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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by WishMeSmaller

  1. WishMeSmaller


    Starting from the bottom up. AGREE! It is not a person’s responsibility to control other’s reactions to the way they look. I HATE the “she was asking for it” thing by “dressing sexy” or drinking to much, and the “boys will be boys” attitude. I was annoyed with the post I believe you are referencing, but was just ignoring it, because that is what I was conditioned to do by the societal norms of my (our) generation. You are right to say something. Thank you! 😘 Lol...super funny about the height thing. I get a lot of comments about how tall I look now that I am no longer obese. Apparently my legs look longer now, too. Some pretty cool, unexpected stuff with the weight loss. 😊😊 I WANT a body con dress, but I am struggling to find one this year with all of the looser clothing styles. I WANT you to burst into green flames (lol 😂😂) when I post a picture of this mythical dress with some pretty cool heels I bought recently. I have a dress on order that “might” qualify. I will post when I find this apparent unicorn 🦄😂
  2. WishMeSmaller

    Food Before and After Photos

    Yes, I baked this myself. I am not a baker, but we have two other couples we do rotating dinner parties with, and we are hosting in May. I need to come up with something for dessert that screams SPRING (I like getting all seasonal when it is my turn), so I am testing recipes. I tried a strawberry cake thingy a couple of weeks ago that did not come out. This one is a contender, but I would add more berries and mix some into the batter. I think a should have taken it out of the oven sooner too, as the texture towards the center is “creamier” and looks more like the recipe pics. I only baked for about 60 minutes vs the 70 in the recipe, but the edges were a bit dry...probably a high altitude thing. I love the not over sweet flavor. It would be luscious with some whipped cream and maybe a sweeter raspberry sauce for serving. Or ice cream and raspberry sauce. Hmmmm...🤔🧐 Planning to give most of the rest of it away. My parents will like this😊😊 https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/267595/ricotta-berry-cake/
  3. WishMeSmaller

    Food Before and After Photos

    I am somewhat sad to say, I did not have sushi recently. Everyone’s sushi looks so good😍😍😍😍 Dinner—smoke salmon with salad. Hubby took care of the last few bites of salmon Dessert—berry ricotta cake. I had a huge slice and ate the whole piece. About 1/8 of the cake. So yum! 😋😋😋😋😋😋
  4. WishMeSmaller


    Super nice weather here, lately. Running errands in this...
  5. WishMeSmaller

    Clothing Problems! What to do?

    I bought a few new pairs of pants and tops every other size I dropped. I bought inexpensive stuff and have given it all away as I size out of it. I personally have a strong aversion to thrift stores/used clothing, but if you don’t, that is a great option. I have purchased some better quality clothes since I reached goal, so I am trying to maintain now. I hope you find an option that works for you!
  6. WishMeSmaller

    Food Before and After Photos

    It is delicious! Next time, I am going to use less sweetener though. I made a half batch from this recipe using granular Swerve. I needed a stove top recipe since the meringues were in the oven. 😬 https://www.foodandwine.com/recipes/natilla-creamy-custard
  7. WishMeSmaller

    Food Before and After Photos

    Dinner and dessert. I had to use the egg yolks from the meringues, so I made a sugar free custard. As always, I ate all of it 🐽🐽🐽🐽
  8. WishMeSmaller

    LAZY GIRL vitamin supplement?

    I do not take iron and my labs have been great, so I take ALL of my vitamins in the morning. It is a bit trial and error to see what your tummy and labs dictate you do vitamin-wise. I take one Bariatric Advantage chewable, one dissolving B12 and one biotin, one extra D, as I was deficient prior to surgery, and one calcium chew. Like I said, my labs are good, so that is my entire vitamin regimen. Follow your plan and adjust to maintain your levels with lab results. Good luck!
  9. WishMeSmaller

    Food Before and After Photos

    My version of the sugar free meringues. This photo makes them look very brown. They are not nearly as dark in real life...and I turned the oven off at 1 hour ten minutes. They are tasty, but the “sugar” is still has a granular texture. I used granulated Swerve. Maybe next time I will try the confectioners sweetener. Also, I will use much less sweetener next time, (like half) as they are too sweet for my taste. I will still eat them, but less sweet will be better for my taste. I think hubby will gobble them up 😬😊 Thank you for sharing, @BigSue! 💕
  10. WishMeSmaller

    Food Before and After Photos

    Those do not look like any pumpkin pies I have ever seen 😍😍😍😍 YUM!!
  11. WishMeSmaller

    Bad Advice and being honest.

    Hahaha 🤣 No. we ordered a bottle of wine with dinner and didn’t finish it, so shoved the cork back in to take it home. You can take unopened wine to most restaurants here, but you have to pay corkage. Sometimes it is well worth it to drink better wine 😊😊😊😊
  12. WishMeSmaller

    Bad Advice and being honest.

    I eat everything. The quantity I eat is much smaller, but if I really want it, I eat it. I was kind of hoping I would be a dumper prior to surgery so I would have that as a deterrent from eating things I shouldn’t, but I haven’t found anything I dump on. Now I am super glad I don’t dump, because I love food. Last Friday we went out to dinner and I ordered chicken and waffles. It was soooo good! I ate about 1/3 of the chicken and less than a quarter of the waffle, plus a few brussels sprouts. I also drank a large glass of wine before I started on the food. I took the rest of the food (and the bottle of wine) home and ate the rest of the chicken for breakfast the next day with a couple bites of waffle. I ate a few more bites of the waffle and some more of the sprouts later that day and threw the rest away. Maybe by bariatric standards my food choices make me a terrible person, doomed for failure at maintaining my weight. Maybe we all need to make our own choices, based on our own values and realities. Honestly, I am ok with being judged as a terrible person doomed for failure 😬 Judge away. You do you, Boo 😘
  13. WishMeSmaller

    Protein bars

    I eat Built protein bars when I am on the go, or after a workout for a protein blast. While I do like the taste of them and they do have a candy bar-like texture, I do not find them to make me want to eat a real candy bar. They are a convenient fuel for my body. I am a bit of an exercise addict, and they are a go-to for me post workout. Unlike meat proteins, I find I can eat them pretty fast and they are just the right size to be easy on my tummy. With all of that said, it is always a good idea to check with your nutritionist. I also could not stand the taste of protein shakes early on. Try mixing with different liquids to mask the taste. Good luck!
  14. WishMeSmaller

    Food Before and After Photos

    Recipe please, with info on which sweetener you used. I need these in my life! 😍😍😍
  15. WishMeSmaller

    Food Before and After Photos

    Sesame sticks. 😋😋😋
  16. WishMeSmaller

    Food Before and After Photos

    Tonight’s salad, with grilled chicken. Was going to make tofu, but ended up with chicken breast🤷‍♀️ Ate about 2/3 and put the rest in a bowl for tomorrow. 😋 ps. Hubby ended up finishing salad, so I will start over tomorrow 😊
  17. This is the LAST place anyone should be judging anyone else’s weight. I mean seriously, haven’t we had enough of that “out there???” Super morbidly obese to low BMI, pretty much everyone here has had some dysfunction in their relationship with food and their body. It really sounds like you have a great relationship with both, now. Well done, @Creekimp13!! This is what we should all be striving for! 🤗🤗
  18. WishMeSmaller

    Hospital Stay

    I had RNY on a Monday late afternoon, was in my room around 6 pm and discharged by 11 am on Tuesday. Easy Peezy 😬
  19. WishMeSmaller

    Plant Based Meats- Are you eating any?

    Tofu is all about how you prepare it. Google some recipes and consider trying one that appeals to you (or not). I brought my baked tofu to a work potluck (theme was healthy food). I had several tofu haters gobbling it up, and every person that tried it, liked it. One of the previous haters begged me to bring it to every potluck thereafter. I do use an extra firm variety and bake it until the outside is getting crispy/chewy. I don’t have a specific recipe at this point, or I would share. I have been craving it, so I will probably make some tomorrow and it will show up in the food before and after thread next week. 😬
  20. WishMeSmaller

    What Are You Looking Forward To In Spring?

    All of what @ms.sss said plus... - RV glamping - hiking - paddle boarding on Lake Tahoe - floating the river - bikinis (for the first time in 25+ years) - outdoor concerts - hopefully not being cold ALL of the time And a vacation to Maui in July 😬😬
  21. WishMeSmaller

    Nauseated on Liquid Diet

    In addition to what @catwoman7 said, constipation can cause nausea for some people. Hopefully you will feel better once things start moving again! 🤗
  22. WishMeSmaller

    Alcohol during maintenance??

    OMG! This ^^^^!!! I get a buzz within about 2 minutes of starting a drink since WLS! I am pretty fun at dinner parties these days🤣🤣
  23. WishMeSmaller

    Gastric Bypass and Ulcer experiences

    I am a nurse, so I usually try self-treatment first rather than talking to my doctors 🤦🏼‍♀️ (they are all cringing right now with that statement 😆). My stomach stopped hurting after a few days once I stopped the steroids, so I am assuming if I was starting to get an ulcer, it healed once I stopped the steroids. I know I will need steroids in the future due to asthma, but I will definitely approach with caution and stop at the first sign of stomach pain.
  24. WishMeSmaller

    Gastric Bypass and Ulcer experiences

    I got COVID back in November and have asthma. I started a short course (5 days) of steroids due to the asthma flaring. My stomach started to hurt and I stopped them after 4 days. I had no further symptoms from the steroids and just the few days of prednisone got my COVID/asthma lungs feeling better. The benefits seemed to outweigh the risks at the time. I drink occasionally. Usually wine, but a very occasional cocktail. I don’t seem to have any issues from my infrequent indulgence. I do not smoke, take nsaids, or other drugs.
  25. WishMeSmaller

    Covid Vaccine

    Everyone is different. My parents and husband sailed through both shots. I was the only one that truly felt crappy, but it was only for 24 hours. You got this!!🤗

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
