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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Taj

  1. Greetings from NYC. After having resided in Northern California for ten years I learned to always keep in stock essentials and small bills so when the stay at home order hit we were pretty well prepared and didn’t have to run out to purchase anything. NYC is not a city designed for stockpiling, at least not for the average citizen, so people do have to go outside at least weekly to buy food and do laundry. I’m very proud of my adopted City as New Yorkers truly do pull together during a crisis. Don’t believe what you see in movies about rude New Yorkers—it’s really not true.

    As for weightloss...I’ve actually lost more weight during this lockdown. Don’t know why, but I think knowing that I can’t get out whenever I want has made me more careful with what I eat. I’m finding little projects to do and dancing to YouTube videos so actually being more active now than I was before the lockdown. Being stuck indoors with my 22 year old daughter, who walks around singing “im so bored” is the only challenging aspect of this experience. I’m fortunate to have two bathrooms, a large terrace and washer and dryer in the building so life for us has not really changed. Thinking about volunteering but my daughter freaks out when I say that because of my age. It’s hard knowing that my neighbors might be struggling and doing nothing about it. I’m so proud of my fellow Americans for pulling together through these trying times. Well, there is one thing I’m struggling with and that’s not being able to physically see any of my grandchildren. I have three in NJ and two in Texas. Had flight booked for April 14 to visit Texas and still haven’t cancelled the flights but now that we have a travel advisory that trip won’t be happening. Wishing everyone peace and good health.

    Jan 6 Surgery weight: 228 lbs
    Current weight-today: 193 lbs

  2. On 02/24/2020 at 19:55, BadWolfGirl said:

    They advise against gummies but it's bc of the sugar and I honestly don't care as long as I can get the Vitamins in. Lol

    Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk

    She says it’s because sticky foods and gummy vitamins are harder to digest and can cause build up. I cringe every time I chew the chewable ones because they’re too sweet for me now. But I do understand about gummies expanding in the belly cause I used to eat them nonstop!! Probably why I gained twenty pounds in two weeks before seeing a bariatric surgeon. lol

  3. On 02/23/2020 at 10:50, TattooedSeaStar said:

    Hey y’all!! MIA all week again- it’s all I can do during the work week to come home, do a load of laundry and cook dinner for my 9 & 10 yo. Whew Mama is TIRED!

    I wanted to give y’all a little update on my progress- I can’t get on my iPad for some reason so I can’t change my ticker but I’m down to 232.2- woot! That’s 43.2# so far! This week was slower but I’m eating and drinking more- still loosing about half a lb a day so that’s good.

    A NSV is that I went to the Goodwill on Monday ( $.99 cent day at my GW) and bought a bunch of size 18 khaki pants- typical art teacher attire- and THEY ZIPPED THIS MORNING! I was a size 24 Jan 2!! Hekka Yeah!

    Finally I had a GNO last night- we went to a local pub and then to see Mama Mia our on by our local theater club. I didn’t drink but I ordered their naked mugs (real chicken breast cup into cubes). We were in the nosebleeds- the theater is super old so during segregation it was the “black section” and the seats are TINY dingy and HOT! But I fit!!!!!! I’m attaching a picture of me in my SIZE LARGE dress that I wore (not XXL like 2 months ago!!!)

    Also attached is a comparison pic- Jan 2 to last night. Total difference!!



    Wow!! The difference in your face is really amazing!! You look fantastic!!

  4. On 02/20/2020 at 10:05, Miles in the UK said:

    Thank you Sarah, I have done Cali a few times but do NY every Feb (not this year for obv reasons). Have skied Heavenly, Tahoe and Breckinridge in Colorado too so know what a beautiful place you call home. As a side role I am a trustee for a Military based charity and have been invited to Pendleton Camp in San Diego to run some classes and talks for the Marines. Looking forward to it.

    What a wonderful job to have-truly making a difference in the world. Let me know when you’re in NYC!!

  5. On 02/20/2020 at 10:00, Miles in the UK said:

    I had a sleeve on 01/15/20.

    Breath and tongue... yep. Brush 4 times a day and have mouth wash too.... Enjoying sending clothes to the homeless shelter and charity shops.

    Here are my stats / terms -

    • Surgery Date: 01/15/2020

    • Height: 6 feet 2 inches

    • Starting Weight: 427.7 lbs

    • Weight Lost: 58.7 lbs

    • Current Weight: 369 lbs

    • Goal Weight: 252 lbs

    • BMI: 47

    You’re doing textbook great!! Your surgical team must be really proud. Let us know if you hit a stall when you start exercising more. Seems to happen a lot.

  6. On 02/20/2020 at 09:52, sarahSingh91 said:

    I downloaded this app and plugged all my numbers in I also got the premium just to check it out. Seems awesome. I screen shot the predictions and want to see if they r right :) this is a cool tool! Did u say it tells u about stalls etc? Can u explain where to find that part! I may weigh in every day for a bit to get some numbers in cause it says it works best with as many weigh in as u can do. I plugged in all my previous weigh ins but it isn’t many.

    I’m still trying to figure it all out. Maybe that was just the advertisement because I’m not clear on how it will tell us when to expect a stall. I’ll just keep plugging in my numbers for now. But it is nice to see an actual prediction of the date I’ll reach my goal based on my current progress if I keep doing what I’m doing.

  7. On 02/20/2020 at 09:23, PostVSGandKeto said:

    I have a renpho scale, once you buy that, the app is completely free. It tracks your weight, BMI, and a whole slew of other things like bone mass, muscle etc. And it shows you your trends from each weigh in, not just weight, but all the other things it measures. Not sure how accurate that part is, but I love the scale and the app.



    I have to check out that scale!!

  8. On 02/20/2020 at 08:21, Miles in the UK said:

    I've been cleared to eat what I like, but I am still being good. 58lbs down since the 8th of Jan and 53lbs down since the op on the 15th of Jan. I had / have a lot to lose but I am being good. Been told I can exercise now as well today so going to get on the WattBike I have hired and start lifting some 5kg dumbells, should help with firming too, which actually is not too bad so far, belly is shrinking well. An average day for food for me looks like -

    • Breakfast - shake - 25g of Protein with Vitamins and minerals & cup of Decaf tea

    • Mid morning - either a 20g Protein yogurt (low sugar) or 1/2 a 30g Phd Smart Protein Bar

    • lunch - chicken breast cut up with a few carrots or Beans

    • Mid afternoon - either a 20g protein yogurt (low sugar) or 1/2 a 30g Phd Smart Protein Bar

    • dinner - 4oz steak or chicken breast or cottage pie or scrambled eggs & either low salt / sugar baked Beans, refried beans, veg mix

    I am pushing down as much Water as possible and having my vits and supps.

    Feel good. Some discomfort if I eat too much or too quickly, but on the whole it has been good. No reflux or vomiting. A little loose out back if I eat too much dairy (possibly sugars) but otherwise good.

    Doc told me to only weigh myself once a week to help overcome any negativity of slow loss days, which I now do and is working well. Losing about 4.5lbs a week now.

    One thing I have noticed is my breath stinks, I am sure this is ketosis as I am eating mainly protein-based foods, but is this something anyone else has found. Hate it!

    Working hard to look good on a trip to the US (Pendleton Camp, San Diego and Santa Monica) and I am going on in June, need to look my best!

    Hi. This is fantastic. Did you have sleeve or RNY? What are your in terms of beginning weight, goal weight, height?
    Stinky breath and coated tongue? Definitely ketosis. It gets better. Keep up the hard work-you’re doing great!!

  9. On 02/19/2020 at 19:43, sarahSingh91 said:

    That’s how I feel. I can’t eat large amounts at all I can get in 1oz comfortably. I am trying to go for 1.5. I weigh everything out. But it’s so uncomfortable. And I can not have sugar. Funny story my friend and I where out all day shopping thrift store shopping we love to go exploring lol and she got a Starbucks coffee a frap. I took a. Couple drinks just because. And well well well guess who was in the ARC thrift store bathroom blowing it up! It gave me diarrhea so bad! My friend was laughing her ass off!! I was miserable. It was coming out of both ends. I felt like total shit! I literally left my car there and she drove me home. We got stuck in traffic I was opening the door on the interstate and throwing up. It was so bad!! So I will defiantly be careful next time I eat ANY type of sugar!!

    Omg! I feel so bad for you!! Nothing worse than public diarrhea. Sugar scares me!! I can’t imagine what would happen if I ate or drank anything with sugar. Especially seeing how my tummy completely rejects even the smallest amount of fat.

  10. On 02/19/2020 at 19:41, BadWolfGirl said:

    By glass I mean like 2-3 ounces and I plan to wait a couple more weeks haha

    Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk

    I was just going to say that a glass for us is more like 2-3 ounces and not the typical 5 ounces. I waited until 6 weeks post-op before having wine and it was just wonderful!! I was even able to add the wine to MyFitnessPal diary as the exact brand was already in their list.

  11. This is the app I was telling you all about that helps you know your weight loss cycle.


    Dieting is hard enough. But when you work hard, hop on the scale, and see a number that's higher than yesterday? Well, that's just not fair! Happy Scale smooths out your daily scale weights and makes insightful predictions about when you'll hit your goals.

    Join the hundreds of thousands of users who use Happy Scale to tame the scale!

  12. Oh, and I know it’s bad, but I had a glass of wine last night!! Was tipsy after the first sip but I enjoyed it tremendously!!! I lived in the SF Bay Area for ten years and a nightly glass of wine with ir after dinner is as normal as wine is for the French and it’s just stuck with me all these years. Not drinking with meals has been the hardest thing for me but by golly, I’m following this plan to the letter so no straws and no liquid half hour before and half hour after meals. Apparently my body needed that little glass of wine last night, seeing that I lost 1 pound of weight and wasn’t bloated this morning. 🤣

  13. On 02/19/2020 at 18:55, sarahSingh91 said:

    During my stall I lost 10”!!!! This it totally tru the scale and inches don’t move together as per my PA. I do love my exercise. But I always have and gym memberships here are cheap 9.99. I don’t utilize personal training my husband is very fit so if I have any questions I just ask him and we research together. I was in stall my week 4 and it broke. After 7 days. I’m now losing about 4lbs a week. How is eating going? Can u tolerate more foods?

    I’m still only able to eat very small amounts as if I had RNY so eating more frequently and believe that’s why the scale is moving again now. Lost 1 pound last night after eating the most calories yesterday since I had surgery. I think I’m able to eat pretty much anything now but even the least amount of fat comes right back up as if my surgeon put Alli (Orlistat) in my sleeve and the fat is coming out the wrong end. Sorry, I know that’s gross but it’s the truth!! LOL I’m just glad I figured it out now.

  14. On 02/19/2020 at 18:57, sarahSingh91 said:

    Totally agree I have a 5,3 and 5 month old!! Keeps me on my toes. But I love working out HIIT. I have down it for years and love it! Plus it’s a fast and efficient work out. If I don’t have time to slam weights. I’ll just do a 30 minute HIIT routine.

    Wow!! When do you find time to solo workout at all??!! Sounds weird but each of my babies was my workout partner. I recently saw a YouTube video with a mother doing the same exercises with her new baby that I used to do 37 and 32 years ago with my new babies. The babies love it and you get good and strong and limber!!

  15. On 02/19/2020 at 18:48, BadWolfGirl said:

    Yeah I definitely saw changes this week even though I didn't lose anything! I like the gym for my own sanity but I don't kill myself there or plan to go hard like CrossFit it HIIT anytime soon. Life in and of itself is exercising when you have two teenagers in every activity lol

    Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk

    With two teenagers I’m sure you do a LOT more “exercise” than you realize because you rarely get to sit for more than a few minutes. LOL

  16. 02/19/2020 11:15 PM, BadWolfGirl said:

    I use the unsweetened vanilla almond milk and it works great for me. I can't do thick creamy liquids. They just don't go down well.

    I was down 16 pounds from 246 to 230 and I've sat at 230 for the last 6 days. Despite waking over 10k steps every day this weekend when in Chicago. I know it's expected and it's comforting to know none of us are alone in this stupid ass stall. Hahaha.

    Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk

    At 6-1/2 weeks post-op I no longer consider the slower weight loss a stall and welcome it. We lose so rapidly the first three weeks that we expect massive and rapid weight loss it to continue and not only is that not good, it’s not realistic. We didn’t gain the weight overnight and we won’t lose it overnight. My 6-1/2 week average weekly loss is 4-1/2 pounds per week and I’m thrilled with that because I’m not doing any strenuous or excessive exercise. I clean and do laundry and walk to the store and that’s all I plan on doing because for me, exercise has to be a natural activity. When I was younger I was obsessed with the high of body building and jogging and was in the gym 6 days per week running 3 miles and then weightlifting with an ex-professional weight lifter. Sure, I felt strong and wore a size 4 while weighing 145 pounds but guess what? It wasn’t a sustainable way of life. I think of all those hours spent in the gym and all the money spent paying for the membership and personal trainer and it’s not an experience that I can say I’m proud of doing. So anyway, losing an average of 4-1/2 pounds per week while doing activities that contribute to my and my family’s quality of life fulfills me much more than spending two hours in a gym. I get sweaty, muscles get sore, and every day I’m able to walk up and down the stairs easier and stretch a little more. This is in no way saying it’s not good to go to the gym or do strenuous exercise. While I was doing it, I loved every minute of it. Probably because it was 25 years ago. But I feel more in touch with my body today than I did back then and I realize when the scale isn’t moving, my body is busy making other repairs-like losing a total of 16 inches during the 3 weeks that the scale didn’t budge.

  17. On 02/17/2020 at 17:04, sarahSingh91 said:

    Avocado BLT

    Avocado, turkey bacon, lettuce and tomato- dash of salt and drizzle of ranch-

    They made them in the actually avocado cup but I put in a bowl cause I can only eat 1.5oz. Sometimes only 1oz depends on the day. The actual recipe pic and then my modified bariatric version lol




    For some reason I’m just now able to see the pics and that looks delicious!!

  18. On 02/16/2020 at 22:37, sarahSingh91 said:

    Omg laundry is an exercise lol that is a lot of stairs! I track my weight and inches with baritastic. It is such a cool app and u can see the charts etc

    My husband said I get a tougher workout cleaning the house than I would ever get going to the gym. Talking old fashioned sweeping with a broom, vacuuming, cleaning floors on hands and knees (serious arm workout), plus all the stretching and lifting furniture to clean underneath and behind. Every muscle is sore the next day, my house is sparkling clean and it doesn’t cost a penny. Definitely my preferred method of exercise. I’ll check out the app you mentioned. I used to have an app that used an algorithm to calculate which days you’re likely to drop pounds based on a couple of weeks of your eating pattern and weight loss. The theory is to keep you from getting discouraged when the scale isn’t moving, and the fact that our body is on a 7 day cycle, I think like weight watchers how you can balance your eating for the week and not just per day. I’ll see if I can find it and post it here.

  19. On 02/16/2020 at 19:24, sarahSingh91 said:

    U r so close to goal weight!!!

    I’ve only lost like 4 lbs since my one month post-op on Jan 31. But I’ve lost a total of 16” since Jan 20. So it’s very true that the scale doesn’t tell the entire story. Lost the most inches in my waist-a whopping 3-1/2”. My exercise is cleaning and vacuuming and doing laundry. Laundry is 34 stairs up and 34 stairs down and I make 6 trips for each load.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
