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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Tristessa

  1. I'm so sorry for all of your losses. I don't know what I'll do when the time comes for my basset to go. She's getting up there and has been getting sicker and sicker. I get teary just thinking about it. Her and my boston are my babies (that listen to what I say and don't talk back. Ok, well my boston *does* give me attitude. Hehe.)

    Big hugs to you all.

  2. I was banded November 5th and was doing pretty good until mid December. I fell down some stairs and haven't been able to excersise at all since then. My after care also fell through so I haven't had a fill yet (though I finally did find someone to do a fill. I'll get my first one on January 13th.)

    I've put on about 8lbs (of the 20lbs that I lost post op) and I'm attributing that mostly to depression. I'm owning up (for the first time in my life) to the fact that I'm sabotaging myself so I've put myself back on my pre-op diet (with Vitamin supplements) to try and keep myself from gaining anymore until I get a fill. I'd kick my own ass for letting myself put back on 8lbs but I've got a broken knee. :Yawn:

  3. yeah phoned Dr. Daviduck today and he won't do out of country. Dr. Mitchell charges $5,000 now for 5 years for out of country patients no matter how many fills he does. I would rather drive to Saskatoon and pay the lady there. I just hate that they are monopolizing saying they won't do out of country. If there iscomplications AHC still pays for that even if it was out of country.

    Dr. Mitchell is back to charging $150/fill and is accepting patients banded in Mexico.

  4. I had a massive DVT in my left leg (from ankle to groin) that resulted in bilateral multiple PEs. I didn't end up staying in the hospital at all, but was put on Innohep shots for five days while taking warfarin to get my INR between the 2.0-3.0 range.

    I've been off of warfarin now for about two months and have gone for genetic testing. I'll find out in December if I need to go back on it or not.

    My hematologist said that, despite how severe the PEs were, that if my blood work comes back clear I shouldn't have to go on blood thinners permanently unless I develop another DVT or PE. At that point I'll go on them for life. Also, he said if I have surgery, travel anywhere that requires a flight or drive of 6 hours or longer or get pregnant I'll temporarily have to go back on heparin.

    I have to agree about it sucking not getting the green veggies in. I was still allowed to, but I had to make sure I was absolutely consistent on a daily basis which was a pain in the ass some days to do (you know how life can get in the way.. hehe)

  5. I had my surgery on November 5th. I only had two days worth of pain medication, and have been in pretty bad pain since then, but mostly due to the fact that a stupid woman rammed smack-dab into one of my incisions with her grocery cart on Sunday. The gas has been horrible and doesn't seem to be letting up and I'm actually afraid it's going to get worse when I start incorporating dairy (liquid yogurt) tomorrow. I get to start adding the full liquids over the course of the next week and then keep on those until November 26th when I can start eating real food again. I have to say though, I haven't felt hunger at all. I'm having trouble getting in enough liquid because I just don't want it. Which is good.. yay for not wanting to eat everything insight! But it's bad too, I don't want to basically starve myself.

    Anyone else finding that their hair is starting to fall out badly?

  6. I'm Amanda, 28, and I've always been heavy (with the exception of a year or so in high school when I gave in to peer pressure and starved myself down to a size 10.)

    I love puppies, I have two, I'm single and I'm afraid I'm going to end up being a crazy cat lady, only with dogs. :tt2:

    I can't wait to have the surgery but truthfully, I'm a little afraid since I have a known history of blood clots, now I'm afraid something bad is going to happen. But, I think the risks of staying this big (or getting bigger) are a lot greater than the risk of surgery and clotting, so I'm going ahead with it, despite my family doctor NOT being behind me at all. I have to find me a new GP now, which sucks.

    I'm very thankful to have you guys here to chat with (and I'm sure use as a venting/sounding board once we're banded..hehe) :)

  7. Mine is real similar. A Protein shake for breakfast, one for lunch, and a Lean Cuisine for dinner. I am also allowed any green vegatable with zero calorie dressing or seasoning to stave off hunger. sugar free Jello is also allowed. I have been on this for 1 week, and have 1 more to go. I get banded on November 14th. Thus far, I have lost 1.5 to 2 lbs per day on this diet, but I had lost 14 lbs prior to starting the pre-op doing high protein/low carb diet. The pre-op diet in pretty tough the 1st couple of days, but it gets easier if you hang with it. Good luck, I hope it all goes well for you :tt2:.

    My diet's the same. I'm going with the Boost for diabetics as it's 190 calories and I can't find any other drink under 230 calories. I'm going to stave off hunger with chromium picolinate pills, although those help increase metabolic rate and I'm turning into a human furnace as it stands as my metabolic rate has gone through the roof in the last month.

    I'm starting my pre-op diet on Oct 22nd, my surgery is November 5th. I've lost more than the 5% that was required, but I like to have a safety net. :thumbup:

  8. After I finished dying of embarassment, I realized that I did have a NSV today.

    I was walking through a parking lot and it was raining so the bottoms of my jeans were getting wet and heavy. Well, that coupled with the fact that they're a size too large now, yeah.. I flashed the good people of costco a little pasty white ass today. :crying:

    I think it's time to move to a smaller jean size.. :smile2:

  9. As of this morning, 45lbs down from my highest known weight which was on the day I quit smoking on January 18th this year.

    The majority of that has been since June 1st when I decided I was going to go ahead with lapbanding.

    I'm currently doing Tony Horton's 10 day lean jean plan which is working. I'm on day five and I've lost six pounds. I'm hoping to lose another 12lbs between this and the actual pre-op diet which I start on October 22nd. :(

  10. I've been working my ass off preparing for this, and I've gone and blown it. I dunno about you guys, but I'm an emotional eater and the last couple of weeks has just sucked for me.

    So I've gone and put on at least 10lbs that I've worked my butt off to lose. Which is depressing in its own.

    One very very big difference between this time and all the times before I've done this though - I actually caught myself trying to comfort myself with food and threw the food out.

    Now I just need to get back on track. :thumbup:

  11. I hope your surgery went well today. I am 60 days away from my surgery, and I am going to OCC as well. You will have to give me any hints!! I have heard all good things about the clinic and doctors and staff!! I am sure you will be well cared for. I look forward to joining you in two months!!


    Ohhh, you'll be there just before me. I'm there Nov 4th, surgery on the 5th.

    I ditto that, I can't freaking wait to be joining you guys. My counting down is driving everyone I know nuts.. hehehe :tongue:

  12. So I am still supposed to be a November bandster...but the damn pulmonologist added a bunch of shit for me to do. -Annoyed- Anyway my nurse hasnt called yet about it so I am going to call her tomorrow and tell her my first appt is monday for all that junk, maybe she will know something tomorrow. I know it's not that big of a deal all the stuff they added but I was told I would be done with it all after yesterday. But now I have 3 CTs, a sleep study, and 3 other things one is a lung capacity, one is a dico whatever that is and one is a spiro. Meh.

    Wow, that sucks you have all those additional things to do.

    As much as it sucks parting with thousands of dollars, I'm kind of glad I'm self pay so I don't have to jump through all the insurance hoops.

    I hope all goes well with the tests and stuff.

  13. I wanna see. I am a huge tattoo fan. I already have 9. Plan to get more too lol.

    Lap-band o'licious or Band o'licious are cute but nothing to do with our month? :)

    Once I have the drawing all done and coloured in I may scan it, if I do I'll post a pic. It'll be probably a good 3-5 years before I actually get it done. I want to make sure any surgeries involving my back are done and healed.

    And I actually thought of a suggestion for a group name (shocking I know, especially since I feel about one step above a zombie right now. :lol:)

    How about Supernovas? (I'm a huge astronomy geek, hehe)

  14. I am scheduled for the lap band surgery November 24th woohoo I can't wait. I'm excited, happy, nervous, anxious, OMG wow.

    Hmmm how about......



    Gobble-gobble bandsters

    Lap-band o'licious (my fav lol)

    November Lap-loser'licious

    you can add november, 11/08 or whatever to any of the names. I'll keep thinking

    I add "licious" to the end of everything, haha. I like the Lap-band o'licious. :thumbup:

    I wish I could contribute but I've expended all of my creative energy thinking up, drawing and painting what will be my back piece tattoo once I've lost all the weight. Hehehe. :sad:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
