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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by MaybeMeow

  1. @613cnn... That would be very frustrating. I wish I could offer some suggestions but I'm with you in the frustration. Tho it sounds like you are even more stalled than I am so far. Have you spoken with your dietician? I've been thinking of calling just to say "Am I eating enough? Too much? Am I too sedentary? How is little to no loss POSSIBLE with these numbers?" RE: the throwing up. UGH. I'm so sorry. I'm hoping it was just the one time. I too had one big throw up scare and thought "Oh no! This is going to be my life!" But it hasn't since. So try and keep thinking positive. Maybe it was a fluke. A little something too fast or too soon. But yes, I'm with you. This first month was suppose to be our glory losses and it seems we're not getting that nice high number reward. Here's hoping for next month. What choice do we have but to press on with hope? ONWARD!!
  2. MaybeMeow

    Weight Loss Tracking Forms

    These are great! And your losses are nice too! Good to hear from you. Hope you continue to do we!!.
  3. MaybeMeow

    Almost 4 months post op

    Any updates? Are you adding any artificial sweetener flavor to your water? I've had those suddenly make me have liquid diarrhea out of the blue. Imodium does help tho. This is odd. Let us know how you're doing!
  4. Hi Gang. 200-pound Meow here. STILL. Honestly it's becoming a joke. I step on the scale and it jumps above and then below and then stops on exactly 200. I think this is day 6. ((eyeroll). So I'm holding at a solid 17 pound loss on post day 30. Ah well. Waiting for that swoosh people talk about. Hope it's several at once. I'm only eating 600 calories a day and getting at least 200 calories exercise a day according to my tracker so it can't stay here much longer. EAT THAT FAT. THERE'S PLENTY ON THE THIGHS, BABY. BURN IT! Oh yay! Bariatric nightmares!! Dream Dumping! Lol. So good to hear you're eating and feeling pretty good, Groovy. Nice to hear about the fruit. I've been stealing that banana since week 2 and have had no trouble. I think it's clear sugar isn't going to make me dump and frankly I'm relieved. I am also taking the vitamin without iron and plan to continue that until the bloodwork says I'm in need. It's hard enough to poop regularly. My daughter had a dance competition this week and today I chased her around for a few hours in a big convention center carrying a big bag. It's the first "outing" I've had besides a quick trip to the grocery store or errand and I was surprised how weak I felt. Gonna need to try and push myself more, I think. And figure out what I'm missing if I can't because I'm 47 years old and 200 pounds and I should be able to do what was asked of me today without issue. Time to start kicking the exercise up, maybe. What's everyone else doing? ONWARD BYPASSERS!
  5. Jello shots with protein powder and tasty broth with protein powder!! ONWARD!!
  6. YOU MADE IT TO MUSHIES!! YAYYYYYY! Let us know how it goes.
  7. Sounds like you're truckin right along! Protein powder (genepro) in soup broth and 1 oz Sugar free jello shots made with the same protein powder (had 2 grams each) kept me alive the first 5 days when putting anything in me felt like a mistake. Have you tried these? You will be amazed at the week marks and how much better you feel. One week was a huge difference. Then two then three. Today I ate 2 ounces of ground chicken and peanuts in a thai broth and for the very first time I did not feel uncomfortable afterwards. Normally I get the "too full-not ready for this" feeling. Not today. Today is my 4 week mark. I have been approaching this like a rebirth. Relearning now to eat and considering the first 8 weeks to be a time I expect to feel badly. I'm halfway thru and today is a good day. Hope it is for everyone else as well. It's also the 5th day in a row of being 200 pounds. CRAZY! My bod doesn't want to let go of the 200s. Well... I think tomorrow is gonna be the day. ONWARD BYPASSERS!!
  8. She made it! Welcome to the other side. Now the fun REALLY begins. Glad to hear you're doing well. The first week post op is by far the hardest. Just power thru!! ONWARD!!!
  9. WISH ME! We're thinking about you. Hope recovery is going even better than expected! I HAVE BEEN 200 POUNDS FOR THREE DAYS!! COME ON!!!!!! ARRRRUUUGGGGHHH!
  10. MaybeMeow

    Arm Lift Experiences?

    Several years ago I read about a doc who was doing them by making an X in the armpit. I remember thinking that might be worth it since it would be far better hidden. I haven't been able to find any info on him recently, sadly. But you might do some research. Best of luck!
  11. GROOVY! It's so good to hear from you! Congrats of Day 18!! Sounds like you are right on track. Nearly pain-free and no scary food episodes? WONDERFUL! 21 pounds is incredible!!!!! I'm envious and thrilled for you. I'm cheating a little with the daily morning banana and daily pretzels that soothe my nauseous tummy so I did expect my losses to be slower. I'm so glad colace is helping you. I'm taking 2 colace a day. I'm still struggling. But not completely plugged. Gonna try some added magnesium when I hit 4 weeks (Tuesday). That helped me stay regular before surgery but it is a colon stimulator so I was told by my surgeon to be careful. I'll let you know if it helps because it's an easy solution to just add one more pill to the routine. I love my PB2 and Fage too! No more pre-made protein drinks EVER, if I can help it. I had 2 oz of crab meat tonight. Tasted delish but stayed a little high in my stomach for a bit. I'm determined to be able to eat meat. So I keep trying. Thanks for checking in. Hope it's a great week for both of us. ONWARD!!
  12. WishME!! Tomorrow is your big day! WOO HOO!! We'll be thinking about you and sending you all the good stuff. Here's to a quick smooth surgery and an easy recovery. Sip and walk and check in with us when you feel up to it!! Can't wait to hear from you.
  13. 3/4 cup is 18 pro.
  14. Hi Gang. We've gotten quiet. Hope everyone is out there plugging along. HAPPY 4th! What an awful year this has been. I sure am looking forward to a CHANGE in NOVEMBER. But enough of that. How ya'll doin? I just.... ((drum roll)) ate 1.5 oz of ground beef. AND IT WAS DELISH! I was a little scared after my bad reaction to fish last week but it seems to be going down well. Plan to try another 1.5 oz tonight with family for the 4th. I also bought some watermelon and look forward to a slice as I'm reading lots of people seem to do well with it. I'm post op Day 25 and a cool 200 pounds even. 17 lost. Feels good. I was 197 about 6 months ago after about 3 months on Weight Watchers. Then gained it all back again. But it feels recent so once I cross that line I'll really feel like celebrating. Over all feeling better. Still queasy in the morning. But it passes. Still constipated but not completely blocked. Energy is better, Walking every day without fail. If you can steal some time tell me how yer all doin! ONWARD!!
  15. Yay!! I'm so happy to hear from you! YOU MADE IT TWO WEEKS! It gets progressively better from here on out. Particularly with the new foods. And WOW on a couple things there... like not weighing yourself. THAT takes willpower. And getting 64oz of water in and 75 protein?!!? The protein i've managed with the shakes but the water has been such a struggle. I'm SO impressed. It's inspiring. I kept thinking "people aren't reallY getting 64 every day are they?" Well, 613cnn is! I'm getting around 48 a day and it's a battle. I'm gonna keep fighting. Can't wait to hear about your first weigh-in. What day is your follow up? ONWARD!
  16. Congrats on joining us on the other side! So SO sorry to hear about the nausea and dry-heaving. I remember it , and my extra night in the hospital for it, too well. Glad it subsided. Here's to a smooth recovery and that cough just being the intubation tube irritation. Make sure you're doing deep breathing exercises several times a day. Hoping the insulin adjustments are a good thing! And I know lots of people who don't poop til close to a week. You might start some colase. I find that to be the mildest "helper". Keep us updated and Happy Healing!
  17. This is so great to hear! Hopefully this will be all of us very soon. 40 pounds in 6 weeks?! AMAZING!!
  18. Hi Gang. Checking in on 3 weeks post op. 15 pounds down! I'll take it. Had a scare on Sunday with sudden stomach pain after trying 1.5 oz fish. It got so bad I dry heaved for nearly 2 hours. Almost went to the ER. Violent heaving and pain. I felt like my new separated stomach was trying to come up. Then it just stopped. Never threw much up besides a little water. Slept the rest of the evening. Decided I'm going back to my previous food stage which is a handful of soft foods; eggs, cottage cheese, beans, broth at least for a few more days. Felt mildly nauseous but nothing serious pain-wise or heaving. I am REALLY hoping it was a one-time thing and my body just wasn't ready for meat. My program does seem to move faster than others. Otherwise things are fine. I've increased my evening walk to 30 minutes. No more incision or stitch pain. Still going a little covid-crazy with no projects on the horizen. My whole day is spent (besides caring for kiddo) counting protein and water. Still need to do my taxes! Ha! How's everyone else feeling? ONWARD!
  19. MaybeMeow

    Beginning BMI 35 or under

    Hi I was 5'5" and 209 just like you during my first pre-op visit. 35 BMI. 47 years old but post menopausal due to early meno. Self pay. Came in wanting sleeve but doc convinced me RNY was the way to go due to my long history of moderate GERD. Covid postponed my original surgery date and I ate like crazy during those 2.5 months. So I had surgery 20 days ago at weight 217. My goal is 154 which is considered the healthy weight for my height. I weighed myself this morning and I've lost 15 pounds In 3 weeks. Not gonna lie. It's been rough. Yesterday had an odd episode of vomiting/retching for 2 hours due to unexplained pain in my stomach after eating 1oz fish. Miserable. Almost ended up in the ER. Then it just passed. Today I'm focusing recovery (sore everywhere) and on pooping (constipated). I don't feel great. Not even good yet. But I'm following the program and forging ahead. I could always lose weight on diets. Lost 30 pounds on Weigh Watchers 3 different times. But I always gain it back. Plus a little more. 209 then 217 were my highest weights ever. Decided it was only going to get worse with my pre-mature menopause slowing my metabolism down. Was getting so I couldn't be active with my family. So I took the leap. Feel free to ask questions. Good luck with your decision!
  20. Love this update! Thank you so much for a glimpse into the future. I really relate to the "Am I focusing on Protein or Water today?" thing. You put what I've been doing into words. And yes, that is a work in progress. Mind if I ask... what foods can you NOT tolerate so far? I'm almost 3 weeks post and on my first week of soft proteins and the only thing that made me sick was avocado. It was not on my safe list. I'd just read someone else had it and it helped them poop so I wanted to try. Boy did it. Wishing you continued success! Those are great loss numbers! You're doing this!!
  21. Hey, good to hear from you! You too! Let's commit to making this a water day!!
  22. Whoa Nellie! Oof. ((burp)) excuse me. Hello Post Op Day 18! So I had 2 oz of well-chewed chicken last night (Hawaiian Brothers Huli huli well rinsed) and it went down well so I thought I'd do it again this afternoon. Not sure what was different. Maybe I didn't chew as well. Maybe too close to vitamins. But it felt stuck up high. More than I've ever experienced. I've done enough research to know this is fairly common and my body would want to throw it up. But I thought I'd try and fight it. Not pleasant. I walked around my first floor burping the food up but not allowing it to fully come up. Then I went outside for a slow walk. Then I thought I would just give in and headed to the bathroom and got what I've heard sleevers call the Foamies. But I felt marginally better after that. SO I decided to keep up the fight and hop in the shower. I soaked for a about 10 minutes. That was about 20 minutes ago. No Barf! It's still kinda high but I no longer feel "in danger" of tossing it up. I'm burping a lot of air. But I believe the crisis is averted. I'm glad I knew what was happening or I might've freaked out a little. I'll be waiting until much later this evening for "dinner" and stick to a poached egg. Currently I'm suppose to be eating 3-4 servings of soft but solid proteins a day starting with 1oz each and working my way up to 3 ozs by week 6. Guess my body isn't ready for 2 oz. At least not of chicken. Otherwise feeling good. I always wake with a lot of gas and cramping. Then feel better after my morning protein shake. Very little pain except some aching behind the big left incision and some wash of nerve pain across the front. Still walking each night for 20 minutes. Tried to increase it last night and pooped out. Still struggling to get 64 oz of water in but I'm usually around 50oz. I'm bored out of my mind and there doesn't appear to be much of an end to that. Things are closing down again here in MO. How's everyone doing today? Careful of Chicken! ONWARD!
  23. Oh no wonder you are frustrated! I’m so sorry you’re facing this uncertainty. I would be upset too. My initial surgery was postponed from early April to June 9th. I admit I went back to snacking constantly. It was the way I coped. Ended up gaining 8 pounds during those 2 months. But... I had a lot of food funerals. My only advice is one day, one hour at a time. The Covid situation is beyond your control. Keep plugging forward. The one-hour-at-a-time is how I powered thru those first 5 days post op so it will be a good quality to have practiced. Stay positive! Believe it will happen! And can you get your groceries delivered? Gotta stay healthy! I’m crossing all my fingers for you. Onward!!
  24. PS: I feel a little guilty speaking about food when I know some of you are struggling with fluids BUT I am also your future so I want to give you hope. Last night I ordered out for the first time since pre-op and I ordered a piece of plain mahi mahi with lemon. It was lousy. Dry and fishy tasting so after one bite I tossed it. Then I spied by daughter's scallops. She did not want to finih them. I took two and weighed them. 2 oz. I rinsed them off as they were coated in butter. Then I ate them tiny bite by tiny bite. THEY WERE SO DELICIOUS. And they went down like s DREAM! I felt the same as I did after having an egg the first time... but even BETTER. REAL food. I kept waiting for a price to pay. No price. So I saved the other two for lunch today. Put them in the toaster oven under broil for 3 minutes. JUST AS DELISH. And I can make scallops. So this feels GREAT!! Went down so easily much better than the ground chicken. So... GET YA SOME SCALLOPS when you're trying meat proteins. The End.

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