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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Socee

  1. 14 minutes ago, NovaLuna said:

    Thank You! And the first time it happened I did freak out lol. It was back in 2015 and I choked on rice. I tried to make myself vomit... it didn't work. I tried to drink something and discovered I couldn't swallow the Fluid and had to spit it back up. I panicked and was crying and the ER doc had to give me Valium to calm me down lol. I just got used to it after a while. I've had my throat stretched twice and I need it again, but will have to wait until I'm more healed from this surgery before the doctor will even think about doing it. It's becoming more commonly diagnosed lately. People are developing allergies and this is the way their bodies are responding. It's been misdiagnosed as GERD for many people because the can look similar, however EOS is caused by eosinophils (white blood cells) which think your body is under attack and so they multiply, which creates the stricture and causes the choking.

    Sorry for the word vomit lol

    @NovaLuna i never new this condition existed thank u for letting me know.. hope I dont get this at any point.

  2. 8 minutes ago, NovaLuna said:

    I'm pretty much okay. However the EOS won't go away. It's an immune disorder and allergic inflammatory disease. I know one of the triggers is my allergy to high fructose corn Syrup so I avoid that and that's helped a lot with stricture issues, but the other triggers are seasonal allergies and things they can't pinpoint. Unfortunately I learned the hard way that the stricture has gotten worse as I currently can't swallow pills after I choked on a Multivitamin -_-" So I'm stuck taking chewables for the foreseeable future until I can have my throat stretched again. As for eating... due to my EOS I have the doctors permission to keep liquid on hand in case I choke. I, unfortunately, need it for at least one meal a day as food gets stuck. Other than that I've been fine though. I figured the EOS would be an issue, but it's not been as bad as I thought. Once a day is better than every time I eat. It's usually lunch or dinner that I have issues though yesterday it was my evening snack. I haven't had any vomiting issues (blood or otherwise) since the hospital.

    @NovaLuna your awesome I would freak out If I choked on food ... my anxiety works up.. so glad you are okay..

  3. 4 hours ago, NovaLuna said:

    Well... technically I didn't have any complications. But, I have EOS (Eosinophilic Esophagitis), which is an immune disorder that causes narrowing in the esophagus and leads to choking. Because of the narrowing I had to warn the surgical staff that they would likely need a pediatric intubation kit to intubate me (learned this hard way when I had brain surgery in 2017 and the surgical staff hadn't listened to me and they had to stall my surgery to hunt one down when they couldn't intubate me. they should have listened!). So, they give you those blood thinner shots before your surgery and so when they intubated me, even though it was the pediatric one, it was still a tight fit and because of the blood thinners... blood settled in my stomach. A couple hours after my surgery I started vomiting blood which freaked me and everyone in my family the hell out! The doctors and nurses were all "It's just old blood, you're fine" They told me it was probably a combination of my EOS and also having 80% of my stomach removed and the blood just sat there. It happened four times in those first 24 hours and it HURT! But it probably explains why I honestly couldn't eat or drink anything after my surgery. I struggled with getting more than a bite of Jello or two sips of broth in my stomach and they had to keep pouring Water into those little medicine cups that I literally had lined around the bed tray because I was sucking on ice rather than drinking. They took my ice away! T^T

    @NovaLuna you are okay now?? And the issue with your esophagitis was prior does that affect you now? When eating?

  4. 59 minutes ago, AZhiker said:

    I had bypass and a hiatal hernia repair. I think total time was about 3 hours. I was walking as soon as I could get out of bed. I was up to 10,000 steps by day 7. Even so, I developed 3 blood clots in my left leg and had to go on a blood thinner for 3 months. At 6 months, I developed an ulcer, even though I do not drink any alcohol at all, do not drink coffee or any caffeinated drinks or soda, and eat a very clean diet. It just happened. But it is all under control now with omeprazole and I go back in 3 weeks for another scope. Then I will be off the omeprazole, hopefully.

    Still, I do not regret the surgery at all. My little complications are nothing compared to the life I was literally losing to obesity. WLS was one of the best things I ever did for myself.

    Wow scary stuff so glad your are okay

  5. 2 minutes ago, Clorose5 said:

    I had a bad day today. I was ready to call and cancel the surgery but I’m doing better now. I went and worked out and made sure I didn’t overeat tonight. I was having thoughts and giving it another try on my own. It’s just so overwhelming.

    We are a week a part in surgery dates. I am not proud but I have cheated on my diet a few times 😫 it sucks I've changed my mind 2x in 2 weeks ... I have 1 week left . I can dm you my number we can talk anytime . I have not slept in days fml @Clorose5

  6. 8 minutes ago, Ostflicka said:

    1. Melting tablets for Vitamins. I like the BariMelts brand.
    2. Unflavored Isopure Protein Powder, 100% whey Protein Isolate. I mixed it in for extra Protein.
    3. I drink regular Water as well as Vitamin Water Zero costco brand.
    4. Premier Protein Shakes from costco - chocolate, Carmel, vanilla (I like to mix pumpkin pie spice with vanilla)
    5. Gold Bond Ultimate hydrating lotion
    6. MRM Low Carb Protein - chocolate ( I mix this with the hot chocolate powder they gave me and make popsicles)
    7. popsicle molds ☝🏻
    8. If you don't have a full body girdle ( I had two) I found them to be more helpful then the weird binder thing they gave me the hospital. It helped hold me in and up so my stomach didn't hang down and hurt.
    9. I got cannabis tinctures with high CBD content because I am a baby with pain and you can't take more pain meds
    10. I also got a cannabis CBD cream that I absolutely loved to use on my pain (not on incision sites of course)

    Is that what you're asking?

    Thank u very much took a screenshot and will. R getting these items!!! You are awesome

  7. 6 minutes ago, catwoman7 said:

    just so you know, the GERD doesn't always start up right away. Sometimes it's a couple months out - or even longer - before it "strikes"..

    Thanks hopefully I can make my finals deciosm for Monday. Sleeve less invasive to me and is shorter surgery time as well no malabsorption like rny

  8. 14 minutes ago, SINISTER said:

    I had serious GERD prior to surgery. A combination of my weight and my diet. I took medication daily for it. After surgery, not a single instance of GERD so far and no medication. Just my experience so far, everyone is different.

    And you are a sleeve??

  9. 1 hour ago, RainbowBrite57 said:

    I'm glad you asked this because I am in the same boat. If I avoid the trigger foods then I don't have heartburn. I'm not sure what I'll end up doing, but I'm leaning towards the sleeve. At least it can still be revised to RNY if necessary.

    Agreed . My issues with that is... rny has more complications and malnourishment then the sleeve so to revise to bypass is okay.. but what if u have issues after the revision.. we would be stuck we already lost 80 percent to the sleeve .. thoughts?? I was veering to vsg but I am now thinking maybe rny I'm so confused

  10. 50 minutes ago, chalcrow said:

    In our province of Manitoba, the government offers the RNYGB as the gold standard of care, and the sleeve only if that isn’t an option. I ended up with the RNYGB and am a month out. As this procedure is covered by our provincial healthcare the assumption is that going into surgery one assumes that s/hé will wake up having had the RNYGB but it might have been a sleeve if the liver wasn’t shrunken enough or there was another issue.

    Thank u . I was given the choice I guess because of possible scar tissues from previous c sections and a abdominal cyst removal as well just really scared of getting gerd and I like the option of reversible in bad circumstances.

  11. 19 minutes ago, JRT Mom said:

    I needed to have a revision after my 11 year old lap band slipped. I thought I wanted a sleeve, but when the surgeon explained about the risk of GERD after a sleeve I went with the RNY, since I had GERD before I got my lap band.

    The RNY isn't really any more invasive than the sleeve-actually is it theoretically reversible, unlike the sleeve where they remove 80% if your stomach. And the threat of dumping syndrome has aided me in not eating any sugary foods, which I consider to be a plus rather than a minus.

    How long is the actual surgery for rny? And after how do u feel ?

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