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Kimberly 20

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Posts posted by Kimberly 20

  1. I definitely had worries before the surgery, not only whether I NEEDED to do this (as I have lost weight w/o surgery before) but I have trauma around anesthesia. But, I did it and I do not regret it. My sister was my biggest cheerleader since I told her about my plans in October. She wiped my tears as I cried on the anesthesia table.
    In terms of eating post-surgery, Some things I miss, some things I don't and some things are able to be modified. The Portion Control is major and while the effect will not last forever it will last long enough to assist you in teaching your body a new normal when it comes to eating. My surgery was on 2/11/20, Since December. I have lost 91 pounds and I have not been perfect.

    You can do this.

  2. 6 hours ago, GotItDoneInHarlem said:

    I'm a high school principal in the Bronx. We have yet to receive guidance on seniors. Time is running out for kids who need to take credit recovery classes to graduate in June... if there even is a graduation ceremony.

    Yes, our Roster person just completed rostering every student who needed Credit Recovery/ Grade Improvement for this year. It's been such a crazy couple of weeks

  3. What kind of clothes are they? Do they have elastic in the waist? Are your jeans true jeans or "stretch" jeans? Were your tops modestly fitting before? Sometimes if we don't wear figure-hugging clothing, it's harder to tell from your clothing. If you've lost 34 pounds (congrats!), go and get a piece of clothing you haven't worn for a while and see how that goes. Be kind to yourself.

  4. Helo!

    I have been lurking for a few days and wanted to advance to full participant! This Forum seems to be very helpful and encouraging.

    I am determined to get in more movement today. Since March 13th, we have been pretty much "at home". I was looking forward to hitting the gym, but alas, that is not to be. So, I did get in a 30-minute walk but I also am thinking about adding sort of online (youtube) exercising to my day. Anyone have any favorites they would like to recommend for a newcomer, beginner to mid-range?

    Also, I am trying to update my "stats" (surgery date and weights) on the left side of my profile page, but I cannot figure out how to do that, any suggestions?

    Thank you for being here!

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