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Ms. Vicki

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Ms. Vicki

  1. Ms. Vicki

    PB? Worse Experience of My Life!!!

    Just wanted to thank you for letting me know what PB meant. I've been trying to figure it out for a month. God bless you all.
  2. Ms. Vicki

    Feeling Blue

    It is great that you've lost 13 lbs! Remember when you used to GAIN 13 lbs instead? I understand your concern. I have to keep reminding myself that the band is NOT a miracle cure for obesity. It works slower than a gastric bypass. You did not gain the weight overnight and it not going to come off any faster. Many people in life can (and do) beat you up emotionally. You certainly don't need to do it to yourself. You are doing fantastic......it takes courage to even go through the banding. Be good to yourself. You are beautiful and strong and you can do this!
  3. Ms. Vicki

    On My Way To ER Possible Gangrene

    I will be praying for you........keep us informed. Take care.
  4. Thanks Wheetsin for starting this....... I was banded on 2/27/06 and weighed 335 that day. The day before, my PCP's scales showed 338. I'm using that as my starting weight (cause it looks like I've lost a whole 3 lbs more, teehee). My BMI was 53.5. I've always thought that I was 5'6" tall but the Dr's office measured me to be 5'5" (I guess I've shrunk in height since I'm 51 yrs old). So far I've lost 19 lbs, but most of that was in the first 2 weeks. It seems to be slowing down which I expected. Sure is discouraging though. With this much weight to loose, it is hardly noticeable, except in my face. My husband says he can tell. He teases me and asks when where I've gone! Bless his liitle heart. He is such a dear....and SO supportive. We do have more challenges than many on this site. I saw one person say that she had lost half of her excess weight after just 2 months. I'm not criticizing, but geez, makes me wonder why she had to go through the pain and expense of the band! I apologize. I have no right to second guess others decisions. I'm sure it is just jealousy. I haven't had my first fill yet, so maybe the loss will speed up after that. It is easy to get down. I have to lose a lot just for people to notice. I have a skinny friend who told me she needed to lose 16 lbs and she was having a hard time doing it. That's almost a daily fluctuation for me! (okay that's an exageration.) I am so thankful that you guys are here for me. There are lots of success stories here. Thanks for the encouragement.
  5. Ms. Vicki

    Spouse's Reaction to Weight Loss

    I am sorry about jumping to conclusions.I guess it stems from several friends' marriages ending in divorce after WLS. I really did hear your pain in not having the emotional support that you lack from your hubby but definitely deserve. I'm sorry he refuses to go to counseling. Sounds to me like an issue he needs to address for himself, but unfortunately it is affecting you and the kids. It would still be helpful if you went alone. Maybe it would help you deal with it and possibly could give you insight to reaching your husband so he would consider going. Until then, we are all here to support you.
  6. Ms. Vicki

    Spouse's Reaction to Weight Loss

    Photonut: You have brought out some strong but very true observations. I have had several friends lose a lot of weight and most divorced their husbands once the weight was gone. Why? They all said they were tired of the lack of support and they deserved something better. I agree with what they said, but did not agree with how they handled it. Be careful about throwing away so many years of life shared with another person. I am sure the spouses are feeling threatened. Let's face it, when we are heavy, not many men will look our way. Not so when we lose the excess weight. I have not lost much of my weight yet since I'm a newbie (20 lbs...180 to go), but I KNOW how flattered I'd be if a man other than my husband would give me a compliment. It's a human (woman) thing. I'm going to have to make the extra effort to assure my husband that he is the only one that matters to me. I need to make sure he KNOWS he turns me on. I need to let him know that even though others compliment me, he is my soulmate and the only one that matters to me. My vow to him and God was to love him unconditionally. That is a vow I intend to keep. My husband has already shown concern about what my weight loss will mean to our relationship. He is already feeling threatened. Fortunately, he is very free with the compliments and has always been a great source of love and support even when I was at my heaviest. The strength of our marriage lies with our relationship with our Lord. It is not and never was a matter of physical attraction (although we ARE physically attracted to each other). My husband is 5'0" and weighs 160 lbs. I am 5'6" and at my heaviest weighed 338. Talk about an odd couple. We offer emotional support to each other and that means a lot. Wonderkidsmom: Please don't think I'm judgemental. Just offering some insight from my past experiance. I have been divorced and know what it's like to want "something better". It is NOT all about the weight loss. Sounds to me like you've been lacking the emotional support than you need from your husband even before your weight loss. Sit down and talk to him honestly about your concerns. Let him know how you feel. Just be VERY careful not to put him on the defensive. Try to get him to open up and let you know his fears and concerns. He may be hurting too and just has a hard time expressing it. Communication is the key. Get professional counseling if it would help (couldn't hurt). You both may have issues that need to be brought to the surface and addressed. In the end, if you both decide you can not provide what the other is needing, then maybe it would be better to go your separate ways. Just don't give up without a fight. Something attracted you to your spouse or you would not have married him. Find that spark and rekindle the flame. I wish you the very best......you deserve it.
  7. Ms. Vicki

    PB? Worse Experience of My Life!!!

    First let me tell you that I've thoroughly enjoyed reading this thread. It is a hoot. Secondly, I'll confess to my ignorance since I am a newbie still trying to figure out all the acronyms used by you all. What is "PBing"? I thought it was vomiting, but that doesn't quite fit, nor does burping. Please help.....don't laugh at my question , please! You all have a great weekend! :clap2:
  8. Ms. Vicki

    The Ball Is Rolling!

    Hey Kabeerah! Happy St Patty's Day. My favorite saint since I have a phobia with those long sleezy "s" things..tee hee. They did something to the bed of my DD's toenails when they were removed to prevent them from growing back. One tried to grow back and that little piece was removed again. She has a real conversation piece! It has become one of those "funny" family traits. She has a 5 month old DD herslf and we keep looking at HER toes....they are just like her mom's, poor child! Runs in the family. Anyway, I hope you are successful getting yours cleared up. I know how painful it can be. Hope you have a great weekend. I HAVE to babysit my 1st and only grandaughter this weekend (twist my arm...teehee). She is such a blessing to me. I absolutely melt when I'm with her. All is right with the world.....aahhhh. God bless.
  9. This looks exactly like the rash I have gotten after several surgeries; not just the lap-band recently. My doctor says it is an allergic reaction to the steri strips. It is maddening! My hives got so bad they turned into blisters. I feel for you girlfriend. The only thing that gave me relief was the benadryl....50 mg at a time. Ice packs also help.
  10. Ms. Vicki

    February 2006 bandsters unite!!

    Tammy, I'll be praying for your whole family. Your niece, (and probably you and your sister) are struggling with low self esteem. Just remember that God made each of us uniquely; Society unfortunately has defined beauty by outward appearance. I can tell you some of the most beautiful people I know would never win a beauty contest. Beauty comes from within. If you can just convey that to your niece and make her believe it, her recovery could begin. I guess if I could say there was a "good side" to my obesity, it would be a realization that just as I don't want others to judge me by my appearance, I have tried to teach my kids that looks are only skin deep, while integrity, strong values, humility and kindness go to the heart. If God has a refridgerator, I'm sure my picture is on it and so is yours....as well as your niece's. My mom is also "normal" sized. I have one daughter who is overweight and I have a fear that she'll end up just like me. Funny thing is, I also have three sons who are all SLIM! Go figure! I can't explain it. As far as forgoing the chocolate bar..........WAY TO GO GIRL! I'M PROUD OF YOU. I'm here if you ever need to talk. God bless.
  11. Ms. Vicki

    The Ball Is Rolling!

    I credit God for making it so easy (and fast) for me to get banded. I went to the seminar on Feb 10, was approved by insurance on Feb 20 nad banded on Feb 27. I just got a bonus at work that totally covered my deductible. Ours is a truly awesome God! I have had surgery to reduce the width of my toenails. I still have a few problems but not much. My daughter had to have both big toe nails removed totally when she was 11 because they kept getting infected. She is now 27 years old and gets a lot of attention when people look at her feet. She actually paints her skin, so from a distance it looks like she still has toenails! Hope you have success curing yours. Best wishes. Have a very blessed day!
  12. Ms. Vicki

    February 2006 bandsters unite!!

    Thanks so much for doing this! Pre-op loss - 3 Dr. H. Spivak 02/27/2006 Lost as of 3/15 - 18
  13. Ms. Vicki

    Help....I am craving salt!

    I'll increase my calcium (I too love cheese). You guys are great! I'm new to the banding "scene", but I want you to know it means a lot to have friends to go to when I need help. I saw no admonishment, only suggestions and neat stories. Thanks to you all. Have a fantastic rest of the day!
  14. I was banded on Feb 27. Just 15 days ago and I have lost 17 lbs so far. It is slowing down though. That's okay, I expected it, but I think the problem is my salt intake. I can't get enough. The more I get the more I want. It is getting very annoying. I know it is BAD for me. I know I should not eat so much salt. I am "BINGE SALTING"!! I need to QUIT!!! Has anyone else had this problem? I am not hungry at all. I do seem to have problems getting enough protein into my diet too. Right now, my diet consists mainly of cottage cheese (with salt), sardines (with salt,pepper and vinegar), soft cooked eggs (with salt), Glucerna (I'm diabetic), jello, puddings, yogurt and smoothies made with soymilk/instant breakfast. I'm probably not getting enough calories each day either. Usually 5 servings of any of the above is all I eat. Is it my diet? Please help me stop "BINGE SALTING"!! Thanks to all...... Ms. Vicki banded 02/27/06:faint: starting wt 338 current wt 321 goal 138
  15. Ms. Vicki

    Help....I am craving salt!

    Thanks......I love soy nuts. I bet it could be a water thing. I try to drink a lot but get busy at work and forget to SIP, SIP, SIP!
  16. Ms. Vicki

    thanks for the feed back

    Best wishes Terri. I got "banded" on Feb 27. I was sore from the stitches for about a week, but the gas in my shoulder took almost two weeks to dissipate. Today is my first day back at work and I'm feeling great. I have lost 15 lbs so far. Let us know how yours goes! God bless...
  17. My name is Ms. Vicki. I am married with 4 children. My only daughter is 26, married and just gave birth to my first grandchild. I have a 23 yr old son in the US Coast Guard, a 15 yr old son and a 13 yr old son. I work for an oil company and am very active in my church. I was born a "preemie", and I think that is the only time in my life I've been underweight. I have always had to struggle with the pounds. My starting weight is 338 lbs. I went to Dr. Spivak's seminar (Houston, TX) seminar on Feb 10, they sent application for insurance approval on Feb 14, I was approved on Feb 20 (less than 1 week!) and I had my Pre-ops on Feb 21. My surgery is scheduled for Feb 27. I am so excited I can hardly stand it! I am SO looking forward to finally taking control of my body! Dr. Spivak is wonderful and very compassionate. I have absolutely no fears. I look forward to sharing my journey with all of you "bandsters". I count it a blessing to have this forum for support. I imagine I'll be leaning pretty heavy (no pun intended) on you guys early on. Thanks in advance for being here when I need you. Wish me luck! Love to all. Ms. Vicki
  18. Ms. Vicki

    Dr. Spivak- Houston, TX

    I went to his seminar on Feb 10, they sent application for insurance approval on Feb 14, I was approved on Feb 20 (less than 1 week!) and I had my Pre-ops on Feb 21. My surgery is scheduled for Feb 27. I am so excited I can hardly stand it! I am SO looking forward to finally taking control of my body! Dr. Spivak is wonderful and very compassionate. I have absolutely no fears. I look forward to sharing my journey with all of you "bandsters". Wish me luck! :clap2:

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