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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by janesays

  1. janesays

    Hair Loss . . . Really?

    Hi Marko! I would not worry so much about hair loss. It does happen to some, especially when your body goes through "trauma" such as a dramatic weight loss. But because we are losing weight pretty slow, I haven't seen anything too bad. My hair stylist actually got the band about six years ago, and since she knows so much about hair, I asked her for me. She told me that, if it happens, it will probably happen some time between month 3 and 6 post-op, and that DON'T WORRY, because this time, the hair WILL grow back! So no matter what, the hair you lose after surgery DOES grow back. Depending on age, it may not grow in as thick, but it will come back. I would take being healthy over having all my hair any day. Good luck on your weight loss journey!
  2. janesays

    20 lbs to goal

    you are a knockout! congrats on your success thus far
  3. good to hear. i see you lost more weight! i'm slowly creeping down... but still about 2 pounds a week on average so no complaints!

  4. well thats awesome! hopefully you will keep losing like that, i mean if that's the case who knows you may never really need much of a fill!

  5. janesays

    Orange Juice a NO NO for me

    Was there a lot of pulp in the juice? That could have "clogged" you up... or maybe it was because you drank it too fast and your body wasn't used to it yet. Glad you are feeling better now.
  6. hey i hope you are feeling better today!

  7. hey katie! how you been lately? i just read somewhere that you said you are from frisco! i go to college in missouri now, but i was born in dallas and grew up in plano. park and preston intersection area, if you know where that is.

    anyways, just saying hi! see you around the forum

  8. aw i'm sorry you got that full until it hurts feeling.... :( but that's why we went through all the trouble of getting surgery, right? i got that feeling today too. haha hopefully one day, we'll learn...

  9. good for you losing 40lbs! so you went to your follow up yesterday then, how did that go? did you get a fill? yeah i am back at school-- i go to the university of missouri. its cold... like 7 degrees.

  10. janesays

    How to tell your parents???

    Hi there, I'm also 20 and was banded about 2 months ago so I feel I can relate somewhat. For me, I have somewhat the opposite situation-- my mom and I are very close, and she was 100% supportive (in fact, she was the first to mention the surgery almost 3 years ago). My step dad and I, however, are not very close at all. It isn't that I don't like him-- I do-- it's just that he only came into my life when I was getting into the final stages of high school, and to me this was a personal choice. I basically had my mom tell him, and they talked about it, and then it just became an unwritten but known topic and he knows not to talk about it with me unless I bring something up. You didn't mention, but are your mother and father still together/talking? If they are, you may try asking your dad to help you out. That was they can discuss it a little first or it can be you and your dad telling her at the same time, so you know you are not alone if she opposes it. I definitely agree that she should go to an information session, because most people after attending one feel more comfortable about the surgery. If she gets a chance to meet your doctor, I'm sure most of her worries will disappear. Good luck, hope to see you around here more often! There is a 20s thread on this site that you may want to check out-- some people have talked about the issues they have run into with their parents.
  11. janesays

    Omg. Help me!

    yeah drew sorry but im not letting you off the hook.... go take some pictures now, hide them under password protection on your computer or something until you think they are ready to see the light of day, but take some now! bc your before and after pics are gonna look amazing, even if you start them a little late!
  12. janesays

    2009 Weight loss Challenge

    I somehow got dropped from the list... adding myself again. Name___________StartWeight___CurrentWeight______Goal_________ToGo *****<v:shapetype id="_x0000_t75" path="m@4@5l@4@11@9@11@9@5xe" stroked="f" filled="f" o:preferrelative="t" o:spt="75" coordsize="21600,21600"></v:shapetype>***********:cursing:************************:cursing:********** :cursing:*** Babe...............308............305.4.......199.......106.4 Brandy.............198............195.........166.......27 Cappy..............240............239.........130.......109 Chocolate_Snaps....244............229.........175.......54 Clarebear08........192............189.........160.......29 Donna113...........183............180.5.......126.......54.5 Ebonie.............307............307.........200.......107 FalloutGirl........282............278.........165.......112 FeliciaLevy75......200............194.........140.......54 FlordiaPete........413............410.........300.......113 GratefulHeart......226............223.........135.......88 health4life........279............239.........150.......89 janesays...........225...........224.6........160.......64.6 Lindar172..........246............244.6.......150.......94.6 LocomotiveEngineer.311............311.........220.......91 Long2BThin.........216............210.........169.......41 lotzasunshine......270............267.........180.......87 Loveislovely.......216............216.........175.......41 ltgordon...........284.8..........262.8.......185.......77.2 lucyavery..........205............205.........140.......65 Mair...............231............225.........140.......85 Mamanmidwife.......264............264.........200.......64 MissNilsa..........180............180.........132.......48 Tabithan...........240............240.........200.......40 Under200...........242............199.........155.......44 vzghj3.............202............202.........150.......52 WOWOX7.............173............169.........125.......44
  13. i mean like, without getting too full to the point it hurts, and then i want to throw up or spit up. thats what i meant by sick. :)


    dont worry, once you get the right fill you will be able to eat the right amounts. tuesday is less than a day away!

  14. noooo way! i couldnt sleep, i decided to check up with people i havent talked to on LBT lately... decide to stop by your profile and what do you know?? it says you are uploading pictures! again! and you have no new pictures! haha you are such a teeeeaaaasssseeee!

    anyways i came back to mizzou early before classes start. the cold makes me want to go back down to texas, but i've been doing pretty well up here.. eating right and exercising a lot. how are you doing?

  15. janesays

    help exercise question

    yeah my trainer kept making fun of it, he couldnt even get the name right-- kept calling it pill-yogurt? haha but hes this enormously buff guy that could pick me up with one arm, so i feel like even pilates is too easy for him. :thumbdown:
  16. lol no i haven't.... but i haven't been seeing you around here lately! what have you been up to? hows the weight loss going?

  17. always glad to hear another one fall in love with the site ... i swear i use it 10X a day! it is what i attribute my losing 2lbs a week since surgery.... and if i don't lose, well TDP tells me why! (i ate too few or too many calories, etc)
  18. janesays

    2009 Weight loss Challenge

    I am joining a little late. Hit my last of 2008 challenge weight of 225 only a week late, and I am already under it! I hope by this time next year I hit (or maybe surpass) my final goal-- 160! Name___________StartWeight___CurrentWeight______Goal_________ToGo *****<v:shapetype id="_x0000_t75" coordsize="21600,21600" o:spt="75" o:preferrelative="t" filled="f" stroked="f" path="m@4@5l@4@11@9@11@9@5xe"></v:shapetype>***********:coffee:*************:tt2:***********:wub:********** :tongue2:*** Babe...............308............308.........199.......109 Brandy.............198............195.........166.......27 Cappy..............240............239.........130.......109 Chocolate_Snaps....244............229.........175.......54 Clarebear08........192............189.........160.......29 Donna113...........183............181.5.......125.......55.5 Ebonie.............307............307.........200.......107 FalloutGirl........282............282.........165.......116 FeliciaLevy75......200............194.........140.......54 FlordiaPete........413............413.........300.......113 GratefulHeart......226............223.........135.......88 health4life........279............239.........150.......89 janesays...........225............224.6.......160.......64.6 Lindar172..........246............244.6.......150.......94.6 LocomotiveEngineer.311............311.........220.......91 Long2BThin.........216............210.........169.......41 lotzasunshine......270............267.........180.......87 Loveislovely.......216............216.........175.......41 ltgordon...........284.8..........262.8.......185.......77.2 lucyavery..........205............205.........140.......65 Mair...............231............231.........140.......91 Mamanmidwife.......264............264.........200.......64 MissNilsa..........180............180.........132.......48 Tabithan...........240............240.........200.......40 Under200...........242............199.........155.......44 vzghj3.............202............202.........150.......52 WOWOX7.............173............170.........125.......45
  19. janesays

    help exercise question

    I don't think my body wants me to do pilates, ever! i've tried it a few times over the past few years and WOW, intense pain every time... even without surgery! my trainer had me do the pilates 100 the other day.... i had to do it in pieces. i did do this class once called piloga, a combination of pilates and yoga.... i loved that class. all the intense workout from pilates but broken up by some relaxing yoga.
  20. janesays

    help exercise question

    i thought so too, but my doctor actually has us see a personal trainer (physical therapist for insurance purposes) at his hospital before the surgery, and then at 4, 6, 8, and 10 weeks post surgery. i have been to my 4 and 6 weeks after surgery so far, and at the 4 weeks is when he started me doing situps and pushups and basically a normal workout routine. i asked him about whether i should wait more for my incisions to heal, and he said that your body will tell you-- if it hurts, don't do it. mine didn't hurt (besides normal sore muscles after the workout), so i did everything. 61 situps in 60 seconds actually, if you want specifics. :cool:
  21. janesays

    Valentine's Day Weight Loss Challenge

    lilmissdiva-- you have been doing so well so far, a little setback is nothing for you! especially during your TOM, if thats what you were talking about. this week actually happens to be MY tom-- somehow i am still losing even though i am feeling super bloated lately? haha maybe its the workouts... bc i am definitely eating the chocolate i crave.... :cool: NAME----------------------START-----------------CURRENT----------------GOAL------------------TO GO 1000words..........220............214............210...........4 annjones...........277............264............267..........-3 AuntieGG...........286............282............270..........12 BandedCG...........273............236.5..........220........16.5 Barb12590..........185............185............175..........10 Bea1128............190.5..........190.5..........180........10.5 Bonnielass.........168............166............159...........7 Brandy.............198............198............190...........8 crzytchr...........250............243............240...........3 CubsGirl...........150............147............140...........7 Cutiew/booty.......224............222............212..........10 Fordgal88..........274............208............198..........10 Imgoingdown........239............199............189..........10 janesays...........230............225............215..........10 Jodi_620...........160............160............148..........14 karebare714........283............276............265..........18 kikival315.........219.5..........218.5..........210.........8.5 LauraP.............170............170............155..........15 lcwils01...........227............225............213..........12 Leslie2lose........229............223............219...........4 LilMissDiva........253............244.0..........239...........5 Long2BThin.........216............211............205...........6 Loveislovely.......223............216............208...........8 ltgordon...........264............263............250..........13 Mair...............231............231............220..........11 Mamanmidwife.......264............264............250..........14 misskitty84........313............263............243..........20 mominlv13..........270.2..........270.2..........260........10.2 SanDiegoPhotog.....263............191............179..........12<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p> Sistergrl25........359............289............264..........25 Tabithan...........246............246............236..........10 Terilynn112........224............224............200..........24 Tuger..............192............192............185...........7 twinmommie.........207............207............193..........14 wowox7.............173............169............163...........6
  22. hey! well my second fill went well. she added 1cc in addition to the 1cc she added at my first fill, and the doctor put the band in with 5cc in it already, and i am fiiiinally feeling what i think i should be feeling all the time. not hungry, but able to eat the right portion sizes without getting sick. the past two days have been good eating days. i hope this lasts! who knows, it could even be my "sweet spot"? haha when is your first fill?

  23. janesays

    Twenties NSVs

    last night i was not only able to wear a peacoat that hasnt fit for the last 2 years, but i was able to BUTTON it! granted there was only one button left on it due to me wearing it when i shouldnt have, but i buttoned that last button! and it looked CUTE! i was home in texas at my parents' house over winter break and tried on a bunch of old jeans, and while i can't wear them out in public yet (lots of the muffin top going on), i can atleast button those! i'll be wearing them in no time, hopefully.
  24. hahaha... well, i'm not going to disagree with you.. :grouphug: i know my mom reads this website from time to time, so if you found this thread mom.... well, just be proud you didn't raise a quitter. oh god. so embarrassing.
  25. oooh chelsea i like the new profile pic! you little vixen you!

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