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Celeste kimberly

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Posts posted by Celeste kimberly

  1. Ok, so former smoker...and you know what they say about us...well it's true. And I watched my mom die of lung cancer. She smoked 44 years...
    But you all DOOOO see the irony here right? You get a life changing surgery that GIVES YOU BACK your life. But AJ in your case, not only are you choosing to drink heavily, you are choosing to smoke too...one just has to ask, WTF did you have this surgery? Why not remain MO? Fat, drunk, and smoking is sure a fun way to go through life, isn't it?
    Jasus, Mary, and Joseph...SMH.
    Im confused who is smoking and drinking?

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  2. I am 16 days post op and im still on fluids. Cant manage any soft or puree foods yet. Lost 10 kilos since surgery. Struggle to get all my fluids in but im mostly just on Soup. Ive been back at work for a few days now and by 3pm im exhausted. I guess from not being able to get enough into me. I use tasteless Protein and add it to EVERYTHING. I haven't started any exercise, tried going for walks but cant manage much yet.

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  3. People here with lots more experience. I had my first day of full liquids in the hospital and they sent me fat free sugar free ice cream. I didn't eat it but seems it was allowed. I'd suggest a popsicle if you're craving something cold.
    I was given icecream in hospital

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  4. I used sleep eat walk alot years ago
    Try having your shake before bed so you dont go to sleep hungry. That seemed to be my issue, going to sleep hungry. Are you having all th reuired shakes and anything else you are allowed to have in the day?
    Also, are you having your 3 litres of Water a day? When you are in the shakes phase your body gets extra thirsty due to ketosis so maybe your mind is confusing thirst for hunger?
    Dont beat yourself up, you are doing your best just try gwt to bed a bit early and get so.e quality sleep with a full tummy of shakes. All the best with it!
    I've only been trying to get 2 litres of water in. Otherwise I have all my shakes and vegies too. I will try drinking more water x

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  5. So here I am again asking for advice....

    I haven't slept walked for years..

    I'm half way through my pre OP diet still have about 18 days to go.

    I've been doing really well lately. Got over the hump...so I had thought.

    Then it turns out last night I slept walked made my self a Peanut Butter sandwich. Ate it all except the crusts (which is odd I love the crusts) 😞

    I've put baby locks on the pantry tonight. I don't really know what else to do.

  6. Cheating is bad, but quitting all together is worse. Acknowledge your mistake and move on. Don't let a cheat meal be a cheat day. You already know where that is going to lead you. Dust yourself off and get back on track! You got this!!

    I feel hungry all the time. Is it hunger or is it years of mental abuse on myself and I'm confusing the 2. I just keep trying to push through it looking towards the next meal break.

    Sent from my SM-G960F using Tapatalk

  7. It really is important for you to stick to the preop diet plan. Try cutting your shakes with Water so they go further and fill you up more. Drink more broth. When you have the Vegemite craving, tell yourself, "I can't have that now, but I will have it later." And you will - once you get to that stage post op. Pre-op can be hard, but this time truly will pass. You just have to hang in there. Get rid of anything in the house that is going to tempt you - like the Vegemite.
    I hear alot about broth. I haven't been told by my surgeon anything about broth. Is broth like chicken stock? Like the Fluid part of Soup?

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  8. You will have some slips. There are simply times when temptation and opportunity, combined with hunger/stress are too much. But the key is to learn from the experience. If you can look back and really examine what happened, it can help you set up a plan for the next time. For example, I have learned to ALWAYS carry a Protein Shake with me, just in case I get stuck somewhere late, or am feeling overwhelming hunger that is going to cause me to dive into some kind of food I will regret later. Another example - When I first started riding longer distances on my bike, I would finish feeling very thirsty and craving salt. This led to a couple of drive through french fry attacks, which made me sick both times. But I learned that it was salt I was craving, so found some electrolyte replacement to use during my rides, and it has never happened since. [emoji4] There are all kinds of little behavioral hacks you can initiate to keep you from slipping up, but the key is to learn, learn, learn, and then devise a plan. Recently I read that a bad habit cannot be broken without a replacement good behavior. You can't just leave a void. An example of that might be to take a little short walk instead of eating, when feeling emotional stress or frustration. This really works for me. Instead of stewing over something and eating for emotional comfort, I get outside and just walk for 10 minutes. That's all it takes.
    I was the "perfect" WLS patient for 6 months! Never cheated. But as maintenance approached, anxiety increased. New foods needed to be added to keep from losing weight. I slipped up quite a few times, but I have learned from every experience and I feel I am much stronger now for it. I've learned so many techniques and have a lot more "food resilience" now. I am in more control and make better choices when confronted with temptation. I never would have learned these things without the mistakes. Failure is an opportunity to learn and improve - not to beat yourself up. [emoji4]

    Thank you that's very helpful advice. Is it ok to have an extra shake or bar if I'm struggling? I wasn't sure if that was just as bad.

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  9. pretty much nobody can afford it here, either. Fortunately, I was billed that by mistake. But for lots of other people, it's very real (probably not for plastic surgery - but maybe for complicated heart or brain surgeries (??)). That's why people go bankrupt due to medical bills if they don't have insurance. It's awful.
    Omg that is awful! :-( I don't think ppl realise how lucky they have it here in that regards

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  10. I was going to say that. I think sometimes they jack up the bills they send to the insurance company knowing the insurance company is only going to "allow" a certain amount of the total - sometimes even half or even less.
    I got a bill from the hospital for my plastic surgery for $144,000 (I actually was a pre-pay so I shouldn't have been billed AT ALL, and my pre-pay was just over $20K - so nowhere NEAR $144K!). I called the hospital's billing office and they said they'd adjust the bill - so then I got another one for about what I paid (around $20K). Of course, I had already pre-paid for the surgery, so I called and told them that - and then I never got another bill. But I suspect that first one was the amount they'd normally charge the insurance company - who in turn would have only paid a percentage of that.
    Is this because you guys in America don't have Medicare like we do in Australia?
    If hospital bills were over 100k no body here would be able to afford to go to the hospital. That seems absolutely insane to me

    Sent from my SM-G960F using Tapatalk

  11. Well I am only in day 3 of my 4 week pre sleeve Optifast diet. I have to have 3 Protein shakes/bars a day in replacement of meals. I am allowed low carb vegetables and some berries. I have severe headaches that panadol just can't get rid of. My belly is currently grumbling as I type this I am also currently considering going out and picking at the left over dinner I cooked my family. Am I actually hungry or do I need to be mentally stronger and push through. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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