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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Lauren448

  1. Jessica...

    Are you still on this forum? I am having the same symptoms (numbness in various parts of my body, aching, disorientation, stiff/aching joints) and have been through EVERY TEST known to the medical world and they can't seem to find out why this is happening to me. I did have an EMG and the results showed some nerve damage but no diagnosis as to WHY? My doctor put me on Lyrica for Perepheral Nueropathy. I was hospitalized for 2 days and MRI, CAT Scan and blood tests all came back normal. I am really starting to think I may have silicone poisoning from this band. I was having problems a few months ago with throwing up everything - including liquids - and they took all of the saline out. A month later, after healing the stomach (the smaller stomach above the band was somewhat stretched), I got a small fill of 2 cc's. Since all of this happened, I have put on 30 pounds after struggling for 2 years to take off 80 lbs. I'm really scared about what is happening to me. I am numb all over and not functioning well and although I don;'t want to lose the band, I am really starting to think it may be making me sick. I am calling Univ. of Penn today to talk with the bariatric team and try to figure this out.

    Please let me know what is going on with you. Did you ever find out what was making you sick? When I read your thread, I was astonished over the similarties of symptoms.

    Would love to hear how you are doing and if you have to remove the band.

    Thank you,


    Let me start with a History of what's going on:

    Oct. 21, 2009 I had lapband surgery. I have lost to date 134lbs. I am at 350lbs right now. I know I am morbidly obese, and I am trying to work on that issue. I was enjoying life when losing the weight, and walking and exercising enjoying my new founded mobility. I was trying to eat right, but with lapband my diet consisted of mostly Protein. I was doing great and was happy with life...Then in March 2010 I went to the Beach for Spring Break and had a great time.

    In the beginning of April I noticed a redness on my cheeks that felt tight. I thought it was a sunburn left over from spring break. It never went away, and it started tingling. I went to my PCP and she said it was Rosacea. I used the metrogel, and it didn't go away. I went to two other doctors and they said maybe allergies. One gave me nasonex and the other just said use topical ointment like neosporin. I did everything nothing happened.

    In the middle end of April 2010 It started tingling and the numbness/tingling started going down my face. My mouth, cheeks, and jaw felt numb and tight. the numbness/tingling progress to the scalp, forehead, and extremeties arms, legs, fingers, feet, toes. It spread to the middle of my upper shoulders in where it is tight. My chest seemed to get tight also.

    I went to a neurologist due to having these weird sensations in my head and the rest of my body. occassionally feeling burning sensations on my toes and scalp. They did the general neuro test. Then they did an MRI of my Brain and Cervical Spine. They stated that it came out normal. THey stated they believed it was not MS. They did other blood work, and tested me for ANA which came out negative, and then B-12 was 174. I was even tested for diabetes and the glucose test came out negative. My first neurologist stated that the neuropathy was due to B-12 deficiency. I had the series of 7 shots. then I was advised to go back to my Primary Care Physician to get b-12 injections once a month. During the time I had to wait for the first shot I advised my neurologist I was still having the systems and they did not alleviate. I took it upon myself to take sublingual B-12 5000mg daily to try to get rid of the numbness and tingling throughout my body.

    I finaly went to my PCP for the first shot. I gave her a list of all my symptoms still. She did a whole blood work also and said everything was fine. She even did another ANA which came out negative again. The only thing that was off was my Vit. D which was at a level of 23-24. So I am taking megadose of vit. D for four weeks. I tried to tell my PCP what was going on and she just said go back to your neurologist. By this time I am dealing with anxiety and deprssion of what is happening to me. I have never been sick like this. I have had Hypothyroidism for six years, and then asthma all my life. I was diagnosed with sleep apnea prior to the weight loss surgery but I stopped using the cpap because after the weight loss i was able to sleep better. All doctors believed noone of this was what was causing the numbness/tingling throughout the body.

    So at this point I decided to go to another neurologist Dr. Sara Austin in Austin, Texas I told her what was happening, and gave her all the results. SHe did another neurological exam, and even did the EMG test where she poked needles into the peripheral nerves to see if there was damage. That test came out normal. Along with her other blood work. she did a CBC, an tested me for other vit. min. deficiencies which all came out normal according to her. She also stated I do not have MS or Guillen Barre. I asked about Lyme disease and she said I did not have that either. She just recently ordered another lab work to check for Fabry's Disease, ERS blood test, and another test called a Rheumotoid Factor. I don't have those results yet.

    I am just looking for answers. I asked my Lapband team if it could be the lapband and they stated No it was not. They took out some fill out of my band so that I could get more food in, thinking that the parenthesias was caused by malnutrition etc. I still have the numbness and tingling. My b-12 levels went from 174 to 1700 when my PCP tested me again. She stated I did not need to be taking any more B-12. I told her that I was taking the oral supplements but again that seemed to fall on death ears.

    My Endocronologist recently said I had switched to hypo to hyperthyroidism. which is weird so she lowered my synthroid level to .150mcg two pills a day. it was at .175mcg two pills a day

    So I am confused on what is going on with me. I will list my symptoms below, Maybe you could help or Guide me in a direction I need to be guided in. I would really appreciate your help. I know this was long but its been a long five months. I need answers and I need resolutions.


    Head - burning sensation on scalp occassionaly. Feels like I have a cap on somedats. tingling/numby. I do have a few pimples on the scalp but not sure if itsjust due to sweat or something else.

    Forehead - Tight the numbness seems to travel down my face underneath my eyes. Like a pulling sensation to.

    Face - cheeks numb/tight. around the mouth is tight and numb. I don't have any lost sensation it just feels numb and tight.

    Lips - Tight/numb sometimes burning tingling sensation

    Mouth - an ulcer on right cheek that has a clear bubble doesn't hurt. Upper Teeth numb.

    Vision - blurred vision occassionaly. Went to Optamologist and said she didn't see anything like pseudo tumors that could cause this.

    Neck/shoulders - tight and numb/tingling

    Chest - tight and red. Feels numb also.

    breast - feel tingling/had a recent mammo it came out fine

    Arms- Right side feels more numb/tingling than left side. sometimes get burning sensations. Small red dots on upper arms not sure if they have always been there or if its just started.

    Arms - Forearms feel tingling/pull. Burning sensation on wrists occassionally.

    Elbow Joints - when squeezing touching very tender and slight pain

    Fingers - Pointer fingers seem number than the rest, but again no sensation loss just feel numb. Joints feel stiff

    Stomach area - Feel tingling around lapband and on the right side feel burning sensation/tingling down right side of stomach to abdomen frequently.

    Kidneys - I think I feel an ache in them. I seem to feel sore, and feel tingling in that area. Burning pulling sensation sometimes in the front.

    Abdomen - again burning/tingling sensation across belly button area and ovary area.

    Legs - right let feels heavy and numb. Its had edema for a couple years now. but never has been numb or heavy. Left leg tingling numb frmo buttocks down. Right leg the same. Even my genital areas get tingling numb.

    Toes/Feet - burning sensation on toes. stiff. but no sensation loss on toes or legs. no weakness or balance problems that have been found.

    recently felt I was dealing with some mild vertigo but did not know if it was the Neurotin Dr. Austin prescribed me. 800mg three times a day, but only taking it at night due to having to work.

    My prescriptons include:

    synthroid .150 two pills once a day

    Neurotin 800mg I only take at night

    Hydroxzine 25MG...as needed for anxiety given to me by my old PCP

    I was not depressed or suffering from anxiety prior to all of this happening. I was on top of the world. I was enjoying losing weight and doing things I had not been able to do. Then I hit this brick wall, and I feel like crap. I don't feel fatigued just tired off all the tingling, numbing burning sensations. I'm tired of my body feeling foreign. Has anyone had this occure with their lapband. I'm scared and tired. Everyone tells me not to take the band out. ....I'm so confused on what's causing this. I don't know what other options to persue.

  2. I'm laughing at all the posts here! I am not alone and will soon be joining the "weighaholics" 12-step program! I'm a little over a year from my surgery date and I have to say that I weigh myself at least 4-5 times a week (always in the morning and ALWAYS naked!). Yes, our weight fluctuates with body fluids and other anatomical changes, but we weight what we weigh -right? I've had some rough spots over the last year where my weight plateaued for weeks at a time, but the blessing is it has steadily gone down once I get past a certain metabolic weight point. So... weigh once a day, once a week or once a month - it's all good IF this procedure works and we are committed to our new life style and eating habits.

    Best of luck to you all! This whole weight loss thing is a bitch - but very worthwhile! I feel fantastic!


  3. Damn Straight I would do it over again! I could have never lost 65 pounds on my own - through sheer "will power". I admit the band is really more of a reminder than this magic tool that stops me from eating too much or the wrong foods. The "magic" part is, this tool has helped me to change my eating habits. Now I think before anything goes in my mouth. Yes.. because I have to be careful about portion size and foods that won't go through the band... but more because I am so used to eating healthier, it has really become part of my lifestyle now. Sometimes I think about what the future holds in terms of having the band in 5 years from now, but truly for now and the foreseeable future, the lapband has been a life-saver for me.

  4. Boos, Crystal, Stephanie and Cathy... thanks so much for the feedback. As far as chewing well enough - agreed, I sometimes forget to chew as well as I should, but really for the most part, I have no other choice if I want to get something down. I think it is very telling when you are PBing on YOGURT and other soft foods - so chewing may not always be the issue. The juicing idea sounds good for nutrient intake, but it doesn't sound like something we should consider for the long run and in place of "real" food. This journey should really be a lifestyle change we can live with and that should include being able to eat solid foods to stay healthy. After reading your posts and living with this for the past couple of months, I realize I should call my doctor and schedule an unfill... even if it's only a half of a cc. I am getting so frustrated - depressed really - over not being able to eat real foods and swallow normally. It's not uncommon for me to have to stop my car sometimes to throw up on the roadside with something I just can't swallow or digest. Now that's kind of ridiculous and is good cause for me to reconsider how tight I am. So, the reason I am eating some junk food is because it actually goes down and I need to have the feeling of actually swallowing food sometimes! I do realize that sometimes the PBing gets worse when I forget to chew, take too big of a bite, or eat that extra forkful - but it's happening too often now and it can't be good for my health or esophagus. Time to get into see my Dr. and have a little taken out. Thanks again for the great advice!

    All the best to all of you. I'll keep you posted.

  5. Hi all,

    Would really appreciate some feedback or others who might be going through what I am. To synopsize - first two fills did NOTHING, lost 28 lbs. without restriction. Had third fill, was a charm. I think I have 4.5 cc's in a 10 cc band. Experienced restriction for first time. Lost an additional 10 lbs over the last two months, but am at a standstill for about a month now. Trying to come to terms with the fact that I may be too tight, but waited so long for restriction, I'm hesitant to have some removed. Here's what's happening: I am having A LOT of trouble eating most foods without throwing up. It seems the healthier the food (chicken, veggies, salad, etc.) the worse the PBing. I was doing so well for the first 3 months in terms of food choice, but now I find myself eating the wrong foods because I am hungry and they are the only thing I can get down. Can you way "eating around the band"??? I even started picking up junk foods again (chocolate, Cookies, fatty foods) because it's more likely they will go down w/out PBing. Breakfast is a nightmare. I guess I'm tightest in the AM. But in truth, I am throwing up undigested foods (recently swallowed) sometimes up to 3-4 times a day. It's come to the point where I am eating soft foods or liquids (yogurt, soups) when I am out bcuz I'm fearful to get "stuck" and have to throw up the food when I'm in work and around others. I'm also very hungry lately and am getting very frustrated that I cannot successfully eat the kind of foods that will keep me fuller longer. I am thinking maybe the fill will loosen somewhat, but it's already been over a month and things are pretty much the same. it's weird though, bcuz sometimes I can eat certain foods and other times I can't get the same foods down. Also, and here's the real downside, I'm not losing any weight and in fact gained two lbs. over the last couple of weeks. Just goes to show you - you can have restriction and still put on weight by eating the wrong foods. I'm frustrated and know I have to change my food choices but am concerned that the "right" foods won't go down successfully. Do any of you think it's totally taboo to eat soft and mushy foods for a while and still stay healthy. I am SO reticent to have some saline taken out of the band, but I have to consider something different SOON. I have to start losing weight again and most importantly maintain a healthy diet and body.

    Any help or suggestions are coveted!



  6. As you can see I am two months out now and the development and treatment of H.Pylori didn't prevent me from get the band. The treatment was difficult - and more so for me because I am allergic to the first option meds - penicillan - and am also "interolent" to all antibiotics. They gave me bactrim and some other substitute for penicillan, but they were all MEGA doses and had the two meds had to be taken twice a day for TWO WEEKS! I did OK for about 3 days, then my messed up stomach started kicking in and I was so nauseuos, it was impossible to make it to work. It was then I decided that it was better for me to try to finish all the meds - no matter how long it took, so I only took them once a day, but it took an additional week or so to finish everything. The end result was that when I got tested again - before surgery - the H. Pylori was gone! So all in all the treatment worked and if you can handle the doses as prescribed, you should really stick with that. When are getting banded? Do you have a surgery date yet?

  7. Thanks for replying luluc. First let me clarify that I am not trying to diagnose myself. I just typed in and cross reference my symptoms and that came up. When I called the surgical team they said it indeed sounded like a hernia, but of course the Dr. will have to see me and do what is necessary to determine exactly what it is. So, next wed. I will find out more. The "lump" is about an inch or so next to my port, so I'm not sure about port infection, but I'm sure they will check everything. I am concerned about taking more time off of work, as I just took 2 weeks for the surgery in Nov. The economy is tough right now and without my job - and subsequent insurance - I can't address any medical issues. However, I know it will have to be taken care of according to the Dr.'s advice and of course I will follow that. I am just frustrated - between my own health issues, caring for a daughter with a disability and my job, finding time for ME becomes very difficult.

    Also, to your comment about my weight loss - please understand I am not complaining about the AMOUNT of lbs. I lost; rather that I did it totally without the help of the band. After 2 fills, I have zero restriction and I really want and need to have some restriction soon in order to succeed. Again, that is why I got the surgery - for the help the band can provide.

    Thanks again for your input. I'm glad they acted on your hernia quickly and your are in the healing process. I'll keep you posted as to what they find with me.


  8. Hi all... been a while since I posted. I've had my share of problems since LB surgery (11/18/08), including having NO RESTRICTION even after two fills (2 cc's each). I had the surgery so I wouldn't have to do this alone (and fail again); but that is what I have done for the past 2+ months and lost 28 lbs. w/out the help of the band. Hopefully, U of Penn team will put enough in on the next fill and I'll finally feel what restriction is like!

    Anyway, from about a month or so after my surgery, I started to notice some pain on my right side -- about an inch or so next to my port incision. Then from time to time, I would feel a lump in this area. I tried to ignore it, as it would come and go or become less protuding over time. But this morning I felt severe pain in this area - even sharp pain - and noticed that the lump seemed very pronounced. After looking up the symptoms, it was pretty clear I might have an incisional hernia.. which is a hernia caused by the surgery. The abdominal wall becomes weakened next to a larger incision (port) and organs can pop through it. It's kind of scary because I don't know if any major organs, such as intestines, have come through, which could be a real problem if the blood supply gets cut off. I called the surgical team and the nurse practicioner said it does sound like a hernia and now I have to go in to see the surgeon for confirmation. I am SO UPSET over this; mostly because it would require yet another surgery to repair it. I can't really take any more time off of my job -- it's bad enough I have to travel from NJ to PA to get fills and for reg. Dr. appts., now I have to take yet another day off for diagnosis and God knows how much time should I require surgery. Not to mention the time all of this is taking out of my normal extracurricular activities. I'm so upset and would really like to know if any of you have gone through something similar and, if so, what was the surgical process and recovery time? In my heart of hearts, I just want to ignore it and pretend everything is OK, but I know I can't after this morning's episode. I was wondering also if there are any options to fix it non-surgically? It would be great to hear from someone regarding this issue. I feel like the lapband surgery had become a not so good idea and is causing residual post-op problems now.

    Thanks for bearing with me through my whining....


  9. Hi Fellow November Lapbanders!

    After a difficult post-surgical period, I can finally see progress over the last couple of days. My Dr. put me on the pureed diet a bit early because I was not able to take in enough nutrition on the liquid diet. Losing weight is my goal, but not 11 lbs. in 3 days. I was getting dizzy just walking from one room to another. Anyway, today is Thanksgiving and I am told I can puree some turkey and mash potatoes - and that sounds like heaven to me!

    Froggi... I am so curious; where you able to secure you November surgery date? I really hope so. If I missed the thread answering this, please excuse me, as I wasn't online for a few days after surgery.

    The ticker tape below gives an update to my weight loss. Just in case my recent changes don't appear, I have lost 24 lbs. so far, with a begining weight of 252 and current weight of 228. Through the grace of God, it's all downhill from here and I can progress toward better health.

    Have a beautiful day all!


  10. Hi Fellow Lapbandsters,

    I just happened upon this new band this morning. Although it's not yet approved to be used in the USA (currently being used in the UK and Europe), I'll bet it will be here soon enough. I really wish it would be available now for us in the U.S. I think the main thing that troubles me about this whole procedure is having to deal with the port, possible infection, flipping, and subsequent fills thereafter.

    Just thought I'd share this information with you.


    Another innovative step in the lapband world is making only one incision vs. 4-6 incisions. Have any of you undergone this procedure yet? Below is the link to read about it.


    <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>

    <o:p>Take care,</o:p>



    P.S. Surgery date for me is Nov. 18th. :blink:

  11. Hi Froggi... all,

    I just had my last appt. today with the surgeon before my November 18th lapband surgery date. I'm really excited, nervous, scared, expectant, hopeful, jubilant... you name it. I started to change my eating habits a few weeks back and found out today I lost 13.5 lbs. since my initial appt. I had to wait until I was approved, because my BMI was borderline (w/ no comorbidity), but I was happy to see that I can do it when I want to - band or no band - at least temporarily.

    Anyway, here are my current stats:

    Highest Weight: 252

    Current Weight: 239

    Surgery Date: November 18, 2008

    Realistic Goal Weight: 170 lbs.

    Thanks for pulling the spreadsheet together for us Froggi. It just might be another good motivator for all of us. Accountability is sometimes the very thing that keeps us on track.

    All the best to all of you!


  12. Beth and Gina,

    I'm right there with you -- my surgery date is November 18th as well. Dr. Williams from Univ. of Penn (Philadelphia) is my surgeon. I'm running the gamut of emotions; from excited to scared to analytical to elated to ... well, you name it! Most of all I'm spending lots of time (and money) perusing websites I have gotten from this site and ordering different kinds of whey Protein powders, sugar-free syrups, etc. So far, the BSN Lean Dessert is the absolute best. It's really good. The chocolate Fudge pudding blended w/ 1% mild and ice cubes tastes like a thick and rich milk shake. I also got the Designer whey and unjury - but BSN has my vote over all of them. I'm spending this entire weekend running around getting everything else on the post-op shopping list I have. It's a wonder I can get anything else done; it's all consuming.

    Anyway, the best of luck to all of you. God's blessings for a safe surgery and successful first few weeks at home!


  13. Laurie... I know how anxious you are to get banded, but you really should think twice about rescheduling if you have a head cold. Actually, the Dr. (if he's a good Dr.) should recommend that. Not trying to burst your bubble, but colds -- being sick in any way -- and anesthesia don't mix well. Please take care of yourself and be cautious. Better safe than sorry. Maybe it will only be a delay of a few days to a week. In any case, God speed. Let us know how everything goes.


  14. Hey Notorious Novembers! Add me to the list. My surgery is scheduled for November 18th. I just got clearance from my gastroenterologist, even though I have gastritis and some esophagitis. Dr. William's (my lapband surgeon from Univ. of Penn) and this Dr. agree there shouldn't be any problem as long as I continue to take the Prilosec and do well after banding. The more threads I read from all of you, the more excited I become. I really do know this surgery is not a quick fix and I know 75% or more of the work will come from me; not the band... the the idea that I have the chance for a "do over" in life is blowing my mind! I'm so looking forward to finally going down on the scale, feeling physically better and learning (re-learning) to love myself once again. All of you - my NOVEMBER BUDDIES - are in my prayers for a safe procedure for the willingness to see this all the way through to a new and healthier us!

    I would really love to add that "Notorious Novembers" sparkly tag line to my signature or wherever it goes. Can someone tell me how to do that please?

    All the best!


  15. Hi All,

    I'm a bit of a basket case because I just had an endoscopy (and colonoscopy - we won't discuss THAT end!) yesterday and the Dr.'s report I took home said this: Esophagitis seen; Moderately severe Gastritis found in Antrum - biopsy taken.

    I know I need to see the gastroenterologist again for a complete report, but now I am panicking because I'm afraid I might have complications with my lapband (surgery scheduled Nov. 18th) and these diagnoses. Has anyone of you had similiar problems with gastritis or esophagitis; been banded and things turned out OK afterward? I'm also afraid if my lapband surgeon finds out about these things, he might not band me. I've already been diagnosed wth H.Pylori a few weeks ago through blood test and the surgeon's team put me on mega doses of antibiotics, which made me sick and even though I it took a few more days to take, I did complete the treatment. They also told me the H. Pylori would test positive for a couple of months after treatment. Maybe that is what caused the gastritis and I'm so hoping the treatment of Prilosec will help.

    If any of you have had similar experiences and are doing ok with the band, -- or NOT doing ok, PLEASE write back and tell me your story.

    Thanks so much. I REALLY want to go through with my surgery date, but I want it to be safe and healthy first and foremost.


  16. Wow... It's so nice to read and see your success story and know it really is something we can all strive for. Thanks for sharing your journal - warts and all! I'll be banded on November 18th and my number one reason for making this decision (after so many years) is because I can feel my body breaking down and the aches and pains are so much more prevalant. But... I also want one more chance at being beautiful and SEXY!!!

  17. Hi Friends,

    Okay... so my surgery date is November 18th (exactly one month away), and I'm becoming somewhat of a basket case. It's all I can think about and most of my energies are geared toward how to prepare for this. My boss might be feeling my slack in work by now! LOL. Anyway, I think I'm doing the "nesting" thing; like constantly going on different websites to search for post-op 2-4 week foods, products, etc. I'm getting confused and frustrated by the extreme amount of websites/products you can find on the Internet -- especially while trying to choose the best whey Protein Shake powder/liquid. Those of you who have been through this - can you give me some suggestions as to what is the best Protein Powder or liquid I should buy? Also, should I always lean toward the powder product or is it okay to get some of the ready-to-go liquid shakes for convenience. So far, I ordered BSN Lean Dessert chocolate fudge Protein powder and and Designer chocolate Whey Powder. I figured I'd buy two to see which one tastes better. I am a chocoholic, but wonder if I should get a "natural" or vanilla powder so I can mix sugar-free flavored syrups with them??? Did you guys always mix your protein powders with milk and did you blend ice cubes and flavoring with it? And what about those protein liquid "bullet" things? Is it wise to keep them in too? Really, what I'd love to know is what you "bandsters" bought in advance to get you through the first 2-4 weeks post surgery. I'm also not sure what else to buy - such as broths, clear liquid beverages, etc. I want to be sure I attempt to ingest the needed 60 grams of protein per day, but not really sure what products are best to help me meet that end.

    I know I'm rattling on... but I'm a totally anal, type "A" personality and won't be satisfied until I have everything stored in my house ahead of time - to help me to be as successful and healthy as possible.

    Thanks for any suggestions you might have.

    Warm regards,

    Lori (pseudo "Lauren")

  18. Hi Babe,

    Since the list given by Illusion was kind of hard to read (and copy), I wanted to include this list I pulled off of this site a while ago. It's really thorough and should be a lot of help to you following surgery. It should also be easy to copy and paste into a Word or Note Pad document. Best of luck to you and God bless!


    NON-food ITEMS:

    ¨ Heating pad(12inx24in)

    ¨ Flexible ice pack (hot/cold 12inx16in)

    ¨ A few books or movies(your choice, I spent about 70.00us)

    ¨ Squishy pillow for car ride for seatbelt (shoulder pad)

    ¨ Make sure you have a good blender

    ¨ Kitchen timer (first few days, sip every 15 mins)(analog)

    ¨ Kitchen timer (digital – better for travelling)

    ¨ Pedo-meter(depending on the one you get – don’t forget to adjust to your stride)


    ¨ liquid Tylenol/Motrin (Check early in case pharmacy needs to order in advance)

    ¨ Chewable or liquid gas-x(I got strips, you will pay more than shown here)

    ¨ Gauze Pads 4x4

    ¨ Paper/bandage tape

    ¨ Wet Wipes

    ¨ Pill crusher

    ¨ Chewable Vitamins

    ¨ Hospital Medicine cups (I got 3oz/88ml cups – 100ct)

    ¨ Cough Drops(Halls big box)

    ¨ Stool Softener (Dr. asked me not to get this, if needed talk to him)

    ¨ Moist and nice tasting Lip Balm

    ¨ Phazyme (for gas relief) of any simethicome base gas relief product


    ¨ Protein shakes(these vary from 22 – 55 dollars depending on quality and quantity)

    ¨ Plenty of water(bottled Water for me 3cases 16oz. bottles 10.00)

    ¨ broth or stuff to make broth(several flavors but all about the same cost)

    ¨ sugar free popsicles

    ¨ Sugar free Jello

    ¨ Sugar free breath mints (chewable)

    ¨ Crystal Light "On the GO" assorted flavors(I don’t like CL so I got store brand/price per

    ¨ box)

    ¨ Bouillon(several flavors but all about the same cost)

    ¨ Cream of Wheat

    ¨ Creamy Soups

    ¨ Applesauce

    ¨ FAT FREE yogurt

    ¨ Soup-at-Hand - Soups - for creamy stage

    ¨ pudding cups (SF/FF) - helps w/ taking meds (got instant, more flavors, price per box)

    ¨ Sugar free hot cocoa

    ¨ Decaf tea


    ¨ Loose fitting, easily removable(one size larger than I wear, sweats, top and bottom)

    ¨ Buttons downs or pullover

    ¨ Thong shoes/slip-on so no bending and tying

    ¨ Sports Bra! Sutures will be hurt by under wires

  19. I know this reply is a little late beyond your message, but I was wondering - first of all - how are you doing now? Has this choking sensation been resolved? If not, has any of your doctors considered the possibility that you might have a hiatal hernia? The symptoms sound very much like what you have described. I hope and pray you are feeling better and this problem has been fixed.


  20. Hi all,

    For two reasons, my surgeon's team said I should not be using any form of ibuprophen - not now and not after surgery. My upper GI showed a slight thickening in my stomach lining. I have since been treated for this problem, but they told me then to stop taking Ibuprophen completely. I was only taking one 600 mg. tablet at night time to help me sleep. I have a considerable amount of arthritis and two herinated discs in my lower back :confused: - so this helped take the edge off of my discomfort. I was also told that banders can't take any ibuprophen post surgery as well. I took heed to what I was told and haven't used Motrin in about 2 months or so. But... nothing else helps alleviate the pain I am sometimes in. Even stronger pain killers (which I am unlikely to take under the worst conditions) don't help like Motrin used to. I've been kept up at night with body pains for a while now... so last night I decided I'd take only one motrin and .. wa laaa! I finally got some relief and was able to sleep more soundly :). Have any of you been told you can't take ibuprophen after being banded? Have any of you taken it and had problems? I wonder if it's okay to take it very infrequently. Hopefully, some of these aches and pain will go away with considerable weight loss, but I'm at a loss on how to get any real relief with just tylenol.

    Any sugggestions would help.


  21. Jodi... how far in advance of your procedure are did you start your pre-op diet? I keep promising myself I am going to start it soon - then the "old tapes" keep playing and I'm into the wrong foods again. I am more careful, to be sure; but I know I have to change things up much more to get my mind and body ready for the drastic changes I will need to make afterward. I don't want to fail at this in any way, but I think I'm somewhat fearful to give up some of those foods that have given me "comfort" for so long (and this BMI too)!

    Thanks all for your feedback. It's great to hear how others are handling things.

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