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Posts posted by sarahSingh91

  1. I am also obsessing about plastics. I want those fat cells and extra skin GONE!!! I am 40lbs from goal weight of 160 I am 5’9”. But I may want to drop down to 150? Not sure yet.
    But omg I want plastics NOW. The rashes and sweat under skin folds while I work. Is annoying to me.
    Also I have a very physical job where sometimes I have to crawl and the skin folds slap together if I care too fast! It’s embarrassing!
    Patience is a virtue I don’t have. But I’m working on it slowly slowly

  2. On 06/04/2020 at 18:24, Dtrain84 said:

    It's my birthday today!😊

    Here's a before and after pic. I put this outfit together as I'm heading out for my birthday dinner.



    Amazing!!! 😍

  3. Hi! I am researching surgeons and pricing. And I am NOT looking for the cheapest surgeon. But one that creates art! Does anyone have any recommendations? I am willing to travel, I am in Colorado. I have searched local surgeons and went to consults but I do not like their “style” it’s very “flat” I want a more Brazilian or Spanish look. Defined waist etc. I have looked into surgeons in mexico and they honestly have the exact style I want.
    But wanted to check here to see if anyone refers anyone closer to Colorado than Mexico. Or anyone that is in the states?
    I am looking for
    1.breast lift (with aug if needed)
    2. Lower body lift with pubic lift and muscle repair
    3. BBL or implants (BBL have the highest death rate so I’m a little scared)

  4. On 05/05/2019 at 12:46, KCgirl061 said:

    I was posing all goofy for a friend and when she showed me the picture I was shocked! I knew everyone was TELLING me I was so skinny but this picture blows my mind! Its like my face was photoshopped on someone else's body! Look at those skinny legs!! 😱


    Do you have a before pic I would love to see it!!!!

  5. On 05/27/2020 at 09:33, FWJ said:

    I am glad you are back to work. I am considered essential and therefore have worked the entire time. I do try to drink Water first, but I am not always successful. I do get plenty of water throughout the day. Most days I get between 56 and 64 oz. I try not to snack, but there are times when I cannot control it. My doctor believes that you should only have three meals per day with no Snacks. I am just finding it hard to do. How long after a meal do you need a snack?

    So I also try to only eat meals. I will “snack” if I feel the head hunger uncontrollably hungry feeling. And it’s a cheese stick a couple cashews. A 1/4 of an Apple.
    But I wake up and eat two egg whites. With salt and pepper every morning and drink water throughout. I eat “lunch” at about 12 or 1. And it’s something small like a cheese stick and 1/4 of an orange or just something to get in my tummy. I also eat the belveta crackers they r for Breakfast but I eat them for lunch lol I also like to eat a chicken thigh boneless skinless for lunch if I remember to bake them ahead of time lol then I eat dinner and that’s really small also. I just throw something together. Tonight I had an apple and cashew butter and celery and ranch.
    I love quinoa when I FEEL HUNGRY. ( I still get those fat girl IM F’ing HUNGRY moments lol) and also chia pudding. They both have Protein and are healthy. I also like for breakfast on hot mornings over night oats. Oats,honey,chia seeds and milk simple and fast.
    It took me getting out of my comfort foods. And once I stopped them for a couple months. I started new foods. I fell in love with new foods.
    Also so many people doctors included say a pouch reset doesn’t work. It worked with me!!! During my girl time of the month I get f’ing hungry lol and I did a ten day pouch reset and it limited my eating like crazy. If you want the site i used I can link it.

    When I was obese I was a snacker. So I noticed I can’t Do that. Or I will get fat again. So I try really hard to stay with three meals. And breakfast being my biggest to fuel my day. And dinner being my smallest to end my day light and give my body time to digest. And I like to intermittent fast. There r apps for it. I try to not eat past 6pm.

  6. On 05/26/2020 at 10:06, FWJ said:

    Is anyone else struggling to get their eating under control? I guess I assumed that after the surgery, I would not have any issues with food. Or at least not like I had before. It has been 4 months since my surgery and I feel as though I am struggling with food. I am beginning to eat out of boredom ass well a emotional eating. I am still losing, but I really feel as though now is the time to get this under control. Any suggestions?

    I am back to work and that has helped 100%. But when I was In Quarantine I was eating out of boredom. It’s something that is hard to break. And defiantly needs to get under control. I drink Water when I feel I’m hungry. And if I’m hungry after the water then I’ll check the time and see if I need a meal or a small snack. Like a cheese stick etc

  7. On 05/19/2020 at 06:11, SINISTER said:

    This is beyond a stall at this point. Down only 7lbs in the last 6 weeks. I've been eating right, getting calories in, getting my Protein in, getting my Water in, just not losing. I was working from home for about 6 weeks and the gyms were closed so my activity level went down so I chalked it up to that. However I went back on site 2 weeks ago and have been very active and it's been hot as well. I figured for sure it would kickstart the loss again but nope, 0.4lbs one week and 0.8lbs the next. At my weight it should be falling off and it's not. Extremely frustrating at this point.

    You need to talk to your doctor and probably request labs. Also what Protein are you getting in? Form shakes or natural food. Protein from shakes add a lot of extra calories and sugar or aspartame etc that can stall a lot of people. Also my friend had surgery before me and she stalled for 3 months!!! And then started losing rapidly again.

  8. On 05/12/2020 at 14:13, RMaxton76 said:

    My 4 month follow-up was yesterday. I'm down just over 50 lbs and (according to the numbers) have lost 33% of my excess weight. It's a good feeling, especially when combined with wearing clothes that wouldn't fit at the beginning of the year.

    Fortunately, my dog keeps me active, even in the lock-down. I do miss going to the gym though, and I'd just gotten into a good workout groove when everything came to a grinding halt.

    The people I see at work keep telling me "you're melting away" and my wife is very encouraging as well, so I've got plenty of support thankfully, but I know I've still got work to do. The biggest goal I have right now is to get under 250. I'm only about 7 lbs away. That will be a big day for me.

    The only real struggle I have post-surgery is the uncomfortable "heaviness" feeling that comes when I eat beef or chicken. I'm told this is a normal thing and could last a while, so I'll continue to put up with it and/or avoid the steak and chicken breasts.

    Hope ya'll are all doing well.

    I can not eat chicken breast but boneless skinless chicken thighs sit a lot better with me. I season and bake them! Yummy!!! You should try them. I also can’t handle beef. I am down 69lbs. Surgery Jan 14. Starting weight 289 current 220 height 5’8”

  9. On 04/30/2020 at 14:28, PostVSGandKeto said:

    Weird question, but are you all still burping a lot after you eat? I'm trying to figure out if it's still normal, or if I should be concerned about acid reflux etc. Thanks!

    I don’t after I eat. My surgery date was Jan 14. But I eat really slow and I do t eat much. I don’t have an appetite. I just take a bite and I’m like blah.

  10. On 04/03/2020 at 16:45, JessLess said:

    I did personal training with a guy who owned a CrossFit franchise for awhile to get the idea... in private. I'm sure a lot of them offer it.

    I have been hiking. I did some weight training before but nothing like I want to get into. All of our gyms are closed (I’m in Colorado) I am going crazy at home. But I understand the importance. And I want to stay healthy

  11. On 03/30/2020 at 13:15, PostVSGandKeto said:

    How's everyone doing?

    Really tired of the shelter in place. But glad went kicking this virus in the butt! We go hiking 3-4 times a week. So still getting out and active. I have been nauseous lately idk why. Just every time I eat and everything I eat. I’m just like 🤢. Other than that doing ok.

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