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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by jami.1992

  1. I have severe anxiety as well and when I went in for my surgery I had a panic attack sitting in the car outside of the hospital. My husband helped calm my nerves by reminding me of all the reasons I decided to have the surgery. Joint pain in my 20s, my energy level being so low, my self esteem plummeting every time I looked in the mirror and the fact that my children deserve a mom who can show them healthy eating and exercise habits so that they don’t end up where I was. To name a few lol Congratulations on your surgery date! I can honestly say you will be so happy you made this decision!
  2. jami.1992

    Is this normal?

    17 pounds in the first week?!?! That’s amazing! Don’t stress about not losing! You’re doing great!
  3. jami.1992


    Only my husband and my mom know out of my family...I know it has been hard on my mom not being able to talk to anyone about my surgery or my success this far through my journey but she understands how personal and private I am about it. I have always been the heaviest person on both my moms and my dads side of the family...but they all have seen me doing the yo-yo diets as well. So I’m just hoping they assume that I’m on another one of my “health kicks” as they like to call them....I doubt I’ll see any of them until thanksgiving anyways so I still have some time to think of scenarios or questions they may have and how I will respond to them. A year ago I was with one of my closest friends (who is also on the heavier side) and we saw a girl we went to high school with who had the gastric bypass a few years ago and I made the comment “wow she looks amazing” to which my friend responded with “yeah she had that surgery done. I’d look amazing too if I could take the easy way out.” And i said “I don’t think there is an easy way out. Losing weight is hard regardless of how you do it.” And she just rolled her eyes. I was just starting my journey back then and I developed this weird complex from her pettiness.
  4. jami.1992


    I really appreciate everyones kindness and their words of encouragement! Y’all have really helped to ease my mind! ❤️
  5. jami.1992

    Reached intermediate WL goal!

    I’m so happy for you!! Way to go!! Sounds like 190 is just around the corner!
  6. jami.1992


    I am very proud of myself and how far I’ve came in such a short period of time. I feel more energized and happier than I’ve felt in years! I think i am nervous about the judgement and criticism....everyone has an opinion...whether it be good or bad...but it seems like those that have negative feelings about surgery like to voice those opinions a little more harshly than those that see the surgery for what it is....a tool. I’m hoping that one day I will be confident enough to say “I had weight loss surgery and it was the best decision of my life. Without it I wouldn’t be where I am right now.” 🤞🏻
  7. I started seeing my primary doctor to track weight loss (for insurance) in September and met with my surgeon for the first time on Wednesday (1/29) we discussed my options and he told me that he would have some tests ran but that it was my choice on which surgery I chose to have unless my test results suggested otherwise....he scheduled my tests for Friday (1/31) And during my gallbladder ultrasound the ultrasound tech asked me if I was in any pain and when I said no she said “that’s weird because your gallbladder is pretty nasty” I asked what she meant and she said that I had some stones and lots of polyps but not to worry bc the surgeon would just remove it during surgery....has anyone else had this happen? Did it sway yours or your surgeons decision to have the bypass or the sleeve?
  8. jami.1992

    My journey

    You look amazing!! Congratulations!
  9. My nutritionist gave me a packet with everything that I’m allowed to eat and when I’m allowed to start eating them....so this week I am allowed eggs, cheese, peanut butter, Greek and regular yogurt (plain only), skim milk and plain hummus. I started eating yesterday and my first thing was an egg....I made 1 egg with a sprinkle of shredded cheese on top....I could only eat half of it. I was amazed....but the 2 bites I had were delicious!! I would recommend not trying the broth until after your surgery. For me after only having protein shakes for about 4 days I was ready for something different and the broth was SO GOOD!! I really felt like I was eating something! I actually never was told to do any purées....Its strange to me how it seems that every doctor has different dietary guidelines for their patients.
  10. My surgeon had me on the Bariatric advantage HPMR shakes for 2 weeks. I just started eating yesterday. I’ll be honest though...by day 9 of the shakes it got pretty rough i just couldn’t handle the taste or texture of the shakes anymore....it got to the point I was getting sick when I drank them. I haven’t felt hungry since surgery, but my mind thinks I am when my family is eating lol I just try to find something to occupy myself until they are done :) my surgeon said my goal is 173 because that would put me at losing 70% of my excess weight, but my personal goal is 160 We never talked about my bypass length. All they told me was that my stomach is now the size of a plum.
  11. Hey meow! I decided on bypass just because I felt it would be more beneficial to me. I was also nervous about having some issues later on down the road with the sleeve and didn’t want to have to have a revision surgery. I am 27, 5’7” and My starting weight was 258. I had surgery on May 14th (2 weeks ago) and I feel great! And I’m already down 23 pounds! I have had some emotional days....but I’m still very happy with my decision ❤️
  12. jami.1992


    I understand how you feel! I had surgery 5/14 and I HATE the shakes! But I have been having more trouble with pain management. I am still so sore and all my doctor has told me is to take Tylenol....which does nothing for my pain...so it’s been hard but I’m just trying to stay positive and remind myself that this won’t last forever.
  13. jami.1992

    New member

    Wow! You look great!!
  14. My original surgery time was suppose to be the around the end of March. Like many others I was postponed until further notice. On April 25th I started having horrible abdominal pain. It got so bad that I ended up going to the emergency room late that evening. Well due to having some of my pre-op testing already done (in January) I had found out that my gallbladder was in what the nurse referred to as “yucky conditions” and she was surprised that I wasn’t having any pain then. So after a quick google search the only thing I could assume was wrong was I was having a gallbladder attack! I had never experienced anything like it before, it was awful! So, while in the emergency room I found out that my Bariatric surgeon was the on-call surgeon for the night and he said wanted to see me in his office on Tuesday (April 28). So the ER doc prescribed me antibiotics and pain medicine and sent me on my way. On Tuesday my husband takes me to see my surgeon and we discuss taking out the gallbladder. When my husband says that he should just go ahead and do my surgery AND take out my gallbladder at the same time. When my surgeon says that he would like to do it that way but gastric bypass is considered an “elective surgery” and he can’t do that. So my husband says he just doesn’t see why I would have to go under anesthesia twice when it wasn’t really necessary. So my surgeon makes some calls and tells me that he has been approved to do both the gallbladder removal AND the gastric bypass because the president of surgery doesn’t find it necessary to undergo anesthesia more than one time if it could be avoided! So they finished my pre-op testing and schedule me for next Thursday May 14th. The only thing that could stand in the way was my H Pylori test....I’ve been waiting to hear my results from that for a week. Well I just got my results today and I am cleared for surgery!! I AM HAVING MY SURGERY NEXT THURSDAY!!!! I am feeling so many different things right now....I am definitely scared and nervous...but more than anything I’m excited!
  15. Surgery buddies!!! I LOVE THAT!!!
  16. I am so excited!! It feels like this has been such a long journey already! I am just excited to finally be on the part of the journey where we get to SEE some results!! ❤️❤️❤️
  17. It is comforting seeing other people are feeling EXACTLY how I feel....my surgery date is “to be determined” and it’s heartbreaking....I understand the reasons but it unfortunately doesn’t help soften the blow 😔
  18. I am nervous about telling some of my closer friends....I’m scared they will feel a little jealous about the surgery....we have all talked before about how we would have it done if we could afford it....then my husband got a new job with amazing insurance so I started the journey....one of my friends is dating one of my coworkers and I’m nervous she will tell him then some how the whole office would know....I just don’t want to have to explain myself to anyone

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