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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Eeyore

  1. It has been quite a while since I have been to the forum. I was banded about 4 years ago at NYU. I did not have the best experience with the NYU team, mostly as a result of their practice simply being far to large for them to support. Often times I waited in the waiting room (often standing room only) over an hour for my appointment and often felt like I was being rushed out the door once I actually met with the doctor/staff that I was there to see. At any rate, it took a long while to find proper restriction but today I am 138lbs - a full 100lbs lighter then I started. I recently ended up having my band removed by Dr. Cunneen at Cedars in LA about a month ago. I cannot tell you enough great things about Dr. C. He had the best bedside manner, I found him warm and kind and was great to work with considering my band removal was an emergency.

    Today I continue to struggle with eating properly however. After years of never truly feeling hungry, now instead of feeling hungry I get nauseated, which I hear is not uncommon as your body relearns normal signs of hunger. I've also noticed that if I go more than a 3-4 hours without eating the nausea kicks in, which of course leads me to not eat, and i get really weak and tired and miserable for several days.

    I also have what I refer to as episodes. Often times it happens at night but not always. I will begin to sweat hevily, feel very hot and yet have the chills simultaneously, my abdomen feels very tense and I feel the need to have a bm, some times my heart feels like it is racing though it really isn't when I count it vs a clock. It is all very bizarre to me. This has been something that has been going on for years, maybe once or twice in a year but lately it happens almost weekly. I've checked in w/ Dr. C and there were no complications during my surgery, I've been to a GI specialist, a cardiologist and my primary of course to make sure there isn't anything else wrong and so far no one can find anything else. Has anyone else had any of this (the nausea vs hunger or the 'episodes') ?

    While I definitely look better and appear to be more healthy at 138lbs then I did at 240, I have found myself feeling far worse physically. I'm hoping at some point I will relearn the signs my body is sending me and get back to leading a normal life. It has been a very tough month to say the least.

  2. Hi Everyone!

    I am moving back to CA in a few months but I'm worried about finding a doctor for fills and check ups. Any recommendations? I'm a self pay so cost is a factor but I'm not willing to compromise my safety either. Thanks for your help!

  3. soul love some advice or info from anyone who has done this. I am considering getting a reduction to hopefully a 36/38 DD so i can workout better (maybe even run!) and fit into clothing better. However, I am worried about losing sensation. This is probably TMI but my girls are definitly one of THE zones for me and I am afraid I would lose sensation and not be able to fully enjoy hanky panky again.

  4. Hi Everyone,

    I hope this doesn't make me look like a complete fool but I hope maybe someone can offer some good advice.

    I had surgery about 8 months ago and have barely lost much of anything despite reducing my caloric intake to 600-1000 and fat to no more than 12-18g per day. I know my problem is lack of exercise. But while I know I need to exercise more I find that I cannot drum up the energy. By the end of the day its all I can do to take a shower before bed time.

    I've had thyroid tests done several times (thyroid problems run in the family) and every time the docs end up doing two because the first one is slightly below normal and the second one apparently comes back ok. I am really at a loss and very fustrated.

  5. Thanks everyone. I didn't even know that about estrogen in my fat! My surgeon never said anything and there's nothing about it in the literature. But then again I keep forgetting to ask her about it. I'm going to go to my gyn and talk to her about my options because the PMS is what is really really troublesome, the period stuff I can deal with. Thanks again!

  6. Question for all the ladies out there. Since having surgery and losing about 1/3 of my goal I've noticed my periods have been much heavier, lasting a day or so longer, and cramps are more painful and last throughout where as before if I had cramps it was only day one. Has this happened to anyone else? When you get to a more normal (ie not obese) weight does it get better?

  7. Hi everyone.

    First I wanted to say thank you for 'listening' to my woes over the past few months. Your support is priceless. Thought I'd give a quick update...

    Its coming up on 3 months since my heart was ripped out of my chest and while still painful at times, things are looking up. The past few months have been a roller coaster of emotions - I'm sure anyone can relate to this, and it all seems some what foggy. However I went away for a couple of weeks and I'm not sure what happened exactly but its as if a light bulb went off or switch was flipped. Weird experience was coming home, I met this guy. Complete womanizer but hilarious, very charming and cute. No nothing happened -get your minds out of the gutter :). But he made me feel attractive again, something I hadn't felt in a very long time and what is more funny is that I forgot what that initial attraction felt like. Those feelings that I can best describe as confidence and excitement have been very empowering. Suddenly I realized that I will get other chances at love and happiness, that life wasn't over. I wouldn't say that I'm healed but I think its progress. Though discouraged by not losing lbs apparently I've been losing inches (down 2 dress sizes!!!) and generally feeling better physically and emotionally.

    Thanks again to everyone for your support and encouragement. :biggrin2:

  8. I cowgirled up and went to the Dr. for my fill yesterday - and I laid it out for her. She was so great and gave me some encouraging advice. I told her about how I seem to be able to fit into smaller clothing but haven't lost a single pound and I am feeling fustrated and like I'm going nuts.. She told me to consider it a NSV and Celebrate it and not to worry that the scale will follow. Essentially she says that my body is repositioning as I'm toning up (thanks to my new passion pilates) and that this is a good thing. We also talked Protein. Admittedly I've been pretty bad about this and have been focused on calories and fat and not as much as Protein. I find it difficult to count anything when I tend to eat things that don't have labels on them, so I just try to make good choices. Anyway, she recommended the Isopure drinks so I'm not taking in a ton of calories but will be getting a good dose of protein. I'll have to go pick some up today and see how it goes.

    Thanks to everyone!!!

  9. hello from the 13th floor of the NYU Medical Center. Free Wifi rocks.

    got banded this moring by dr. kurian. couldn't have gone smoother -- i was in @ 6:30 am, in surgery by 8:30 and awake in recovery by 10:30. only hiccup was the discovery that i had a hiatal hernia -- now fixed.

    the staff here has been just incredible. everyone is so sweet and attentive and smart. im really greatful for hte overnight stay -- the pain is not too bad, but its nice to be cared for my pros.

    anyway: i'll post more tomorrow!

    Congrats Kristen!!!! :thumbup:

    Hope you are recovering nicely at home now. Went to see Dr. Kurian today for a fill myself - she's so wonderful! Keep us posted on how you are doing.

  10. I'm glad to see that it isn't just me - not that I want any of us to be in this boat but if we have to be at least we have each other!

    I was lucky enough for my surgeon to give me what appears to be a bigger fill than most the first time but I've got bubkiss in the restriction department. I've decided to step up my exercise routine and trying to get in more Protein (though I have no guidelines as to what it should be other than what I read here 60-90g) because that is supposed to help. Though I just started this I haven't seen a difference in my weight.

    I have an appointment Friday for my second fill and honestly I'm scared to go. I'm not scared of the needle or anything like that, I'm afraid because I haven't lost a single pound since surgery. The weight I did lose was all pre surgery and its been a major struggle to keep it semi steady. :Banane37:

  11. Has anyone gotten instructions on how much Protein, calories and fat is appropriate after the healing phase? I'm struggling to lose any weight at all - I've been trying to make healthier choices and increase my exercise but I can't seem to get anything moving and it is really making me upset. I'm even afraid to go in next week for my 2nd fill as I haven't lost a single pound and fear my dr. is going to be mad at me.

  12. see, now i want all of the odd roomie story!!

    part of me is tempted to request a private room. they said its $350/night. hmm.

    LOL! I've seen and heard worse stories and it wasn't horrible but different to say the least. Lets just say the 4 am wake up I had because she knocked everything off her bedside table trying to get up to get food out of her bag that she brought (YES you read that right) was just the start of it.

    Its not that bad really, I don't think I'd go to the extent of the private room - though you may be able to have family stay there with you and that would be nice. I was supposed to go home same day but decided to stay as I felt safer there with such a great staff watching me then home alone. All in all I think I was up there less than 12 hours.

  13. Hi Kristen,

    The PACU was relatively full with other patients coming out of surgery. No you don't get your regular clothes until you are in your own room. As far as coming out of anesthesia it was like waking up from a long night of sleep. For me it was hard to see clearly at first as everything seemed blurry. As far as heparin shot i have no idea what that is. I could have gotten it and not even know. The IV was given in hte OR. I couldn't honestly tell you how long it took between the PACU and getting my own room. I was kind of out of it. Initially i was given ice chips and then a couple of hours later Propel and a couple of hours after that chicken broth. Let me tell you chicken broth never tasted so good. If you have any fears going in let me tell you the staff is so wonderful they will put you at ease.

    So true! All of it! You don't get your clothes back for awhile, though if you leave them with family you'll get them sooner than if you leave them with security as I had to do. Waking up was ... different. I remember a feeling of panic at first and then for a few minutes I couldn't keep my eyes open very long and it was all blurry. I also felt like I had an elephant sitting on my chest - this is the gas they pump into you for surgery and the walking definitly helps relieve that. The nurses in the PACU were great. One sat next to me the entire time to watch me, I felt completely safe there - and considering I was scared being all alone it made me feel so much better. They offered me pain meds which I took but those made me really loopy (not to mention mashed up in Water was so very very gross) with ice chips. After not having Water for so long in the summer time those ice chips were soooooo good. I felt semi out of it but was following along with the conversations between the nurses and even joined in a little here and there. Once I went up to my room a food tray came which was chicken broth, a propel water (I'm now addicted to these), and tea. Though probably the saltiest thing I've ever had, that broth was delicious. The heparin shot came shortly after I got there (they jabed me in the lower gut for this). I will say that I was glad I paid attention as about 40 min later after the nurse staff change another nurse came in trying to give me the same thing. I told her I had just had one and she was like really? I'm sure this was just an oversite but glad I was attentive. You'll also have the things on your legs for circulation when you're in the bed. If you walk often enough they'll let you take them off. My room was very warm and I couldn't stand having them on so I just kept walking instead, (walking also got me away from my roomie :wink_smile:)

  14. I think I posted something similar to this back in January or February. After 2 and a half months, I was down a few sizes, but barely lost any weight. I went to my doctor as scheduled and finally expressed my frustration. He was tremendously supportive and also had me meet with the dietician again. I continued working out (though I did cut back to 45 minutes a day) and was told to eat more.

    If you're not maintaining a journal of food and exercise, I would strongly recommend it. I was able to bring mine to the dietician and together we realized I needed more calories--Protein, specifically--to lose weight. This isn't an exact science and not everyone is the same. However, if you keep copious records, you can find trends and consistencies that will enable you to make better sense of your body. I am now down nearly 60 pounds (in February I worried this wouldn't EVER happen!) about 8 months out from surgery. Ok, I didn't lose as fast as others, but I'm well defined and very muscular. Keep doing the right thing...follow the diet and exercise regularly. I know it's hard to persevere when the scale isn't working in your favor, but start acknowledging the Non-scale Victories. Celebrate following a routine. Buy new clothes to reward your new body! You'll get there--it will take a while, but don't give up! Keep at it and eventually your body will give you the results you want! :wink_smile:

    Thank you for the wisdom and support. I am still amazed that this could happen and I wish I had kept track of my measurements, but I guess I can start now and see how it goes. I haven't kept a food journal but think I will start. I have no idea how much I should be taking in, the only instructions I had on that was on the pre surgery diet. I only have a week till my next appointment but its a start.

    Thanks again everyone!

  15. Nope they strip you to all your glory except the oh so attractive hospital gowns. It wasn't so bad except there was this cute surgery assistant (I think that's what he did) there trying to put the blood circulator things on my legs and I was locked at the knees! LOL After surgery I was holding out until security brought my clothes bag to me before I would go walk but just as I was giving in and the fabulous nurse on my floor taped up my gown so my rear was covered up, my bag showed up. Ahhhhh that felt nice to have those and my bra back on again. Two notes if anyone is interested... if you have larger chest as I do they tape the girls up and out of the way while you're out. Imagine my surprise to find tape goo under my breasts when I got home, it took me a little bit but when I realized what they did I was embarassed but at the time I was out so what did I care. Also I was afraid they were going to put me on the table and rip my gown off before I was out, they didn't. I went to sleep fully covered and awakened the same way- sans undies and bra of course. [/color]

    - Did you share a room? Yes and my roomie was.... interesting - not scary just interesting. She too had the lap band so you may meet a fellow bandster you can buddy up with for support later.

    - Did they offer you anything to help you sleep? (i.e. Ambien, etc) I didn't get anything to make me sleep but they sure loaded up my roomie. They are great about pain meds and making sure you're comfortable. I'm sure if I had asked for it they would have given me something but I just took 1 pain pill (mushed up in a cup with water- TOTALLY NASTY) and then later I took advil type stuff.

    - What time were you discharged on Tuesday? Dr. Kurian came in around 8:30 I think to release me and I bolted out the door as fast as I could- to get away from my odd roomie. The nursing staff was fantastic though. I kept doing my laps and we were all laughing as I was gaining speed with every turn (ok not so much really but it felt great).

    Surgery was easy even for being there alone. I was nervous yes and I even scared the anast. people because I started crying when they were talking to me. I wasn't scared of the surgery part, just the going under part. I think his name was Dr. Jan and his assistant was a girl I think her name was Jennifer - she's from Ireland. They were so fantastic - gentle as could be, walking me through every single step so I wouldn't be surprised and flip out. Dr. Kurian held my hand as I started to cry while they were prepping me, and she did that until I was out. I remember a panic feeling for a little bit when I first woke up. I heard them say later that when they took my tube out my heart beat became very rapid - I assume that's the panic feeling I had, but I sat in recovery a little bit longer than others but it was fine.

    I hope this is helpful. Good Luck!!!!

  16. Hi everyone! I hope you experienced bandsters can offer some advice and thoughts on this.

    I've been holding off on buying new clothes for work believing and hoping that I'd begin to lose weight and 1) I could wear some of my old clothes and 2) I could not throw my money away on clothes that I wouldn't be able to wear in a short time frame (because they would be too big). Anyway I finally gave in today because frankly I feel like I look like I slob at the office all the time and constantly wearing the same things over and over again. I've had one fill so far and haven't lost a single pound (I keep recycling the same 3lbs though). I'm due to go in for another next week but I really have lost faith that #2 will be my lucky number. So I went shopping tonight and found I could fit into clothes 2 sizes smaller than I usually wear. I was so excited I ran home to jump on the scale and was baffled when it read the same thing as it did 2 weeks ago! How is it that I can wear a smaller size but haven't lost a pound? Is my fat moving around or something? Are sizes getting bigger?

    Also, I'm sort of scared to go to my dr next week given that I haven't lost anything since the last time I was there. Is she going to be mad at me? Ridiculous question perhaps but it still has me concerned. I feel like a loser as it is, I don't want to hear it from my dr too (not that she has ever done anything like that to me) but still concerned.

    Thanks everyone!!!

  17. Thanks for posting this as I am franticly searching for info about fills. I just had my first fill today and have been hungry all day. I now have a total of 5.6cc in my band and I feel zero difference (yes I could feel it filling up during the fill). In fact I'm certain I could eat just like I did before surgery. I'm a bit disappointed but I really hope the delayed restriction comes and stays! Thanks again, this was very helpful.

  18. I somewhat understand what you're seeing Eeyore (cute screenname btw). In my experience since this visit they have been somewhat schizophrenic. You know how it is when they need info from you they are super sweet but when you call for info their impatient and kind of rude. I just let it roll over my shoulder.

    I love how you use the 'schizophrenic' - its so true - you never really know what you are going to get there when you're there. :cool:

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