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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by wickedme

  1. wickedme

    Another step towards my goal

    Well I completed another task on my TO-DO LIST today.. I had a root canal done in a tooth that has had problems for a very long time. I haven't been chewing properly and now I will be able to again. I was very fortunate to have a good doctor and have not had any pain issues as of yet.. The weather here has been crazy and I have been struggling to get in enough walking. My son and I went yesterday and had to cut it short because it started to rain and thunder. We haven't been able to go swimming everyday either which was my goal.. I just reread my surgery and clinic information again and I am going to be required to lose 15 lbs even though my insurance doesn't think it is necessary.. I am really struggling with that, gained a pound according to the nutritionists scale. I believe I was retaining fluids that day because my hands were swollen,, and think is was the pizza sauce we ate the night before. I will try harder for the next two weeks and hope there is some change. It would be devestating to have my surgery cancelled because of weight gain. I wish the doctors had a better idea of what is going on with me, I don't want to fail.
  2. wickedme

    My Wife Wants Lap-Band...

    [OK the husband....... it was VERY hard for him to watch me eat so little..... I think it actually pissed him off. (much like forcing a child to clean his plate) He would get irritated with me if I didn't want to spend the money on a buffet for me when I would eat very little.... (and it was something I had to get over) He tried to become the food police...... (and that is a HUGE HUGE no no!) As of late... I think he is sick of hearing about my band..... we have adjusted to the fact that I usually share a meal with my 4 year old son, or just order something alacarte... I'm smaller now that when we first met and he makes comments that my ass is flat..... He understands that I'm much happier with myself. He is a good man and he really tries to be supportive.... but I think sometimes he feels a little left out......... I have been through a hysterectomy and broken tib/fib and this is similar to how my husband reacted from the attention of others or because I had to put myself first. When I asked him for support he immediately started preaching to me about food... I told him support was bringing home yogurt instead of chunky monkey icecream, going for a walk or swimming with me, or giving me a hug when things were tough.
  3. wickedme

    My Wife Wants Lap-Band...

    I pray when it comes right down to it my hubby will have the same attitude as you and want to lose weight along with me. We had done it before the traditional way but there are lot more factors now. I do all the cooking and shopping and he and my kids are already noticing the changes,, like frozen yogurt instead of icecream.. best wishes to you both
  4. I have had diverticulosis since I was a very young.. My mother and some of my siblings also. Because of it I have had to eat a high fiber diet and wondered if the lap band will make a difference. The IBS is pretty constant too if I don't eat right.. I know I can ask these questions at the doctors but would like to hear some personal responses.. It would be great to be rid of those episodes of pain and nausea and lose weight.
  5. I have heard different stories from people I know who have had WLS, some continue to have food issues, while others eat what they want just a lot less.. I was wondering if it is because they were picky eaters before surgery? The ones I know that have trouble eating were picky eaters, who only ate meat and junk. I'm not being judgemental just wondering what the concensus is on the subject.. I am not a picky eater and am hoping I won't become one.:thumbup:
  6. Thanks for the replies.. I was pretty confident that it would be okay because I was pre-approved medical wise, but I'm so siked for this now after months of thinking about it I don't want any brick walls. Its good to hear that some of the symptoms go away.. Being constipated is horrifying for me after going the other way for so long,, stool softeners are a must... TMI huh?? lol, there isn't much you don't discuss openly when it comes to this huh? I don't think I have ever shared my weight with people as much as I have in the past month.. I even braved adding a ticker,, now hopefully it will start moving huh? I have been on a salad bender for about two months, now eating lots of yogurt and fruit trying to prepare myself for the new eating habits.. I haven't had IBS symptoms since I started, and the reflux is getting better also, and I have been sleeping better too!! I hope my motivation continues and the hunger or urge to eat goes away!
  7. wickedme

    I am so upset!!

    If he made the referral I would wait to see what the surgeons says before giving up. What is the BMI limit?? here its 30 to 39 with co-morbities, also your insurance has guidlines that they require.. unless you are self pay.. Cholesterol is a comorbity ,, I'm sorry it is so frustrating for you, don't give in and gain that 30 lbs back, you worked to hard to lose it.
  8. I have talked to my PCP about it, but not the surgeon yet. I would think that it would get better with better eating habits, and not overeating?? I have been seeing a nutritionist for a few months and just the changes I have made with that I have not had a spell for a long time. One thing that really concerns me is getting dehydrated, that will bring it on fast, along with kidney stones.. I always have a bottle of Water at hand so that will not be a big change for me. I so want to be healthy..
  9. wickedme

    weird question

    I have had a few different procedures and don't remember any of that. The operating room is terrifying when you are first rolled in if its your first time, but the nurses are amazing and really take good care of you. If you are feeling anxious while they are doing the pre op prep work they will give you a mild sedative, I didn't like the zophran?, but adavan worked well and I was totally coherent and could communicate with the nurses and doctors.. I brought saline for my sinuses because the hospital is very dry, and chapstick too.. I didn't even have a sore throat and I had an alergic reaction to one of the meds so they had to inubate me.. best wishes to you
  10. I was already excepted into the program and they have my medical history. They won't except you if you have chron's, or bowel resections. I am in the northeast also and was concerned about the intestinal issues so was straight forward with them about it.
  11. wickedme

    Officialy denied.

    I have plantar Fasciatis also, excrutiating until last summer doc made me a heal insert for my shoes. I got the one I could exchange in different shoes and it has been amazing.. I know a lot of other people have tried the night splints, cortizone etc.. I did too, this is what works and is still working for me Talk to a podiatrist about making them for you, it really saved me.. I'm so sorry you were denied. It a fear we all have had at some time I am sure,, Hope there is something you can do.. hugs
  12. wickedme

    Pre Op diet

    That was a great reply Allie, I haven't even gotten a date and felt like I should be eating all kinds of stuff because I won't be able to again..Crazy thinking, and I know it.. I find that the more I explain how the band is really a tool to help me, and not to stop me from eating entirely it is starting to sink in. The all liquid does frighten me.. Can you drink yogurt drinks and thin soups or is it all just Clear Liquids??
  13. I went to my regular dietician today because I am still waiting for my first appointment date. We talked a lot about what to do when hunger strikes and you know you shouldn't really be hungry.. She said I needed to have a "basket full" of things to sidetrack my thoughts. Things that make ME calm and happy, reading, walking, scrapbooking etc.. We also talked about the EGO part of the brain,, the voice in your head that makes you worry or overthink things, obsess about food and diet to a point where you just give in.. She said when you are in a relaxed mood, doing something calming that makes you happy that voice stays quiet and in the back of your mind. I have come to recognize that its anxiety and stress that makes me overeat. I clean when angry and shut down and sleep when depressed,, but when I am worried or anxious I head to the fridge. I have had a lot of stress in my life for the past 15 years with little to no refuge from it at all.. Yesterday I was worried about my husband driving in bad weather to take my daughter to Grandmas, and pick my son up and bring him home. Our vehicle started having issues and hubby made the mistake of telling me. I was worried all afternoon for the 4 hours he was gone.. I had just eaten a Lean Cuisine meal, and had a horrible time staying away from the fridge. Once they got home we had dinner and I inhaled my food and felt like total crap, and then had a bad case of reflux.. I don't want to keep going through that so I am getting my "basket" prepared and writing my alternatives down in a journal. She mentioned that a study done on gastric bypass patients showed a large percentage of people who were not counseled before surgery or who never dealt with their inner eating issues turned their need for food into a need for alcohol, drugs, sex and other addictions. That is a very scarey thought and I don't want it to happen to me! What is your new Focus??
  14. Hopefulmom,, I have been getting an pedicure and manicure about every 6 to 8 weeks.. its not always in the budget but I too have ignored myself since having kids. I also started wearing makeup daily again, and because I hate spending time on my hair (and don't have time to) I got a short messy cut thats easy to deal with and still a little stylish. I also used to reward myself with food items for things accomplished, (inherited from my mother) I stopped doing it with my kids last year, but just realized lately I was doing it for myself... I grab a magazine or a book instead of something to eat.. Enigma... Someone else told me recently to start dreaming about what you want to do when you lose the weight, or a wish list of things you want to do or accomplish. Like a pair of jeans that fit, go dancing without being self conscious,, playing with my kids without wanting to die!! You have all done amazing things,, thanks for the feedback!
  15. wickedme

    Maine Intro's

    Hi all, I'm from Maine and will be going to MMC/Casco Bay Bariatrics. I have been excepted into the program just waiting for my first appointment to be sceduled for my psyche evaluation, then dietician. I am also trying to be patient but find myself racing for the mailbox everyday after work.. have instructed DH and kids to leave it alone so they don't lose my mail!!! how was your experience with Casco Bay Alana??
  16. wickedme

    Why are YOU Fat?

    Seems we all have so much in common for so many different reasons.. I grew up with two loving parents, the youngest of 8 kids. It deffinately wasn't a perfect childhood, but I truly have nothing to complain about, except that the only thing in abundance besides my mothers love was food. She and my dad both lived through the depression and went without a lot. My dad had acres of garden that he tended himself with a little help from some of us kids so there was never a shortage of fresh vegetables or fruit in summer and fall. We ate balanced meals finished off with homemade Cookies, pies and other deserts. I was always active as a child, and not fat, but always taller and bigger then all the other girls till High School when I stopped growing up and started growing out.. My real weight issues started around my early 20's. Random sleeping habits, late night meals, partying.. I gained and lost the same 40 lbs reapeatedly till a few years after my daughter was born, then it wasn't so easy. I started having female problems and became less active. I had my son after months of bedrest at age 31 and everything went to hell after that. I went through a depression because of the situation with my step daughter and her problems, money problems, health issues and just general unhappiness. Anti depressants made me worse, cooking made me feel great. I had always loved to cook, but it became and obsession. I was stuck at 240, but dealing with it. After a much needed hysterectomy I gained another 47 lbs from HRT.. I have been trying to get this weight off since 06 and just can't seem to keep it off. My health is really taking a toll and I don't know the person I am becoming. To summarize.. I was taught to clean my plate,, I love food and eat almost anything, I don't know how to eat just a little, I do great during the day, but if I don't go to bed early I will pick for hours.. I don't eat when I'm sad or mad, but unconciously reward myself with food for many different reasons. I have no control over what bad genes I am passing to my children, but want to teach them how to be healthy so they don't have to look forward to this later.
  17. I finished all the paperwork and have been excepted into a Bariatric Sugery Program in Maine. I haven't gotten my first appointment yet and am trying to be patient about it. I am seeing a dietician at my lipid Drs. office, but haven't done very well this past two weeks..:sad: I have had some really strange hunger pains since changing my reflux meds. I was feeling a bit overwhelmed with things, making excuses as to why I didn't exercise everyday, mostly because my kids were gone and I didn't have anyone to motivate me. I have an appointment for a weigh in on Monday and am dreading it.On the other hand, I walked 1.5 miles in a parade for my daughters softball team after admitting that the only reason I didn't want to go was because I didn't want all those people I never see to see me. I admitted it to my friend and fellow coach and I think she was shocked. My other excuse was my still healing broken leg which is a valid complaint, but I survived it.:smile: I am getting some mixed reactions from people about the upcoming surgery. I have had very few reactions of "go for it" from the people closest to me. I know most of it from my family is just general concerns, but isn't that the whole point of the drastic life change?? I'm already seeing the effects of being overweight. I hate that look that people can't hide that says,, well why don't you just stop eating.. I think I have thought that before myself, but obviously if I could do it and stick to it I wouldn't still be fat right? I have started the conversation right off with " I am going to have the Lap Band Surgery,,, because I don't want to have a stroke or heart attack" It pissess me off that people have to be so judgemental before they even listen to what you have to say:cursing:. My other struggle is finding a support person who is supportive not a food police. Every non essential bite I take brings on guilt and self beatings, I don't need anymore of that verbally. I want someone to say, "you ready for that walk?" or hey I found a great place for salads!.. lol I do have one friend who wants to walk with me, but I can't talk to her about the surgery because she truly believes I can just do it all on my own. In a perfect world that might be true, but I really need some help. I had an appointment with shrink that I had made on my own to talk about anxiety attacks. She doesn't want to put me on meds which I am happy about, but wants me to see a Cognitive Behavioral Therapist to help me work through them and control them on my own. I am also trying some Omega-3's and multi B vitamin to see if it helps.. Its been a week and I feel a little less tense, but my kids were also gone for a week for the first time for more then 2 days ever so I didn't have that kind of stress to deal with. I am going to work harder this week to be better about the amount of food I am eating, and will not eat out at all if possible..
  18. wickedme

    Paperwork done,, now the waiting for appointment

    I finished all the paperwork and have been excepted into a Bariatric Sugery Program in Maine. I haven't gotten my first appointment yet and am trying to be patient about it. I am seeing a dietician at my lipid Drs. office, but haven't done very well this past two weeks.. I have had some really strange hunger pains since changing my reflux meds. I was feeling a bit overwhelmed with things, making excuses as to why I didn't exercise everyday, mostly because my kids were gone and I didn't have anyone to motivate me. I have an appointment for a weigh in on Monday and am dreading it.On the other hand, I walked 1.5 miles in a parade for my daughters softball team after admitting that the only reason I didn't want to go was because I didn't want all those people I never see to see me. I admitted it to my friend and fellow coach and I think she was shocked. My other excuse was my still healing broken leg which is a valid complaint, but I survived it. I am getting some mixed reactions from people about the upcoming surgery. I have had very few reactions of "go for it" from the people closest to me. I know most of it from my family is just general concerns, but isn't that the whole point of the drastic life change?? I'm already seeing the effects of being overweight. I hate that look that people can't hide that says,, well why don't you just stop eating.. I think I have thought that before myself, but obviously if I could do it and stick to it I wouldn't still be fat right? I have started the conversation right off with " I am going to have the Lap Band Surgery,,, because I don't want to have a stroke or heart attack" It pissess me off that people have to be so judgemental before they even listen to what you have to say:cursing:. My other struggle is finding a support person who is supportive not a food police. Every non essential bite I take brings on guilt and self beatings, I don't need anymore of that verbally. I want someone to say, "you ready for that walk?" or hey I found a great place for salads!.. lol I do have one friend who wants to walk with me, but I can't talk to her about the surgery because she truly believes I can just do it all on my own. In a perfect world that might be true, but I really need some help. I had an appointment with shrink that I had made on my own to talk about anxiety attacks. She doesn't want to put me on meds which I am happy about, but wants me to see a Cognitive Behavioral Therapist to help me work through them and control them on my own. I am also trying some Omega-3's and multi B vitamin to see if it helps.. Its been a week and I feel a little less tense, but my kids were also gone for a week for the first time for more then 2 days ever so I didn't have that kind of stress to deal with. I am going to work harder this week to be better about the amount of food I am eating, and will not eat out at all if possible..
  19. The Bariatric center I am going to go through has a requirement that you need a specific support person.. My sister and a close friend both went to the seminar with me, and I have a husband also.. My sister immediately started naming off all the things I was going to have to change before we even left the building, one being junk food in the house.. which I can't afford, and can't and haven't eaten for more then two years, along with other comments.. My friend called me 2 days after the seminar to tell me she wasn't going through with it because her friend was in the hospital with an ulcer and had to have the band removed... Her friend never quit smoking even after she was aware of the ulcer, and never followed what the doctor told her from the beginning.. Then there is my husband,, I explained to him what the doctors are requiring and that if he wasn't up for it to tell me now.. His biggest concern with this is hes afraid I will get angry if I can't eat what I want to eat??? what?? He said, well yeah, I'll do what you need me to, and in the same sentence started instructing me on nutrition.. (from the man who eats all his daily calories between 6pm and 11 pm) This irritated me and made me laugh at the same time... "I said support, I have a nutritionist and a nagging concience", listening, exercising with me, bringing home fruit instead of icecream, going for a walk,, arghhhh.............. I don't know if he can get it together for me, and my only other option is someone who has their own stuff going on.. Any suggestions on how to make loved ones understand what you need from them?? I'm beginning to think my 11 yr old daughter is my best option!!
  20. wickedme

    Keeping the momentum up??

    Thanks I chatter,, had to spill today and it felt good to just dump and be done with it.. Very good words of wisdom and info. The doctors in the bariactric practice I am going through have a very strict curriculum that they follow, and are very cocky about their percentage of successful outcomes.. I like that, but it terrifies me at the same time. It is why I picked them, because I don't want to have the surgery and not have it work to my full advantage. They demand you keep follow up appointments and have a contract you sign.. Of course they can't make you show up, but will be less likely to go out of their way should you need their assistance if you don't follow through with the requirements. I am going to a therapist for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to resolve any issues now. I don't have any compulsive eating habits, just always have a clean plate!! I think once I have a date for the first few appointments I really will feel like its real and will get back on track and stay on track. I want to learn some of the eating habits now so that it isn't so hard later.. I have done a bit of dreaming of what could be, but went to the old mode of "don't get ahead of yourself".. I guess that way of thinking needs to go,,, right now.. I will start envisioning myself dancing again, and playing outside with my kids and not feeling like I'm going to pass out... Hope to see your post on your first appt...
  21. I decided to go through with the surgery some time in MAY and went to a required seminar in June. Got all my paperwork I needed to sign, no pregnacy, smoking, etc. in July,, now just waiting for my first appointment which is with the shrink.. I was totally into this and determined to lose some weight, recording everything I eat,, (for current dietician) and was exercising again.. Now that I'm just waiting for an appointment I'm slipping, how do I stay motivated. The surgery program I am going to put a new notice on their site today, that they are making almost everyone go on a pre diet even if your insurance doesn't require it,, mine doesn't, and that if you gain weight they will postpone your surgery.. I am terrified.. :eek: I have been struggling with weight gain since my hysterectomy(been overweight since early 20's). I stopped gaining when I stopped taking HRT but I have been unable to lose any.. I am swimming regularly, and know I should be doing some more exercising, but I'm eating less then I ever have and still can't lose.. My clothes fit better but these doctors go by the scale not by inches.. I am curious if after meeting with the shrink, and the dietician that I will feel like there is an end to the waiting and it will motivate me to exercise more and do better,,, did this happen for anyone?? Did anyone feel really pumped about the life style change and get really excited about it.. Lately I have found myself getting more depressed about my weight then I ever have before.. I hate going anywhere, and have resorted to long flowing skirts instead of shorts this summer, and hate to go swimming in public.. I have never cared about any of this before... I know that if they called tomorrow and said I was scheduled for surgery I would not be mentally prepared,, I really feel like I need some guidance. I am truly eating the right foods 95% of the time, but am physically hungry all the time and its driving me crazy.. I have just started taking a new generic form of prilosec for GERD and have had weird stomach pains and pangs since.. Could this be the source of my hunger?? It is making it even harder for me to not give in to overeating and its exhausting me mentally. I have an appointment with the dietician and my PCP next week and will definately ask them what to do,, (drinking Water today when feeling strange) On a lighter note I have been checking things off of my pre op check list.. Went to a shrink on my own for anxiety and she agreed with me that anti depressants won't work... they make me bi polar (its actually a real diagnosis) I am going to see a Behavioral Therapist for my anxiety and panic attacks.. I have more anxiety then panic due to high stress at home and life in general so I am going to learn some coping skills, and hopefully will be able to teach them to my children and avoid them going through what I am,, and what my mother did. I also am having some long overdue dental work done,, need to chew my food more:biggrin: I was going to apologize for the ramble, but will just thank anyone for taking the time to read this!!! I am having a difficult time finding a support person who will stick with me through this, and not try to police me!!! But that is another issue...
  22. wickedme

    Whom did/will you tell?

    I have told most of my family,, all but one so far thinks I should do it. They know how hard I have tried, and our family medical history is scarey at best. I have a cousin who is becoming disabled with back issues and called this morning to say he has decided to get the lap band surgery, so he can have the back surgery.. Friends?? The ones I have told immediately start making excuses why they can't do it?? Others have tried to talk me out of it or made comments like,, "that will suck if your thinner then me..??" Hope I'm not that kind of friend is someone needs me to listen.. One friend wants to know how it goes because shes interested in it. Since the weird responses I haven't really told anyone else, or talked about it with anyone except the doctor who felt that the friends and family with strange responses were intimidated in some way.. I don't know why they would be, but I guess it is possible. I think that my husband is a little afraid of the outcome because we have had some issues. I have lost a lot of confidence in myself and am much more passive, I know that will change.
  23. ELAIN:::: I can relate to that as well. My grandmother was very obese.. She would not have her picture taken at my parents wedding because she didn't want to "ruin" the photos.. It devestated my mother, expecially since she died 4 years later. I only have a few photos of her,, I don't want to relive that history for my children.. My mother in law made a point of saying she didn't take my picture at the family reunion because she didn't want to embarrass me??
  24. My strawsssss... There are many since my doc suggested it in Feb and I turned it down.. My risk of stroke, heart disease and diabetes.. Not wanting to go out and be social, fear of never being "ME" again.. Loss of interest in things that were important to me because they are too difficult.. my chin and breast suffocating me when I put on socks and shoes...................My son saying I was too chubby, my husband ignoring me, not letting anyone take pictures of me, or deleting them for the past 5 years... I'm the family Geneologist and the only one without a current photo... Lellow,, your story is like mine,, finally started getting control of myself, calorie counting and exercise and I broke my leg.. One of my brothers cried in the hospital because he knew how hard I had been trying, swimming in his pool every morning for an hour and walking... It will be a year in August 08 and I am just now able to stand on one foot without severe pain.. My leg will bother me and keep me from really working out until I lose some of the weight. Vegasgirl.. sooo funny and inspiring.. I too have had the same response in the mirror.. I see myself as a chubby but cute woman pushing 40, until a see three chins in a photo and someone I don't know at all.. I want my life back!
  25. From previous surgery experience,, they like to see the nail bed. its one of the best signs that all is well with you blood flow and the anestesia.. I have been asked to remove polish every time,, would agree with other comment about the bacteria issue too.. fake nails carry a lot of it!

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