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Ms. Vicki

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Ms. Vicki

  1. Ms. Vicki

    February 2006 bandsters unite!!

    Tammy, so are you! Keep me laughing! I need it to keep from going insane!
  2. Ms. Vicki

    February 2006 bandsters unite!!

    Mikey, you are a hoot!
  3. Ms. Vicki

    Whats your sign?

    Now that you guys have mentioned the hiccups, I DO get them after most meals, but never related them to the band or being full... :doh::ban:
  4. Ms. Vicki

    Hello All..

    Welcome to LapBandTalk, Kelli Jo :welcomeB: I hope you'll find this site invaluable for information and unconditional loving support. It has become like my second family. Let us know how we can help. :ban: The band improved my health immensely from day one. I stopped taking insulin (diabetic) the day of my surgery and was able to reduce the pill dosage in half. I was also able to stop taking medication for acid reflux. :cheer2::cheer2::cheer2::cheer2::cheer2: I wish you the best of luck. :gluck: We love you! :love::love::love::love::love::love::love::hug:
  5. Hey guys! The curse has ended! My scales are not stuck! :ban: After 2 1/2 weeks of no movement, I lost ONE WHOLE POUND today! Sounds small, but it makes me feel good again. Thanks for all your encouragement. :whoo::whoo::whoo::whoo::whoo::whoo:
  6. Ms. Vicki

    Obesity and marriage problems

    I just have to tell you guys what a blessing this thread as been (as well as LapBandTalk in general). With every thread I read, I'm validated that what I feel or have ever felt is not something unique to me. So many of us "sisters" have gone through similar struggles whether it is our weight, sex life, abuse, marital problems, health issues or emotional turmoil. I am not alone and knowing I have you all to talk things over with is extremely comforting. I thank every one of you for this place of safety and non-judgmental support. I love each of you dearly.
  7. Ms. Vicki

    Obesity and marriage problems

    I totally agree with Alex. True love is UNconditional...always. I am very blessed to have a husband that has accepted my obesity from day one. Talk about an odd couple, when we married 16 years ago, he was 29 yrs old, never been married, no kids, was 5'0" tall and weighed 130 lbs. I, on the other hand, was 35 yrs old, had been recently been divorced, had 2 kids, was 5'6" tall and weighed 270 lbs! He says he fell in love with my heart (but claims to love my body too!) I have to admit that our sex life had been really bad lately: he is more than willing, but I feel so "ugly". And the truth be told, I am uncomfortable with it. Not emotionally, but physically. I can't breathe and just feel miserable. The desire is definitely not there. We cuddle a lot though and I DO enjoy that. He is so kind and understanding. I know he gets frustrated, but never complains. He does and says all the right things to help me "get in the mood", but nothing seems to work. Hopefully, as I lose the weight, things will improve. ANYWAY, (boy did I get sidetracked.....sorry, must have needed to vent). Back to the real subject; I get the impression that your marriage may have more issues to address than merely the weight gain. When my husband and I got married we promised to love through better or worse, in sickness and in health. I understand that weight can be a turnoff, but the love should be there regardless. You AND your husband will be in my thoughts and prayers.
  8. Good morning everyone, I have been out of touch for a few days. I had a virus and was out of work last week. Feeling better now though. Even with that, I have not lost any weight in the past two weeks!! I go for my first fill on Thursday and I'm sure I'll start losing again, hopefully. I'm just trying to hang in till then.. Wishing everyone a very happy and successful week.. love ya!
  9. Ms. Vicki

    I Really Miss

    Beautiful words, Tommy. I cherished those special moments in life too. Even more than food.
  10. Jacilyn, I live just outside of Conroe too......at Hwy 242 and FM 1485. We must be neighbors! Dr. Spivak did my band also. Isn't he the greatest?
  11. Welcome Crystal (Mom2Blake), Hopefully, you'll feel right at home with us "crazies". We're here to answer questions and/or offer support. Best of luck on becoming a "bandster". It's the best thing I've ever done! :welcome:
  12. I would love to meet everyone! This website is a lifesaving God-send. I log on first thing in the morning and stay on most all day. You guys are great and I can't wait to give you all a BIG hug! Count me in......I'll bring something really yummy (but bandster friendly!) :hungry: :hungry: :hungry: :hungry: I have to confess.......before now, I would NEVER have even considered going to the home of someone I'd never met and mingle with others I had never seen: but, you all make me feel so good and accepted. I love you all so very much!
  13. Good morning Daisybelle, Concentrate on the weight you've lost, not the weight you've gained back. We all backslide at one time or another. Just tell yourself that "today is the first day of the rest of my life". No looking back, nothing to gain by beating yourself up. Say only good positive things to (and about) yourself. You wouldn't let someone talk to a family member in a negative way all the time......well, you're "our" family (bandsters) member. :) You are strong; take control again. :decision: In only 5 months after your surgery, you had lost 80 lbs which is phenomenal! :wow2: You can do it again... I will definitely say an extra special prayer for you today!
  14. Ms. Vicki

    February 2006 bandsters unite!!

    Tammy, I am right there with you girlfriend! I also have a 10cc band and am not scheduled for a fill until 04/06. I lost 20 lbs right off the bat, but have not lost ANY in the last 2 weeks! I guess I should be happy that I've not gained either! I have never felt much restriction and have been able to eat just about everything I've tried. I just have to chew it a zillion times first. No PBing or slimeys....nothing uncomfortable. I'm still very careful about what I eat and how much, but I seem to be at a stand still. I AM GETTING DISCOURAGED! I need to increase my water intake and get more exercise. Hopefully my fill will help. It sounds funny, but I almost look forward to the restriction, PB's and slimeys. Maybe then the weight will start falling again!
  15. I'm sort of new to this site (banded 02/27/06) and am having a hard time deciphering all the acronyms and abbreviations used here. Can anyone point me to a list of definitions or help me figure them out? For example: NSV PB DH ILs DD There are others I'm sure, but these are the ones I see most often. Thanks so much!
  16. Ms. Vicki

    Introduce myself...

    Congratulations and welcome to Lapband Talk. This site has been a great source of information and support from some really fantastic people.
  17. Ms. Vicki

    1YEAR Bandanniversary TODAY 3/18

    I am so happy for you! Fifty pounds is a GREAT accomplishment! You should be so proud of yourself! Your health and wellbeing is so much better now. Keep up the fantastic work! Best wishes for success in the coming year also. :clap2: :clap2::clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
  18. Ms. Vicki

    It's Official...... I'm a Bandster

    I am so happy for you! Take it easy and....don't let others know how good you feel ; milk it for all its worth! Let others pamper you) How often do you get pampered in the real world??? Take your pain meds :painkiller: They are heavenly! Eat slowwww.......:hungry: Get lots of rest...:notagree We're here for you!
  19. Hi Babyjane :wave:, I think it is great that you are maybe getting banded in a few months. I'm really close to you in weight and was just banded 2/27. I can't begin to tell you what a difference it has made in even this short of time. I've only lost 20 lbs which you wouldn't think would make much difference considering I too have about 200 to lose, but boy howdy! It has made an amazing improvement in my energy level, my knees don't hurt nearly as bad and I can walk farther without getting winded. I can bend over (and get back up) and can even squat and return to a standing position!I am diabetic and prior to surgery was on 85 units of insulin a day plus 3 other kinds of diabetic pills. I DON'T HAVE TO TAKE INSULIN ANYMORE! Even my diabetic meds dosage has been cut in half. :whoo: I feel so much better. I try not to think about how much in total I have to lose, but am reaching for "mini goals" in 10 lb increments. These small victories seem so much bigger and are more frequent! This is a wonderful website with lots of support. You'll find most of us share similar struggles with our weight and life problems. It's great to have a place to go that you feel absolutely safe discussing ANYTHING on your mind with NO fear of being "put down". I look forward to getting to know your better . We're all in this together. Have a very blessed day!
  20. Ms. Vicki

    February 2006 bandsters unite!!

    My sweet husband :love: bought me a digital scale. It gives the weight down to the tenth of a pound. I absolutely love it. I'm sure it was much less expensive than the Detecto scale used by Magic, but as much as I'd love that one, I could not afford it. Before that, I had what I thought was a good set of scales (the kind that had a full circle with the "hands" like a clock. Trouble was, if I shifted my weight from my heels to my toes, the scale would register higher or lower. I was never really sure what I weighed. It could differ as much as 5 pounds depending on where I put my weight.
  21. Ms. Vicki

    February 2006 bandsters unite!!

    I've heard of many having complications from Gastric bypass....which is why I chose Lap-Band. I am having my first fill on April 6. I'm very excited about that. Although I don't feel any restriction and have been able to eat everything I've tried so far (including beef), I get full easy. In the 22 days since my surgery, I've lost 20 lbs! I want to lose as much as possible even before my first fill. I guess I'll be back in liquids for a week or so after that...right? I am so blessed this seems to be working so well for me. I have been on a natural "high" since I was approved for surgery and I have not come down yet! I'm thinking about having my doctor wean me off my depression medication, but maybe it's too soon for that...(hmmmm, thinking out loud). I can't tell you what a blessing this website has been. I can't wait to log on every day to see how everyone is doing. Just wish I could get paid for being on here all day! Happy Hump Day to all! love ya!
  22. Ms. Vicki

    Me Me Me Me Meeeeeee

    Way to go!! I understand about "crossing into the 300's" I'm getting close to that myself. I'm actually disappointed that my surgeon has digital scales so there is no moving the weight down! I am so HAPPY for you! Keep up the great work........
  23. Ms. Vicki

    your weirdest sex thought?

    To be honest, I have not had a desire in a very long time because of my weight. I wish that would cjange and hopefully will after I start losing the lbs. Your daughter saw you two being in love. It is from Bambi (original) and the owl describes to Thumper that in the spring, male/female animal get all "twitterpated". They flirt and look all dreamy-eyed. That was adorable for her to say that. It is very good for her to see you that way rather than some kids having to watch their parents scream and fight all the time. (I noticed you live in Willis. I live in Conroe, off of FM 1485 and Hwy 242. How old are your kids? I have 2 still at home. One is a 7th grader at Moorhead, the other is a freshman at CCHS.)
  24. Ms. Vicki

    Out of CONTROL!!

    Eat lots of protein. That's what helps me when I feel the urge to binge. Protein is the only thing that stops the hunger. I also drink more water. It sounds silly, but I make "deals" with myself. IF I drink 4 glasses of water in a given amount of time, I am allowed one small "whatever" that I'm craving. Usually. after the water the urge goes away and I don't eat what I've "earned". Get up and do something different. Call a friend, read, a book, finish a chore. Anything to get your mind off of FOOD. If all of this fails, IT'S OKAY and YOU'RE OKAY! Life happens, we all disappoint ourselves. Pat yourself on the back and forgive yourself. We get beat up enough from others. Be kind to yourself. Tomorrow is a brand new day.
  25. Ms. Vicki

    February 2006 bandsters unite!!

    When I told my mother-in-law. She got really upset. She hated me doing anything as drastic as getting banded....HELLO! I'll kill myself if I don't stop gaining weight. Anyway, she is accepting it now that I'm doing okay. Pretty much, it is no ones business but you and your husband's. Any one else you choose to tell should consider it a priviledge to be included in such a private matter. Best of luck to all...keep up the good work!

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