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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by SillyGoose

  1. SillyGoose

    Can everyone PLEASE post

    I was banded on 3/16 and have only lost 13 lbs since that date. So, that should make you feel better.
  2. SillyGoose

    March 16

    Yep, you got stuck. I do it everytime I try and eat a hard boiled egg. I can eat them ok in a salad, but to just bite into one - no way!
  3. SillyGoose

    Lucky Losers Friday Weigh-in 5/8/09

    Bernadette, My surgeon will only do fills once a month. So, this is going to be a very slow process for me - but it's ok as long as I'm losing and not gaining! Your poor sister - what a struggle she must be going through! I'm glad to hear that she has you and other sisters to turn too. My prayers go out for her. Take care
  4. SillyGoose

    Lucky Losers Friday Weigh-in 5/8/09

    Jdelaere - I'm in the same boat as you! I lost most of my weight before while waiting to have surgery! And, I've only lost 1 lb since my fill on 4/21. It's getting pretty discouraging!
  5. SillyGoose

    Hello from central California

    Let me know if and when you guys want to do this - I think it would be great to meet for lunch on a weekend. (look at me trying to bring food into this! geez!) I know I could really use the support from others that are and will be going through the same thing! I have no life! LOL!! I really need to break away from my comfort zone anyway. All week it's work & kids, then the weekends come and it's shopping for the next week, cleaning house and laundry. It's like the song that never ends!
  6. SillyGoose

    March 16

    Lucky you! I wish I could get a fill once a week if needed! You're doing great - keep it up!
  7. SillyGoose

    Lucky Losers Friday Weigh-in 5/8/09

    Wow, you all are doing great! Could some of you enlighten me on what your eating in a day? My problem is after work. I struggle so bad during that time. I need a fill so bad but can't go in until the 20th of this month. So sorry to hear about the death in your family Bernadette. Have a great weekend everyone!
  8. SillyGoose

    Hello from central California

    I'm up for that! I can never make it to the one at Kaiser because of my work schedule.
  9. SillyGoose

    Friday Weigh-in's Anyone?

    That's okay! I'm honestly still struggling with that one too! What master thread? Do you mean there is already a weigh in thread being used for March bandsters? If so, please show me where to find the link and I'd be happy to post there instead!
  10. Would any of you Lucky Losers like to join me in a weekly weigh in. I've seen many other groups do this on Friday's and it sounded like a great idea. I have become obsessed with weighing everyday. I'm now only going to weigh on Friday's! I'll start - I lost .5 this week. It's not much but it's in the right direction! Have a great weekend everyone!
  11. Great idea's everyone - thank you! I think I'll try making more things in advance on the weekends too. I'm a single mom who works more than full time. I have been making big batches of turkey chili on the weekends, that way if I am hungry during the day or at night, it's quick and very filling. The kids love it too. I also keep hard boiled eggs in the frige at all times as well as strawberries or some other type of fruit. I also find myself hungry in the middle of the night and in the kitchen looking for something to take the hunger away and it's not always the most healthy choices either! I think I may try the cherrios before bed idea until I get my next fill.
  12. SillyGoose

    Friday Weigh-in's Anyone?

    Sounds great! Should we just come here every Friday and post what we lost (or gained!) or should we start a new thread each week? Let me know and I hope you're having a great week!
  13. SillyGoose

    Hello from central California

    Your welcome! They will go with your initial weight at the seminar. A lot of people get under 40 before surgery as they lose weight. I don't remember them ever checking my height, but they may have and I just don't remember. If I were you, just to play it safe, I would not try to lose any weight before the seminar and maybe eat a heavy meal right before they weight you that first time LOL! I'm going to have to agree with your mom - God is definitely on your side and He always has a plan!
  14. SillyGoose

    Hello from central California

    That's wonderful! Yes, they will weigh you at the seminar. Peggy should still be the instructor. She had knee surgery at one point but I believe she returned back to work. At the seminar, they will discuss both weight loss surgeries that Kaiser does and answer as many questions as they can for you. Then if you still want to pursue surgery, they will instruct you to sign up for the 20 weeks of weight loss classes that is held at the Clovis building. They will tell you that you have to lose 10% of your body weight before the surgeon will operate on you. The good news is, that the surgeon doing the lap band only requires you to lose 5 - 10%. You also need to make sure you meet the requirements. You must be at least a 40 BMI or 35 BMI with 2 comorbidities. Then they will rotate everyone who signs up at your seminar into ongoing weight loss classes that are being held. Peggy is great and the classes are very informative. Do be aware though, they mostly only talk about the RNY bypass surgery and at times I felt like I was the only one getting the lapband. If this is for sure the surgery that you want, then stick to your guns - Dr. Boghossian will let you decide. If you change your mind and decide to go with the bypass, then that's great too! Just don't get discouraged like I did! While your doing your classes, ask your PCP to refer you to the pre op appointments that you need to have done. Don't wait till nearly the end of your classes like I did. That was another reason why it took me a bit longer. You will need a Psych eval, EKG, chest x-ray and lab work I think. I don't remember it all, but it wasn't bad. I'm excited for you! Stay in touch!
  15. SillyGoose

    Friday Weigh-in's Anyone?

    Thank you! I need the accountability as well! You are doing awesome by the way! I'll check in with you on Friday
  16. SillyGoose

    Hello from central California

    Let me know how it goes!
  17. SillyGoose

    Hello from central California

    No! I had mine done right here in Fresno! Kaiser got a new doctor back in July of last year that does the Lap Band. He is a wonderful surgeon! There is another gal on this website that had it done by him as well and I believe she is just as happy with him. To have it done by Kaiser here in Fresno, you first need to be a Kaiser patient for a year. Then, you need to talk with your PCP and let them know that you are interested in weight loss surgery. You need to meet the requirements though. Your PCP will send you to a seminar or orientation where the process will be discussed more thoroughly. The mostly talk about the bypass surgery because the lapband is still so new here. The whole process takes on average of about 6 months. It took me about 9 months because I needed to quit smoking before he would operate on me - and I'm still smoke free! So, if you smoke, stop as soon as you can so you Don't have to wait as long as I did! Go visit your PCP and see what he/she says! If you have anymore questions, just ask! I am leaving for the day, but will get back to you as soon as I can. Take care!
  18. SillyGoose

    Hello from central California

    Too bad you couldn't stay with Kaiser. That's what I have and am very happy with my lap band process so far. My first PCP was not for any type of weight loss surgery, but she still let me go through the process anyway. She is retired now that goodness! Obviously, since I'm with Kaiser, I'm unable to suggest a doctor for you. Do you know anyone who has the lapbad or any type of weight loss surgery? Maybe that person could suggest a Primary Care Physician for you. Or, maybe you could get in touch with a weight loss surgery office and see if they would be willing to give you any recommendations. I'm sure something will work out! Good luck to you and I'm sorry I couldn't be any more help.
  19. SillyGoose

    Hello from central California

    Hi there, Will you continue to have Kaiser when you get Blue Shield? If so, which insurance will be your primary?
  20. SillyGoose

    March 16

    I'm happy to hear that your first fill went so well. I like how your doctor said not to get hung up on a number. I'll have to remember that! Have a great weekend!
  21. Hi there, Call your surgeon's office of course. It could very well be a hematoma (sp?) under the incisions which is a gathering of blood and Fluid and leaves a large lump like you described. I have one and at about 10 days post op, I remember it being very sore. Here is part of a copy of another post I left on different thread to give you my story of my first fill. If I were you, I wouldn't worry, but still call his office. Anyway, he sticks the needle in and is digging around and can't seem to find it after all! He ended up sticking me 4 times before he found it! The lump that both he and I had been feeling was a hematoma (sp?) under the skin and the port was actually a little deeper than he thought! So, instead of me being the easiest ever, I wound up being the most difficult. He said he has never stuck someone that many times. The hematoma will go down in time and he wants me to remind him next time that the prominent lump is not the port so I don't have to go through that again! Even after going through all that, it wasn't that painful, but I am a little sore tonight.
  22. SillyGoose

    March 16

    Welcome! I think most of us feel the way you do. I feel I can definitely eat more than I do. However, since my fill a couple days ago, I don't seem to get as hungry as quickly as before. I hope that stays for awhile and not just swelling or something from the fill! Take care and keep us posted how you are doing!
  23. SillyGoose

    I'm needing some sack lunch ideas!

    I've been addicted to this salad I've been making the last couple weeks and It's so easy! I warm up a teriyaki chicken breast from Tyson low carb grillers in the frozen food section and I add salad mix, just a few raisins and almonds or cashews. I love the Kraft light Asian toasted sesame dressing to go with it. I bet it would keep just fine as long as you add the dressing when you're ready to eat it and kept it cold with an ice pack. Hope you have fun! The other ideas given are great too!
  24. SillyGoose

    March 16

    Thanks Bernadette! He offered the numbing stuff after the second poke, but it really wasn't that bad so I passed on it. I'm just a little sore today, but not bad at all. As far as restriction, I'm not sure yet, but I think I have some. This morning I wasn't hungry, but I ate half a boiled egg and 2 slices of thin turkey lunch meat. I'm just now starting to get a little hungry. This is good! I usually eat a lot more for Breakfast and get hungry much sooner. As I lose the fat that he said I had around my stomach, I'm sure I will lose any restriction I may have. Oh well, It's a part of the game I guess! I hope everyone else is having a great week! Let us know how your doing!
  25. SillyGoose


    I too was very worried. The day of surgery, I was having major dry heaves from the anaesthesia. My surgeon was confident that band did not slip. I also thought that my port may have flipped but I'll save you the boring details why lol. Anyway, went for my first fill today and he did have a very hard time finding it, so that scared me even more! But he did find it, so I'm good to go!

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