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Pearl Westville

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Posts posted by Pearl Westville

  1. Since my surgery, I cannot eat dried pastas or white, brown, red or black (forbidden) rice. But I CAN eat fresh Pasta and wild rice and all wheat grains and many other grains.

    My understanding is that the ones I can't eat continue to expand after eating, and that's painful with a tiny stomach pouch.

    So, did some research. Rice and dried pastas can expand up to six times their dry volume either during cooking or after eating. Fresh pastas still are about halfway to the expanded volume before cooking and double when cooked, so are DONE EXPANDING when eaten, so won't cause pain or nausea when consumed.

    Rice pudding and risotto have also fully expanded BEFORE you eat them, so can also be eaten with no negative consequences.

    However, most rice dishes and pasta from dried have tripled in size before eating but will DOUBLE that INSIDE you. That's going to be bad.

    My research has found NOTHING about the discomfort being due to high carb content. If you are prone to short term dumping, high carbs can be a problem, but although I can't eat a whole hard candy, I can eat a plate of fresh pasta with cheese sauce ( my version of Mac and cheese, homemade) and it doesn't cause dumping. I only get dumping from fresh pasta if I don't consume enough Protein with it.

    The problem with pasta is one of volume, not carbs.

    Wheat grains (wheat berries, spelt, kamut, einkorn, farro, emmer, cracked wheat, bulgur, and others) expand to only 3 times dry volume when cooked, so the expansion is done during cooking, and no more occurs after eating. The same is true of barley, quinoa, amaranth, teff, millet, kaniwa, buckwheat, and a bunch of other grains. So, they all can be substituted in recipes that call for rice.

    Wild rice isn't in the rice family, it's closer related to wheat and barley, do it also is done expanding during cooking so can be eaten without trouble.

    I use spelt when I make pork fried rice. I use wild rice instead of noodles in chicken Soup. I use kamut or wheat berries instead of couscous. I do have to adjust cooking times, or liquid amounts to reflect what actually is being cooked, but the recipes come out tasty and healthy.

    My question for you all is, have you found any prepared pasta dishes you can eat? If not, try with fresh pasta.

    Btw, egg rolls wrappers are essentially identical to fresh pasta and can be used to make lasagna without needing prior cooking, and without over expansion inside you.

    Hopefully you can try some of these ideas and find out you have more food choices than you thought you did.

    I am 8 years out from Roux-En-Y surgery, with several revision surgeries as well, and gall bladder removal, and I am still at my target weight, 100 lbs. down from pre-surgery weight. It has NOT been easy.

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