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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by Luna805

  1. I have BCBS and I was required to do 6 months nutritional appointments. After my 5th, my surgeon told me they changed their required classes to zero. I didn’t have to do my 6th one and had surgery 11/17. I’d ask your surgeon to look into this. I’m unsure is it’s a CA thing or across all states. Very easy getting approval. I think I waited less then a week for approval.

  2. On 12/11/2020 at 18:49, Kam-R said:

    Hi - I'm 7.5 weeks post surgery (sleeve) and feeling pretty good so far. My big worry is I do not seem to be able to tolerate any vegetables or fruit well, unless blended.

    Both my nutritionist & surgeon have told me not to worry about this as long as I'm getting my Protein in (I always hit goal) & take my Vitamins. This just doesn't sound sustainable, they've not given me any timescale for such a diet.

    Any suggestions welcome. It feels wrong not to be getting my greens :)

    I think fruits/veggies are very important. For veggies, I chop them up and then add chicken stock in my instapot. I cook them on the Soup function. Veggies are soft & digestible. I do carrots, zucchini, squash and kidney Beans sometimes. I’ll had a couple slices of avocado and chicken after cooked and it’s almost a daily thing for me. I’ll also dice strawberries/grapes into cottage cheese. I still meet my Protein goals but I feel much better eating fruits/veggies. Just some suggestions for you that works for me.

  3. 12/08/2020 01:47 PM, Kass said:

    I’m on Day 7 of my Pre-op liquid diet and about two days ago started breaking out on my face really bad. It hasn’t been this bad since puberty 😩 is this common? is it all the toxins being flushed out?

    if so, Im thinking it’ll clear up soon. there’s only so much greasy toxins that can come out- i’ve been strictly only liquids and taking this whole process extremely serious. praying for the best!

    Try witch hazel over the counter and use it as an astringent. I have PCOS and break out in horrible hormonal acne monthly. It is the only thing that really helps me. I notice I get results just after 1 night use. Hope it works for you! And it’s really inexpensive!

  4. Tomorrow is 3 weeks post op for me. I’m down 22 lbs from surgery. I’ve tolerated foods really well and what has been working is boiled eggs, chicken/veggie Soup, cottage cheese, string cheese, cashews, yogurt, whole wheat crackers, cauliflower, refried Beans with a sprinkle of cheese, tuna, strawberries/bananas and all the warm tea I can drink! I made dessert for husbands work and wasn’t even tempted to over eat. Had 3 small bites and sent it off. Averaging about 5 lbs a week in losses. Some pain here and there in one spot but pretty darn happy overall!

  5. On 12/04/2020 at 16:38, Maryalice717 said:

    So, it's been almost a year since surgery. I am down 135lbs. However I just got the flu. I feel like trash I am craving carbs which i havent done. Last three days I've been eating 1400 calories when I nornally do 1100. I've been eating low fat wheat thins, and some other crackers/low calorie toast. I have about 100 carbs a day, but last 3 days have been about 200grams maybe 250 grams. I havent lost anything which is okay. I had the diarrhea for 3 days straight and have been eating pepto chews so I'm sure I'm backed up till Christmas at that rate. I talked to my surgeon since we can call whenever. She said just breath and take care of myself my body is craving carbs for most likely a health and need reason not a binge reason. I've been taking dayquil since this morning and I've been sleeping a lot. Which I feel I desperately need but am reluctant to sleep in. (Old depression with sleeping till 3pm while obese I dont want seasonal depression this year.) Besides this cold I've been doing amazing. I am 15lbs ahead of schedule from what they wanted in a year. I just dont want this cold to become a common binge of carbs so it scares the hell out of me. Anyone else go through the flu and ate more carbs than normal? I need some other peoples stories to help me realize I'm not failing I'm just trying to survive the fly. Love you all by the way ❤️

    If your sick and craving carbs, I’d put a serving size (4-5) whole wheat or whole grain crackers in a Soup. If you have someone to help you, I’d be asking for home made chicken/veggie soup. If you want an instapot recipe I make my own, I just don’t know if I’d feel like making my own if sick. Also cottage cheese and triple 0 Greek yogurts help me when I feel like I NEED carbs. I wouldn’t stress about being perfect while recovering. Get some Gatorade zero, add some yummy crackers, diet cranberry juice and Netflix until better. Hope your feeling better soon 💕

  6. 12/01/2020 03:18 PM, Aray611 said:

    I had gastric bypass on 11/17 and am looking for some support people. If anyone is interested!

    Hi, I had bypass on 11/18. Everything has been going pretty smoothly. Just starting to get some urges on being hungry for first time. Turns out cream of wheat with soymilk & Protein Powder did not make me feel full. Tried something new and didn’t work. Had to add refried Beans & 1/2 Protein Shake for Snacks as soon as I could to stop the hunger feeling. How are you doing?

  7. On 11/20/2020 at 15:28, Kelchicky said:

    Hello everyone. I am going through pre-op approvals and my doctors all feel like I am a good candidate (just waiting on insurance). To be honest with myself and you all, I am scared and go back and forth with this. I am worried most about the Protein and nutrition aspect. I am not a cook. At all. I hardly eat any Protein or much meat now. I have been trying to do the shakes which I like so that is encouraging. I am not a veggie person. I am a carb person. Waffles, Cereal, Bagels, chips and salsa. Sigh. I am so worried as to how I am going to figure out 1. How to cook...2. What to cook 3. Staying away from carbs and sugar (my two favorite food groups). I am 40 and weigh 205. I am anemic (shocker due to lack of meat and protein). I started taking B12 and D due to those being low in my labs. All of my cholesterols were not great (not devastating but not great). I was 125 at my lowest and 158 before I had my daughter 8 years ago. I carry my weight around the dangerous middle (42” waist). My husband told me to not have surgery and just eat better and exercise but I kinda feel that if I had surgery I could do that while getting a jump start on the weight loss. Does the hunger go away a lot? Any advice would be great because right now I am so confused!!!! Thank you!

    Hi I just wanted to follow up with you. We have really similar stories and I can completely relate! I’m 36, currently 202 lbs (after WLS), I was NEVER a meat eater and was a carb/snack Queen. Anemic, a mostly vegetarian but on a non balanced diet just ate all the wrong stuff. Nobody though I “needed” WLS, but I felt old, tired, loss of energy and my happiness was slowly slipping away. I needed naps, and always was exhausted beyond belief. I didn’t see how I could make all the changes, I was already too tired! I made a decision to set my mind and commit 100% to this process. Yes I had doubt moments beforehand but I dismissed them and followed everything that was asked me to. Once I started the protein supplements I felt great! I didn’t realize my way of eating was making me feel so terrible. I’m 1 1/2 weeks post op and never felt better. I track everything, my energy is up and my addictive hunger cues are silent. Yes there’s pain, there’s intense recovery but I couldn’t be happier. If you want this, tell yourself you can’t fail, put a positive mind on and don’t look back. If it’s not for you, there is great info from nutritionists that’ll help you fix your diet and feel better. Best of luck to you.

  8. On 11/28/2020 at 11:35, TrueNorth1 said:

    I’m doing good! Into the next stage of foods....kind of doing a mix of puréed and soft. It’s all a new challenge. I downloaded a meal tracking app to make sure I am getting my Protein in, Water in and tracking calories. It’s work!! I feel I am setting my timer all day long to tell me to have my next meal, my Water, go for a walk....I hope this all becomes routine!!

    I’m also tracking everything! Trying to find the right balance is hard. All the liquids in make me too full for food so I’m still trying to figure it out. Do you measure out your food at meals? I’m using 1/4 cup for measurements and just seeing if anyone else uses more or less?

  9. On 11/25/2020 at 07:00, TrueNorth1 said:

    That is amazing Luna! Gosh, my surgery date weight was 188.8 on Nov. 19th and today November 25 I am 184. Its not coming off as fast for me as you! Lucky girl! I am happy my weight loss is going down though...I have all the patience in the world right now:)

    I bet switching to the pureed stage was great but also scary. we neve rknow how our bodies will react. I am looking forward to Friday to "try" something new other than Soup and Protein shakes!

    Keep us updated with your progress and any new yummy foods you tried!

    Thank you! I really think I’m one of those that was lacking so much in my normal diet, that the Protein Shakes actually helped me feel better. It’s kinda strange but I’m realizing now how many wrong foods I was eating. My energy level is going up even though my body is still recovering. Comparing my diet before surgery.. I can see why I was feeling so tired and miserable. I didn’t have anywhere close to enough Protein. I’m happy to be getting all this information so I can eat better and feel better. Good luck to you and that scale is going in the right direction!

  10. I had bypass yesterday morning and feeling good overall. I’m just looking for someone with a similar experience. I’m only needing to lose 80-85 lbs for optimal BMI number. I had high blood pressure, blood work has the bad elevated numbers and have been borderline diabetic for years (2 gestational diabetics pregnancies). Just seeing if there’s others that have less to lose then 100 and how long did it take to hit the number & maintain? Thanks for reply’s!

  11. Hey everyone I’m currently recovering in the hospital from bypass this morning. Not nearly as bad as I was expecting. Actually the hernia repair & surgical gas hurt more then anything else. No vomiting, tolerating Water & Protein Shakes and walking unassisted. For anyone nervous about the process, I’m here to say I’m on the other side and it’s already worth it. Good luck to everyone!!

  12. On 10/11/2020 at 01:31, Anna N. said:

    hi everyone, im very new here, decided to join because i had the gastric sleeve about a year ago, September 17th, 2019, and since i left the hospital and went back home to Europe, im not from the states, i started losing weight pretty quickly. the constant not feeling a 100 wasn't a problem for me since i had decided before hand to give myself time and dedicate my time to only this, losing the weight and get myself back to normal. i ever quit my job since i have the possibility of being self sustained for a while. so i just went on, eating very little, resting whenever i could.

    everything was going fine, since at the time of the surgery i was 310 lbs and now i am 160 lbs, so 150 lbs are down in a year. however a couple of weeks ago i started feeling faint,couldn't concentrate and i was on vacation at the time and had collapsed a couple of times before that, but i didn't think much of it. drove back home barely with no energy at all, did some house work when i got back ( always resting whenever i could always lying down whenever i could, mostly how spent the last year since the surgery, always saving energy but always aware, always conscious ) until i got a call from my ex boss that wanted me back to work 2 weeks ago. i didn't sleep that night because i started panicking about my future and wondering how i was ever gonna be able to work feeling as shitty as i did, and then i went to the meeting with him, had a coffee, declined his offer because i already decided that i needed to find some place new to work at, since that one was too toxic, and after an hour i felt how my brain felt before it wanted to collapse. so i panicked not wanting to faint in a public place and rushed to my car, got home, as soon as i laid down i haven't been the same since.

    i have felt absent, any conversation feels difficult to me, like i am floating, but i am conscious , however not totally present. any physical activity is hell, even though i worked out three times a week before this and walked with no problems. so i went and got my blood work done and hormonal work done, i even got an MRI of my head because i had such bad episodes of feeling like i was literally gonna die, i thought i had a brain tumor. but everything turned out great, everything is normal. the doctors keep on insisting i lost too much weight in one year and that i need to find a balance now, a classic case of malnutrition and starvation. however my brain is still not letting me feel like i am healthy because all the time i am feeling like i am not present. the doctors say that now i am in a state of catabolism, where the body has drained all its resources and it will take time to recover, psychically and mentally. i started seeing a nutritionist that claims that she will help me. it remains to be seen. one thing is for sure i cant live and function like this. its hard for me to tell myself you are healthy , nothing is wrong when i can barely get through the day with ease. i wake up feeling like this, there is always a panic in my chest that i may never recover from this. the doctors even say i need psychiatric help, but i know that's not the case since i need to solve mt psychical state first. i need to tart feeling like myself again asap.

    has anyone else ever experienced problems like these? sorry for the long post, i am very desperate for any good advise i may get. god bless you all. here is a pic of me exactly a year apart from surgery and this September, just before i started feeling like this.


    Congrats to you on the weight loss and sorry to hear your not feeling good. I just wanted to give some person to person advice. Have you had any type (and you don’t have to share) of trauma in your life? I ask because extreme weight loss can open up emotional wounds for some people. Some people deal with pain by over eating and when that’s no longer possible, past pain can resurface. This can be a time of revelations and anxiety when we go through big physical changes. If anything like that feels true I would definitely seek out help for emotional support through a psychiatrist. — if none of that feels true, then keep at it with the Doctor’s until they can
    Help you feel better. Best of luck to you.

  13. On 11/07/2020 at 08:40, SAS11 said:

    I had my gastric bypass procedure on Tuesday 11/03. I checked my weight the morning of surgery. I hadn’t checked again until today, and somehow I weigh 1 lb. *more* than I did on surgery day. I don’t even know how that’s possible unless it’s a side effect of the procedure itself due to swelling in my body. I’ve consumed nothing except Water, sugar free Jello, Protein Soup, clear Protein Drinks, and heavily diluted apple juice. Taking in enough fluids and Protein has been as difficult as expected, so I’m certainly not getting too much. And meds, of course. I’m taking meds too. But that’s the extent of what’s going into my body. Has anyone else experienced this? Does anyone know why this might happen?

    Hi congrats on the surgery. Yes a little weight gain is totally normal! They pump you full of fluids and you retain Water during surgery. I’ve had 2 kids and 5 surgeries and it happens every time to me. Focus on healing and your plan to success and that water weight will balance off.

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