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Everything posted by over65

  1. Bariatric FUSION is missing two important vitamins. Folate and Vit K. Amazon has Folate 800 IU which is amount recommended. But cannot buy Vitamin K by itself. They are all D3 with K2. None of the Bariatric brands CHEWABLE vitamins (for first 3 months) are complete with all recommended at proper dosages. WTF. Sent from my SM-T580 using BariatricPal mobile app
  2. So we will have same surgiversary. You start clear liquid diet Friday? I'm watching YouTube videos about clear liquids. I have infuser water bottle so like idea of putting in frozen fruit for flavoring. And putting sugar-free jello mix into iced tea or add to popsicle mix. Mio and Crystal Light for flavoring water. Sent from my SM-T580 using BariatricPal mobile app
  3. Well, surgery date put back to May 28. I guess with hospital just starting up elective surgeries, they are coordinating Operating Room, anesthesia and surgeon schedules. So happy back to May 28. Start clear liquid diet in 4 days. Sent from my SM-T580 using BariatricPal mobile app
  4. I don't think you can get the dosages you need after WLS in one pill. Read the dosages recommended from link posted. A number of these are supposed to be taken several times a day as body cannot use all at once. For example, Calcium and D3 should be split into 3 to 4 doses a day. Vit D3 in particular requires 3000 IU per day. None of the "1 pill a day" have that amount. Vit D deficiency is prevalent in all populations (75% of people) and has been suggested Vit D deficiency has a lot to do with weak immune systems to fight coronavirus. Severity and mortality associated with D3 deficiency. Vitamin D is not in food. You must either take supplement or get sunlight on skin without sunscreen everyday. In winter, not possible. Centrum Adult chewable only has 400 IU of Vit D3.
  5. During coronavirus pandemic, I would be cautious about going to Mexico. Very little data is available on how widespread it is down there. And no testing being done. Another thing to consider is any complications you may have as a cash pay patient will not be covered by insurance, Some complications can require long hospital stay and cost 5 times the price of surgery. Also, patients need lifetime care with bariatric team to watch for vitamin and other deficiencies. Do you have a local bariatric center that will monitor you for years to come? Sent from my SM-T580 using BariatricPal mobile app
  6. Delayed again to June 4. ggggrrrrhhhh Sent from my SM-T580 using BariatricPal mobile app
  7. So you really going under tomorrow? Most anesthesiologists want an empty stomach in case of aspiration. But surgeons worry patients get dehydrated postop causing its own problem. So I guess your surgeon wins the battle over anesthesiologist. Maybe stopping two hours before surgery gives enough time to empty stomach.
  8. over65

    Liquid Diet

    I have two week pre-op liquid diet. First week full liquids (protein shake) and second week clear liquids. I just did one day clear liquid for colonoscopy. But 7 days of clear liquids? I will be struggling. Sent from my SM-G950U using BariatricPal mobile app
  9. over65

    Covid Test!

    I had Covid test last week two days before colonoscopy. Wasn't bad at all. The swab is a little brush they twirl around. A liitle uncomfortable but better than blood draw. Don't sweat it. Sent from my SM-G950U using BariatricPal mobile app
  10. Idiot doc. Anyone with BMI over 50 is almost automatic. You didn't say your age. Everyone knows that reduced calorie diet and exercise won't do it. On "Biggest loser" they never have reunion because they all gain it back. You don't want to wait for comorbidities. The longer you have to live with that BMI, the more likely you will develop comorbidities and some may not be reversible. You need a doctor who is on your side who understands realities of morbid obesity. Any doc that believes you can even exercise much at BMI 50 doesn't know obesity. Sent from my SM-G950U using BariatricPal mobile app
  11. I have Nutra Ninja IQ Auto. Love it. Has two sizes of jars. Makes great smoothies. I also have Cuisinart DLC-2ABC mini food processor. I've made almond butter with this so great little processor. Sent from my SM-G950U using BariatricPal mobile app
  12. My hospital requiring Covid-19 testing 48 hours before surgery. OK with me. I can feel confident that there are no infected patients roaming hall.
  13. May 28. Start 2-week preop diet May 15. Sent from my SM-T580 using BariatricPal mobile app
  14. over65

    On hold

    The country is saving lives by postponing elective surgeries. Fighting Coronavirus needs every piece of personal protection equipment for treating infected people and testing. Every elective surgery uses 5-6 sets of gloves, gowns, face masks. So you can feel good that your couple months delay in getting WLS is helping our nation fight deadly pandemic and saving lives. Sent from my SM-T580 using BariatricPal mobile app
  15. Thinking of all who unfortunately were so close to surgery. How are you all coping with extended indefinite postponement due to Coronavirus pandemic? Are you struggling with not regaining weight? The weekend after my surgery date postponed I went on a binge, grazing all day for a few days. Fortunately, I did not have any "bad food" in my cupboards/fridge/freezer. So I was eating only foods on my diet. I gained 2 pounds over a week but getting back on track today, eating my 3 meals and 2 Snacks instead of grazing.
  16. over65

    How long a postponement?

    I have not been given a new date and bariatric office is not even seeing patients right now. So indefinite wait until coronavirus pitters out. Sent from my SM-T580 using BariatricPal mobile app
  17. WV now has 1 CV case Sent from my SM-T580 using BariatricPal mobile app
  18. Had last weigh-in today and supposed to get surgery date. Bariatric Center not scheduling any surgeries until coronavirus crisis calms down. So my surgery postponed for unknown length of time. Sent from my SM-G950U using BariatricPal mobile app
  19. It would help a lot if those posting surgery cancelation indicating at least state your surgery was scheduled. Then we can better evaluate whether ours will be affected. For example, there are currently only twelve cases (3 are college students back from spring break) in Mississippi and only one is hospitalized. I doubt anything will be canceled here until the numbers go up.
  20. I never considered surgery despite being obese for past 40 years. I saw my PCP for annual visit and he said I was pre-diabetic. I watched my father die of coronary artery disease and diabetes over 10 year period. It was horrible. No way I was going down that path. I went to seminar the very next week and decided immediately that surgery was my best possible way to stop progression of my health problems. Sent from my SM-T580 using BariatricPal mobile app
  21. We just got first 6 cases in Mississippi. One case is in the hospital. One sick man was flying from Texas to Florida with stopover in Gulfport. A woman brought virus from NC after visiting family. So our Governor has already extended Spring Break for two more weeks for all schools, colleges and universities. All museums in Jackson are closed even though no cases in Hinds County. No gatherings of more than 250 people which cancels church services in the larger churches. Biggest concern is the hundreds of college students flying back from Spring Break. No school for kids will be a great burden on the large number of poor single working mothers. I was at Kroger to pick up a few items and was shocked to find shelves mostly empty. I haven"t seen stores like this since Hurricane Katrina. Here is photo of bread shelves. This virus will continue to spread as Americans go from state to state via any means of transportation. So efforts seem to be directed at social isolation to slow down spread. I don't understand why people are being so critical of US government response. We have been through MERSA, SARS, BIRD FLU. No testing or vaccines were made for those. It is incredible scientificly to even have a test already developed in two short months. CDC says it is putting out 400,000 per week. But takes several days to even get results. Now drug manufacturer has received approval to send out a much quicker test. But tests need to be used on those most likely exposed or infected instead of everyone with fever or sniffles/cough until more tests become available. The biggest issue is that each state's health department is responsible for their own people. The federal government only has a supportive role. And too many people are going to work and places with respiratory infections of all types, most likely not CV-16. But there are documented instances of known infected people ignoring quarantine measures and doing whatever they want. Sent from my SM-T580 using BariatricPal mobile app
  22. Easiest way to lose is low carb diet with good portion control. Limit calories to 1200 a day. Sent from my SM-T580 using BariatricPal mobile app
  23. There are some interesting YouTube videos from UK where ballon is being used in bariatric cases. Balloon is used there for massively obese parients who must lose weight before surgery because surgery too risky at BMI greater than 50. These patients were only allowed to have ballon in stomach for 6 months. The greatest problem they had was continuous nausea. Patients could feel the balloon in stomach. Some patients did well and some actually gained weight with balloon. Had a lot to do with patient motivation and compliance like all other weight loss interventions. There are 5 episodes. Here is link to first: Sent from my SM-T580 using BariatricPal mobile app
  24. This only applies to states/regions with high number of active cases at the time of your scheduled surgery. Example: My state has only 3 cases right now. That number could expand in next few weeks but makes no sense to cancel any elective surgeries right now, So if your hospital is in Seattle, New York City, Ohip, and areas of California, cancelation is probable, But regions with very few cases would not need to cancel yet. Sent from my SM-T580 using BariatricPal mobile app
  25. Cancelation of surgery will depend on where your hospital is and the number of cases in that area. The cancelation would not be because it puts surgical patients at risk. It will be because hospitals are flooded with cases and not enough healthcare workers and beds/equipment at the time your surgery is supposed to happen. Priority for beds/equipment/resources will be for those seriously ill from Covid-19 with life-threatening conditions. Sent from my SM-T580 using BariatricPal mobile app

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
