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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by SINISTER

  1. It's been 45 weeks since my surgery and I've averaged 2.4lbs per week. That hasn't been steady though. A LOT of peaks and valleys in there. I went over 6 weeks at one point and hardly lost a pound. I've also been lifting heavy in the gym which can throw the scale results off but overall fat loss will be down. I'm happy with the overall results so far though.

  2. 1 hour ago, FWJ said:

    Congratulations!!!!! You should be so proud of yourself! I understand about the struggles.

    Thank you!

    1 hour ago, FWJ said:

    I have just been released from the doctor 4 months after shoulder surgery. Prior to then I was on my own target to reach my goal by the end of this month. I must admit, I have been struggling. I have been up and down in my weight and noticed that I can eat more too. I have recently begun counting calories in vs calories burned. Just trying to get a handle on me! I still have until January to get the last 11 pounds off. I am just going to keep working at it... I have made a lot of revelations about my eating and I am trying to change accordingly. I cannot eat out as much as the sodium content keeps me bloated. I can eat waaayyyy more junk/snack food that regular food (even nuts). I just never seem to get full from it. So I try to stay away from it. Any tips on getting my mind back right?

    Have you ever heard the phrase "carbs beget carbs?" It's absolutely true for me. If I start on salty and carb-rich snack/junk food before I knew it the whole bag was gone. No wonder I got so big. Now when I'm hungry between meals I try to stick with Protein Snacks. They're better for me and keep me fuller. If I simply have to have a "bad" snack to satisfy a craving, I'll stick to small pre-packaged bags of ~100 calorie snacks so I know I won't overdo it. You just have to stay focused and keep your eye on the prize!

    1 hour ago, Duke483 said:

    My dietician suggested using small, dessert size, 7" plates for meals. Half the plate Protein, one third veggies, the rest carbs. Don't pile the food high, just normal. It has worked for me.

    Tough on the shoulder surgery. I've had both rotators done and the last also had a torn biceps. The CV shut me out of the gym but I've been back the last two months. I'm 74 and my bench is up to 145 now. Not great but not bad for my age.

    I've found that when I'm 'starving' between meals, one or two saltine crackers does the trick.

    I'm down eighty pounds, my body fat is 17.5%, I weigh 199 and my lean body mass is 170. I'm very pleased. (So is the wife).

    Absolutely on the small plates, I do the same. Keep up the great work!

    1 hour ago, alissajs said:

    There are days I struggle with junk as well, but I try to make sue I only take a bite or two, just to satisfy the craving, then move on. It is such a TOUGH mental struggle!

    I am doing well though. I have lost 125 pounds, and I have surpassed my original goal. Now I have decided to try for another 20 pounds. If I get there, great! If not, I'll still be proud of my accomplishments so far. I'm now in a size 10 pant and medium shirt!

    That's fantastic! I was recently able to fit into a size XL shirt. XL! Me! It's cut a little bigger than normal but I don't care, I never thought that would happen again lol.

  3. Just hit my next goal. Now down over 100lbs since surgery and over 130lbs total. Feels good! I've hit quite a few peaks and valleys along the way and sustained a couple of injuries that have kept me out of the gym for the past few weeks, but I'm forging ahead. I have noticed that I'm physically able to eat more so I have to be very mindful of my portion size! Keep up the good work everyone!

  4. Doing well! Hit another stall over the last 2 weeks and counting. This is my 3rd one so it's old hat now. I'm just sticking to the process and it'll keep coming off. Otherwise I feel great. My shoulder is acting up a bit. I had surgery too A few years ago for a torn rotator cuff, labrum, and had the end of my collarbone cut off because it was impinging on my ac joint. Rehab was difficult. I've been hitting the gym hard so it might be time for a cortisone shot.

  5. How are my January peeps doing? I'm doing pretty good. Just keeping at it and trying to get the right nutrition. My gym is still open so working out 4 days a week. My only real issue now is my Vitamins. Had my bloodwork done and I'm deficient in a lot of areas. I tried using Patches but apparently they don't work worth a damn. I take medicine daily but for some reason I can't stomach Multivitamins at all. I've tried several different kinds and they all make me nauseous. Any ideas or recommendations?

  6. On 5/19/2020 at 10:17 AM, FWJ said:

    I understand the way you feel. What does your nutritionist or doctor say?

    Nothing yet since I had a follow up right at the beginning of this stall. I was doing well at the time.

    27 minutes ago, sarahSingh91 said:

    You need to talk to your doctor and probably request labs. Also what Protein are you getting in? Form shakes or natural food. Protein from shakes add a lot of extra calories and sugar or aspartame etc that can stall a lot of people. Also my friend had surgery before me and she stalled for 3 months!!! And then started losing rapidly again.

    I was supposed to do my blood work 2 weeks ago but I've been putting in 14hr days. I'm off Saturday though so I can finally get it done.

    I get my protein from both meats and Protein Drinks. The protein I take is low on sugar and calories. Fortunately I haven't found any meats that upset me yet, aside from chicken breast when it's thick and/or dry, but otherwise I'm fine.

    3 months?! Ughhh

  7. This is beyond a stall at this point. Down only 7lbs in the last 6 weeks. I've been eating right, getting calories in, getting my Protein in, getting my Water in, just not losing. I was working from home for about 6 weeks and the gyms were closed so my activity level went down so I chalked it up to that. However I went back on site 2 weeks ago and have been very active and it's been hot as well. I figured for sure it would kickstart the loss again but nope, 0.4lbs one week and 0.8lbs the next. At my weight it should be falling off and it's not. Extremely frustrating at this point.

  8. 18 minutes ago, PostVSGandKeto said:

    You look great, congrats on the loss.

    I think I've hit my 3 month stall. I've lost less than 2 lbs over the past two weeks, but I'm feeling good and I know I'm eating well, so I'm not too stressed yet. We'll see if it continues.

    Started a new job that requires I be fairly active so that's good, usually when I start getting in exercise my weight loss slows for a bit and then picks up after a few weeks (the just goes crazy with muscle building).

    Glad to see everyone is holding in there and doing well!

    I had a 3 week stall, finally broke through this week with a 3.2lb loss. Hang in there it will come!

  9. On 4/10/2020 at 10:40 PM, sarahSingh91 said:

    Has anyone hit a three month stall I have been stalled for a week 😝 I know it will pass but the head games mess with me

    I'm currently stalled a bit. Between weeks 5-7 I only lost 1.8lbs but then it picked up again. Now between weeks 11-13 I've only lost 2lbs. I'm sure it'll pick back up again. Ebb and flow.

  10. I'm tired of the stay-at-home order too. Fortunately I have a job that will let me work from home temporarily (my wife works from home a lot of the time anyways so really no change for her). It's definitely challenging. I thought I'd like it more lol. Being cooped up isn't fun. We still get out and walk and do things outside as much as we can. It really sucks that they closed the gyms down right when I was getting back into working out. I'm still losing though so that's the good thing. It's amazing how the surgery reset my hunger trigger. I'd be eating like crazy before if I was at home this much but now I don't even really think about it. I practically have to force myself to eat so I can get my Protein in.

    I hope everyone is doing well!

  11. 1 hour ago, Itsrykka said:

    Hi everyone, I have a question. I had the sleeve done on 1/3/20 (11 weeks ago) starting weight 267 & now down to about 235 however I’ve been kind of like in limbo for several weeks. I may go down a lb every so often but I just feel like it’s not enough. I barely eat so I’m wondering if I don’t meet my Protein goals if that will affect my weightloss? It’s soooo hard to consume that much Protein. I’m a stay at home mom so unfortunately I don’t get much exercise as I should & now with everything being shut down the gym is out of the question. A few weeks ago I did go through a stall where the scale wouldn’t budge for a few weeks, I lost a few pounds & I’m stuck again. Help 😞

    You absolutely have to eat to keep that weight loss going. Your body needs those calories and that protein. If it doesn't it'll do what it has to to hold onto that weight. Try your best to keep that protein up. On days where it's hard for me I drink a Protein Drink, usually just Premier Protein. For me they're very easy to drink and gives me a quick 30g of protein. It's usually better to get your protein from food but we have to do what we have to do. Unfortunately you're right about the gyms. I was just getting back into working out and they shut them all down, even the one at my work. Try to keep your activity level up though. Just walking will help tremendously. Stay focused and on track and you'll be fine.

  12. 9 hours ago, Mitsu531 said:

    Just checking in with everyone. Hoping your all doing well and staying healthy. I'm 9 weeks since surgery. Averaging a pound a week loss since allowed to eat anything. Something I found this week is I love bread, Danish and Cookies. Never realized it before, but this past week I have eaten quite a bit. Therefore I gained a pound..... With sitting around house, not doing much....this is not good! Sooooo.....starting fresh today, making sure I eat Protein first, fill up on that. Getting my fat butt up and going for a walk outside!! And keeping busy so I don't snack! This shut down is going to play with our heads....making us want to snack cause we are bored or feel we need to eat. I'm pulling out my crafts to keep me busy and not eat!! Good luck to everyone. Stay healthy, keep social distancing....we will get through this together....

    Sent from my SM-G960U using BariatricPal mobile app

    Definitely have to be careful with idle hands! I'm working from home the next few weeks but fortunately I've been able to relearn my eating habits, so far so good.

  13. 1 hour ago, sarahSingh91 said:

    Is the virus hitting anyone’s states hard? Colorado is getting slammed. Because we are a very outdoors recreational state many people who love to travel. Travel here. Lol

    I'm in the Houston area and we have several confirmed cases here. Rodeo shut down, colleges suspended classes, local school districts suspended classes, wife was told to work from home. A lot going on for sure.

  14. 46 minutes ago, RainbowBrite57 said:

    I'm sorry to hear about your disc and the pain it causes. It's fantastic that your pain has greatly subsided! I hope my pain will diminish for at least a little while after my WLS. Like you said, we'll probably have to have surgery at some point but the longer we are able to postpone it the better, especially until we've healed from WLS and have healthy eating habits established. Congratulations on starting your journey!

    Thank you and same to you! It's really nice to get up in the morning and after a long trip in the car (I have a long commute) without pain.

  15. I also will have to have back surgery at some point. My L5-S1 disc is badly deteriorated and was causing me a great deal of pain. I decided to have WLS first and the pain has greatly subsided. It's still there but not nearly as severe, and my weight loss journey just started. I think I made the right decision.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
