you know what you are allowed you should be able to find something at most places. It takes a little planning but it's doable. Good luck! Sent from my Nokia 7.2 using BariatricPal mobile app
  25. STLoser

    Taste changes for the worst!

    It should pass.. I went through this also and it was terrible! It was really hard to get my protein in at first because the shakes tasted disgusting. I had to force myself to drink them. A lot of my other favorites tasted weird.. Cottage cheese was weird. Now I'm 8 months out and for the most part things taste like they did before, and I can even drink Premier Protein again. I do notice that I'm more sensitive to the taste of salt though. I've always been a saltaholic and not much tasted salty to me but now it does. That's a good thing I guess. Ha ha I'm sorry you're dealing with this but it will pass! Sent from my Nokia 7.2 using BariatricPal mobile app

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
