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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by janesays

  1. janesays

    Twenties NSVs

    omgggg-- some of the best NSVs i've been waiting for!!! so last night i was out celebrating my 21st with some friends from high school that i havent seen in awhile, since its our spring break. not only did i wear a DRESS (size large) out in public, something i havent done basically EVER, but later in the night we met up with another friend of mine, who happened to be hanging out with my ex-boyfriend. well, immediately my friend gave me a hug and he goes "JANE you look so niiiiiiice" with a wink and my ex was a fumbling little puppy in front of me for the rest of the time. i havent seen him for about a year. the whole time he wouldnt stop paying attention to me and i wouldnt give him the time of day, why should i? he didnt pursue me that hard when i was heavier. someone brought up that my brother was taking me to vegas some time in august, and i was telling my friend that i'll have my own hotel room so he was welcome to stay in my room, when my ex butted in and said "oh, well then im DEFINITELY coming!" i tried to be nice, but i was seriously, in my head, like sorry, you're not invited. thanks for breaking up with me, this ship has sailed! oh man, that felt soooo good! all thanks to the band.. i have pictures from that night that i will post in a week or so, when my spring break is over.
  2. Hey guys! I don't know if you have heard about Caitlin Van Zandt... she is 23 and an actress on Guiding Light. I never watch soap operas, but I heard about her a few months ago in the news. She had been overweight while on the show and in her personal life decided to have lap band surgery. Since they couldn't exactly hide her losing weight on the show, the writers decided to write the surgery into the script. Today I saw a news story that showed her progress... thought I would share! She has lost over 70 pounds in about 7 months! A little bit of inspiration, to say the least. Viewers will be able to watch her shrink on the show as her surgery was aired sometime over the summer. kdka.com - Guiding Light Actress Sheds Pounds After Lap Band Surgery anyways, enjoy!
  3. alright yeah i guess i will add the People magazine story in this thread too: Guiding Light's Caitlin VanZandt Drops 90 Lbs. - Bodywatch : People.com They have a video of her doing a swimsuit photoshoot you can watch for a real view of her body now. The only thing I didn't like was that in the story (unless they fix it), it says the lap band shrinks your stomach to the size of a golf ball. I have a feeling a lot of readers unfamiliar with the surgery will think it means something more invasive. Otherwise, its just good to see the magazine finally recognize that this is a valid way to lose weight too!
  4. hey isabella! just wanted to say great job, and thanks for posting your update pictures! i remember looking at your pics almost a year ago or so, and it gave me so much hope! now that im losing about 10lbs a month on average and about halfway to my original goal, it helps to see your "after" pics again.

    anyways, just wanted to say hi!

  5. janesays

    April Fools Weightloss Challenge

    i gave in and finally got a slight unfill (.25cc removed) on wednesday. soooo relieved, i think this will really help me! i was having trouble getting in ENOUGH calories, and the past week that finally showed in my weightloss. im not ready to slow down yet! haha so hopefully this keeps me losing at a healthy pace, but a steady one at that. im not a fan of plateaus! how is everyone else doing? only a week and a half left in the challenge! go go go!
  6. well you have done SO great so far, really. everyone experiences what you are right now as im sure youve read on the board. i did too! i think i told you about that a little in response to one of your posts. i had my first fill 4 weeks and started eating what i would say are the "right" portions for me at my second fill, but im glad i eased into it. its so weird now, when i think about it, that no one really notices how little i am eating compared to the amount i used to eat! but yeah 5 weeks in i was definitely worried, I think one night i had like 5 tacos or something. old habits die hard. couldnt imagine eating even a full one now! i dont even crave a lot of those bad foods anymore, i guess my body is used to it.

    good luck with your fill!

  7. thank you! you have been doing very well yourself. i added you to my contact list on here so you could see my photo album. there are a bunch of pics in there! not a lot of comparison pics, but i have a recent one uploaded.

    how have you been doing with your band the past 5 weeks?

  8. janesays

    biggest loser - '09

    Yeah I saw that too. I'm pretty sure it's just another surgery scar, perhaps a laparoscopic hernia repair or something? They would have disclosed it on the show if she had a previous WLS, like they do with brown dad.
  9. janesays

    biggest loser - '09

    I have to agree with you! They are tied in my book. Though sometimes I have to admit I've even had a little bit of a TV crush on Mike-- ha! He's too young, even for 21-year-old me, though. But he's just such a nice guy! When he gave his grocery prize to Aubrey a week or so ago, I was crying so hard. And Tara-- what an awesome motivator! To see her footage from the first show last night was crazy... I can't believe how far she's come, she looks normal! This is the first season I've actually watched TBL.. but I might have to start watching it now! Or maybe old seasons. Anyone have a favorite old season that I need to rent and watch from start to finish?
  10. janesays

    Twenties NSVs

    Yay for you! I have a similar NSV like that-- today I wore some jeans from high school that were tight on me then... and now they are too LOOSE! cant wait to go jeans shopping next week. :sneaky: yesterday, we had really nice weather for once so i went to the rec center wearing some capri sweats from last year (when they fit kind of like spandex on me). BIG MISTAKE!! i started jogging (i know right-- me? ME? jogging?!) and the pants started falling DOWNNNNN! awesome.
  11. here's the newest update story! Caitlin Van Zandt On Shedding Nearly 100 Pounds apparently there will also be a spread in people magazine this friday about her.
  12. thanks for ADDING me! and for all the picture comments. :) i am doing alright, since i dont live near my mom right now i am kind of sad but i am going home on friday for a week, so we will get to spend some quality time together. i know she is going to be okay, but the whole situation just makes me sad and worried. glad to have friends on here that care, so thank you!

    i hope your fill helps you! im sure with the right restriction you will find that you have incredible weightloss. by the way, is that your son in your pic with you? he is adorable!

  13. janesays

    Day at the beach..

    you look incredible! p.s..... SOO jealous of that beach!
  14. janesays

    April Fools Weightloss Challenge

    CONGRATULATIONS!!! yeah i was thinking about that-- what will our next challenge be??!? we need a half-way point challenge between april fools and july 4.... somewhere around may 15-20th or so. i looked on this list of wacky holidays to find something for us to work towards: May Holidays 2009 (Official) Monthly, Weekly, Daily, Silly, Bizarre, Crazy, Unknown Holiday Observances apparently may 20 is "weights and measures day" haha. so appropriate! i didnt look at the list too closely so everyone should go there and figure out a good day for our next challenge!
  15. thanks kpsc1030 and lacasst! i needed to read your kind words tonight. lacasst- i dont exercise a LOT but i do make sure to fit exercise into my day every day, even if that just means walking a lot more than i used to. i feel like onederland is so close yet so far away, and on top of that, ive been throwing myself a pity party all day today. i just found out that my mom has breast cancer, and i really dont know how to take the news. normally, when i was upset before the band, i would eat.... and i know i cant do that to myself now. so good to know i have people here on this site that can give me the motivation to turn to other things instead of food when i am sad.
  16. hey everyone! this is my first time posting in this thread, but ive been watching it ever since i joined this site and it has definitely been my favorite to watch! i dont have any AFTER pics yet, but i do have my DURING pics! like a lot of you, im having a hard time noticing a huge difference in the before and after. maybe it needs someone else's eyes...
  17. janesays

    Can I eat foods with dairy?

    well, my doctor had nothing to say about dairy really. i just drink skim milk, which i guess i have 1-2 cups a day of. i also have cheese (usually reduced fat, but not always). its one of the few ways i guarantee Protein if i'm too tight to handle beef or chicken. i count my calories daily (about 1000 a day, if i exercise then a little bit more), and if by the end of the day i havent had enough calories or protein, but im too tight to eat enough, i have a big glass of skim milk. and ive had really good weightloss so far... i would just go day by day. if you are having a lot of liquid dairy and not losing any weight, try cutting that out to see if it helps. i dont know if i could live without dairy!
  18. janesays

    April Fools Weightloss Challenge

    dont you just LOVE it when you jump on the scale and you've lost 1.5 lbs in a day?! even if its only water weight, its always so much fun! haha i dont care how i lost it, i dont even know how, but 203.8! alright now im shooting for 199 as my april fools goal! i think i can handle that.
  19. hi there! hope your surgery went well today!

  20. janesays

    April Fools Weightloss Challenge

    woohoo i knew you could do it gingerbug! and you still CAN do it-- or at least get as close as possible-- to your goal!
  21. thanks! actually my doc is pretty aggressive with fills, so i have been at 7.5ccs in a 10cc band since Jan. 20. i definitely think i will never need another fill, at least for a VERY long time! i have been debating for the last two or three weeks if i need a slight unfill, but some days i am perfectly fine and the band level is exactly what i need, and others i think i am way too tight! my body just needs to get more adjusted and i will get a slight unfill if it doesnt balance out in the next month. however, im still losing a tiny bit over 2 lbs a week on average, so i know im getting in the right amount of calories. congrats to you on your success as well! everyone is doing sooo great!
  22. does your insurance not let you have the surgery if you go under a 40 bmi while on the pre-diet? i know a lot of insurance companies allow it (some have restrictions that you cant go below a 35 bmi) as long as your doctor has documented your high weight. i would find out if i were you, the more weight you lose before the band, the easier and faster your journey will be for you! i lost about 20 pounds in the months before my surgery.

    either way, definitely stay strong during these next few months! you can do it! do your best to at least not GAIN any weight, because i know how guilty i would have felt in the first month or two of being banded just trying to get back down to the first weight!

    and besides, its always good to get in the habit of things before you actually have the surgery. all it does is make life easier for you!

  23. hey-- saw your recent before and after pics.... you look SO GREAT!! congratulations!

  24. janesays

    Anyone junking out to keep the secret?

    hey mrriceguy, (sorry for the super long post ahead!) dont be so hard on yourself. lets be honest, we all got to this place because we are weaker than others when it comes to eating and drinking in social situations. certainly it will take you some time to figure it out and will take the proper motivation to get over every hump you have. as for me-- i lost a nice amount of weight in the first 3 weeks or so, then my body healed so i had no restriction. i got a fill at 4 weeks, but it wasnt quite good enough yet. it was christmas time and new years, and everyone knows that month has more social situations with eating and drinking than any other time of year! i disappointed myself some in those two weeks, as i was back at my parents house where i dont have a gym membership, and back with some old friends who insisted on eating crap food all the time and drinking. it was hard at first for me, bc it was the first time i had been in those situations since being banded. the worst night i had food-wise was new years, i had absolutely no restriction and no self-control and drank, and ate a ton of mozzarella sticks and pizza! i felt so guilty, kind of like you are feeling, but then i went back to my normal routine and schedule and got another fill. luckily, i hadnt gained any weight over the holidays, but i had only lost about a pound in those 3 or so weeks. i found the motivation in myself to exercise more and eat healthier, and was surprised at how fast people forgot the "old" drinking and eating jane. one friend even said at lunch "oh yeah- i forgot you were a slow eater!" yeah right, i was usually the first to lick my plate! i never ate salads before, but now i have one almost every day or so, and i have grilled chicken or some sort of lean beef in small portions instead of fast food or fried anything. anyways, you can see from my ticker that around the time i got focused on eating better and exercising more, i have steadily lost a little over 2 lbs a week. i havent been doing anything CRAZY! in fact, at this point only 3 months later i dont think i am doing anything abnormal from my usual routine, because this IS my life now. just eating only when im hungry (which is a lot less often now that i have REALLY good restriction!) and walking everywhere. anyways, i hope that you soon learn to kick your old habits so that you can get to losing that weight. and get the proper restriction- you deserve some help, thats why you went through the pain of having the surgery ... so take advantage of it! good luck, i know you will find your own way soon!
  25. heyyyy allison! just curious to see how you're doing! update pretty please?

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