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Posts posted by TacosBeforeGuapos

  1. On 07/14/2020 at 14:56, MaybeMeow said:

    This is nice to read. I am on post op day 35 and I have had a handful of chocolate covered almonds every evening since week 3. Knowing I can have it at the end of the day if I've reached my 60 Protein helps me. And I love them. But I feel guilty. My weight loss is slower than most (18 pounds in those 35 days) and I of course attribute it to the chocolate. Sometimes I feel like it's reasonable and other times I wonder why I can't just not have it. Just stop eating sweets. Am I hopeless? Reading your post reminds me this is a process. I can get to the place where I don't need the evening treat. I'm just... not there yet I guess. Thanks for sharing. I'm not sure I've heard anyone say, "Not so great in the beginning but doing great now." It's always seemed like people are rock solid in the beginning and falter later. So thanks again.

    I hear ya, chocolate is my weakness. That and Dr Pepper. I’ve been trying hard to find Keto or Sugar Free Chocolate candies so I won’t feel so bad but here and there I’m tempted with a bite of real chocolate. I will say that I found some keto ice cream bars called enlightenment that I would never have guessed were keto. They were dark chocolate caramel peanut or something but they were delicious.
    My point is, everyone has their weakness so don’t feel bad. You’re definitely not alone here.

  2. On 06/12/2020 at 09:12, frax said:

    Officially Day 1 Post Op. last nights sleep was horrible and they said it was usually the worst. My throat feels clogged and due to no Water or ice chips until just right now it’s been extremely uncomfortable. I’ve had about 5 dry heaving “attacks” please tell me you went thru this, but that it goes away!!!!

    Yes, my first night was rough too. I had horrible dry mouth until I was able to keep more fluids down. It does get better, I promise. Just hang in there.

  3. Hey everyone.
    My surgery went good. I’m back in my room, been in and out since the surgery. Right after I woke up, I was very uncomfortable because of the gas pain but when I moved around a little and burped it up I felt a lot better. Now I’m just sore and a painful where they did the incision. Nothing the pain meds can’t fix 😄 but over all doing pretty good.
    Best of luck to everyone whose surgery is coming up!

  4. Hi all,

    I’m finishing up my pre op diet and Monday is the big day! I just gotta say, as hard as it was at first, seeing the results has gotten me really excited for the next step. Not only that, it has shown me that I CAN do this and I’m ready. Any doubts I may have had are gone and I’m so excited to be starting this new journey.
    I just wanted to throw that out there for anyone that’s just starting their liquid diet and struggling like I was. I promise it gets easier and you got this!

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