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Ms. Vicki

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Ms. Vicki

  1. Ms. Vicki

    Feel free to jump in here...

    If you've got the BEST and most LOYAL support group on this planet, you might be a Bandster.
  2. Ms. Vicki

    Feel free to jump in here...

    If your kids look at your plate and say, "is that ALL you are eating"?, you might be a Bandster If your husband looks at your plate and says " I didn't think you could eat that", you might be a Bandster. :Banane04::rant::mad:
  3. Ms. Vicki

    What did you want to be when you grew up?

    I always wanted to be a nurse; still do. During high school, I met my first husband and decided that I just wanted to be a wife. I was convinced that high school was for "kids" and I was much too mature for the things they do. I never went to a football game, homecoming, a dance nor a Prom. I got married one month after graduating from HS (1973). Didn't go to college. Boy was I stupid! I really regret missing out on all the fun. I made sure my 2 older kids did all the things I never did. My 2 youngest are in HS and JHS now and I'll make sure they do the same. I divorced my ex in 1989 and was about to go to college to be a nurse, but met my current hubby and got pregnant on our honeymoon (yes, really). With 2 kids from the 1st marriage and one on the way, that shot my chances of going to school for a while. My daughter ended up being a nurse (neonatal RN). I have worked for an oil company for 29 years, which I would have NEVER guessed I would have been. Not really fullfilling, but it has paid the bills. I'll probably never persue my dream of being a nurse now. I guess I'll live it through my daughter; which was her choice, not something I pushed her to do. One of the weird things I did as a child: I was about 6 yrs old and my baby brother (1 1/2 yrs old) would always sleep with me. I wet the bed one night and not wanting to get into trouble, I rolled my brother over into the wet spot and changed my clothes before my mom got up. I told her that Kerry did it. She always wondered why even though he was in the wet spot, his diaper was DRY when she changed him! I finally 'fessed up about 5 yrs ago. We get a good laugh about it now.
  4. Ms. Vicki

    Give me your best "how I did it" lines!

    I don't mind people knowing about the band BUT, I HATE them looking at me from that point on wondering how much, if any, I've lost. The band seems to become my new identity. If I "slip", people are watching....
  5. Ms. Vicki

    Let's talk Feet...

    I have just begun my "banded journey", but with just 24 lbs gone, my shoes are getting more loose. My friend had gastric bypass last year and she lost 2 shoe sizes as well as going from wide to "regular". She can wear the "cute" shoes too. I'm with you. I want to get rid of the grannie shoes I have and get something sexier. Can't wait! Let's do it!
  6. Ms. Vicki

    The new me!

    What an inspiration! Thanks for sharing.
  7. Ms. Vicki

    February 2006 bandsters unite!!

    Tammy, I thought I was the only one that made her kids get EVERYTHING for me. I've been known to call them out of another room, just to get me a glass of water that is just a few steps away. Itoo, have noticed that I am making myself get up and get things instead of using my poor kids....(okay they deserve worse for some of the things they've made us go through, but I absolutely adore them and dare anyone (except me) to say a word against them :boxing:). I've found a LOT of my BAD habits are changing, AND I am feeling much better about myself. I park farther away from my destination without getting angry. I don't try to "sneak" food when family leaves the house. I've been walking during my lunch break. And the very biggest one......(drum roll): I've initiated SEX! My husband nearly had a heart attack, before and after, but it was FUN! My band is definitely becoming my best friend. I'm still waiting for suggestions on what to call "her".
  8. Ms. Vicki

    This is a little risky and personal

    Thanks Wheetsin.....for asking what I was afraid to. :laugh:laugh:laugh
  9. Hey Teresa! You're almost a THREE-bie! :clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2: How totally awesome is that! :wow2: Congratulations. You'll be there in no time at all! Way to go! :cheer2::cheer2::cheer2::cheer2:
  10. Ms. Vicki

    Anybody go to Dr. Spivak?

    Hi Kathy, I've been able to get down EVERYTHING I have tried, including scrambled eggs, brisket and bread (which I stay away from). I've only had one PB and no other problems. BUT, even with only 1.5 cc, I get full easily and stay that way for several hours. I'm doing really good right now and feeling better than I have in a bazillion years! Thanks for the response!
  11. JanetC - Thanks for setting me straight! I was turned to the April page, but was looking at the smaller calendar for MAY (they give you the month before and after). Would you believe the calendar was WRONG! When I turned to the big May page, it was correct! Looks like I CAN be there...God willin' and the creek don't rise!(my grandma used to say that) I think I'll bring deviled eggs.
  12. I don't get off work until 6pm, so I won't be able to attend. I really never looked at the calendar. I just assumed this would fall on a Saturday. Of course, we all know what we get when we ASS U & ME. Eat a bunch of lunch for me!
  13. Ms. Vicki

    Anybody go to Dr. Spivak?

    My fill went very well. Just a slight pinch and that was it. The whole process took less than 5 minutes. I was rather disappointed that he only put in 1.5cc. I have a#10 band. I don't feel any more restricted than before the fill, but the nurse (Brenda) said sometimes it takes a few days for it to "kick in". She also said sometimes you can lose inches without losing lbs. Remember: this is a SLOW process, which is a good thing because the weight is easier to keep off AND you skin adjusts easier. About 1-2 lbs per week is all you should expect. I get very impatient and want the scales to move faster. PATIENCE IS A VIRTUE! I hope everyone had a great weekend. Have a very blessed week.
  14. Ms. Vicki

    I'm hurting myself

    Jack, I LIVE for your comments! I can always count on them to put a BIG smile on my face. I ordered the Zetacaps a year ago. I took them as directed for about a month. Their customers "claim" that they are SOOOO glad to have found them (the pills) before having something drastic done (like the lapband or gastric surgery)! I did not lose an ounce, nor did I ever feel full faster after taking them. Now it could just have been MY experience, but they were like sugar pills for me. Did NOTHING, NADA, ZILCH.....I hope y'all have better luck than I did with them. To Lisa, Tina and all others struggling: First...here's a big ((((((hug))))), 'cuz I've felt the same way. Secondly, be firm but kind with yourself. I know you've got the strength inside to conquer that curse given to you and your descendants so many centuries ago. When you fall short, don't dwell on the past but say "tomorrow is another day" (I'm a Gone with the Wind fan). We all wake up with new mercies everyday. Y'all have a great weekend.... talk to you on Monday. Love you all.
  15. Ms. Vicki

    February 2006 bandsters unite!!

    Hello dear friends, Every doctor is different, but after seeing so much (on this website) about it being okay to drink carbonated drinks, I called my doctor's office. The nurse I talked to, who is also a bandster, read a recent quote from the American Institute of Bariatric Surgery on the subject. It stated that carbonated beverages CAN enlarge or stretch the stoma (pouch) because of the gases created. This holds true for overeating (large quantites) even if you can tolerate it. I think I'm going to be very cautious about either. I paid too much $$ and went through too much pain to sabotage my efforts. Brenda (nurse) said this is true for either Lapband or RNY patients. I asked her when you know you need another fill. She said you take measurements weekly of your weight, and body. When you go 3-4 weeks with no change, it is time for another fill. She said that whether or not you "feel" restricted is NOT a determining factor. Just passing on the info. Take it or leave it. Have a great weekend!
  16. Ms. Vicki

    Totally Check out my New Jeans Jacket

    What an inspiration! You have made my day! This is the kind of encouragement I need to succeed!! Have a wonderful weekend.....give your 4 yr old an extra hug for me!! Congratulations!!!!! :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:
  17. Ms. Vicki

    February 2006 bandsters unite!!

    Sunta, I am with you! I just had my first fill yesterday. It didn't hurt at all. I was rather dissappointed that he only put in 1.5cc (in a 10cc band), but I've gathered from others that Dr. Spivak is pretty conservative about his fills. Since I had not had anything but milk all day, I was starving at 2pm when I got out of his office. :hungry::hungry::hungry: I bought some deviled eggs at a deli and was only able to eat 1 (half egg) before I felt full. That was encouraging, however, when I got home from work last night around 7pm I was VERY hungry again. :hungry::hungry: I had about 1/2 cup of mashed pinto beans with cheese. I was still hungry! :hungry::hungry:I ate the insides of a bean burrito from Taco Bell (with a liitle bit of tortilla) and I was STILL hungry! :hungry::hungry: SO, I drank a cup of buttermilk. That seemed to satisfy me FINALLY.......but I was really puzzled that it took so much to make me feel full. What's going on with that??? Then I had my first PB! :tape: :yuck: NOW I know what it is! Out of the blue with no warning, I burped, but it wasn't just air! I was okay after it happened and it didn't happen again. I'm curious what I'll feel like today. Anyway, y'all have a great weekend!
  18. Ms. Vicki

    February 2006 bandsters unite!!

    Hey Nanster! Are you sure you weren't listening to MY HEART when you wrote your thread? You said EVERYTHING that I am feeling. Isn't it amazing how alike we are? I've never met any of you in person, but I feel almost closer than family! I think that is why I'm addicted to this website. Thanks to all for being here! I love you all. Have a wonderful and successful weekend.
  19. Ms. Vicki

    First Fill, No restriction??

    I just had my first fill yesterday. It didn't hurt at all. I was rather dissappointed that he only put in 1.5cc (in a 10cc band), but I've gathered from others that Dr. Spivak is pretty conservative about his fills. Since I had not had anything but milk all day, I was starving at 2pm when I got out of his office. :hungry::hungry::hungry: I bought some deviled eggs at a deli and was only able to eat 1 (half egg) before I felt full. That was encouraging, however, when I got home from work last night around 7pm I was VERY hungry again. :hungry::hungry: I had about 1/2 cup of mashed pinto Beans with cheese. I was still hungry! :hungry::hungry:I ate the insides of a bean burrito from Taco Bell (with a liitle bit of tortilla) and I was STILL hungry! :hungry::hungry: SO, I drank a cup of buttermilk. That seemed to satisfy me FINALLY.......but I was really puzzled that it took so much to make me feel full. What's going on with that??? :scared: Then I had my first PB! :tape: :yuck: NOW I know what it is! Out of the blue with no warning, I burped, but it wasn't just air! I was okay after it happened and it didn't happed again. I curious what I'll feel like today. Anyway, y'all have a great weekend!
  20. Ms. Vicki

    What does everyone do for a living?

    I'm a Customer Service Rep for an Oil Company.
  21. Ms. Vicki

    Anybody go to Dr. Spivak?

    When I called and made my appointment, they offered April 6 and said that was it until April 27. The nurse said he was booked up until April 27 because he was on vacation. Anyone else going in on April 6?
  22. Ms. Vicki

    Anybody go to Dr. Spivak?

    I use Dr Spivak and go for my first fill on Thursday at the SurgiCenter. I've lost 21 lbs but am really struggling with the hunger. I sure hope he gives me a BIG fill!
  23. Ms. Vicki


    I love popcorn too. :popcorn:I have had no problem as long as I chew chew chew! :blabla::blabla::blabla::blabla: Of course, I have not had my first fill yet either, hmmm.:ermm
  24. I take Metformin which I cut into pieces. My Effexor XL is capsule form. My pharmacist said I can open it and mix with any "mushie". I have on occasion even opened the capsule over my open mouth and then took a swallow of liquid. I've had no problems.
  25. Ms. Vicki

    Time off after surgery

    I had my surgery on Monday and was off work for 2 weeks. The surgery itself was not a problem for me. It was the gas that settled in my neck and shoulder. It took 2 weeks to go away. I still had some pains occasionally for a month after surgery. (I have a desk job)

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
