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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Duke483

  1. 1 hour ago, rnomah said:

    I feel like this month I’ve been over-eating :( anyone going through the same?

    I have been more hungry lately particularly in the afternoon.

    I've gained about three pounds this month but according to my Renpho scales, it's 2.8 pounds of lean body mass. My dietician also said my muscle mass was increasing. I am spending about eight hours a week lifting weights. I also walk about 5 miles a day. I'm not too upset. My body fat is about 17.5 %.

  2. On 10/24/2020 at 7:25 AM, PostVSGandKeto said:

    Hey there, I've also been struggling lately. When I really focus, I do lose weight, but some weeks I definitely lose out to the cravings and I do see myself gain half a pound here and there. That generally kicks me into shape and I get back on the wagon asap. I'm 176 today, 175 two weeks ago, and I'm determined to get to 150 (I'm super short!) But these last 25lbs are not easy. I've started working out more regularly, but even that's getting more difficult. Got to get back to the Protein first mentality. It certainly gets me full faster and keeps me full longer. Anyways, down 105 overall and 75 since surgery. Dealing with a lot of indigestion and some heart burn, so I'm having an upper gi with contrast next week. Hoping it's not a serious issue cause I do not want to have surgery again. Glad to hear from everyone!

    I wouldn't worry too much about small weight movements on the scale. scales are not necessarily all that accurate. I found my weight on my old scales could vary by one or two pounds. I could step on the scale and get one weight, step off, reweight immediately and get another weight that might vary by as much as a pound and a half.

    My new scales (renphro) always repeat the same weights. Still I can be up or down slightly from day to day. I might weight 201, 202, 201, for several days and then drop three pounds the next day. Then I'll go 198, 199, 198, etc.,

  3. On 10/23/2020 at 7:38 PM, FWJ said:

    Believe it or not, I am good in a large or XL, depending on the cut...

    I've found I do better in the Tall cuts, ie, LT, XLT, etc., rather than the Large or XLarge.

    I mostly in LT's now but I do wear my XLTs too since I want to maximize the wear I get from them.

    Very much the same in pants. I can wear 34s but I'm wearing my 36's to maximize their wear. The 36's are getting rather baggy so it won't be long till I'm pretty much in the 34's.

    FWIW, I was wearing 3XLT and 48 pants before the surgery. I've had to downsize my shoes from 12 Wide to 11's.

  4. 12 minutes ago, FWJ said:

    I have just been released from the doctor 4 months after shoulder surgery. Prior to then I was on my own target to reach my goal by the end of this month. I must admit, I have been struggling. I have been up and down in my weight and noticed that I can eat more too. I have recently begun counting calories in vs calories burned. Just trying to get a handle on me! I still have until January to get the last 11 pounds off. I am just going to keep working at it... I have made a lot of revelations about my eating and I am trying to change accordingly. I cannot eat out as much as the sodium content keeps me bloated. I can eat waaayyyy more junk/snack food that regular food (even nuts). I just never seem to get full from it. So I try to stay away from it. Any tips on getting my mind back right?

    My dietician suggested using small, dessert size, 7" plates for meals. Half the plate Protein, one third veggies, the rest carbs. Don't pile the food high, just normal. It has worked for me.

    Tough on the shoulder surgery. I've had both rotators done and the last also had a torn biceps. The CV shut me out of the gym but I've been back the last two months. I'm 74 and my bench is up to 145 now. Not great but not bad for my age.

    I've found that when I'm 'starving' between meals, one or two saltine crackers does the trick.

    I'm down eighty pounds, my body fat is 17.5%, I weigh 199 and my lean body mass is 170. I'm very pleased. (So is the wife).

  5. 14 hours ago, Zyad said:

    Hey everyone

    I can’t imagine the new me. I weigh on Mondays. Got no more of gout and my acid reflux is super low. No medications at all for awhile now. Used to be about 245lbs and now 145.5. Never thought I’ll ever be there. I should start working out soon. The best thing is no craving at all. And the trick I’m doing for that is whatever I want to eat or drink, I go and get couple tiny bites/sips and that’s it (I’m loosing weight with that without any stalls) Water consumption is getting better, now I have couple choices for Water. I ate almost all types of foods so far, but do not prefer sugary foods, and carbs such as rice, noodles, french fries ..etc. they make me feel full and I feel like I didn’t eat anything that adds value to me. And guess what everybody, I’m wearing small sizes from XXL and 30w skinny jeans from 44w regular. Energy levels are high. The only thing That gotten worse from before surgery is the dizziness I get when I suddenly stand up, but that’s still no big deal comparing to the benefit of being fit and living normal

    Checked your blood pressure lately? The dizziness on standing is fairly common when you're blood pressure has dropped into the normal ranges. Just be sure and don't get up suddenly. Some have passed out. I was taking two blood pressure pills, now none. My BP has dropped from 170/80 to 130/60. My resting heart rate is now in the low/mid 50s.

  6. 1 hour ago, Mitsu531 said:

    I just had shoulder surgery, Dr. went in to repair 2 tears and look at a third. Well, the third wound up being a completely detached bicep tendon!! So unexpected! Dr. was talking about it for a few days afterwards. Complete surprise, and a full arm cast later.... Since I was unable to see a Dr. for a few months due to Covid-19, my shoulder froze as well. So I had the 2 tears repaired, Bicep tendon reattached with a screw, a few Bone spurs ground off, arthritis removed and the frozen shoulder worked on. PT has been rough, but need to do it and deal as I don't want to have to go under again to undo frozen shoulder.

    Sent from my SM-G960U using BariatricPal mobile app

    That's very much like my last shoulder. My first shoulder was very easy. All with the 'scope'. That was in 2010. In 2016, I needed to do the other shoulder. I expected, the doc told me, it would be 'scope', three small snips again. I woke up with the three small snips and a full filet cut across the top of my shoulder. Doc. said he was surprised to find that my tendons were in such good shape they could be repaired. And, OBTW, he said, I fixed your torn biceps too. That's why the filet. No problems since. All in all, I've had both cuffs, two neck fusions, and had all four tendons in my right hand had to be reattached. (I know a lot of docs.) I've been told I lead an active life.

    I'm 74. I've lost 75 pounds since January. I'm down to 205. I walk 3 miles a day. I spend an hour and a half six days a week lifting weights. I spend a couple of hours a day playing/practicing my golf game. I could do none of those things before my sleeve. My BP was 165/80 with two pills per day. No meds now and it's 130/60. My resting heart beat is in the mid 50s. Not bad for an old guy.

    I meet with the doc in two weeks for my six month check up. He's probably going to push for me to lose another 40 pounds. I don't know. I would be satisfied with another ten or fifteen.

  7. 3 minutes ago, FWJ said:

    Thank you! I am glad to hear that! Therapy has not been too painful.

    My surgeon is a fanatic about therapy. Three days prior to surgery, you have to call and tell his nurse where/when your first appointment for therapy will be. It must be within three days of surgery. His nurse confirms your therapy. He will cancel your surgery unless you comply.

  8. 2 minutes ago, FWJ said:

    Congratulations! I myself had a little setback. I tore my rotator cuff and had surgery 2 weeks ago. For whatever reason, I have a lot of swelling. I did pick up a few pounds prior to the surgery. Stress eating and worrying. I am getting back on track this week and pray that those 3-4 pounds come off this week. It may just be swelling from the surgery itself. I have begun walking again, but I cant do my regular workout for 3 months. Can't run just yet, another 4 weeks for that.

    I've had surgery on both cuffs. You'll get through it. Be sure and do your physical therapy. A friend decided it hurt too much to move. His shoulder 'froze up' and he had to have another surgery to 'break it lose'.

    Just my experience but I gain weight every time I have surgery. They pump the fluids to you. BTW, I gained over five pounds during my sleeve surgery. It was gone rather quickly.

  9. On 6/25/2020 at 6:04 PM, jubug09 said:

    My surgery was on January 21st. Since starting the program I've lost 122.2 lbs. That averages about 3.3lbs a week and 15.27 lbs a month. I'm not sure what the average loss is supposed to be like. I had the RNY and started at 344. I'm 221.8 now. What shocked me the most is how much it improved my breathing!! I had such horrible lungs before and was always coughing and hacking up a lung, complete with having to run to the bathroom to throw mucus up. I don't think I've coughed more than a dozen times since surgery though. That enough would have made the surgery worth it! When did you guys who have been through this already think about getting plastic surgery? Do you think it's wise to wait until you hit your goal weight or does there come a point where it's common to go ahead and have it removed before then? Just curious.........

    You should google "plastic surgery after bariatric surgery". The first hit indicated that it would be wise to wait up to 18 months after weight loss surgery to make sure your weight has stabilized. It does say you can visit your plastic surgeon guy for an evaluation prior to that. He can tell you what to expect at that time.

    PS. I'm beginning to think I may need to see a plastic surgeon too.

  10. 3 minutes ago, PostVSGandKeto said:

    I'm finally starting to see some results and it's fun. I'm about 7lbs from Onederland. My new job is really helping me drop the pounds since I'm forced to be active a large portion of the day, and I can't think about eating the whole time (just a shake and Water during the 8.5 hours at work). I had to get khaki pants for the job, but couldn't find any women's, so I bought a pair of men's pants that fit amazingly (though already getting baggy) and I love love the deep pockets. Fortunately I have a couple goal pants in my closet, a small pair of women's khakis and a pair of jeans so I'll use those to show my brain what my body already knows. Thanks for the suggestion!

    I wish I had kept a pair of my old size pants to compare with my new pants. I've gone from 48 inch waste to 36. I'm down from XXXLT tops to LT. In fact, my shoes are now too large. You can lose weight in your feet too.

  11. On 4/21/2020 at 8:46 PM, WestSwan said:


    I had a banded sleeve gastrectomy 9 months ago which included the Minimiser Ring. I am now at my goal weight.

    The day after the surgery when I took a Panadol tablet I had an immediate shooting pain in my left shoulder.

    I would investigate a possible rotator cuff tear. Possible symptoms include:


    I've had surgery on both shoulders to repair the cuffs. Cuff repairs usually are less of a problem than bariatric surgery. Look at six to eight weeks rehab.

  12. 1 minute ago, RMaxton76 said:

    Congrats on the awesome job!

    As of last week I'm down just over 50lbs. Been in a stall (normal, I know - still a little frustrating) but still feeling good about my progress. The next milestone I'm excited for is to hit under 250 - that will be a big one for me.

    I'm wearing clothes I haven't even looked at in years which is cool. It's funny, looking at the mirror I don't see a lot of progress by my co-workers and my wife all insist how obvious it is. I'm ok with this. :)

    Keep rocking it, guys and gals. And stay safe out there.

    I have to buy new clothes every few weeks. About six weeks ago, I bought two pairs of pants 36 inch and 38 inch waist. I'm already into the 36s. Need to buy some more. 34's and 32's. I haven't worn 32's since 1970. I've already gone from XXXL polos to L's. I can get into the mediums but they're a tad snug. I wore mediums in the 1980s.

  13. On 4/10/2020 at 10:40 PM, sarahSingh91 said:

    Has anyone hit a three month stall I have been stalled for a week 😝 I know it will pass but the head games mess with me

    FWIW, I haven't heard of a single individual that did not experience stalls.

    I had a two month stall that lasted over a week with no loss. Two weeks later I was down almost 12 pounds. Saturday, I didn't loss an ounce. The next day I lost a pound an a half.

  14. 19 minutes ago, PostVSGandKeto said:

    That's so nice! I figure the isolation will give me a chance to lose a lot of weight and then surprise everyone when we finally get released.

    That's a great idea with the clothing though, it must be so cool to see it coming off so quickly. I've lost a lot of weight thus far, but aside from some shirts fitting more loosely I'm still wearing the same clothes, ah well, I'll get there:) good luck with the continued loss!

    I actually gained about nine pounds from the surgery. Must have been the IVs. I had lost all that in the first three days after the surgery. I know I was up going to the bathroom about every hour the night of my surgery.

    But, that's not unusual for me. I also gained nine pounds from my shoulder surgery. They must really pump the IV to you.

  15. 1 hour ago, PostVSGandKeto said:

    I love the addition of the non scale victories! You just look like a whole new person, congrats!

    People are noticing the smaller me.

    I also have a problem. Every 2 or 3 weeks I have to buy new clothes. I've started in increments. For example, my last order for pants was for two pair of size 38s and two pairs of 36s. I only buy two at at time because no more than 3 weeks later, they go to good will. I probably have another week in the 38's and then I'll start wearing the 36s. I'll order two pair of 34s and two pairs of 32s.

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