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Posts posted by MistyD65

  1. I try and portion out my meals to what I think I should have and stop eating at that amount. I don't feel hungry after stopping eating but don't feel full or restriction, I just stop because the food is gone.

    That's a very good thing, and it's what you will need to train yourself to do. When I first went back on solid foods, I only put on my plate the amount I was told to eat. When I finished, I wanted more. But that was just my old habits talking. When I asked myself "Are you still hungry" the answer was NO. That was a HUGE realization for me, that my wanting more had nothing to do with my hunger. I still struggle with it to this day, almost 18 months after surgery.

    Portion, portion, portion - get to know what a portion size basically looks like, then when you eat away from home you can make better choices about how much to eat. Ask the waiter to go ahead and bring out a to-go box, and box up the rest of your meal before you even start eating. Don't try to rely on feeling "full". If you are like me, and many other overweight people, we don't really know what full feels like. Over-full and uncomfortable was generally our stopping point. That's why I go by portion.

    You also said you don't allow yourself to snack, but you get hungry between meals, and you don't want to eat unnecessarily, but only when necessary. If you are truly hungry, then it is necessary to eat. Don't think of them as Snacks, don't eat them for enjoyment - they are fuel.

    You are doing fine! The first couple of months are usually the hardest, as you retrain your brain and body, but the struggle will be worth it.

  2. Yes, 17 months after surgery I do sometimes find myself mourning certain things. I was a volume eater - I loved hearty mouthfuls of foods, especially my comfort foods, and I still miss that, to some extent. But I've come to realize that that has nothing to do with true physical hunger, and everything to do with the head. The band keeps me from being able to eat like that now, but it's still up to me to manage the desire to do so.

    Also, since my latest fill, I can't eat some of the things I was, specifically sandwiches. And I can tell you, sometimes all I want is a sandwich! But it's almost like aversion therapy - if I do try to eat one, I end up getting stuck and being uncomfortable for a while, so maybe, eventually, I won't even want one anymore.

  3. Has anyone experienced a return of that post-surgery left shoulder pain after getting a fill? I had my 3rd fill on Wednesday, and that night I started having the pain again, for the first time since my surgery 16 months ago. It's not constant, like it was after surgery, but strikes and is very intense for a short period. I don't recall ever reading about this being a fill after-effect, but I thought I'd ask. :smile2:

  4. Wow hummingbird, that does sound kind of scary! I think I'd be letting my hair dry naturally after that! lol

    I did get my fill on Wednesday. Dr. Bonnor put in another whole 1cc, for a total of 3.1 cc in a 4 cc band. I was shocked! I made sure he wasn't going to be going on vacation anytime soon, in case it turned out to be too tight. But I haven't had any trouble with it. I did liquids for two days. In fact, yesterday I did a fat-flushing juice fast. I was 223 on Wednesday before the fill, 220 on Thursday morning after a day of liquids, and 216.2 today after the juice fast. Needless to say, I'm happy with those results! I carefully added regular foods back today - some chicken and tuna salad, a slice of deli roast beef wrapped in a slice of provolone, and 3/4 cup of homemade chili. I didn't have any trouble eating them, but I definitely felt full on the small portions. So, here's to a fresh start!

  5. Humming bird, the hair loss can also be related to hormonal changes that occur with weight loss. It's frustrating, I know, but I think a lot of people report that the loss stops between 3 and 6 months, and regrowth begins. Stressing about it can make it worse, so you get a vicious cycle going.

    I did get a fill on Wednesday. Dr. Bonnor put in 1 whole cc, bringing me up to 3.1 in a 4cc band. I was a little worried about adding so much, but I made sure he was going to be around if I experienced any problems. So far, so good. I haven't had any trouble with liquids, but I can tell that I am tighter. I'm doing a juice detox today, and I think I'll try to continue on liquids for a week, just to get back in control. I'm hoping for a good loss by tomorrow!

  6. Hummingbird, your hair loss is probably still post-surgical stress related. Get all your Protein, maybe add some Biotin supplements, and try not to worry about it (I know, easier said than done!) I lost a great deal of hair for a while, then it slowed down. I'm 16 months out from my surgery and am still losing hair, but it seems to be growing back, too.

    I'm kind of disgusted with myself right now. I've been letting my head take control of my eating, rather than my hunger. I haven't been to Curves in about a month - and that's after going religiously 3-5 days a week for a year. However, I'm trying not to beat myself up about it. I have an appointment with Dr. Bonnor on Wednesday, and I'm pretty sure I'm going to ask for a fill. I'd like to be a little tighter, just to kind of kick start me back into the proper mind-set. I need a serious sugar/carbs de-tox (damn you Starbucks for your comforting seasonal Hot drinks and Cranberry Bliss Bars!!!! lol)

    Keep it up everyone, even if you give in for a little while, never give up!!

  7. Here are a few links to some threads for Katy-ites. They haven't been active for a while, but maybe they just need a kick start.:thumbup:

    Katy Lap Band Surgeons forum Katy - LAP-BAND

    Dr. Bonnor's forum (He's just been named head of Bariatrics at Memorial Hermann Katy Hospital!) Dr. Ricardo Bonnor - LAP-BAND



  8. Hi Katy bandsters! This thread has been quiet for quite a while. Let's check in!

    Banded 8/08 by Dr. Bonnor, I've lost 88 pounds. I should be past the 100 mark by now, but I've fallen back into some bad habits (eating out of boredom, stress, etc. instead of when hungry). I'm planning to get myself back in gear this week, to continue this wonderful thing I'm doing for myself!

  9. Start: 219

    Last Week: 217

    This Week: 216

    Goal: 204

    1 lb lost this week for a total of 3 since the challenge began. 12 to go to goal.

    I'm going to visit my parents with my sister over the weekend, so that'll be a challenge. I want to eat when I drive. But I've got some beef Jerky, almonds and other things portioned out into little baggies.

    Have a great week everyone!

  10. Well, so much for changing our info each week in that 2nd post. I thought I'd be able to edit, but I guess you can only edit a post for so long. Ah well.

    I weighed in at 217 this week, a 2 pound loss, which I am VERY happy with, considering it's TOM. That makes 13 to go to Challenge Goal.

    Last week: 219

    This week: 217

    Loss: 2

    Total Loss for Challenge: 2

  11. If you want to avoid the milky drinks all together, you can't beat Protein Blitz by Designer whey. They come ready-to-drink in Orange Mango, Grape, and Punch. They really taste like Kool-aid to me. I tried the Isopure Fruit Drinks and they were so chalky, but you don't get that at all from the Protein Blitz.

    My favorite "milkshake" drink was the Muscle Milk chocolate Malt flavor, which I can't seem to find in stores anymore. I never had any problem with undissolved clumps of protein in the ready-to-drink bottles. I also like the Labrada Lean Body in Strawberries and Cream, also ready-to-drink.

    I only used ready-to-drink Protein Drinks during my post-op period. It was just much more convenient for me. And these 3 got me through the 3 post-op weeks of liquids. I got them all from the Vitamin Shoppe.

  12. Last Challenge of 2009! There are almost 8 full weeks until the New Year, and they are some of the most food-filled ones of the year. What better time to redouble our efforts in portion-control, food choices, and exercise!

    Post your starting weight and goal weight. Or if you prefer, just post how many pounds you want to lose. I'll keep a list here on the first page of the thread of everyone participating in the challenge and will update it as everyone checks in each week. That way it will be easy to follow our progress.

    My main goal is to hit 100 pounds lost by the end of the year. I'm starting at 219 (yeah, up 2 pounds from last week, and don't really understand why, but c'est la vie). My goal is to be at 204. My secondary goal is to hit ONDERLAND! So, I'll be striving to lose 20 pounds, but will be happy with 15.

    Good luck everyone!

  13. Heartfire, I haven't been able to get off my BP meds either, but I'm taking half of what I used to, so that's a good thing. Don't worry about your gain, just keep focusing on tomorrow! And Celebrate getting down to 1/4 of your former BP med dosage.

    Great job tutornmom! I've been going back and forth on whether to get another fill or not. On one hand, I'd love for the weight to come off faster. On the other, I know that most of the things I've been eating too much of are slider foods, so a tighter band won't make much difference. Maybe I'll make up my mind by my appt in December.

    I do think we should have another challenge, even if it's just the 3 of us! I vote for New Year, with the final weigh-in on New Year's Eve. If we start on Thursday, it is 8 weeks until New Year's Eve. What do you think?

  14. Well, here we are at the end of the Halloween Challenge! I didn't post my weight last week, but I was back down to 219.6 after having gotten back up to at least 222 at one point. I was happy to have gotten back under control. And this week was even better - I lost 2.4 pounds to put me at 217.2!!

    Start 224.6

    End 217.2

    Total - 7.4 lbs Not the 10 I wanted, but given the way things went, I'll take it!

    One thing I did this week was reexamine my portion sizes and make sure I only served myself a small portion. My mind still thinks I have to have certain amounts of things to be able to enjoy them. Bad mind!!!! It's going to always be a struggle, but it has gotten easier, and will continue to get easier every time I make the right choices.

  15. Great job tutornmom! Here's to your 2nd goal!

    Heartfire, I'm right there with you. I haven't even written down my weights for the past two weeks on my calendar. I had put on about 2 pounds I think. Like you, I've been eating crap, and not because I'm hungry. It's simply because I want to eat. I did have a stressful week last week, because we had to put our 12 year old cat to sleep on Monday. I sure some of my eating was a form of comfort. I do have to say though, even when I do "binge" it's not the same as pre-band. It's more likely to be little nibbles of several things rather than a whole lot of anything. I was really feeling out of control at the end of last week, but I'm doing better now. I think some of it was hormonal, too.

    I'm hoping to have a happy scale day on Friday. Even being where I was the last time I weighed in would be good!

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