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Posts posted by ljv52

  1. My brother joined other loved ones in heaven today at 3:00 p.m. Eastern time. I'm still in pretty much a state of shock. Just doesn't seem real to me. My sister and I will travel to Pittsburgh Thursday and return on Sunday. Going to be a tough time but will get through it with God's help. Thanks for all the prayers -- he went peacefully and that's a blessing.

    I'll cbl Thanks for everything.


  2. Hi everyone, Can't sleep. Got word late this afternoon that there's nothing that can be done for my brother - they told the family that to survive he'd need a lung and heart transplant but that he's too weak so isn't a candidate. They will be meeting with the staff tomorrow to start the process of taking him off life suppport. I don't know a lot - just know that the family waited all day for news and then this devestating news came late this afternoon - so they are still in shock and trying to deal with the situation. It's very sad. His son will graduate from college in a couple of weeks -- his youngest gs was just born in November. Very sad. But we will Celebrate his life. I have wonderful memories and am so grateful we had our vacation together last summer.

    Melissa, I am really really keeping my fingers crossed for you - I do hope one of the jobs comes through for you - would help you so much to have insurance. Think positive.

    Eva, tomorrow is your b-day? Since things may be hectic for me tomorrow, wanted to tell you to have a very happy birthday tomorrow - and many more. Take a day off tomorrow from all the hard work -- you are one amazing woman!! Love you very much.

    Lori, sorry to hear of your health issues -- hope it's something that can be fixed with some meds. I can't believe the baby is 6 weeks old already!! OMG time sure flies!!

    Janet, glad you are getting back to your regular workout routine. My vertigo is better since I had the procedure, but I'm still careful when I lay down to stay on the one side. What a pain!! I have another 4 nights of this. Cheri, I've had vertigo episodes for about 20 years -- long before I started exercising daily so don't think it's related - I do think stress can make it worse though.

    Apples, hugs to you I know it's been a tough week. Thinking of you.

    To all of you - thank you all for your prayers and support and just love I feel from each of you. You each mean a lot to me and I couldn't have gotten through the past few weeks without you all. Thanks so much.

    Moved our office today from one building to another - have a much nicer area and much larger desk space -- think I'll like it better. I'm planning on working tomorrow -- until I hear what the plan is, I might as well work and keep myself occupied. I'll be flying to Pittsburgh for the funeral, whenever that ends up being.

    Thanks again to all of you.


  3. Morning to everyone. Cooler here this morning -- 45 -- lol. Was in the 80s again yesterday but cooled off last night -- we didn't have any storms though -- we were suppoed to but missed them.

    DB made it through the surgery but they didn't find anything that would cause the Fluid in the belly. This was kind of a last ditch effort to try to find out what is wrong. They weren't sure he'd even survive the surgery. What good is surviving if no one can figure out how to fix the problem? Not sure what to expect now.

    Got my first mosquito bite of the year -- they love me -- I must have the best tasting blood in the world.

    Apples, glad to see you posting -- was getting worried. Hope things calm down.

    Hope you all have a great Monday -- CBL.


  4. Look at those two beautiful skinny girls -- you both look gorgeous Meredith and Laura -- thanks for posting the pics!!

    Back from casino -- was not a winning day - stopped at store on way home and then came home and took fat off the Soup I made yesterday and readied it for freezer and then made a casserole for the family out of the rest of the meat -- finally done. Forgot to mention this morning that our dishwasher stopped working last night - ugh! Will be having a repair person out this week - I already miss it. Yuck.

    MY DB may have exploratory surgery tonight or tomorrow if his cardiologist feels he can withstand it -- they area still searching for what is making him retain Fluid in belly.

    Will CBL.


  5. Morning to all. It's absolutely gorgeous here and we are sure enjoying ourselves. Aylah is out at her picnic table eating her bowl of Cheerios!! We got the swing set and patio furniture out yesterday -- she's in heaven. We woke up around 7:30 and she ran straight outside to her swingset - no tv for her this morning!! She loves it so much. Waiting for her mom to pick her up this morning and then we are headed out to go for a few hours to the casino and then come home for an early and relaxing Sunday.

    Well, I better get going. Just wanted to pop in to say hi.

    Love you all.


  6. I found the Walmart brand of Spanx which are usually around $15 is pretty lightweight and comfy - I like the ones that look like tank tops -- I buy the X-large and they aren't too tight -- I wore them all last summer and they didn't bother me even on hot and humid days.

    Julie, enjoy your bridal shower -- sounds like fun -- I haven't been to one in years.

    Did my hour workout this am -with my extra work outs this week I added up and I did right around 700 mins. of cardio this week -- my weight - no change. LOL. Oh well, but I'm at least staying right at 138. Gotta love that.

    Yes, Julie, you CAN and you WILL be able to keep this weight loss -- you just need to decide you are going to do it. Just cause you CAN eat or drink something now doesn't mean you SHOULD - -remember your health.

    My step daughter's friend lost her dad yesterday - only 42 and diabetic -- scary stuff. We are not guaranteed anything -- we must work to achieve health and even then it's no guarantee.

    Love you all.


  7. Morning to all.

    Eva, my goodness that is some work out - wow - you are truly amazing -- I could work like that in my 30s and 40s but once I had back surgery that was it for any kind of work like that. Glad you like it -- I used to do it but didn't enjoy it as much as you seem to. Good for you -- did the shed get done?

    Janet, yes, I meant PS not PT -- and I sent you the hand out by U.S. snail mail, not e-mail. You probably will get it Mon. or Tues.

    Nothing new with my DB -- just a waiting game. Very hard on the family. He hasn't gotten any worse so that's a postiive.

    Laura, have fun on your mini vacation -- so nice of your DH -- you guys will have a ball -- hugs to Meredith for me -- I think Nelson will fall in love with her -- I just have that feeling. I remember when my son was about 7 or 8 he got a bad crush on one of my gfs who was very pretty - it was cute and funny! I was surprised when he grew up that he married a blue eyed blonde cause his first love had dark hair, Meredith is so gorgeous and so personable!

    Cheri,I was surprised you said you're getting a new principal next year - I thought that had just happened last year. Is it another new one or hasn't it happened yet? You'll do just fine -- the new principal will appreciate who you are and what you mean to your students. You are so dedicated - do not worry about that.

    Jodi, did you see Phil again?

    LauraK, hope your new guy is better than the last few -- hope you're having some fun.

    Slept in bed for first time in two days -- slept better in chair. LOL. I had to keep from turning my head and tried to just lay on one side and I could tell if I moved my head towards the other side I could fee that the vertigo might start. So far so good -- it's not happened when I've moved my head up or down like in a store looking up to grab off a high shelf or in the kitchen - so it may have worked. Interesting.

    Okay, gotta get moving. Aylah is coming over at 9:30 and I gotta get my work out in and get home before then.



  8. Here's more from the same newsletter that I think you'll find interesting:

    Serving: 2 Roma Tomatoes, 1 cup broccoli, 1 cup baby

    carrots, 4 medium button mushrooms, 1 cup fresh ripe

    strawberries, 1/2 cup fresh black berries, 1 large kiwifruit.

    Volume: about 5 cups.

    Calories: 281

    Carbohydrate: 63g

    Protein: 11g

    Fat: 1g

    Sodium: 215mg

    Cost*: $3.30

    In comparison let's look at the top three processed simple

    carbohydrate snack foods that WLS patients report including

    in their diet:

    Fig Newtons: 2 Cookies

    Original Wheat Thins: 16 Crackers

    Pretzel Twists: 10 twists

    Total food volume: 1 cup

    Calories: 489

    Carbohydrate: 92g

    Protein: 9g

    Fat: 10g

    Sodium: 1424mg

    Cost*: $2.19

    As you can see, with only three foods and 1 cup of food

    volume we are 40 grams shy of our daily intake of

    carbohydrate (92g of 130g RDA). In addition these foods are

    frequently eaten as Snacks and most of us know we can (and

    sometimes do) exceed the portion size without discomfort or

    even awareness. We would only need to add one Fig

    Newton, 8 Wheat Thins and 5 more pretzel twists to reach

    our daily carbohydrate intake. In addition, these simple

    carbohydrates fail to provide health promoting nutrients and

    vitamins and they may adversely affect blood sugar levels

    and weight management goals.

    My current practice of awareness is knowing that if the

    product is manufactured and labeled and I chose to eat that

    product I must count and record the carbohydrate values.

    You will notice when shopping that infrequently fresh fruits

    and vegetables are labeled for nutrition; they are not

    manufactured food. As a weight loss surgery patient with

    limited stomach space it is highly unlikely I will ever exceed

    the RDA of 130g per day when I chose fruit and vegetable

    carbs over processed simple carbs.

    The big bonus that comes from eating complex

    carbohydrates is not calculated in weight and measure. It is

    the freedom from self-loathing and moral judgment that so

    often accompanies our food choices. In all my work with

    weight loss surgery patients I have never heard someone

    say, "I just couldn't stop eating fresh vegetables, I was out

    of control, I am so angry at myself for doing that." Not

    once. The same cannot be said for our top three simple

    carbohydrate Snacks that quickly become slider foods

    derailing our weight management.

    And finally, when we eat these healthy nutrient dense fruits

    and vegetables we stay full longer and report fewer cravings

    for snacky-carbs. Our overall health improves, skin and hair

    become radiant, we maintain steady energy levels, weight

    management is achieved and we don't feel badly about


  9. From Kaye Bailey's newsletter this week:

    A major area of concern and sometimes confusion for us after

    weight loss surgery is how many grams of carbohydrates should

    we eat in a day. Have you been perplexed over the carbohydrate

    question? Today in Cooking with Kaye we take a look at carbs

    and the role they play our diet after weight loss surgery.

    It is popular in the health and nutrition fields to describe carbs

    as "good carbs" or "bad carbs". I prefer not to use those words

    because they assign a moral trait to food and food does not

    have moral traits. Food is food. When we remove moral

    assignment from the food we eat we can be smart, thoughtful,

    and rational with our choices. But if we assign morals to food

    and eat "bad carbs" then we must be bad. You know the

    self-blame cycle I'm talking about.

    Instead of good carbs and bad carbs I prefer to use more

    accurate terms:

    Fruit and Vegetable Carbs or Complex Carbs

    Grain and Starch Carbs or Complex Carbs

    Processed Manufactured Carbs or Simple Carbs

    I have them arranged in nutritional importance to us after

    undergoing weight loss surgery. Like other nutrients

    carbohydrates are measured in grams. A 2008 broad-canvas

    study of bariatric centers revealed that few bariatric surgeons or

    nutritionists give a specific daily quota for carbohydrate intake.

    Most default to the 113g RDA recommended by the National

    Academies' Institute of Medicine for people following a 1200

    calorie a day diet. It takes roughly 8 to 10 cups of fruit and

    vegetables to equal 113g complex carbohydrates and I do not

    know any weight loss surgery patient who can consume that

    much volume.

    That is good news. While it is unlikely we can ever reach that

    daily intake by eating fruits and vegetables it is also unlikely we

    will ever over eat our carbohydrate allowance when we select

    high moisture, high Fiber fruits and vegetables. A variety of fruits

    and vegetables promotes good health because they contain

    disease fighting Vitamins and nutrients. Fruits and vegetables

    enjoyed with lean Protein improve the overall eating experience

    for weight loss surgery patients because they are high in

    moisture. This is a relief when we are following the liquid

    restrictions and not drinking a beverage with meals.

    Today we look at

    complex carbohydrates

    from fruits and

    vegetables. We have

    some great tips and

    recipes to include them

    in your diet for life-long

    weight management.

    Pictured here is a typical

    breakfast plate for me

    that included 2 ounces

    white meat roasted

    turkey, 1 hard-cooked

    egg, 6 blackberries and

    1/2 large kiwifruit. After enjoying this meal I will not feel hungry

    or crave sweets for several hours. (Nutritional Count: 182


    (44% Protein, 32% Fat, 24% Carbohydrate); 20g Protein; 6g Fat;

    11g Carbohydrate; 3g Dietary Fiber. 75% RDI Vitamin C, 25%

    RDI Niacin, 5% RDI Calcium.) I consider this plate a perfect

    breakfast and while I don't get it right every morning it is a goal

    I aim for because on days when I get this right I am powerful

    and in control.

    The next issue of Cooking with Kaye will address grain and

    starch carbs including Pasta. I hope you find this information

    valuable and supportive of your WLS Living. Thanks for joining

    me today in Cooking with Kaye.


    Kaye Bailey

  10. Morning everyone. Nothing new here.

    Eva, I see on FB that your shed should be delivered today -- good for you -- you'll love it -- we love our shed.

    Julie, you'll have to dig in deep and try to calm the hunger monster. I have discovered making sugar free, fat free pudding and adding Protein powder (when you mix it) really helps -- I use Isopur Zero Carb Unflavored Protein powder and it doesn't change the flavor or texture of the pudding. It really takes away that hungry feeling. I've also been eating the PB2 with celery as a snack when I'm really hungry -- and that helps too -- just make some wise choices and keep your caloies down and try to add in exercise. Also it really is true that if you don't eat carbs you don't feel as hungry nor have as many cravings -- really really is true. Even if you eat larger portions than you did with the band, if you choose the same foods and eat Protein first, you should be able to lose or at least maintain. Just start with 10 or 15 mins. of exercise -- like a walk -- but do it every day or maybe even twice a day. You'll feel better if you get some control back in your life - and what you choose to eat is the ONE thing you CAN control. Remember what you've accomplished -- remember why you worked so hard -- and then dig in and decide you CAN and WILL do it. Sandy has lost her weight without the band, you will too. I will be thinking of you and praying for you too.

    Watched Idol last night -- was not too surprised as I was telling my DH during the performances that I thought she was in danger cause she doesn't show her personality on stage -- she is a great singer -- she'll have a career -- this just wasn't the right competition for her. I think James has almost got it locked -- he's just so appealing -- also that Scotty -- so much personality -- boy he sang that Elvis song so well -- he IS his generation's Elvis. But he's got that personality plus that makes him just so appealing -- you just can't help yourself but like him.

    Well, gotta get moving -- spent my second night in the recliner -- honestly, I slept better there than in bed cause no snoring -- I feel pretty good this a.m. I've been trying not to move my head much but I feel like the vertifo is really gone. BTW, Janet and Apples I sent that sheet to both of you that I got from the Phys. Therapist with the instructions for the maneuver on it -- you have to decide first though which side triggers the vertigo -- then start and end with that side -- the one I sent was the right side - so if yours is triggered on the left start by turning your head left instead of right.

    Jodi, OMG -- meeting the kid -- Phil must REALLY REALLY like you -- wow! That is moving quickly. Good for you -- when I met my DH it was very quick also -- when you meet the right one it doesn't matter how long you've known him -- if it's right, it's right. Happy for you. You need this right now.

    LOL on the wrong date for the support group -- that's the kind of stuff I do.

    Hope Phyl is having a great time in Mexico -- did they take Zoey? If not, where is she?

    Gotta get to my step aerobics.

    Will CBL Happy Friday to all.


  11. Jodi, feel free to print my letter, but please fix my faux pas! Please change green yogurt to greek yogurt and change Protein to grams instead of ounces.

    Would love for him to give that letter to Dr. Oz personally as I'm sure he won't see it at all otherwise.

    Will be curious to know what happens tonight.



  12. Good morning everyone.

    Janet, i just went to the Dr. Oz website and clicked on contact us and sent the letter via e-mail. that's the quickest and easiest way. That's why I had so many faux pas -- cause I sneaked it in at work and didn't take time to really proof it. I had my treatment for vertigo last night at physical thereapy -- it's interesting -- he thinks I have two different ear canals affected -- that's why I get it looking up and down and when I lay down and look to my left -- so worked on the manuever on both sides - took over an hour -- and then told me I have to sleep in a recliner for 48 hours -- no laying down -- well I made it through last night, hoping I can do another night in the recliner -- interesting. Just wanted to let you know so you'll be prepared if you ever go and get it done. Not sure what people would do if they don't have a recliner.

    Nothing new on my brother -- now they think it may be something with his heart condition and that may have been what it's been all along. Everyone is so frustrated -- how horrible it is to sit around a hospital bed and not know what is causing hte problems - I've been there before -- it's so agonizing. Feel so bad for my sister in law and the kids -- so hard on all of them.

    Arlene, the farmers market sounds great - ours will start in June - it's my favorite Sat. thing. We also have it on Tues. nights - just love having all the fresh veggies.

    My DH got the grill out yesterday and cleaned it -- whoo hoo - that's s sure sign of spring!

    Eva, I'm sure you'll get a good grade on the writing class -- it's so subjective to so many things.

    Well, time to get ready to leave for Water aerobics. Will cbl.

    Have a good day everyone!


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