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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by angryspice

  1. angryspice

    Stage 1 Diet and Ice Cream

    my surgeon's office seems to semi-promote halo top, but I am thinking I will stay away since it gave me upset stomach before surgery, so I can't imagine it would go down well post-op. also, most of the flavors taste like crap, and it never really satisfied my ice cream craving anyway. that said, it seems like it the least of all evils if you are desperately craving ice cream and are far out enough. my nutritionist guidelines also recommended Yasso bars as early as second week post-op. They are frozen greek yogurt bars and have 6g of protein. I was able to find this at the grocery store, and I really like them.
  2. angryspice

    3 months versus 6 months????

    6 months. I have AmeriHealth. I lost about 20lbs during that period.
  3. angryspice

    Clear Protein

    I like isopure infusions powder. it is 20g a scoop. there are a few flavors, but the citrus lemonade is my fave. I also drank bone broth following surgery. Pre-made bottled premier protein clear tropical punch is another fave, but I found that its was too sweet post-op so I would water it down. I am going to find and try syntrax and protein20 next. I have moved on to shakes now but I feel kind of blah after having an entire shake. I find that I tolerate protein water the best right now.
  4. I got mine 6 days after surgery which was odd because my previous period was only 12 days before surgery, so an 18-day cycle. I have pcos though. and I have heard that my cycle will stabilize once my weight goes down to a more normal bmi range. the thing is that I hadn't really eaten anything by day 6 except one jello on day 6 and was only consuming protein water and bone broth up until that point. I didn't have any noticeable pms symptoms, and I was extremely pms-y pre-surgery. I'm talking about bloating, cramps, fatigue, acne, food cravings, migraines, etc..... usually some or all of these symptoms on any given cycle pre-surgery.
  5. angryspice

    Protein powder for water!

    I also add water to premier protein bottled water, but it ends up being a lot of liquid to take down (almost 22oz total) for only 20g of protein, which is hard since I am in the early stages and could barely even drink water the day after surgery. However, this is still one of my favorite options for protein water. As far as powders, I use Isopure Infusions. It has minimal ingredients and is sweetened with stevia. I like the citrus lemonade flavor the most. The tropical punch was too watermelony for me but good for a change of pace. I have also tried the mixed berry which is good. I mix one scoop in about 12oz of water. I will have to try Syntrax Nectar.
  6. angryspice

    June Sleevers Post Op

    Hi All! I'm a long-time lurker and decided to join the club since this has been my #1 visited site for many months now. Due to COVID, my surgery was postponed to 6/18 so I am 5 days post-op. The day of surgery and the following 3 days were the most painful days of my life, and I almost regretted even going through with all of this. It was somewhat surprising since a lot of people on here seem to not have much pan post-op. I had trouble getting in any fluids, even water, and didn't even think about protein until the 2nd day after surgery. I was discharged from the hospital the next day and spent the next couple of days at my parents' house which was tough because I had to watch them eat all this good food and I couldn't touch anything. It was mostly head hunger, but due to my extremely low energy levels and the fact that I hadn't eaten for a few days, I definitely felt like I wanted to eat something. I got off the pain meds as soon as I could so I could drive back to my own house where I had everything I needed and no distractions or temptations. From reading this site, every doctor seems to have a different recovery plan, mostly the timing. My doctor said clear liquids for the first week after surgery, and at Day 5 post-op I am aiming to finally get the recommended 64oz of fluids and 64g of protein which has eluded me the past few days. My pre-op journey started in early November 2019. I lost about 20lbs prior to surgery. I am already down 10lbs post-op. I am hoping that once I can move to a full liquid diet, my energy levels will increase and I can resume some form of exercise and really get as much weight off as I can during this honeymoon period. Right now, I am pretty sedentary and just fighting to stay awake for an entire day and walk around a little. Before surgery, I was walking or hiking for about an hour a day, 5-7 days/week, but I think it is going to be a slow road getting back to that.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
