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Posts posted by Tkaleigh

  1. On 12/24/2019 at 10:09 AM, FluffyChix said:

    I'm sorry for your struggles!!! ((hugs)) Depression is a b***h!! It sets up not only emotional and behavior barriers for making healthy choices, but it also sets up a physiological cascade of stress hormones whose job it is to keep you alive! And keep you eating! So it activates all the hunger hormones and we eat and eat and eat and we eat the kinda of stuff that will give us a biochemical reward of dopamine and seratonin (feel good hormones), cuz you know...we're depressed. Right? Let's build some neurotransmitters to help!

    So the answer is simple and difficult at the same time. You have to dig deep down and find the will and the willpower to say, "Fork this spit! I'm mad as hell and I'm not gonna take it anymore! Today is the day I step out in change! I'm choosing to make a better choice!" Then you take tiny little baby steps to make the next best choice. You don't look forward and you quit looking back. And pretty soon you've racked up days and weeks and months of making the next best choice and you are back on track.

    Like @catwoman7 I know absolutely how easy it is to not make the best choice and to have weight quickly pile back on to my body. I'm not metabolically blessed or particularly flexible. And I'm very cautious as I finalize year 2 post op and move into year 3. Cuz I do NOT want weight loss to "just happen". There are things I do to keep my weight in balance:

    GOLDEN RULE: When struggling with regain or stalls or a slow down in weight loss rate-thou shalt weigh daily, measure and take a picture monthly, and plan and log everything that you shove down your piehole. Everything. Good and bad. (Oh, I'm talking about you Mr. Pringle and Mr. Lays...I'm talking about you, Ernest and Julio-the Gallo Brothers.)

    1. Eat on my Forever Diet Plan given to me by my doctor and RD for as many consecutive days as humanly possible. (Lean dense Protein forward, healthy al dente veggies next, a bit of healthy fat with it, and if I'm still hungry, then either more veggies or a low glycemic serving of fruit.)

    2. Absolutely adhere to getting in my Water (100+oz per day) with the 15/45 rule in place. And I Water load as well. That's staying well-hydrated all day but 15 mins before a meal I will drink about 3/4 of my full capacity of water, then sip, sip, sip, until I'm very full with water and feel like I can't drink any more. Then I wait 15 mins and eat my next scheduled meal. After that, nothing liquid for 45mins. It works like magic to reduce the amount of hunger, reduce volume eaten at a meal, and help me feel my full signal quicker.

    3. Take my supplements.

    4. Limit snacking to schedule healthy mini-meals to keep blood sugar balanced. As soon as the rollercoaster of blood sugar stops, I start cutting out between meal Snacks.

    5. Get lots of walking in daily.

    6. Have stress relieving activities scheduled (4-square breathing, meditation or prayer, group support meetings and clubs/groups you enjoy, hobbies, crafts & coloring by numbers.

    7. Watch comedies and laugh. (increases endorphins=feel good hormones)

    8. Hug the people you love tightly for 1-3minutes (increases oxytocin and the feel good hormones).

    9. Practice self-affirmation in the mirror. Look in a mirror and stand in a super hero pose. See yourself as a hero. Smile. Believe.

    10. Get good rest. I mean it. Lights out. Totes dark room. Cool. sleep at least 6 hours or more if you can.

    And you get up the next day and make a 1 day PROMISE / Choice to yourself to do it again that day.

    (I'm building an online private club with face to face group support meetings that will begin in January if you are interested. It's not instead of BP, but rather in addition to BP for those people who need an accountability partner/group. Let me know if you are interested.)

    I would definitely like to join as you can never have too much support. I am currently trying to get 10k steps every day. I will look to try these suggestions

  2. I had my bypass done back in 2014 and lost over 200 pounds. I had then entered a rather toxic relationship and became pregnant. I ended up leaving him but shortly after I had a miscarriage and fell into depression. I had gained some weight during the pregnancy as per normal... but after the miscarriage, I blew up like a balloon. Its been 5 years and I gained back 100 pounds in the time of 15 months (During the pregnancy and after the miscarriage). Have any of you had issues with gaining weight back years later? I would appreciate any advice you can give. I have had the hardest time trying to get it back off.

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