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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by WhitneyLC84

  1. 37 minutes ago, biginjapan said:

    I asked my doctor for an enema. I needed to fart (and do more) but I felt blocked up. The other gas in my body was dissipating from all the walking I was doing, but the back end needed some help. After the enema (which only loosened the stool a little bit) I was able to pass gas/fart much more easily and it felt so good afterwards!

    Ok I have an enema in my medicine cabinet. I'm going to try it. THANK YOU!

  2. 44 minutes ago, CammyC said:

    Yes, I took the 2nd day after but if I would have had it the first day i would have—I’m counting first day as in the day I had surgery on 3/3. I went in the day after surgery on 3/4 as mine was outpatient for fluids and told my surgeon I was hoping my mom would stop at Walmart to get some on our way. He said that was fine. So she did, and I felt some relief finally on 3/4.
    Of course, you will want to follow your surgeon’s instructions I’m only suggesting what helped me because I know the pain you are in. I hope you feel better soon.
    I had tried gas-x but that is for gas in your colon And provide zero relief. The activated charcoal caps helps with gas in your body not just the colon.

    Okay so I asked my surgeon. He said I could take it, but if I take it with the pain meds it will absorb the pain meds. So I think I'll try it once my current pain med wears off.

  3. 1 hour ago, CammyC said:

    @WhitneyLC84 Girl, I feel your pain. Ugh I wanted to pass gas so badly. I think for me it was day 3 too. Hang in there, it gets better every day. I finally slept about 4 hours about 24 hours after surgery by sittin down and leaving against the wall with like my shoulder against the wall. I asked my dr to prescribe me promethazine and he called it in. That allowed me to sleep as it makes you drowsy and the Charco Caps finally gave me some relief.

    Thank you! You took charcoal the day after surgery? I'm scared to take it without asking the doc first.

  4. 3 hours ago, AJ Tylo said:

    It will come - But get out of bed and Put on your head phones and walk the halls! The more you move the faster you will get the gas out! I was skipping down the hall a few hours after surgery, within 10 hours i had most of the gas out! Now my brother had to get catheterized from the knock out gas, His lower unit stayed asleep!

    Good luck and trust me Move your ass! and welcome to the journey

    Thank you AJ! I have been walking like a crazy person and yes even doing a little jumping in an effort to get things moving. What do you mean your brother had to get catheterized? Like a rectal catheter?

  5. Hi Team!

    Excuse the vocabulary, but I wanted to be sure everyone knew I wasn't talking about passing the gas they use during surgery. I had surgery yesterday around 1pm and haven't slept a wink since I woke up from surgery. It's 6am now and I've been up all night. I'm just in too much pain to fall asleep! I've been wanting to fart since I came out of surgery, but haven't had one yet. It's like my digestive tract never woke up from surgery. I've read that most people are tooting immediately after surgery.

    Is this normal?

    How long until you cut the cheese after your surgery?

    What can I do?

    I'm seeing the surgeon in about 6 hours. Is there anything he can do for me?

    Thank you all. Any advice is appreciated. PS. I've been doing knee to chest squats and raises, walking, and laying on my sides with knees raised.

  6. I had mine sleeve done this afternoon. 3/19/20. Follow the diet precisely. The girl that came out of surgery before I went in for mine was in the bay next to me. She was screaming with pain and vomiting violently for at least ten minutes. I was about to back out of my surgery after hearing her struggle. Then her nurse told me that that's what happens to people that don't follow the pre-op diet. I woke up from surgery with pain and a little panic, but both were quickly mitigated with medication. Thank God!

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