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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by victimofsociety

  1. Sorry to burst your amateur analysis, but I'm not the least bit afraid of dying from getting a lap band.

    As for "shooting down" another opinion, if people post on a public forum, they are going to get their opinions and posts challenged if people don't agree with them.

    Everyone is afraid. I get that you're psyching yourself up for it, but again no need to be rude. It is, however, funny that you automatically assumed I was talking about you :)

    Please show me where I was hateful or rude?
    I believe the correct question should be "Please show me where I wasn't hateful or rude?" ...you come across very rude. Even if it isn't your intention, which IMO makes it worse, it's still rude. The "amateur analysis" comment completely sums up your personality. You want hateful and rude? Take a look.
    This is why I suggested going to the Complications forum. I want to know all the risks involved too. But "my cousin's mother's roommate in the hospital..." is just not helpful. The "information" has passed through too many filters and there isn't enough of it.
    In fact that is helpful. Knowing everything there is to know is the agenda of many. Like I said, a statistic isn't accurate, there are too many people in this world for it to be. If all procedures were performed on the same person, by the same doctor, then maybe, but NO. In this day and age, are statistics really that accurate? They're not manipulated in any way to soften unwanted results? The simple fact that you've based your reasoning upon these so-called statistics, doesn't make you any better. An a**hole is an a**hole, no matter the shape, size, or color :biggrin2:.
    IMO, the OP's cousin has an agenda and will continue to save up stories of Lap band horrors until she has the surgery or gives up on the idea. I could be wrong about that, but that's how the original post came across to me.
    I highly doubt that. Being on the defense can't be healthy. The way I read it, this girl has considered having lap band and has coincidentally heard 3 "horror stories" fairly close together. That's enough to place a little hesitation. I don't think anyone ever said anything along the lines of "No don't get the surgery!! It's dangerous, you will die..." you're overreacting and taking things out of context.
    Personally, I think it would be a shame to give up on a surgery that has done so much good for so many people bases on these sorts of stories.
    Again, no one is saying to not get the surgery. It's just a precaution...or a need to help. Many people feel that need to help one another. Even if it's not the help that YOU are looking for, maybe it's what "Tom, Dick, and Harry" needed. Again, YOU are not the judge and jury here, nor are you the only voice to be heard. Let there be a discussion, and let people say what they feel they need to say. If it doesn't mesh with you, and you honestly can't contribute anything useful to the conversation, STFU and go on your own merry way.

    For the sake of not becoming a hypocrite and soiling the post anymore, I'll not say anything more to you. It's not beneficial to anyone or anything.

    With that said, good luck to those who want to get the surgery. Be mindful on what you decide and weigh the risks. Remember, don't take life too seriously, you'll never get out alive :) ...do what makes you happy and enjoy it while you can. I don't think I'll be visiting again, good day.

  2. You know the thing I really hate, or consider a pet peeve, is when a someone stumbles upon something - a website for instance - and decide to comment on it then get rejected and ridiculed for doing so. Sure there are risks in everything in life, some take them some don't. To pounce upon and be "snarky" for every cross comment made that doesn't seem to fit into your wonderful perception doesn't help a "discussion thread" does it? Because it perhaps hits a little close to your current fears and insecurities doesn't exactly give you the right to shoot down another opinion, or expression of said fears. The simple fact that you've "done research" does not entitle you to be an expert on what can and can't be said. I frequent many online forums and stumble upon new forums often. No matter the topic, hateful, rude remarks never really do anything good for the forum community. In fact it taints and spoils every thing it touches. Many people want to know ALL of the risks involved, whether it's passed along from another source, the news, statistic websites, whatever. Even though it's still no where near accurate. Of all of those statistics, it's just a certain number that they've counted. It's impossible to have spoken to EVERY single person who has had lap band. Regardless, every person reacts differently and every doctor performs it differently. We're all human and blessed with being different and unique. It's whether or not you can accept that fact that makes you different. Obviously some of us can't. So being "right" and having all the "facts" are relative, much like being normal, intelligent, attractive, etc.

    For the sake of people who really come here to hear the stories and possibilities of what can happen, think before you post. If not, I'd recommend everyone bypass the "snarky" BS :) ...good luck.

    And yes I too am new here. A simple google search puts this discussion pretty high on the ranking, so I would imagine many future candidates see this thread. Just an FYI :)

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