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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by mamalovell

  1. I had surgery after the band and they never touched it. They never took any Fluid out or anything. I was told by my Doctor that it depends on the doctor doing the surgery. If your in an accident the ER doctors should see your scares as small as they are and know that you had some type of bypass surgery. My doctor said the surgery is so commom now that the doctors recongize the scares.

  2. So sorta same situtation for me. I always brought food to work for my boss when I was over weight. Then when I lost 130lbs my boss's wife decided that I couldn't bring food for him because that meant I wanted him. So it was OK when I was really fat but not OK now. What the hell first of all now that I am smaller I can't. She was so jealous of my weight loss she made him change assistants so I would no longer work with him plus he is not allowed to even talk to me. It's like WTF I am still same person just not as big. Get over yourself. But it really sucks and hurts. I lost a what I thought was a friend in my boss.

  3. I still wear clothes that are way to big. Everyone yells at me for it but I am comfortable this way. My biggest problem is when I go out I still try and avoid booths because I still think I can't fit into them. I have went from a size 30 to a size 16 and I am down 132lbs. The other day a co-worker sent me a picture of myself 1 month before surgery and I cried. I couldn't believe that was me. Pictures are the best thing to help you realize how different you look.

  4. I lost alot of my weight really fast. But once I hit 213lb I quit loosing. It has taking me 6 months to loose 20lbs. HELP I am very close to my goal. I just want to loose 40 more lbs. I got another fill a month ago and I am at very good restriction but I am still loosing really slow. I am only eating about 1 cup of food a day. Any suggestions?

  5. Don't know if this is right spot for this thread but hear goes anyway. I was banded Aug. 18, 2008 and have lost 120lbs. My appearance is totally different. My problem comes from I don't find myself very pretty or hot or anything. (My issues from being overweight for so many years.) But I have had alot more attention from male co workers and rude looks by female coworkers in the past 3 months. 1 co worker (who I thought was my friend.) has been treating me different and we always joke and have fun until I got email from his wife telling me to back off. My suprise considering he's 10 years older and reminds me of my father. Our family's were friends and by all means I am not any threat to her. I treat him same as when I was fat so why this sudden jealousy. How do we react to this? I am same person as before. I am so mad I just want to scream. What do I do????

    I am already greiving loss of my father, the old me, my son growing up and now loss of friendships.

  6. I was banded on August 18th, I have lost 60lbs since then total loss is 84lbs. My only disappointment is that at my last Dr. appt for another fill my Dr. said I was losing a little to fast and that no fill was needed. But I still eat about 1 1/2 cups of food some days and other days I can only manage 1/4 cup a meal. I thank God for this band it has truely changed my life. I feel so good.:thumbup:

  7. I found this very interesting and thought I would share. I went to my 2nd post-op appt. and 2nd fill last week. 1 of my questions was about hair loss. I am losing tons of hair even though I make sure to get more then my recommended Protein everyday.:biggrin: My surgeon told me that Hair loss is based on how much weight you lose and how fast. The faster you lose the more hair loss. I have lost 40lbs in 2 months and 65lbs since July,08. :D She said the hair always grows back but that the loss will happen regardless of the Protein intake if you are losing fast. The protein intake will help with the regrowth.


  8. OK I was banded 8-18-08 did great at first lots of restriction. Got 1st fill on Sept 25, did good for about 2 weeks but noticed I could eat a little more every day. I stop eating when It suddenly it feels like I will throw up or any pressure in chest. I just don't feel that way very much anymore. I go in for another fill this Friday but being a little worrier as I am I started wondering if I stretched my pouch. I have only PB once and that was from eating to fast. I have had no other problems. So my question for you long time bandsters is this bandster hell or did I stretch my pouch?? I thought when you over ate with restriction you would PB or have extreme chest pain, Is this true?? Since my last fill I have only lost about 5lbs but at least I didn't gain.

  9. I just had my first fill last Thursday. I did my liquid for 2 day's then pureed for 2 days (did not cheat cause I am scarred to death my band will slip) just started solid food today. My question is I am so hungry today. I ate about 1/4 of a Breakfast burrito this morning but felt like I could have eaten the whole thing. I just want food. I am PMS'ing so thought maybe that is it but shouldn't I be eating less and filling full sooner then before the fill. What is going on? I have lost 31lbs since being banded on 8/18/08 and was doing great until today. Has anyone else felt hungry after fill or is it just PMS? I could eat all day long if I allowed myself to today but so far the will power is working and the scare factor of not wanting to hurt myself.


  10. I was banded on Aug 18, and have been doing great. I started mushie foods and last night I started getting some pressure in my upper chest and also kinda ache. I skipped dinner because I just didn't feel very good, kinda like flu symptons. It don't really hurt just uncomfortable. I thought it might be gas because I feel like I need to burp but nothing. I can eat ok and drink ok nothing comes back up but the Water and food do go down slower. So I was just wondering did something get stuck??


  11. I was banded on 8/18/08 I was on liquid for 2 weeks then moved to puree for 2 weeks and now have started the mushie stage. I am having trouble determining what is consider mushie. I figure if it is soft and I can mush it, that would be a mushie food but I don't want to hurt the band. Today I had about a 1/2 cup of stir fry the veggies were cooked very tender and was soft and I chewed and chewed but then after reading some threads got to wondering is this a mushie or not? I had a small amount of Pasta last night again is it mushie? I have not had any problems with the food going down or any pain after eating but would love some help on what is OK to eat and what isn't. Thank you all.

    P.S. I am down 20lbs since surgery :)

  12. I got banded 8/18/08 and had no kind of xrays or anything but when I called to make my post op appt they told me they would have me go to hospital and get the upper GI to make sure band was in place. I was told they quit doing it after surgery because so many people were getting sick from the drink you have to drink. I go in on 9/25/08 to make sure everything is ok. Hope this helps and Good Luck

  13. I came down with a chest cold 4 days ago and I was banded 3 weeks ago. I am scarred to death of my band slipping. I try not to cough but had to give into the cold and have been coughing tons. Today I started having what I thing is reflux. I have a nasty unpleasant taste at the back of my throat. Is this reflux? Is it normal to get reflux after surgery? Will it hurt my band from coughing? My chest also got the tightness back like the first week after surgery. I called my Dr's office but they didn't seem concerned about me having a cold. Please help me like I said I am scarred my band slipped and thats why I got the reflux.

  14. Hello, I am 3 weeks post-op and I started getting a cold yesterday with some coughing feels like a chest cold. Today I got up with the coughing and now I am having stomach cramps like I got a stomach virus. I am sticking to liquids because I don't want to throw up. My question is will it hurt my newly installed band if I get the flu or has anyone had these symptons. I called the on call Dr. and was told as long as I can hold fluids down not to worry but he was real short like I was bothering him. I will talk to my Dr. this but she is on vacation until 9/16/08. Any advise????

  15. I am 15 days post-op banded 8/18/08 and have been doing great, but I have this weird feeling in my chest that at first I just had when I first woke up in the morning but now for the last 2 days it is constant. It kind of feels like a golf ball is in my throat. It is kinda hard to explain so this is the best I can do to describe it. It really doesn't hurt but feels really weird. I can drink and eat fine. I am on the pureed part of my post op. My concern is that I didn't have this feeling until about a week ago and it is progressing from just having it first thing in morning to all day. I am worried I did something wrong and my band slipped or something. So I am hoping some of you can let me know if you had this and if this is normal. Thank you all for your help.

  16. Hello, I was banded on the 18th by Dr. Emma Patterson in Portland Oregon. The Protein is hard. I have finally found a kind that is OK. It is Muscle Milk and they have tons of different flavors found at GNC stores. It has 32 grams of protein per shake. I was fine with the shakes pre-band but after I was banded my taste has really changed I couldn't handle the shakes until I found this kind. My biggest suprise was that it is really hard for me to take a deep breath and shoulder pain, no one warned me about this so I thought something was wrong but come to find out it is normal. They are much better at 7 day's post op. I have lost 8lbs since last Monday and 32lbs total so this band is well worth it. Don't sweat the protein too much I add Protein Powder to Tomato Soup and Peanut Butter to vanilla protein mix with 2% milk which gave me a total of my protein for the day. Just keep an open mind and try different things until you find what works. Good luck.

  17. I was banded on Monday August 18th. I am so excited but I have major pressure on the top of my stomache. It is hard to take a deep breath especially after drinking Water or Protein Shake. I am guessing it's the band but is this normal? I also get the hiccups all the time. I am having a very hard time getting my Protein down because of the pressure. I also have the shoulder pain and feel I need to burp alot. Dr Patterson who did my surgery said I had a tear in my diaphram which she fixed could this be the cause of the pressure or am I just feeling the restriction?

    Thank you for the help.

  18. My insurance requires me to lose 5% of my body weight. I made this once and had surgery scheduled for June 30th, went into have my surgery and was up by about 8lbs so DR cancelled my surgery and had me see another DR in her clinic who put me on a liquid diet for 4 weeks and told me I have to lose 30lbs before surgery. I tried to find another DR in my area but insurance only approves this DR. So here I am trying to lose 30lbs. I have already got past my insurance requirement so I'll see what what they say when I go in on Tuesday. Just to clarify I orginally lost 17lbs to meet insurance requirement then gained 8lbs of that back.

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