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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by wickedme

  1. hey friend.. how has your week been?? I hope you don't mind but I am really in need of an ear and the forums are weird today.. someone on the preop diet is eating at bk every night,, another girl is PO'd about the preop diet and thinks we should be able to have an "EATFEST" before surgery.. I'm struggling to stay under 1500 cals,, let alone 1000 with shakes and its scaring me.. I have had a rough week with food,, pain in my legs and no one to yap with.. seems everyone has something going on..


    How did you manage to get through to your surgery without going insane?? Did you have a long wait?? I have stockpiled a bunch of books, started working on my family photo scanning again, and have been going to bed when the munchies hit.. Weird thing is I haven't craved bread or sweets for quite awhile and even after eating them feel disinterested.. The only thing that tastes good is salad but I have to cook for my family.. I did eat at friendlys.. salad with grilled chicken, it was blahhh though and I left hungry and sad.. lol


    okay,, so tell me something you did that motivated yourself and I won't bore you with my blahhhs..




  2. Hey,, I passed my psych eval Friday and have an appointment with the nutritionist on the 20th. What comes after that??


    Any news yet for you??

  3. I got a call and they had an empty space for last Friday.. I was sooo excited.. I met with the psych/social worker who suggested I follow through with the cognitive therapy that my pcp suggested. She gave me a few names that I called Monday, and I had an appointment on Tuesday, I couldn't believe it went so fast!! I will see her again, start keeping a food and thoughts journal. She also has a book for me to read, but I think I will go buy it this weekend and get on top of it in case hers is still lent out. Its something like WLS for dummies?? It has info on diet restrictions and pre and post op stuff I guess. I felt like we covered too much of my past that I have already dealt with and actually gotten therapy for at some point. She asked me before I left the office if I was just considering Lap Band or had made up my mind.. of course I told her I had made up my mind.. I don't know whether she is going to suggest I keep coming to her for a certain amount of time, or just until the surgery is scheduled.. I am a little scared because my current insurance is up for renewal in March and I might not be able to renew with this company,, that will totally suck!! I will have to pay for later fills and check ups if that happens but I don't really want to tell them that either because then they might not want to go forward.. more stresss and things to worry about !!! With any luck she will see that I have gotten a handle on the anxiety on my own by choosing what its important to worry about and what is out of my control.


    Have you met with the nutritionist before this? Do ;they put you on some kind of food plan? I know that they require you to get at least 30 minutes of exercise a day which I have been working on.. I feel better when I'm doing it, but my leg hurts afterwards and its annoying and painful..I have been keeping track of calories for a month or more and I am still eating more then I am burning,, obviously. There are times where I am so hungry I feel sick, and I am still eating 1500 to 1700 calories.. What is the calorie average for WW?? I went about 2 years ago, but couldn't afford it at the time, and the meetings were 15 miles away. I have never starved myself and hate to be hungry because I shake so I am scared of what is in store for me.. not to mention that for the past 7 years the dieticians have wanted me to eat 6 small meals a day,, which obviously never worked, so I need to retrain myself again.. arghh


    So anyway,, any moving forward is good right?? Let me know how the WW watches goes. If I am going to have to wait any amount of time I might try to start that myself. I use sparkpeople.com to record my nutrition and exercise. You can use their menu's or just enter your own food.. you can also calculate recipes, and add your own food nutrition labels.


    Have a great day!

  4. You are an inspiration of wonderful things to come. I will be 40 next June and plan to make it the best year ever. I am hoping to be banded before Christmas, and want the new and improved me to be well on my way to good health for the new year..


    again, you look fabulous!!

  5. You look fabulous and are an inspiration..

    The best for you always

  6. Your funny.. one of my friends and I have a joke between us that we need a wife.. someone just like us who loves to clean and do the daily stuff so we could enjoy our kids more, and not have all the stress..


    I actually cried through most of that video, especially the parts involving the young man and his family. They were of no help to him at all, even his mother. MY dad is 85 and when I came to work with him 4 yrs ago he constantly made comments about my weight, and even commented that he never saw me really overeating or binging on junk. Still he would make comments to me about losing weight and how I wasn't like that when I was young. I finally told him I had enough, he was not helping and made me feel horrible with his comments, and to leave my brother alone too. He rarely visits anymore and doesn't need to hear the same tirade from my father hes been hearing for 35 years. He is not a cruel or mean man by nature, but it is one subject that bothers him, mostly because our family health issues are overwhelming.


    There really has to be a link somewhere with our genes and the way we are wired. My mothers mother was obese. I have never seen a picture of her where she wasn't. My aunts and uncles say she never overate, walked everywhere (born 1898) and even during the depression when food was scarce she still couldn't lose weight.. In 1952 my mother was pregnant with my 2nd oldest brother and my grandmother was determined to lose weight. She went to the doctor to get some help and figured she was paying for the advice so she would do twice as much as he wanted her to and eat even less. She got a cold and her immune system couldn't fight it and she died of pnemonia in 1953. My mother couldn't breast feed anymore and my brother has always had emotional problems and used to self medicate.. I am the youngest of 8. Three of us are morbidly obese, my sister has lost some because she has chrons but never goes under 220 even though she never eats more then a cup of food at a time. It is the part that scares me about the band.. getting it and not losing.. Being realistic, I definately eat more then a cup of food in a serving now, and hope that I won't be able to when the band is in. Does it really give you that full feeling? I ask because I don't have that feeling ever. It stopped after I had a hysterectomy in 2006. The only way I know I am really full is when I need to throw up.. that is bad. For the past month I have tried to be more self aware and have done fairly well. I ate more yesterday then I normally do, but my blood sugar was all over the place and I was shaky. I ate white bread for the first time in 3 weeks and it made me sick... that was an eye opener.


    Sorry to ramble.. My head is spinning from this new bit of info. I will probably watch some of it again, and want to give the link to my nutritionist, shes really awesome. She is even going to go to a lap band seminar so she can better understand the process. My insurance will pay for me to keep seeing her monthly because she works for my lipid specialist, and they both want to help me. I have hereditary cholesterol problems,, I am taking Crestor and it is the first thing that has lowered it in 7 years.


    Thanks again for posting the link!!


  7. hello.. well my date is set for march 3rd, preop 2/17, I start the preop, and half way in to it I will find out if my insurance approved the surgery! yeah,, fun,, seems they changed their rules 2 days before meeting with the surgeon! I guess whatever happens happens,, I will be very disappointed, but can't dwell on it.

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