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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by janesays

  1. janesays


    hahaha chels i have to agree you have balls of steel! like i said, im not putting up my pics like this until i like the "after" pics lol but you are still a cutie pie!
  2. janesays

    This is me a few weeks after surgery.

    wow such a difference already from the obama picture!
  3. awesome! yeah i got my first fill of 1cc at 4 weeks, and i am getting another fill jan 7th. so it's devo, right? that's a cool name. mine's jane... pretty plain and boring haha.

  4. lol well hey thanks for adding me, im always looking for more people my age around here that are cool to talk with about stuff. things have been going pretty well for me though! all healed up. have you had your surgery yet?

  5. janesays

    Tampons or Pads.

    sooo this is definitely way too much info, but this is the ladies room so what the heck. the only other surgery ive ever had was for this very issue, lol. at my first visit to the gyno, i told my doc that it hurt whenever i tried putting in tampons, so i wanted her to teach me the "right" way to put one in, because i hated having to only use pads. well sure enough, it took her about a second to look at my lady parts and goes "yeah-- no wonder it hurts!" apparently i had an unperforated hymen, meaning your hymen is supposed to naturally perforate and "dissolve" on its own or break sometimes very painfully through strenuous activity or sex.... except that my hymen was just SUPER thick, talk about a chastity belt! apparently its genetic; and i told my mom what the doc said and she was like-- "oh yeah, i had that too. my gyno told me AFTER i had a lot of painful sex" ....haha definitely TMI. but thanks for warning me anyways! sooo i had the surgery (a hymenectomy, which was really easy, but thank god for the drugs because you all know that was like 10X more painful than this surgery) ... the next period I was able to use tampons no problem. i tried going back to pads once and i couldnt, it just felt like wearing a diaper. glad i only learned about my problem through trying tampons by myself, and not the old-fashioned way like my mom!
  6. janesays

    Valentine's Day Weight Loss Challenge

    me too! Name...........Start Lbs........Current..........Goal.....To Go LilMissDiva........253...............253..............244...........9 SanDiegoPhotog ..263..............191...............179..........12 janesays...........230..............230.............215............15
  7. alright katiebug, ms. LBT inspiration 2008-09! if there were an award you would totally be getting it....

    by the way, i see you got a new hair color-- very cute!

  8. hi chelsea's mama! i can see where she gets her natural good looks from :)

    great job on all of your weight loss! im glad LBT has gotten me to meet you and your daughter... she is pretty awesome!

  9. OMG!!!! haha i loooove surprise presents, so that must have been AWESOME! what a great xmas present!!!

    haha that quack doctor owes you big time for all the crying he must have put you through! and for all the sadness he made me feel for you!

  10. omgoodness reginaaaaa (i know you hate when i call you that, but too bad!) i was just looking at your before and during pics and i just have to let you know, you're a hottayyy!


    p.s. i have gotten on chat 2X now looking for you specifically, and you are nowhere to be found.. we need to catch up girlie

  11. janesays


    this one's my favorite-- because you don't look so angry!! i wanna see some tiger teeth... but not in the grr way, in the happy-i-look-so-freaking-good way!
  12. janesays

    Another NSV!

    you know what, you're right! i bought some shoes right before my surgery and now they are a bit looser than most new shoes after i wear them in. it didnt even cross my mind that i could be losing weight in my FEET! haha weird... not so sure i like this nsv as much as others
  13. katiebugggg! you look awesome! keep it up

  14. well thats good that thats all it takes to fix it! my blood has the opposite problem... it clots too fast! i always have trouble giving blood because of that.

    well i look forward to finding out your NEW surgery date, and i hope you have a verrrry special xmas!

  15. AWW you are one of my bestest lapband buddies! so what happens if your blood work comes back saying you have a clotting disorder? try not to let it get to you too much, i know its hard but you're right-- at least now you know you can do the liquid diet! and hey-- its so much easier to do only liquids after you've been on it awhile, so you might as well lose weight while you're waiting around for those slow utah-ians!

    MERRY CHRISTMAS CHELSEA! you are awesome! i would have cried for weeks so clearly you are a stronger person than i am :)

    chin up m'dear

  16. ohhh no chelsea! when you told me i had to investigate and read that your blood work didnt come back in time... :( i hate all the loops! but don't worry too much about it, it will be a wonderful new years present when you get your new surgery date, i'm sure! if you wanna talk about stuff you know you can always talk to me ;)

  17. sorry it took me so long to respond, i was in chicago this weekend.

    first of all, thanks! im glad you got something out of my post! i'd say listen to your doc, though it sounds like he gave you a more strict pre-op diet. not necessarily a bad thing at all! my doc was ok with sugar free pudding, which i mixed with protein powder and found to be AWESOME. i had it for bfast and snacks when i thought i was going to eat my hand. my doc was ok with 16oz of skim milk a day.


    he told me the purpose of the preop diet was to shrink the liver, and the best way to do that is to cut out almost all carbs and sugar. the liver sits right above the part of the stomach your surgeon will be working on. it just reduces the risk of complication in surgery.

    on the plus side, any weight you lose before surgery just makes it that much easier to get to your goal weight afterwards!

    sorry i just realized i am writing you a novel. send me a private message if you have more questions! :)

  18. i have used it almost every day for the past 8 months! i bookmarked it! the only times i dont add what i eat is when i am out of town usually, but even then i find a way to sneak on a computer, and if i am eating weird foods that aren't on their database (Though they have a LOT, you'd be surprised what you find) i just guesstimate the calories and stuff be sure you write in EVERYTHING you put in your mouth! i find that when i do that, even over-estimate on some things, it causes me to stop eating even more because i dont like going over the pre-set calorie goals. also, it has a graph that shows your weight progression! its great to see that it actually WORKS! some days i feel horrible because i havent lost any weight even though i ate the right number of calories, etc, but when i keep track overall, i found that i am actually losing right along with what the site says i should be! its brilliant!
  19. haha good i'm glad to be your guinea pig!

  20. janesays

    banded yesterday and feelin just fine!

    Well how could your trainer resist checking you out scarecrow, with all the weightlifting you are doing! I'm hoping I can keep it up and build up my strength again. I used to be pretty strong back when i was an athlete! (ha! I quit school sports for choir/theater back in 9th grade. look where that got me...) my other main workout goal is to get a pretty solid running speed. when I did track/field (this was like 8th grade or something) I ran like an 8.5 minute mile at my fastest..... granted this made me the slowest person on the team, but I was just in athletics because they required the volleyball players to join... I did shotput and disc (I was one of like 3 girls with upper body strength.. though thats all but disappeared now) haha yeah he's a mizzou fan. clearly, I said he was smart! but I'm pretty sure he's married and off limits, not like I would ever try anything though. no worries-- he's just there to get me motivated to go to the gym. I also talked to the nutritionist about the blacking out, and she said pretty much exactly what you said! I see a new career in your future....
  21. hey guys! I just wanted to update everyone. I had my surgery yesterday morning, and my doctor said it was a surgery by the books-- so easy and everything went smoothly! Sorry for the long post ahead, but if you are interested in what I've done the past 2 days this is a break-down: My doc is an expert in laparoscopic surgeries (the majority of his surgeries are colonoscopies, hernia repairs, etc through a laparoscope)... so I am really interested to see how good my incisions will look. From what I hear he is very good at that. He also took pictures inside of me and gave me a copy on a CD! He was going over them with me in the recovery room, and my mom was so grossed out it was hilarious. He pointed to my liver and told me how skinny it looked, and praised me on a job well done on the pre-op diet! (I think I did pretty well-- I lost 7 pounds in 10 days!) My surgery was at 7am, I woke up as I was going to the recovery room around 8:30 and the only thing I remember was how incredibly cold and thirsty I was. I must have had about ten blankets on top of me, and all you could see was my head! I slept for a little bit, and my mom kept feeding me ice chips. A nurse walked me around the hallways about noon, and then I got dressed and left at around 1pm! All in all a very short hospital stay. I'm staying with my mom at the hotel she's at in town, even though I have my own apartment here, since it's where I go to school. I definitely picked the right place. The hotel is practically empty so the staff is bored and waiting on me hand and foot! There are three chefs at the restaurant, and they have been busy making up homemade broths and all sorts of fancy presentations. Yesterday a chef spent 3 hours making this chicken broth that was divine! Except I could only put down about 1 or 2 spoonfuls. My back is really achey.... it kind of feels like when you sleep the wrong way. My stomach is sore only when I move up and down, so I am trying to limit that. My mom kind of feels like I've become her baby again, as she is "burping me" by rubbing my back and hitting it a little so I can get the gas out. It feels sooooo goooood though! My goals for today so far are to get down a cup of sf pudding with my Protein supplement in it, and to shower. We'll see how the last one goes!
  22. aw yeah, no fun. but its over soon! you can have christmas ham... broth. haha

    progress is good! losing again, slowly. i got my first fill wednesday! yay!

  23. one more week! get excited! (well, more excited i guess... haha)

  24. thanks so much Teri for doing this! I'm not 100% familiar with google docs, but isn't there a way to make it so everyone (or people you invite to do so) can access the doc and update their own numbers? it just seems like so much work for one person to keep updating pretty much daily! of course, if you're feeling up to it.... :huh2:
  25. so it seems like every time i drop by your page it says your current activity is uploading pictures... and then i get excited about getting an update, but quickly realize its all a lie. why does it keep saying that?

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